[Adopted 10-2-2017 STM by Art. 30, AG 1-18-2018, eff. 2-15-2018]
Fees and charges in this article may not be current based on the Town’s acceptance of MGL c. 40, § 22F.
The purpose of this bylaw is to set fees for licenses, permits or certificates issued and charges for services or work performed by the Conservation Commission pursuant to or under the Wetlands Protection ACT (MGL c. 131, § 40) and related state regulations (310 CMR 10.00) for which no fee or charge is provided.
Any person filing or requesting any action of the Conservation Commission which is identified in the filing fee/charge schedule below shall pay to the Town of Middleborough the fee/charge set forth in said schedule which pertains to such action at the time such action is requested.
Filing Fee/Charge Schedule
Request for determination of application (RDA)
Certificate of compliance (COC) - residential
Certificate of compliance (COC) - commercial/subdivisions
Bank letter for closings
Request for an amended order of conditions - residential
Request for an amended order of conditions - commercial/subdivisions
Request to extend an order of conditions
Creation of duplicate original order of conditions
Building permit application review
After-the-fact filing
Site inspections (first one free) - residential
Site inspections (first one free) - commercial/subdivisions
The Conservation Commission may, upon proof of financial hardship, waive all or a portion of the above filing fees/charges. The burden of establishing the basis for such waiver falls upon the petitioner to establish by a clear preponderance such financial hardship. Such waiver request does not exempt the petitioner from submitting the filing fees required under 310 CMR 10.00.
The invalidity of any section or provision of this bylaw shall not invalidate any other section or provision thereof, nor shall it invalidate any permit or determination which previously had been issued.