[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2]
A. No building shall hereafter be used, erected, altered, converted,
enlarged, added to, moved or reduced, wholly or in part, nor shall
any lands be designed, used or physically altered for any purpose
or in any manner except in conformity with this ordinance.
B. When a lot is formed from part of a lot already occupied by a building,
any subdivision shall be effected in such a manner as not to impair
any of the requirements of this ordinance with respect to the existing
C. No open space provided around any principal building for the purpose
of complying with the front, side and/or rear yard provisions of this
ordinance shall be considered as providing the yard provisions for
another principal building.
D. Model Buildings containing dwelling units (one or more) of the type
permitted and approved to be sold are permitted subject to Planning
Board approval. A Model Building may be free-standing or combined
with a Sales Center, with the garage portion of a Model Building used
as the Sales Center, provided that the garage must be converted to
its automobile storage function prior to the conveyances of the combined
Model Building/Sales Center to a purchaser and that any temporary
accommodation, such as modified landscaping or walkways, must be removed
and restored as otherwise approved by the Planning Board. A Model
Building may receive a temporary Certificate of Occupancy provided
that all toilet facilities within that portion of a Model Building
not approved to be used as a Sales Center shall not be functional
and shall be labeled "Display Only: Do Not Use."
E. Solar panels and array mounting racks shall be permitted accessory
uses in all districts when installed on principal permitted and accessory
uses and as ground-mounted accessory installations in side and rear
yards. Roof-mounted installations shall not extend beyond the roof
line. Setback of ground installations from property lines shall be
the accessory building minimums set forth in district regulations
and in no case shall be less than 15 feet. Ground installations shall
be subject to the provision of natural screening to effectively screen
adjoining properties. Maximum lot coverage requirements shall be met.
The maximum height of ground-mounted installations shall be eight
[Added 6-22-2010 by Ord.
No. 2010-10]
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 2001-26 § 3; Ord. No. 2001-29 § 1; Ord. No. 2005-3 § 1; Ord. No. 2007-19]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units with on-site septic or public
2. Patio Homes and Two-Family Dwelling Units with public sewer and water.
3. Townhouses with public sewer and water (see §
504 for general design standards).
4. Residential Clusters in accordance with the provisions specified in §
608 of this ordinance.
5. Agriculture/Horticulture Uses as defined in §
203 of this ordinance.
6. Public Purpose Uses as defined in §
203 of this ordinance.
7. Quasi-Public And Recreational Buildings as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
8. Places Of Worship as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
9. Public Utilities as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
10. Community Residences for the Developmentally Disabled, Community
Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence, Community Residences for
Persons with Head Injuries and Community Residences for the Terminally
Ill for up to 15 persons, subject to standards and requirements for
single-family dwelling units located within this district.
11. Continuing Care Retirement Communities, as planned developments,
in accordance with the provisions specified in § 608.E of
this ordinance, on tracts of land at least 150 acres in area served
by public water and sewage treatment facilities.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Private Residential Swimming Pools (see §
529 for standards) and other usual recreational facilities customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
2. Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than for vehicles) and
other customary residential accessory structures, e.g., gazebos, cabanas,
etc., owned by the residents of the property and each not exceeding
15 feet in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor
area. One such structure is permitted on lots less than one acre.
Two accessory structures (each not exceeding 168 square feet) are
permitted on lots between one and two acres. Lots two acres or greater
in size are permitted to have up to three such structures.
3. Off-Street Parking, Private Residential Garages and Carports (see § 402.E hereinbelow and §
4. Fences and Walls (see §
5. Home Occupations as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §§
203 and
602 for definition and requirements).
6. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
7. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
8. For major subdivisions only, one temporary Construction Trailer and
one temporary Sales Trailer, each not exceeding 750 square feet in
area, plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. For major site plans, only the
aforesaid one temporary Construction Trailer plus the aforesaid one
temporary sign shall be permitted. Any permitted temporary trailer(s)
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer(s) and sign shall be permitted for the
period of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction
permit and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of
Occupancy or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three
one-year extensions may be granted by the Board.
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area and Yard Requirements.
1. Detached Dwelling Units:
W/ Septic
W/ Public Sewer
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area [1]
1.25 ac.
30,000 sf.
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
Front yard
Rear yard
Accessory Building Minimum (except sheds, see [2] below)
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Building coverage of principal building
Lot coverage
0.6 du/1 ac.
1.25 du/1 ac.
2. Patio Homes, Two-Family and Townhouse Dwelling Units:
a. The maximum number of dwelling units shall be computed on the basis
of 1.25 dwelling units per gross acre, provided that the total number
of units shall not exceed the equivalent of five dwelling units per
acre of non-wetlands, non-wetland buffers, and one-hundred-year floodplain
acreage within the tract.
b. The minimum tract size shall be 10 acres.
c. See § 415.D for area and yard requirements.
Footnote for Subsection 402.D.1.:
An area equivalent to at least 75% of the minimum required "lot
area" shall be contiguous non-wetland, non-wetland buffer and non-one-hundred-year
floodplain acreage, and such area must be appropriately situated for
the location and construction of the detached dwelling and its appurtenances
and customary accessory uses, including any on-site septic system.
All sheds shall meet the setback standard for accessory structures
unless located to the rear of all walls/parts/features/decks, etc.
of the principal building, i.e., the point on the structure farthest
from the street line. If a shed is so located, it may be placed within
five feet of any property line. For a corner lot, the reduced setback
standard above will apply to both street frontages, provided however,
that sheds along common property lines shall be placed to the rear
of the front facade of the principal structure on the adjoining lot
or 50 feet from the street on which frontage is shared, whichever
is greater.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. Detached dwelling units: two spaces per unit.
2. Patio homes, two-family and townhouse dwelling units: see § 415.E.
3. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space and Recreation. Open space for each permitted use shall
be provided in accordance with the following minimum provisions:
1. Detached dwelling units with on-site septic: 10% of the total tract,
of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation use and must not
be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year floodplains,
or detention basin areas.
2. Detached dwelling units with public sewer: 15% of the total tract,
of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation use and must not
be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year floodplains,
or detention basin areas.
3. Patio homes, two-family and townhouse dwelling units: see § 415.G.
4. See §§
605 and
609 for additional standards.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 2001-26 § 4; Ord. No. 2001-29 § 1; Ord. No. 2007-19; Ord.
No. 2007-33 § 1]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units with on-site septic or public
2. Patio Homes with public sewer and water.
3. Townhouses with public sewer and water (see §
504 for general design standards).
4. Two-Family Dwelling Units with public sewer and water in the GMS
District only.
5. Residential Clusters in accordance with the provisions specified in §
608 of this ordinance.
6. Agriculture/Horticulture Uses in the GMS District only as defined in §
203 of this ordinance.
7. Public Purpose Uses as defined in §
203 of this ordinance.
8. Quasi-Public And Recreational Buildings as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
9. Places Of Worship as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
10. Public Utilities as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
11. Community Residences for the Developmentally Disabled, Community
Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence, Community Residences for
Persons with Head Injuries and Community Residences for the Terminally
Ill for up to 15 persons, subject to standards and requirements for
single-family dwelling units located within this district.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Private Residential Swimming Pools (see §
529 for standards) and other usual recreational facilities customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
2. Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than for vehicles) and
other customary residential accessory structures, e.g., gazebos, cabanas,
etc., owned by the residents of the property and each not exceeding
15 feet in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor
area. One such structure is permitted on lots less than one acre.
Two accessory structures (each not exceeding 168 square feet) are
permitted on lots between one and two acres. Lots two acres or greater
in size are permitted to have up to three such structures.
3. Off-Street Parking, Private Residential Garages and Carports (see § 403.E hereinbelow and §
4. Fences and Walls (see §
5. Home Occupations as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §§
203 and
602 for definition and requirements).
6. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
7. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
8. For major subdivisions only, one temporary Construction Trailer and
one temporary Sales Trailer, each not exceeding 750 square feet in
area, plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. For major site plans, only the
aforesaid one temporary Construction Trailer plus the aforesaid one
temporary sign shall be permitted. Any permitted temporary trailer(s)
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer(s) and sign shall be permitted for the
period of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction
permit and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of
Occupancy or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three
one-year extensions may be granted by the Board.
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area, Yard and Pinelands Development Requirements.
1. Detached Dwelling Units:
W/ Septic
W/ Public Sewer
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area
2.0 ac.[1]
14,000 sf.
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
Front yard
Rear yard
Accessory Building Minimum (except sheds, see [4] below)
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Building coverage of principal building
Lot coverage
Density [3]
0.5 du/acre
1.75 du/ac.
2. Patio Homes, Two-Family and Townhouse Dwelling Units:
a. The maximum number of dwelling units shall be computed on the basis
of 1.75 dwelling units per gross acre, provided that the total number
of units shall not exceed the equivalent of five dwelling units per
acre of non-wetlands, non-wetland buffers, and non-one-hundred-year
floodplain acreage within the tract. [3]
b. The minimum tract size shall be 10 acres.
c. See § 415.D for area and yard requirements.
Footnotes for Subsections 403.D.1 and 403.D.2.:
In instances where a major subdivision is proposed in the GMS
or GD District for a conventional development on tracts of land at
least 25 acres in area, an applicant may utilize the minimum, maximum
and average residential lot size provisions noted in Subparagraph
[e] hereinbelow, provided that:
Any lot designated for nonresidential purposes, including detention
basin lots dedicated to the Township or otherwise restricted to permanent
open space use, shall be included in the computation of tract size,
but shall not be included in the calculation of the minimum, maximum
and average lot sizes;
The minimum lot depth may be reduced to a minimum of 250 feet
for lots less than two acres in size; except for the lot size and
lot depth provisions, all other "Area and Yard Requirements" specified
for the GMS or GD Districts, as the case may be, shall apply;
Every lot within a subdivision utilizing the minimum, maximum
and average lot size provisions specified herein shall contain an
area equivalent to at least one acre in size which shall be contiguous
"noncritical" acreage appropriately situated for the location and
construction of the detached single-family dwelling and its appurtenances,
including the septic system serving the lot.
All other requirements of this ordinance governing the development
within the GMS or GD District, as the case may be, shall continue
to apply; and
Residential Lot Size Provisions.
1.0 ac.
3.2 ac.
2.0 ac.
The specified minimum "lot area" shall be contiguous non-wetland,
non-wetland buffer and non-one-hundred-year floodplain acreage, and
such area must be appropriately situated for the location and construction
of detached single-family dwelling and its appurtenances and customary
accessory uses; otherwise the minimum required lot area shall be 24,900
square feet.
Vacant lands contained within any commercially operated golf
course established in the GD Growth District in the Pinelands Regional
Growth Area (RGA) in Medford Township prior to the effective date
of this ordinance but not including areas containing fairways and
greens or any other areas or developed lands associated and necessary
for the use of said golf course, may be counted to calculate the maximum
number of residential dwelling units if the lands to be developed
are located within the golf course and the applicant restricts by
deed restriction (1) the entire golf course area for use as a golf
course only except for the lands to be developed, and (2) provides
that ownership of the golf course shall revert to the Township of
Medford with all accessory uses including any clubhouse, pool, tennis
courts or other similar facilities in the event the golf course is
discontinued or abandoned for any reason whether voluntarily or involuntarily
including bankruptcy.
The applicant shall demonstrate that no liens exist on the record
at the time the deed restriction as required herein is filed on the
record. In no event shall the gross maximum density, including Pineland
Development Credits use, for residential development exceed the permitted
gross density nor shall any other previously deed restricted open
space in the golf course be used in calculating density.
The Board may approve less than maximum density for said vacant
land if the Board determines that the resulting residential development
density will (a) reduce the size of the existing golf course play
area, (b) adversely interfere with the use and enjoyment of the golf
course, or (c) have an unreasonably adverse impact upon the area in
which the development is proposed to be established.
All sheds shall meet the setback standard for accessory structures
unless located to the rear of all walls/parts/features/decks, etc.
of the principal building, i.e., the point on the structure farthest
from the street line. If a shed is so located, it may be placed within
five feet of any property line. For a corner lot, the reduced setback
standard above will apply to both street frontages, provided however,
that sheds along common property lines shall be placed to the rear
of the front facade of the principal structure on the adjoining lot
or 50 feet from the street on which frontage is shared, whichever
is greater.
3. Nonresidential Uses: No nonresidential use shall be located on a
parcel of less than one acre unless served by a centralized wastewater
treatment plant.
4. For all developments of five dwelling units or more, Pinelands Development
Credits shall be acquired and redeemed at a rate of one right (0.25
Credits) for every four non-income restricted housing units (i.e.,
25% of all marketrate units) in the GD and GMS zones.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. Detached dwelling units: two spaces per unit.
2. Patio homes, two-family and townhouse dwelling units: see § 415.E.
3. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space and Recreation. Open space for each permitted use shall
be provided in accordance with the following minimum provisions except
that these provisions shall not apply to lands contained within any
commercially operated golf course in accordance with Footnote [3]
to Subsection 403.D of this ordinance:
1. Detached dwelling units with on-site septic: 10% of the total tract,
of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation use and must not
be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year floodplains
or detention basin areas.
2. Detached dwelling units with public sewer: 15% of the total tract,
of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation use and must not
be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year floodplain or
detention basin areas.
3. Patio homes, two-family and townhouse dwelling units: see § 415.G.
4. See §§
605 and
609 for additional standards.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 1; Ord. No. 1997-16; Ord.
No. 2001-26 § 8; Ord.
No. 2001-29 §§ 1, 2; Ord. No. 2007-19; Ord. No. 2007-33 § 2]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Single-family detached dwelling units, provided that in the RGD-2 District, clustering of the permitted dwellings shall be required in accordance with §
614 whenever two or more units are proposed as part of a residential development.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
2. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units with public water if the tract
on which development is proposed is located in the RGD-1 District
between Tuckerton Road and Commonwealth Drive (formerly Cedar Run
Road) south of the boundary line of the Borough of Medford Lakes as
delineated on the Zoning Map, and public water will service the development.
3. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units with public sewer if the tract
on which development is proposed is located in the RGD-1 District,
will be served by public sewer, is adjacent to the Borough of Medford
Lakes, and is specifically bordered by Mohawk Trail and Bowker Road
to the north, Stokes Road to the east, Highland Trail and Lenapine
Trail to the south, and Hiawatha Trail to the west.
4. In the RGD-1 District, residential clusters in accordance with the provisions specified in §
608 of this ordinance.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
5. Uses permitted in the FD Forest District specified in Subsection
406.A.3 through 11 of this ordinance in accordance with the provisions
and requirements specified therein.
6. Quasi-Public And Recreational Buildings as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
7. Places Of Worship as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
8. Public Utilities as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
9. Community Residences for the Developmentally Disabled, Community
Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence, Community Residences for
Persons with Head Injuries and Community Residences for the Terminally
III for up to 15 persons, subject to standards and requirements for
single-family dwelling units located within this district.
10. In the RGD-2 District, Detached Dwelling Units on lots of one acre
or more as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see § 602.O.2
for standards).
11. In the RGD-2 District, single-family detached dwelling units which are not clustered in accordance with §
614, as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see § 602.S for standards).
[Added 12-5-2011 by Ord.
No. 2011-15]
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Private Residential Swimming Pools (see §
529 for standards) and other usual recreational facilities customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
2. Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than for vehicles) and
other customary residential accessory structures, e.g., gazebos, cabanas,
etc., owned by the residents of the property and each not exceeding
15 feet in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor
area. One such structure is permitted on lots less than one acre.
Two accessory structures (each not exceeding 168 square feet) are
permitted on lots between one and two acres. Lots two acres or greater
in size are permitted to have up to three such structures.
