[Adopted 5-14-1997 by L.L. No. 3-1997 (Ch. 62 of the 1998 Code)]
Pursuant to § 3-302 of the Village Law, the Board of Trustees, by this article, subject to permissive referendum, hereby extends to four years the terms of office of Mayor and all Trustees commencing at the beginning of the official year following the next general Village election at which such offices are to be filled.
Any Trustee whose term of office presently expires in an even-numbered year shall, at the general Village election preceding the expiration of such term of office, be elected for a single three-year term, and their successors shall thereafter be elected for terms of four years, and thereafter the elections for Mayor and all Trustees shall be held biennially in odd-numbered years.
This article shall become effective 30 days after its adoption unless subject to a permissive referendum; and if such permissive referendum is required, it shall become effective if approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the Village of Livonia voting on the proposition for its approval.