[Ord. No. 1134 §1, 1-20-2015]
The Concordia Community Center Board is hereby established in the City.
[Ord. No. 1134 §2, 1-20-2015]
The Committee shall consist of eight (8) members at large, one (1) City-appointed representative and one (1) Aldermanic Liaison.
One (1) of the citizen members shall be appointed by the Mayor, with approval of the Board of Aldermen, to serve as Chairman of the Board. The Chairman shall be charged with providing an agenda for official posting at Concordia City Hall, no less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to beginning the meeting, pursuant to the Missouri Sunshine Law. He/she shall conduct the business meeting of the Committee. The Chairman may vote only in cases of a tied vote. The Chairman shall make a semi-annual report of the Committee's activities to the Board of Aldermen.
The Mayor shall appoint, with approval of the Board of Aldermen, seven (7) at large Committee members. These members shall be residents of Concordia or officers of businesses located in the Concordia, with particular interest in the operations and programs of the Concordia Community Center. These members shall have full voting privileges.
[Ord. No. 1354, 3-19-2018]
The Mayor, with approval of the Board of Aldermen, shall appoint the Parks Director as the City's representative on the Community Center Board. The representative shall have full voting privileges.
The Mayor shall appoint one (1) Alderman Representative. The Aldermanic Liaison shall have no voting privileges on this Committee. It shall be the responsibility of the appointee to report back to the Board, to provide pertinent information as needed and to ultimately request authorization of expenditure of funds as needed on behalf of the Concordia Community Center Committee.
The City Administrator shall be an ex officio member of the Concordia Community Center Committee with no voting privileges.
[Ord. No. 1134 §3, 1-20-2015]
The Committee shall select one (1) of its members to act as the Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the Committee's meetings and shall submit to the City Clerk a copy of the minutes for distribution as requested within seventy-two (72) hours of the meeting.
The Committee shall select one (1) of its citizen members to act as Vice Chairman. The Vice Chairman shall conduct the meetings, and perform the duties of the Chairman in the Chairman's absence.
[Ord. No. 1134 §4, 1-20-2015]
A quorum of five (5) voting members shall be required to conduct business.
[Ord. No. 1134 §5, 1-20-2015]
To perform the assigned tasks, the tenure of appointments to this Committee shall be a minimum of three (3) years, and shall be calculated from the Committee's initial meeting. At the end of this time the Committee may request an extension of one (1) year by presenting such request in writing to the Board of Aldermen no less than thirty (30) days prior to expiration.
[Ord. No. 1134 §6, 1-20-2015]
The Committee is tasked to provide the following information to the Board of Aldermen:
An assessment of community needs for a Community Center.
A recommendation whether the City should continue to manage the Center or is it beneficial for private management (YMCA, etc.) to take over management of the Center.
A recommendation as to long-term rental of spaces to Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission, the Concordia Museum, the Chamber of Commerce and the City of Concordia.
A determination of positive and negative impacts with any proposed capital improvements.
Demonstration of fifty-percent hard match for proposed capital improvements.
A detailed plan to raise remaining funds for recommended capital improvements.
An estimate of annual revenues and expenses for operational costs associated with any proposed capital improvements.
[Ord. No. 1134 §7, 1-20-2015]
For completion of the assigned tasks, it may become necessary to expend monies for such items as advertisement, printing, professional assistance, etc. No City funds may be expended by this Committee without authorization of the City of Concordia Board of Aldermen.