3. Off-Street Parking, Private Residential Garages and Carports (see § 404.E hereinbelow and §
4. Fences and Walls (see §
5. Home Occupations as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §§
203 and
602 for definition and requirements).
6. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
7. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
8. For major subdivisions only, one temporary Construction Trailer and
one temporary Sales Trailer, each not exceeding 750 square feet in
area, plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. For major site plans, only the
aforesaid one temporary Construction Trailer plus the aforesaid one
temporary sign shall be permitted. Any permitted temporary trailer(s)
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer(s) and sign shall be permitted for the
period of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction
permit and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of
Occupancy or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three
one-year extensions may be granted by the Board.
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area, Yard and Pinelands Development Credit Requirements.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
RGD-1 District, Detached Units W/ Septic But WO/ Public
RGD-2 District, Detached Units W/ Septic But WO/ Public
Detached Units W/ Septic And W/ Public Water
(see § 404.A.10)
Detached Units W/ Public Sewer [4]
Principal Building Minimum
RGD-1 Lot area [3]
2.0 ac. [1]
1.0 ac. [2]
25,000 sf.
RGD-2 Lot area
3.2 ac.
1.25 ac.
25,000 sf.
Lot frontage see definitions
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
Front yard
Rear yard
Accessory Building Minimum (except sheds, see [5] below)
Distance to side line
50' other; 5' shed only
15'; 5' shed only
10'; 5' shed only
Distance to rear line
50'; 5' shed only
15' other; 5' shed only
10' other; 5' shed only
Building coverage of principal building
Lot coverage
0.5 du/ac.
0.3125 du/ac.
0.8 du/1 ac.
1 du/1.4 ac.
For all developments of five units or more, Pinelands Development
Credits shall be acquired and redeemed at a rate of one right (0.25
Credits) for every three non-income restricted housing units (i.e.,
33% of all market rate units) in the RGD-1 zone.
Footnotes for Subsection 404.D:
In instances where a major subdivision is proposed in the RGD-1
District where the minimum lot size is 2.0 acres for a conventional
development on tracts of land at least 25 acres in area, an applicant
may utilize the minimum, maximum and average residential lot size
provisions noted in Subparagraph [e] hereinbelow, provided that:
Any lot designated for nonresidential purposes, including detention
basin lots dedicated to the Township or otherwise restricted to permanent
open space use, shall be included in the computation of tract size,
but shall not be included in the calculation of the minimum, maximum
and average lot sizes;
The minimum lot depth may be reduced to a minimum of 250 feet
for lots less than two acres in size; except for the lot size and
lot depth provisions, all other "Area and Yard Requirements" specified
for the RGD-1 District shall apply;
Every lot within a subdivision utilizing the minimum, maximum
and average lot size provisions specified herein shall contain an
area equivalent to at least one acre in size which shall be contiguous
"non-critical" acreage appropriately situated for the location and
construction of the detached single-family dwelling and its appurtenances,
including the septic system serving the lot.
All other requirements of this ordinance governing development
within the RGD-1 District shall continue to apply; and
Residential Lot Size Provisions.
1.0 ac.
3.2 ac.
2.0 ac.
An area equivalent to at least 75% of the minimum required "lot area" shall be contiguous non-wetland, non-wetland buffer and non-one-hundred-year floodplain acreage, and such area must be appropriately situated for the location and construction of the detached dwelling and its appurtenances and customary accessory uses, including any on-site septic system. This requirement shall not apply to residential cluster developments in the RGD-2 District which comply with the standards of § 614.
Notwithstanding the minimum lot areas set forth herein, no such
minimum lot area for a nonresidential use within the RGD-2 District
shall be less than that needed to meet the water quality standards
of § 521.M.2.b(4) of this ordinance, whether or not the
lot may be served by a centralized sewer treatment or collection system,
but in any case, no nonresidential structure shall be located on a
lot of less than one acre in size. In the RGD-1 District, no nonresidential
use shall be located on a parcel of less than one acre unless served
by a centralized wastewater treatment plant.
For developments within the RGD-1 District permitted to be developed
with public sewer, the following exceptions to the provisions of this
ordinance shall apply:
The provisions of § 404.G of this ordinance hereinbelow
regarding "Open Space and Recreation" shall apply, except that the
specific provisions in Subsection 404.G.2 requiring that 1/2 of the
required open space area be suitable for active recreation shall not
The provisions of § 506.A of this ordinance regarding
"Buffers" shall apply, except that the dimension of the buffer required
in Subsection 506.A.3 shall be 30 feet instead of 50 feet.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 528.A.7 of this
ordinance, the cul-de-sac radius shall not be less than 60 feet.
Curbs and sidewalks shall not be required, except as may be
necessary for drainage or safety purposes.
All sheds shall meet the setback standard for accessory structures
unless located to the rear of all walls/parts/features/decks, etc.
of the principal building, i.e., the point on the structure farthest
from the street line. If a shed is so located, it may be placed within
five feet of any property line. For a corner lot, the reduced setback
standard above will apply to both street frontages, provided however,
that sheds along common property lines shall be placed to the rear
of the front facade of the principal structure on the adjoining lot
or 50 feet from the street on which frontage is shared, whichever
is greater.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. Detached dwelling units: two spaces per unit.
2. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space and Recreation. Open space for each permitted use shall
be provided in accordance with the following minimum provisions:
1. Detached dwelling units with on-site septic: 10% of the total tract,
of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation use and must not
be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year floodplains,
or detention basin areas.
2. Detached dwelling units with public sewer: 15% of the total tract,
of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation use and must not
be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year floodplains,
or detention basin areas.
3. See §§
605 and
609 for additional standards.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1995-18 § 2; Ord. No. 1997-3 § 1; Ord. No. 1997-16 § 5; Ord. No. 2001-26 § 6; Ord. No. 2001-29 §§ 1, 9,
12; Ord. No. 2007-19]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Single-family detached dwelling units, provided that in the RS-2 District, clustering of the permitted dwellings shall be required in accordance with §
614 whenever two or more units are proposed as part of a residential development.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
2. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units with public sewer and water
if the tract on which development is proposed has frontage on Tuckerton
Road and public sewer and water mains physically exist in Tuckerton
Road as of the effective date of this ordinance and public sewer and
water will service the development.
3. In the RS-1 District, residential clusters in accordance with the provisions specified in §
608 of this ordinance.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
4. Uses permitted in the FD Forest District specified in Subsection
407.A.3 through 11 of this ordinance in accordance with the provisions
and requirements specified therein.
5. Community Residences for the Developmentally Disabled, Community
Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence, Community Residences for
Persons with Head Injuries and Community Residences for the Terminally
III for up to 15 persons, subject to standards and requirements for
single-family dwelling units located within this district.
6. In the RS-2 District, Detached Dwelling Units on lots of one acre
or more as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see § 602.O.2
for standards).
7. Commercial recreational and/or civic uses, so long as said uses have
direct access either to Route 70, or to Branin Road, Skeet Road, Chairville
Road, or such other arterial or secondary road which shall allow direct
access to the use.
8. Parking lots appurtenant to such uses.
9. In the RS-2 District, single-family detached dwelling units which are not clustered in accordance with §
614, as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see § 602.S for standards).
[Added 12-5-2011 by Ord.
No. 2011-15]
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Private Residential Swimming Pools (see §
529 for standards) and other usual recreational facilities, customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
2. Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than vehicles) and other
customary residential accessory structures, e.g., gazebos, cabanas,
etc., owned by residents of the property and each not exceeding 15
feet in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor area.
One such structure is permitted on lots less than one acre. Two accessory
structures (each not exceeding 168 square feet) are permitted on lots
between one and two acres. Lots two acres or greater in size are permitted
to have up to three such structures.
3. Off-Street Parking, Private Residential Garages and Carports (see § 405.E hereinbelow and §
4. Fences and Walls (see §
5. Home Occupations as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §§
203 and
602 for definition and requirements).
6. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
7. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
8. For major subdivisions only, one temporary Construction Trailer and
one temporary Sales Trailer, each not exceeding 750 square feet in
area, plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. For major site plans, only the
aforesaid one temporary Construction Trailer plus the aforesaid one
temporary sign shall be permitted. Any permitted temporary trailer(s)
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer(s) and sign shall be permitted for the
period of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction
permit and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of
Occupancy or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three
one-year extensions may be granted by the Board.
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area and Yard Requirements.
Detached Dwelling Units W/ Septic
Detached Dwelling Units W/ Public Sewer
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area [1]
3.2 ac.
3.2 ac.
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
Front yard
Rear yard
Accessory Building Minimum (except sheds, see [2] below)
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Building coverage of principal building
Lot coverage
1 du/6 ac.
1 du/4 ac.
Footnote for Subsection 405.D:
Notwithstanding the minimum lot areas set forth herein, no such
minimum lot area for a nonresidential use within the RS-2 District
shall be less than that needed to meet the water quality standards
of Subsection 521.M.2.b(4) of this ordinance, whether or not the lot
may be served by a centralized sewer treatment or collection system.
In the RS-1 District, no nonresidential use shall be located on a
parcel of less than one acre unless served by a centralized wastewater
treatment plant. In the RS-2 District, no nonresidential structure
shall be located on a lot of less than one acre in size.
All sheds shall meet the setback standard for accessory structures
unless located to the rear of all walls/parts/features/decks, etc.
of the principal building, i.e., the point on the structure farthest
from the street line. If a shed is so located, it may be placed within
five feet of any property line. For a corner lot, the reduced setback
standard above will apply to both street frontages, provided however,
that sheds along common property lines shall be placed to the rear
of the front facade of the principal structure on the adjoining lot
or 50 feet from the street on which frontage is shared, whichever
is greater.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. Detached dwelling units: two spaces per unit.
2. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space and Recreation. Open space for each permitted use shall
be provided in accordance with the following minimum provisions:
1. Detached dwelling units with public sewer: 15% of the total tract,
of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation use and must not
be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year floodplains
or detention basin areas.
2. See §§
605 and
609 for additional standards.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1993-17; Ord.
No. 1994-36 §§ 4, 5; Ord. No. 2001-26 § 7; Ord. No. 2001-29 § 1; Ord. No. 2007-19]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units with on-site septic, except
that Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units within a "Senior Citizen
Planned Development" shall be served by public sewage treatment facilities.
2. Residential Clusters in accordance with the provisions specified in §
608 of this ordinance.
3. Agriculture/Horticulture Uses as defined in §
203 of this ordinance.
4. Community Residences for the Developmentally Disabled, Community
Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence, Community Residences for
Persons with Head Injuries and Community Residences for the Terminally
III for up to 15 persons, subject to standards and requirements for
single-family dwelling units located within this district.
5. Forestry as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
6. Senior Citizen Planned Developments, in accordance with the provisions
specified in Subsection 608.D of this ordinance, on tracts of land
at least 100 acres in area served by public water and sewage treatment
facilities and only on that portion of the AR District specifically
indicated on the Zoning Map.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Private Residential Swimming Pools (see §
529 for standards) and other usual recreational facilities, customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
2. Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than for vehicles) and
other customary residential accessory structures, e.g., gazebos, cabanas,
etc., owned by the residents of the property and each not exceeding
15 feet in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor
area. One such structure is permitted on lots less than one acre.
Two accessory structures (each not exceeding 168 square feet) are
permitted on lots between one and two acres. Lots two acres or greater
in size are permitted to have up to three such structures.
3. Off-Street Parking, Private Residential Garages and Carports (see § 406.E hereinbelow and §
4. Fences and Walls (see §
5. Home Occupations as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §§
203 and
602 for definition and requirements).
6. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
7. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
8. For major subdivisions only, one temporary Construction Trailer and
one temporary Sales Trailer, each not exceeding 750 square feet in
area, plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. For major site plans, only the
aforesaid one temporary Construction Trailer plus the aforesaid one
temporary sign shall be permitted. Any permitted temporary trailer(s)
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer(s) and sign shall be permitted for the
period of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction
permit and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of
Occupancy or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three
one-year extensions may be granted by the Board.
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area and Yard Requirements.
Detached Dwelling Units
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area [1]
4 ac.
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
Front yard
Rear yard
Accessory Building Minimum (except sheds, see [1] below)
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Building coverage of principal building
Lot coverage
1 du/4 ac.
Footnote for Subsection 406.D:
All sheds shall meet the setback standard for accessory structures
unless located to the rear of all walls/parts/features/decks, etc.
of the principal building, i.e., the point on the structure farthest
from the street line. If a shed is so located, it may be placed within
five feet of any property line. For a corner lot, the reduced setback
standard above will apply to both street frontages, provided however,
that sheds along common property lines shall be placed to the rear
of the front facade of the principal structure on the adjoining lot
or 50 feet from the street on which frontage is shared, whichever
is greater.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. Detached dwelling units: two spaces per unit.
2. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space And Recreation. None required.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1997-16 §§ 6 —
11; Ord. No. 1997-17 § 4; Ord. No. 2001-29 §§ 1, 12]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units on lots of 3.2 acres, provided
a. The dwelling unit will be the principal residence of the property
owner or a member of the immediate family of the property owner;
b. The individual whose principal residence the dwelling unit will be
has not developed a dwelling unit under this section within the previous
five years;
c. The parcel of land on which the dwelling is to be located has been
in the continuous ownership since February 7, 1979 of the person whose
principal residence the dwelling unit will be, a member of that person's
immediate family, or a partnership or corporation in which members
of that person's immediate family collectively own more than a majority
interest in such partnership or corporation;
d. The person whose principal residence the dwelling unit will be has
resided in the Pinelands for at least five years and that person or
one or more members of that person's immediate family has resided
in the Pinelands for a total of at least 20 different years; and
e. The area and yard requirements for single-family detached dwellings
with septic in the GD District are met (see § 403.D).
2. Single-family detached dwelling units, provided that clustering of the permitted dwellings shall be required in accordance with §
614 whenever two or more units are proposed as part of a residential development.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
4. Agriculture Employee Housing as an element of, and necessary to,
an active agriculture operation.
5. Forestry (see §
612 for standards).
6. Low-Intensity Recreational Uses, provided that:
a. The parcel proposed for low-intensity recreational use has an area
of at least 50 acres.
b. The recreational use does not involve the use of motorized vehicles
except for necessary transportation.
c. Access to bodies of water is limited to no more than 15 linear feet
of frontage per 1,000 feet of water body frontage.
d. Clearing of vegetation, including ground cover and soil disturbance,
does not exceed 5% of the parcel.
e. No more than 1% of the parcel will be covered with impervious surfaces.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
7. Expansion of Intensive Recreational Uses, provided that:
a. The intensive recreational use was in existence on February 7, 1979
and the capacity of the use will not exceed two times the capacity
of the use on February 7, 1979;
b. The use is necessary to achieve recreational use of a particular
element of the existing Pinelands environment; and
c. The use is environmentally and aesthetically compatible with the
character of the Pinelands Forest Area and the characteristics of
the particular basin in which the use is to be located, taking into
consideration the proportion of cleared and developed land, ambient
water quality, ecologically sensitive areas and unique resources,
and will not unduly burden public services.
8. Public Service Infrastructure intended to primarily serve the needs
of the Pinelands. Centralized waste water treatment and collection
facilities shall be permitted to service the FD Forest District only
in accordance with Subsection 521.M.2.b(2) of this ordinance.
9. Institutional Uses as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
10. Campgrounds not to exceed one campsite per gross acre, provided that
the campsites may be clustered at a net density not to exceed 10 campsites
per acre and that site plan approval is obtained.
12. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units on lots of one acre or more,
provided that:
The applicant satisfies all of the requirements set forth above
in Subsection 407.A.1.;
The lot to be developed existed as of February 8, 1979 or was
created as a result of an approval granted by the Pinelands Development
Review Board or by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to the Interim
Rules and Regulations prior to January, 14, 1981;
The applicant qualifies for and receives from the Township a
variance from the 3.2 acre lot size requirement set forth in Subsection
407.A.1 above; and
The applicant purchases and redeems 0.25 Pinelands Development
13. Detached Dwelling Units on lots of one acre or more as Conditional
Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see § 602.O.1 for standards).
