Pursuant to § 14.02 of the Charter, the City shall have the following departments which shall be under the day-to-day supervision of the Manager pursuant to the direction of the Mayor:
Public Works.
Code Enforcement.
Personnel and CDBG Department.
City Clerk.
Department heads. Department heads shall be chosen on the basis of their executive, professional, administrative and/or technical qualifications, as applicable, which are relevant to the functions and duties of their respective departments.
Duties of department heads. Each department head shall be responsible for the performance of the following duties and functions, as applicable to each department:
Direct and supervise employees in the performance of all duties and responsibilities required of the department by the Mayor, the Manager, applicable state law, ordinances of the City, this Code and the Charter.
Be responsible for directing and operating his or her department in an efficient and economical manner.
Assign duties and functions to subordinates, if any, in his or her department.
Be responsible to the Mayor for any deviation from municipal policy by his or her department.
Expeditiously bring to the attention of the Manager any employee problems or grievances.
Be responsible for the manpower planning requirements of his or her department, in consultation with the Manager.
Ensure that employees in his or her department receive adequate training.
Prepare such reports and evaluations as directed by the Mayor or Manager.
Be responsible for the administration of his or her department's budget.
Be responsible for discharging any other duties or directives that may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Mayor or Manager.
Police Department.
The Police Department shall be headed by the Chief of Police, who shall be responsible for the protection of persons and property, enforcement of applicable laws and ordinances and development and implementation of crime prevention programs as well as public safety programs.
The Chief of Police shall be responsible for directing the activities of the Police Department, which shall be primarily composed of full-time, sworn police officers and related staff support.
Fire Department.
The Fire Department shall be headed by the Fire Chief, who shall be responsible for maintaining and delivering fire protective services to the City. The Fire Department, under the supervision of the Fire Chief, to the extent provided by pertinent ordinances, may be given authority to administer and enforce municipal fire prevention programs.
The Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief shall be responsible for directing and supervising the fire-related activities of the volunteer firemen. Appropriate rules and regulations governing the activities of volunteers at the scene of a fire shall be issued by the Fire Chief.
Public Works.
The Department of Public Works shall be headed by the Director/Foreperson and shall be responsible for:
The overall maintenance of municipal streets and rights-of-way.
Where appropriate, construction and maintenance of municipal areas and facilities.
Where required, installation and maintenance of the City's traffic control system.
Garbage, recycling and debris removal, except to the extent contracted to a third party.
Maintenance and repair of City-owned vehicles and equipment, unless outside repairs are preapproved by the Manager.
Performance of other related functions as assigned by the Manager or Mayor.
Installation, maintenance and repair of sanitary and stormwater lines to the extent the City is responsible for such work.
Code Enforcement.
The Code Enforcement Department shall be responsible for administering the various building, construction, planning and zoning and related codes, as well as other Code provisions generally impacting real estate, subject to the authority of the City, by ordinance.
This Department shall be headed by the City of Nanticoke Code Enforcement Officer.
Creation. There is hereby created and established in the government of the City of Nanticoke a department which shall be known as the "Department of Finance."
Tax Collector function. Said Department shall embrace and there is hereby allocated and assigned thereto the office of Tax Collector (which may be delegated to a third party under the supervision of the Finance Director), and all the administrative functions, powers and duties relating thereto.
Creation of position of Finance Director. There is hereby created the position of Finance Director. The Finance Director shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The Finance Director shall be under the supervision of the Manager and shall receive such compensation as the Mayor and Council shall provide in the annual municipal budget.
Duties of Finance Director. In addition to being responsible for budget and finance duties and responsibilities under Article XI of the Charter and any employment engagement letter and job description, as applicable, the Finance Director shall, inter alia, be responsible for the following:
Implementation and administration of a comprehensive accounting system, including budgetary controls in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Monitoring of financial transactions and preparation of detailed financial statements and reports to control and account for municipal funds and to analyze and project financial data.
Rendering of assistance to the department directors in their annual budget submissions and for the preparation of the annual budget, in accordance with the Manager's direction.
Preparation of all monthly financial reports.
Review of all deposits and expenditures from accounts maintained by the City and responsibility for the prudent investment of municipal funds.
Collection of all money owed to the City.
Deposit and transfer of funds.
Administration and direction of municipal activities pertaining to the receipt, expenditure, accounting, investment, custody and control of municipal funds, assets and property.
Debt management.
Administration of the municipal purchasing system.
Investment of idle funds.
Short- and long-term financial planning in consultation with and under the direction of the Manager.
Personnel and CDBG Department. There shall be a Personnel and CDBG Department which shall be responsible for personnel and grant-related functions in the City of Nanticoke, including but not limited to the following:
Administration of the municipal personnel system, including enforcement of all personnel policies in consultation with the Manager and/or Mayor, as applicable.
Administration of payroll, including tax withholding and reporting, for all municipal employees.
All matters relevant to the City's insurance program.
All matters relevant to employee health and personal insurance.
All CDBG-related activities.
All pension-related administration and related reporting.
Engineering. The Engineer selected by the Mayor pursuant to Article VI of the Charter shall be responsible for the superintendence, direction and control of all civil engineering matters of the City as more particularly defined by the Mayor.
Powers and duties.
The Municipal Solicitor shall serve as the City's chief legal advisor and shall have control and jurisdiction over all related matters of law. The Solicitor shall:
Attend all meetings of the Council unless excused by the Council Chairperson.
Represent the City in all legal actions brought by and against the City unless the engagement of outside counsel is required.
Prepare for execution all ordinances, resolutions and contracts and other legal documents to which the City is a party.
Perform all other legal services requested by the Mayor, Manager or the Council.
In the absence of the Solicitor, an attorney from the law firm of which he or she is a member may perform any of the duties or functions of the Solicitor.
City Clerk. The City Clerk shall have the responsibilities and duties set forth in Article VIII of the City Charter, any applicable offer letter or job description, the duties set forth in the City Council Rules and Procedures and any other duties assigned by the Manager from time to time. The City Clerk shall also be responsible for the coordination of the various municipal boards, commissions and authorities under the direction of the Manager.