[Res. R-2013-10, 10/9/2013]
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and control over the assignment and use of all Township-owned and -operated vehicles, including nonowned vehicles and those assigned to certain employees. The responsible operation of a motor vehicle is critical to the safety of Township employees and the general public.
[Res. R-2013-10, 10/9/2013]
Township-owned vehicles will be used for official Township business only and operated in accordance with approved procedures. Employees who use their personal vehicle on Township business must abide by this policy while operating on official Township business and will be held to the same rules and standards as those operating Township-owned vehicles.
No Township-owned vehicle or nonowned vehicle is permitted to be operated unless the operator has the appropriate valid operator's license (i.e., class, CDL, and/or motorcycle) or endorsements for the vehicle operated.
Operators will maintain an "acceptable" driving record with respect to changeable accidents and moving violations. A guideline "driver matrix" is included in a separate section of this policy to further define motor vehicle record rating criteria. This information is included in Appendix A of this policy.[1] Operators who do not meet these criteria may have their authorization to drive on behalf of the Township suspended or revoked.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is on file in the Township offices.
All Township drivers will have their motor vehicle record (MVR) checked annually by Township administration. Operators who do not have a valid license or whose driving record falls into the "poor" category as per the driver matrix may have their Township vehicle privileges suspended or revoked.
Vehicle Authorization.
The positions authorized (but not automatically entitled) assignment of a specific vehicle, subject to the approval of the Township Manager and Board of Commissioners, are:
Township Manager.
Chief of Police.
Deputy Chief.
Code Enforcement Officer.
Investigators (two).
The Township, by action of the Board of Commissioners, may revoke the vehicle authorization for any person and/or any position at any time for any reason deemed by the Board of Commissioners to be in the best interest of the Township. Other employees may utilize vehicles in the Township fleet or drive their own vehicle on Township business as per their work assignments and job descriptions; subject to the approval of their immediate supervisor and that they meet all driver requirements with respect to licensing, motor vehicle record, physical ability to operate the vehicle, etc.
The assigned use of vehicles other than those authorized for the above may be approved on an "as needed" or temporary basis only under the direction of the Township Manager. Temporary operators must adhere to all Township vehicle policies and have an "acceptable" driving record as per the driver matrix standards. Temporary operators will be subject to a MVR check prior to being assigned a vehicle. These requirements may be waived in the event of a Township emergency.
The assignment and use of vehicles listed in Subsections 5 and 6 is to permit those employees to be on-call and available to respond to emergencies and calls for service.
Vehicles owned by Darby Township shall only be operated by Township employees. Use by the employee's spouse, children, family members or friends is strictly prohibited.
The use of any Township-owned vehicle for personal vacation, recreational or private business use of any kind is prohibited.
All assigned Township-owned vehicles are authorized for personal use, as follows:
The personal use of Township-owned vehicles is restricted geographically to Delaware County, Pennsylvania, or other municipalities contiguous with Darby Township, unless otherwise specifically approved by the Township Manager or Board of Commissioners.
Personnel may be authorized to use a Township-owned vehicle or personal vehicle to attend a school, training seminar or other Township business-related function. Any and all off-duty use of Township-owned vehicles by personnel must be approved by the Township Manager.
Members of an authorized employee's immediate family are not authorized to be passengers in a Township-owned vehicle unless such personal use is incidental or coexistent to official duties or Township functions or in accordance with the above Subsection 10A.
Authorized employees are not permitted to carry nonemployee passengers in Township vehicles unless it is necessary to conduct Township business.
The use of any assigned Township vehicles for personal vacation, recreational use, personal trips, deliveries, carrying of materials or conducting of a private business is prohibited.
Township-owned vehicles assigned and operated under this policy, and personal vehicles used on Township business, are subject to all Township policies, rules and regulations.
Personnel assigned the use of Township-owned vehicles may use the vehicle for carpooling for other employees to and from work whenever possible. However, only those employees authorized to drive the vehicle may do so.
Seat belts are required to be worn at all times by the driver and occupants of any Township vehicle. This also applies to any personal vehicle being used on Township business.
Darby Township is a smoke-free workplace. Smoking is thereby prohibited in any Township vehicles.