14. Single-family detached dwelling units which are not clustered in accordance with §
614, as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see § 602.S for standards).
[Added 12-5-2011 by Ord.
No. 2011-15]
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Private Residential Swimming Pools (see §
529 for standards) and other usual recreational facilities, customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
2. Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than for vehicles) and
other customary residential accessory structures, e.g., gazebos, cabanas,
etc., owned by the residents of the property and each not exceeding
15 feet in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor
area. One such structure is permitted on lots less than one acre.
Two accessory structures (each not exceeding 168 square feet) are
permitted on lots between one and two acres. Lots two acres or greater
in size are permitted to have up to three such structures.
3. Off-Street Parking, Private Residential Garages and Carports (see § 407.E hereinbelow and §
4. Fences and Walls (see §
5. Home Occupations as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §§
203 and
602 for definition and requirements).
6. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
7. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area And Yard Requirements.
1. No principal or accessory permitted use shall be situated within
50 feet of any lot line.
2. The maximum lot coverage for any permitted use shall be 15%, except
as provided hereinabove.
3. Notwithstanding the minimum lot areas set forth herein, no such minimum
lot area for a nonresidential use within the FO District shall be
less than that needed to meet the water quality standards of Subsection
521.M.2.b(4) of this ordinance, whether or not the lot may be served
by a centralized sewer treatment or collection system. No nonresidential
structure shall be located on a parcel of less than 1.0 acre in size.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. Detached dwelling units: two spaces per unit.
2. Recreational uses and campgrounds: two spaces per campsite plus one
common parking area at the entrance to the facility or proximate the
recreational use. The amount and location of parking spaces is subject
to site plan review.
3. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space And Recreation. None required.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1997-16 §§ 12 —
16; Ord. No. 2001-29 §§ 1,
12; Ord. No. 2007-17]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units on lots of 3.2 acres, provided
a. The dwelling unit will be the principal residence of the property
owner or a member of the immediate family of the property owner;
b. The individual whose principal residence the dwelling unit will be
has not developed a dwelling unit under this section within the previous
five years;
c. The parcel of land on which the dwelling is to be located has been
in the continuous ownership since February 7, 1979 of the person whose
principal residence the dwelling unit will be, a member of that person's
immediate family, or partnership or corporation in which members of
that person's immediate family collectively own more than a majority
interest in such partnership or corporation;
d. The person whose principal residence the dwelling unit will be has
resided in the Pinelands for at least five years and that person or
one or more members of that person's immediate family has resided
in the Pinelands for a total of at least 20 different years; and
e. The area and yard requirements for single-family detached dwellings
with septic in the GD District are met (see § 403.D).
2. Agricultural Employee Housing as an element of, and accessory to,
an active agricultural operation.
3. Berry Agriculture and Horticulture of native plants and other agricultural
activities compatible with the existing soil and water conditions
that support traditional Pinelands berry agriculture.
4. Forestry (see §
612 for standards).
6. Fish and wildlife management and wetland management.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
7. Low-Intensity Recreational Uses, provided that:
a. The parcel proposed for low-intensity recreational use has an area
of at least 50 acres.
b. The recreational use does not involve the use of motorized vehicles
except for necessary transportation.
c. Access to bodies of water is limited to no more than 15 linear feet
of frontage per 1,000 feet of water body frontage.
d. The parcel will contain no more than one campsite per two acres,
provided that the campsites shall not be: clustered at a net density
exceeding six campsites per acre.
e. Clearing of vegetation, including ground cover and soil disturbance,
does not exceed 5% of the parcel.
f. No more than 1% of the parcel will be covered with impervious surfaces.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
8. Expansion of Intensive Recreational Uses, provided that:
a. The intensive recreational use was in existence on February 7, 1979
and the capacity of the use will not exceed two times the capacity
of the use on February 7, 1979;
b. The use is necessary to achieve recreational use of a particular
element of the existing Pinelands environment; and
c. The use is environmentally and aesthetically compatible with the
character of the Pinelands Preservation Area District and the characteristics
of the particular basin in which the use is to be located, taking
into consideration the proportion of cleared and developed land, ambient
water quality, ecologically sensitive areas and unique resources,
and will not unduly burden public services.
9. Public Service Infrastructure which is necessary to serve only the
needs of the Pinelands Preservation Area District uses. Centralized
waste water treatment and collection facilities shall be permitted
to service the Pinelands Preservation Area District only in accordance
with Subsection 521.M.2.b(2) of this ordinance.
10. Continuation of Existing Resource Extraction as Conditional Uses under N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.63 (see §
602 for standards). No nonresidential structure shall be located on a parcel of less than one acre in size.
11. Pinelands Development Credits, subject to the provisions of §
12. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units on lots of one acre or more,
provided that:
The applicant satisfies all of the requirements set forth above
in Subsection 408.A.1.;
The lot to be developed existed as of February 8, 1979 or was
created as a result of an approval granted by the Pinelands Development
Review Board or by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to the Interim
Rules and Regulations prior to January 14, 1981;
The applicant qualifies for and receives from the Township a
variance from the 3.2 acre lot size requirement set forth in Subsection
408.A.1 above;
The applicant purchases and redeems 0.25 Pinelands Development
Credits; and
Any Pinelands Development Credits allocated to the lot to be
developed are reduced pursuant to Subsection 607.C.2 of this ordinance.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Private Residential Swimming Pools (see §
529 for standards) and other usual recreational facilities, customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
2. Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than for vehicles) and
other customary residential accessory structures, e.g., gazebos, cabanas,
etc., owned by the residents of the property and each not exceeding
15 feet in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor
area. One such structure is permitted on lots less than one acre.
Two accessory structures (each not exceeding 168 square feet) are
permitted on lots between one and two acres. Lots two acres or greater
in size are permitted to have up to three such structures.
3. Off-Street Parking, Private Residential Garages and Carports (see § 408.E hereinbelow and §
4. Fences and Walls (see §
5. Home Occupations as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §§
203 and
602 for definition and requirements).
6. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
7. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area and Yard Requirements.
1. No principal or accessory permitted use shall be situated within
50 feet of any lot line, except for sheds. All sheds shall meet the
setback standard for accessory structures unless located to the rear
of all walls/parts/features/decks, etc of the principal building,
i.e., the point on the structure farthest from the street line. If
a shed is so located, it may be placed within five feet of any property
line. For a corner lot, the reduced setback standard above will apply
to both street frontages, provided however, that sheds along common
property lines shall be placed to the rear of the front facade of
the principal structure on the adjoining lot or 50 feet from the street
on which frontage is shared, whichever is greater.
2. The maximum lot coverage for any permitted use shall be 15%, except
as provided hereinabove.
3. Notwithstanding the minimum lot areas set forth herein, no such minimum
lot area for a nonresidential use within the PD District shall be
less than that needed to meet the water quality standards of Subsection
521.M.2.b(4) of this ordinance, whether or not the lot may be served
by a centralized sewer treatment or collection system. No nonresidential
structure shall be located on a parcel of less than one acre in size.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. Detached dwelling units: two spaces per unit.
2. Recreational uses and campgrounds: two spaces per campsite plus one
common parking area at the entrance to the facility or proximate the
recreational use. The amount and location of parking spaces is subject
to site plan review.
3. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space and Recreation. None required.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1993-17; Ord.
No. 1996-4 § 2; Ord. No.
16 § 17; Ord. No. 1997-17 §§ 2, 3; Ord. No. 1999-25 § 2; Ord. No. 2008-04 § 1]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Educational and Recreational Activities, including the operation
of public and private elementary school facilities and quasi-public
campground activities, as well as municipal buildings, churches, libraries
and open space, parks and parkland and municipal infrastructure.
2. Affordable age-restricted and disabled housing north of Union Street between Main Street and Jones Road, in accordance with the standards set forth in Subsection
H of this section. A PPE District with a Community Services (CS) Overlay is located west of County Route 541 at Church Road. The CS Overlay accommodates and manages the planned expansion of permitted PPE uses.
[Amended 3-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-4]
3. The PPE with Community Services Overlay (PPE/CS) provides for expansion of uses permitted in the PPE District to increase opportunities to better serve the Medford Township community. This expansion of uses includes the temporary provision of primary shelter in cases of emergency; COAH-approved supportive and special needs housing which may be partnered with specific farming activities for occupational training; and public/private partnerships for recreation uses and parking. Landscaping shall be provided within the front, side and rear yard areas to adequately screen on-site uses from adjacent residential uses and adjoining roadways. Existing vegetative screening and buffering shall be preserved where possible and supplemented to the satisfaction of the reviewing Board in accordance with Ordinance §
[Amended 3-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-4]
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Usual Recreational Facilities.
2. Off-Street Parking (see § 409.F hereinbelow and §
3. Fences and Walls (see §
4. Public Garages and Storage Buildings.
5. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
6. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
7. One temporary Construction Trailer not exceeding 750 square feet
in area plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. Any permitted temporary trailer
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer and sign shall be permitted for the period
of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit
and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy
or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three one-year
extensions may be granted by the Board.
8. Conference Facilities, as an accessory use to an existing "Quasi-Public Campground Activity" permitted in the PPE District and consisting of at least 500 acres in area, as a Conditional Use under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
C. Maximum Building Height.
1. No principal building with less than two full stories shall exceed
27 feet and 1 1/2 stories in height and shall be totally covered
by a true and complete gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof, provided,
however, that where roof mounted equipment is necessary for the operation
of the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting the appearance
of such pitched roofs may be permitted and approved by the Planning
Board during site plan review. Regardless of the style of the roof
treatment, the elevation of the building shall have a roof height
extending above the building wall equivalent to at least 1/3 of the
total height of the building, and this measurement of roof height
shall not include any eave projecting below the building wall. The
minimum pitch of all roofs shall be at least five feet vertical for
every 12 feet horizontal.
2. No principal building with two or more stories shall exceed 40 feet
and three stories in height.
3. The exceptions to height limits noted in §
604 of this ordinance shall apply, as applicable.
D. Intensity, Area and Yard Requirements.
1. No principal permitted use shall be situated within 50 feet of any
lot line. No accessory use shall be situated within 25 feet of any
lot line.
2. The maximum lot coverage shall be 60%.
3. Notwithstanding the above, no minimum lot area for a nonresidential
use within the Rural Development Area of the PPE District shall be
less than that needed to meet the water quality standards of Subsection
521.M.2.b(4) of this ordinance, whether or not the lot may be served
by a centralized sewer treatment or collection system. No nonresidential
structure shall be located on a parcel of less than one acre in size.
E. General Requirements.
1. All building walls facing any street or residential district line
shall be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes.
2. No merchandise, products, equipment or similar material or objects
shall be displayed or stored outside, and all solid waste not stored
within a building shall be stored within an enclosed container. Adequate
provisions for recycling shall be provided.
3. All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading access aisles
and driveway or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably landscaped with
shrubs, ground cover, seeding or plantings and maintained in good
F. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions. Where a permitted
use of land includes different specific activities with different
specific parking requirements, the total number of required parking
spaces shall be obtained by individuals computing the parking requirements
for each different activity and adding the resulting numbers together.
1. Libraries shall provide parking at the ratio of one space per 300
square feet of gross floor area.
2. Museums shall provide parking at the ratio of one space per 600 square
feet of gross floor area.
3. Community pools shall provide adequate parking subject to review
and approval at the time of site plan review.
4. Elementary schools shall provide parking at the ratio of two spaces
for each classroom, but not less than one space for each teacher and
staff; intermediate schools shall provide parking at the ratio of
1.5 spaces for each classroom, but not less than one space for each
teacher and staff; and secondary schools shall provide parking at
the ratio of 2.5 spaces for each classroom, but not less than two
spaces for each teacher and staff.
5. Community centers shall provide a minimum of 20 spaces plus one space
per every 250 feet of gross floor area used for office space.
6. Campgrounds shall provide two parking spaces per campsite plus one
common parking area at the entrance to the facility or proximate to
any recreational use.
7. Parking for all other uses shall be determined at the time of site
plan review.
H. Affordable Age-Restricted and Disabled Housing, Development Standards.
1. Affordable age-restricted and disabled housing shall comply with
the regulations of the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing (COAH)
and the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls of the New Jersey Housing
and Mortgage Finance Agency (HMFA), including, but not limited to,
controls on affordability, affirmative marketing, and income eligibility.
"Age-restricted housing" shall be defined as housing that meets COAH's
definition of "age-restricted housing." "Disabled housing" shall mean
housing accessible to a "disabled person," as that phrase is defined
by the New Jersey Fair Housing Act, N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq.
2. Maximum Building Height. No building shall exceed 45 feet in height
and 2 1/2 stories, except as permitted in § 604.A of
this ordinance.
3. Density, Area and Yard Requirements.
a. Multi-Family Dwelling Units:
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area
3 acres
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
Front yard
Rear yard
Principal Building Maximum
Building coverage
Lot coverage
12 du/ac
4. Minimum Off-Street Parking. One-half space for each dwelling unit,
plus one space per employee on site during the largest shift.
5. Open space and recreation age-appropriate outdoor recreation opportunities,
including walking and resting areas, shall be provided on the site.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 1; Ord. No. 1996-3; Ord. No.
1996-4 §§ 3, 4; Ord.
No. 1997-3 § 2; Ord. No.
1997-16 § 17; Ord. No.
1999-2 § 1; Ord. No. 2001-29 § 2; Ord. No. 2004-17 § 4; Ord. No. 2004-26 § 4; Ord. No. 2007-19]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
2. Automobile Sales through franchised new car dealers.
4. Newspaper or Job Printing Establishments.
6. Public Garages if the storage of vehicles does not occur for a period
longer than 48 hours.
7. Service Stations and Repair Garages in accordance with the standards of §
8. All Uses permitted in the CC Community Commercial or RC Restricted
Commercial Districts specified in Subsection 411.A of this ordinance.
9. Indoor and Outdoor Recreational Uses, such as health spas, gyms,
tennis and racquetball courts and similar uses.
10. Fast Food Restaurants as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
11. Shopping Centers comprised of any of the above retail sales of goods
and services and offices; provided said use existed as of January
1, 2004. The redevelopment or renovation of existing shopping centers
shall constitute a permitted use.
12. Car Washes as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards) provided that the minimum required lot frontage is met on Route 70.
13. All Uses permitted in the AR Agricultural Retention District specified
in Subsection 406.A of this ordinance in accordance with the provisions
and requirements specified therein in the HC-2 District only.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Off-Street Parking (see § 410.F hereinbelow and §
2. Fences and Walls (see §
3. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
4. Garages and Storage Buildings. In addition, in the case of preexisting
nonconforming residential uses, any legally preexisting garages and
storage buildings or residential accessory buildings, including sheds,
may be maintained or replaced with a structure having the same or
smaller length, width and height dimensions, and which maintain the
existing, or greater, setbacks from all property lines.
5. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
6. One temporary Construction Trailer not exceeding 750 square feet
in area plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. Any permitted temporary trailer
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer and sign shall be permitted for the period
of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit
and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy
or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three one-year
extensions may be granted by the Board.
7. Usual Recreational Facilities for motels and hotels only.
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 45 feet in height and three stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Intensity, Area And Yard Requirements.
Individual Uses
Shopping Centers [1]
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area
2 ac.
5 ac.