Employees shall make themselves aware of, and adhere to, the Township's Drug Free Workplace Policy and Vehicle Accident Policy.
The use of cell phones, or any electronic device, including text messaging and voice direct connect, is prohibited while any Township vehicle (or personal vehicle used on Township business) is in operation, unless a hands-free device is used. Text messaging, checking e-mails, or other use of electronic devices that take the operator's attention away from the road is strictly prohibited while operating a vehicle on Township business; the driver must first pull off the roadway and be in a safe location before engaging in any types of electronic communications. Phone conversations, even while on a hands-free device, should be kept to an absolute minimum while operating a motor vehicle.
The Darby Township Police Department Policy Manual's policies regarding Police Department vehicles shall supplement this policy.
[Res. R-2013-10, 10/9/2013]
It is the responsibility of each employee assigned to or utilizing a Township vehicle to inspect and maintain the vehicle. The vehicle shall be inspected inside and out for damage and cleanliness prior to use and at the end of each shift. Damage to a vehicle is to be noted on the "Vehicle Damage Report" and submitted to the Mechanic Supervisor.
Vehicle exteriors shall be washed at regular intervals or as needed to keep the appearance as new.
Vehicle interiors shall be kept clean and inspected at the beginning of each shift. Any damage to the vehicle interior will be noted on the "Vehicle Damage Report" and submitted to the Mechanic Supervisor.
An employee should be cognizant of the vehicle inspection and fluid replacement stickers on the vehicle he/she is operating and report any outdated sticker to the Mechanic Supervisor immediately.
The Township garage will check the mileage and perform the required service or preventive maintenance on the vehicle.
An employee must report any observed mechanical problem, i.e., noise, odor, etc., of a vehicle that he/she is operating immediately to the Mechanic Supervisor.
Employees using their personal vehicles on Township business are expected to keep their vehicles in safe, working order and maintain current inspections and emissions as per Pennsylvania regulations. The Township reserves the right to perform an in-house safety inspection of an employee's vehicle.
Insurance Requirements. The Township provides insurance coverage for all Township-owned vehicles. Employees who use their personal vehicle for Township business must maintain insurance coverage with minimum liability limits of $100,000/$300,000 for bodily injury and $50,000 for property damage. Proof of insurance and required liability coverage must be provided to the Township Manager on a semiannual basis, or on demand as circumstances warrant. A current certificate of insurance will be the only acceptable coverage verification. Insurance cards or policy declarations are not considered to be valid for these purposes.
[Res. R-2013-10, 10/9/2013]
Township Manager: responsible to develop administrative procedures regarding the assignment, use and control of all Township-owned vehicles and nonowned vehicles used on Township business pursuant to this policy. The Township Manager will ensure that MVR checks are performed annually and assess whether Township drivers have an acceptable driving record.
Director of Finance and Administration: responsible for providing appropriate mileage logs for use by drivers with authorized personal use (per § 1-1402, Subsection 10) that do not choose a standard payroll deduction for personal mileage; responsible for assuring maintenance of such records.
Vehicle operators/drivers of Township-owned vehicles: responsible for the cleanliness of the vehicle, for the normal daily safety operational checks, and for adhering to and scheduling preventive maintenance checks. All vehicle operators/drivers of Township-owned vehicles are expected to maintain a valid Pennsylvania driver's license and CDL license, if required by their position. Employees are also expected to operate the vehicle in a safe and legal manner in accordance with the motor vehicle laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and policies of Darby Township.
Taxation of commuting benefits: Employees in positions listed in § 1-1402, Subsections 5 and 6, unless such position/employee falls under an IRS qualified exemption, shall be taxed on the value of the "non-cash fringe benefit" of utilizing a Township vehicle for commuting to and from work. The taxable benefit shall be determined by one of the following methods:
For employees utilizing a Township-owned vehicle, the number of commuting/personal miles will be multiplied by the current IRS mileage rate, and this amount will be included as taxable wages on the employee's annual W2.
For employees utilizing a gasoline credit card, the annual amount of gasoline purchases shall be included as taxable wages on the employee's annual W2.