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard(each)
50' [3]
60' [3]
Front yard
100' [2]
125' [2]
Rear yard
50' [3]
Accessory Building Minimum
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Buffer Minimum
25' [4]
25' [4]
30' [4]
Floor Area Ratio
0.25 [5]
0.25 [5]
Lot coverage
65% [5]
65% [5]
Footnotes for Subsection 410.D:
No new building shall exceed 35,000 square feet of gross floor
area. Existing buildings in existence as of January 1, 2004 may be
expanded, provided all intensity, area and yard requirements are met.
More than one principal building shall be permitted on a lot. All
buildings shall be separated by a minimum of 20 feet, provided such
separation is to be used solely for pedestrian circulation. All buildings
shall be separated by a minimum of 50 feet where any part of such
separation is to be used for parking or vehicular circulation. However,
the separation requirements should not be construed to prohibit covered
pedestrian walkways when the roof or covering of such walkway extends
between the buildings.
A building shall not be constructed closer than 100 feet from
any street right-of-way line, except that the front yard setback may
be reduced by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as
the case may be, based on reverse frontage parking and additional
buffers to no less than 75 feet.
The principal building setback shall be 100 feet where the property
line abuts a residential district.
The minimum buffer shall be 50 feet where the property line
abuts a residential district.
In those instances where two adjacent property owners cooperate
to share a common access driveway serving both properties and thereby
eliminate an existing driveway access or do not propose a new access
point to the roadway, then floor area ratio may be increased to 0.275
and the maximum lot coverage may be increased to 70% for both properties.
Further, the maximum lot coverage may be increased an additional 3%
and the maximum floor area ratio also may be increased an additional
0.025 for amenity areas, plazas, and similar design features.
E. General Requirements.
1. Any principal building may contain more than one individual use,
provided that the total floor area ratio and lot coverage of the combined
uses does not exceed the maximums specified and further, that each
use occupies a minimum gross floor area of 500 square feet.
2. All buildings or uses permitted in the HC-1 and HC-2 Districts shall
be served by public sewer and water. This requirement shall be deemed
a site plan regulation. The Planning Board may grant an exception
to this requirement pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-51.
3. All buildings on a single commercial site shall be compatibly designed,
whether constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of
time. All building walls facing any street or residential district
line shall be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes.
4. Unless otherwise specifically approved by the Board, no merchandise,
products, equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed
or stored outside, and all solid waste not stored within a building
shall be stored within an enclosed container.
Uses which require the permanent outside display of merchandise for sale and/or storage, including garden centers, new automobile dealerships, boat sales, home improvement centers, lumberyards, fence sales, swimming pool sales, greenhouse dealers, and similar uses, must have a permanent sales or operations building and a site plan approval pursuant to §
802 of this ordinance defining and designating the area within which the permanent outside sales and/or storage are permitted. Permanent outside storage areas shall be suitably fenced and/or screened.
5. Occasional outside displays of seasonal products or merchandise for
sale shall be permitted where it is impractical due to the size or
nature of the seasonal product or merchandise to store or display
said products or merchandise within the permanent enclosed building;
however, said occasional outside displays of seasonal products or
merchandise shall be conducted only by the owner or tenant of the
building and the regular employees of said business or use, and the
products or merchandise shall be reasonably related to the primary
business or use at the site.
6. All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading, access aisles,
driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably landscaped with
shrubs, ground cover, seeding or similar plantings and maintained
in good condition.
7. The minimum buffer area shall include a densely planted buffer of evergreen trees in accordance with §
506 at least six feet high at time of planting along any common property line with a residential district.
8. Each hotel or motel dwelling unit shall provide a minimum 250 square
feet of net habitable floor area for each unit containing one sleeping
room and one bathroom, and 350 square feet of net habitable floor
area for each unit containing one sleeping room, one bathroom and
cooking facilities. There shall be a residency limitation on all guests
of 30 days, provided that the residency limitation shall not apply
to a permanent on-site superintendent's apartment.
9. There shall not be more than one driveway for access and one driveway
for egress for each 200 feet of road frontage along Route 70. Alternative
access and egress shall be encouraged, provided that a driveway on
a corner lot adjoining Route 70 shall not be closer than 100 feet
from the intersection.
10. All land development within the "Highway Commercial" zoning districts
along the Route 70 corridor shall have direct and primary vehicular
access to Route 70, with only supplemental and secondary vehicular
access to other roads.
F. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions. Where a permitted
use of land includes different specific activities with different
specific parking requirements, the total number of required parking
spaces shall be obtained by individually computing the parking requirements
for each different activity and adding the resulting numbers together.
1. Retail and service activities, including banks, shall provide parking
at the ratio of one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Additionally, drive-in banks shall provide room for at least eight
automobiles per drive-in window for queuing purposes.
2. Shopping centers shall provide parking at the ratio of 4.5 spaces
per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
3. Medical/dental offices shall provide parking at the ratio of one
space per 150 square feet of gross floor area.
4. General and non-medical/dental professional offices and funeral parlors
shall provide parking at the ratio of one space per 250 square feet
of gross floor area.
5. Restaurants and taverns shall provide a minimum of one space for
every three seats, but in all cases a sufficient number of spaces
to prevent any parking along public rights-of-way or private driveways,
fire lanes and aisles.
6. Auditoriums and indoor theaters shall provide one space for every
three seats.
7. Motels and hotels shall provide 1.25 spaces per room, plus one space
for every 10 seats provided in ancillary restaurant and/or convention
8. Service stations and repair garages shall provide four spaces for
every lift, wheel alignment pit or similar work area or bay plus one
space for every 200 square feet or fraction thereof of gross floor
area used for offices.
9. Garden marts shall provide parking at the ratio of six spaces per
1,000 square feet of gross floor area of buildings, plus 1/2 space
per 1,000 square feet of outside storage, sale or display area.
10. Automobile sales shall provide one space for every 300 square feet
of showroom and sales office area but, at minimum, 10 spaces for customer
convenience separated from vehicular displays and not used by employees.
11. For all other uses, adequate off-street parking shall be provided
and shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Board or Zoning
Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, during site plan review.
12. See §
520 for additional standards.
H. Minimum Off-Street Loading.
1. Each principal use shall provide for off-street loading and unloading with adequate ingress and egress from streets and with adequate space for maneuvering and shall provide such area at the side or rear of the building. Each space shall be in accordance with the provisions in §
520 of this ordinance and a minimum of one space shall be provided for each building. Additional spaces may be necessary and required dependent upon the specific activity. There shall be no loading from the street.
2. There shall be at least one trash and garbage pick-up location provided
by each building which shall be separated from the parking spaces
by either a location within the building or in a pick-up location
outside the building which shall be a steel-like, totally enclosed
container located in a manner to be obscured from view from parking
areas, streets and adjacent residential uses or zoning districts by
a fence, wall, planting or combination of all three a minimum of four
feet in height. If located within the building, the doorway may serve
both the loading and trash/garbage functions and if located outside
the building, it may be located adjacent to or within the general
loading area(s), provided the container in no way interferes with
or restricts loading and unloading functions. Adequate provisions
for recycling shall be provided.
[Ord. No. 2004-16 § 1; Ord. No. 2004-17 § 1; Ord. No. 2004-26 § 1; Ord. No. 2007-19]
A. Purpose. This district is located along Route 70. It is established
to recognize the existing commercial pattern which is rural - agricultural
and essentially undeveloped and the current problems caused by traffic
congestion including the failure of many Route 70 intersections and
road segments within this district. The regulations to govern the
district are intended to prohibit commercial activities that generate
heavy traffic flows, which will compound the already existing traffic
congestion. The regulations are also intended to promote a desirable
visual environment that reflects the historic village character of
the Medford Business Districts.
B. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. All Uses permitted in the CC Community Commercial or RC Restricted
Commercial Districts specified in Subsection 411.A of this ordinance.
2. Indoor and Outdoor Recreational Uses, such as health spas, gyms,
tennis and racquetball courts and similar uses.
3. Fast Food Restaurants as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
4. Car Washes as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards) provided that the minimum required lot frontage is met on Route 70.
5. Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC), subject to the provisions
included in Subsection J herein, and only within the area of HM District
outside of the jurisdiction of the Pinelands Comprehensive Management
Plan (CMP).
6. Clustered Age-Restricted Housing with 60% Open Space Requirement,
subject to the provisions included in Subsection K herein, and only
within the area of HM District outside of the jurisdiction of the
Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP).
7. Assisted Living Housing Projects, subject to the provisions included
in Subsection L herein, and located on tracts with at least three
8. Community Residences for the Development Disabled, Community Shelters
for Victims of Domestic Violence, Community Residences for Persons
with Head Injuries and Community Residences for the Terminally Ill
for up to 15 persons, subject to standards and requirements for single-family
dwelling units located within this district.
9. Commercial nursery and/or landscape contracting on at least 10 acres
of land.
Clubs or Lodges organized for Fraternal or social purposes,
provided that the chief activity shall not be one which is customarily
carried on as a business.
Child Care Centers and Early Childhood Education Centers, e.g.
Nursery or preschools.
C. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Off-Street Parking (see § 410.F hereinbelow and §
2. Fences and Walls (see §
3. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
4. Garages and Storage Buildings. In addition, in the case of preexisting
nonconforming residential uses, any legally preexisting garages and
storage buildings or residential accessory buildings, including sheds,
may be maintained or replaced with a structure having the same or
smaller length, width and height dimensions, and which maintain the
existing, or greater, setbacks from all property lines.
5. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
6. One temporary Construction Trailer not exceeding 750 square feet
in area plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. Any permitted temporary trailer
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer and sign shall be permitted for the period
of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit
and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy
or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three one-year
extensions may be granted by the Board.
D. Maximum Building Height.
1. A principal building with less than two full stories shall not exceed
27 feet and 1 1/2 stories in height and shall be totally covered
by a true and complete gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof, provided,
however, that where roof mounted equipment is necessary for the operation
of the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting the appearance
of such pitched roofs may be permitted and approved by the Planning
Board during site plan review. Regardless of the style of the roof
treatment, the elevation of the building shall have a roof height
extending above the building wall equivalent to at least 1/3 of the
total height of the building, wall, and this measurement of roof height
shall not include any eave projecting below the building wall. The
minimum pitch of all roofs shall be at least five feet vertical for
every 12 feet horizontal.
2. A principal building with two or more stories shall not exceed 35
feet and 2 1/2 stories in height and shall be totally covered
by a true and complete gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof, provided,
however, that where roof mounted equipment is necessary for the operation
of the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting the appearance
of such pitched roofs may be permitted and approved by the Planning
Board during site plan review. Regardless of the style of the roof
treatment, the elevation of the building shall have a roof height
extending above the building wall equivalent to at least 1/4 of the
total height of the building wall, and this measurement of roof height
shall not include any eave projecting below the building wall. The
minimum pitch of all roofs shall be at least five feet for every 12
feet horizontal.
3. The exceptions to height limits noted in §
604 of this ordinance shall apply, as applicable.
E. Intensity, Area and Yard Requirements.
[Amended 3-9-2010 by Ord.
No. 2010-2]
Principal Building Minimum
Lot Area
2 ac.
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
Front yard
Rear yard
Accessory Building Minimum
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Buffer Minimum
Floor Area Ratio
0.25 (shared drives, see Note 5 below)
Lot coverage
Building S.F.
35,000 sf
Footnotes for § 410.B, E.:
No building shall exceed 35,000 square feet of gross floor area.
More than one principal building shall be permitted on a lot. All
buildings shall be separated by a minimum of 20 feet, provided such
separation is to be used solely for pedestrian circulation. All buildings
shall be separated by a minimum of 50 feet where any part of such
separation is to be used for parking or vehicular circulation. However,
the separation requirements should not be construed to prohibit covered
pedestrian walkways when the roof or covering of such walkway extends
between the buildings.
A building shall not be constructed closer than 100 feet from
any street right-of-way line, except that the front yard setback may
be reduced by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, as
the case may be, based on reverse frontage parking and additional
buffers to no less than 75 feet.
The principal building setback shall be 100 feet where the property
line abuts a residential district.
The minimum buffer shall be 50 feet where the property line
abuts a residential district.
In those instances where two adjacent property owners cooperate
to share a common access driveway serving both properties and in so
doing avoid and/or eliminate one or more access points onto the adjoining
street(s), then the floor area ratio may be increased to 0.275.
F. General Requirements.
1. Any principal building may contain more than one individual use,
provided that the total floor area ratio and lot coverage of the combined
uses does not exceed the maximums specified and further, that each
use occupies a minimum gross floor area of 500 square feet.
2. All buildings or uses permitted in the HM District shall be served
by public sewer and water. This requirement shall be deemed a site
plan regulation. The Planning Board may grant an exception to this
requirement pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-51.
3. All buildings on a single commercial site shall be compatibly designed,
whether constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of
time. All building walls facing any street or residential district
line shall be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes.
4. Unless otherwise specifically approved by the Board, no merchandise,
products, equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed
or stored outside, and all solid waste not stored within a building
shall be stored within an enclosed container. Permanent outside storage
areas shall be suitably fenced and/or screened.
5. Occasional outside displays of seasonal products or merchandise for
sale shall be permitted where it is impractical due to the size or
nature of the seasonal product or merchandise to store or display
said products or merchandise within the permanent enclosed building;
however, said occasional outside displays of seasonal products or
merchandise shall be conducted only by the owner or tenant of the
building and the regular employees of said business or use, and the
products or merchandise shall be reasonably related to the primary
business or use at the site.
6. All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading, access aisles,
driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably landscaped with
shrubs, ground cover, seeding or similar plantings and maintained
in good condition.
7. The minimum buffer area shall include a densely planted buffer of evergreen trees in accordance with §
506 at least six feet high at time of planting along any common property line with a residential district.
8. There shall not be more than one driveway for access and one driveway
for egress for each 200 feet of road frontage along Route 70. Alternative
access and egress shall be encouraged, provided that a driveway on
a corner lot adjoining Route 70 shall not be closer than 100 feet
from the intersection.
9. All land development within the "Highway Management" zoning districts
along the Route 70 corridor shall have direct and primary vehicular
access to Route 70, with only supplemental and secondary vehicular
access to other roads.
The preservation of rural vistas along the highway and local
roads is a primary goal of this district. The location of buildings
and parking shall be determined based upon the preservation of these
vistas as identified in the visual analysis of the site and as identified
in § 506.B.
G. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions. Where a permitted
use of land includes different specific activities with different
specific parking requirements, the total number of required parking
spaces shall be obtained by individually computing the parking requirements
for each different activity and adding the resulting numbers together.
The sharing of parking between two or more sites is encouraged, especially
in regard to complimentary uses.
1. Retail and service activities, including banks, shall provide parking
at the ratio of one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Additionally, drive-in banks shall provide room for at least eight
automobiles per drive-in window for queuing purposes.
2. Medical/dental offices shall provide parking at the ratio of one
space per 150 square feet of gross floor area.
3. General and non-medical/dental professional offices and funeral parlors
shall provide parking at the ratio of one space per 250 square feet
of gross floor area.
4. Restaurants and taverns shall provide a minimum of one space for
every three seats, but in all cases a sufficient number of spaces
to prevent any parking along public rights-of-way or private driveways,
fire lanes and aisles.
5. Garden marts shall provide parking at the ratio of six spaces per
1,000 square feet of gross floor area of buildings, plus 1/2 space
per 1,000 square feet of outside storage, sale or display area.
6. For all other uses, adequate off-street parking shall be provided
and shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Board of Zoning
Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, during site plan review.
7. See §
520 for additional standards.
I. Minimum Off-Street Loading.
1. Each principal use shall provide for off-street loading and unloading with adequate ingress and egress from streets and with adequate space for maneuvering and shall provide such area at the side or rear of the building. Each space shall be in accordance with the provisions in §
520 of this ordinance and a minimum of one space shall be provided for each building. Additional spaces may be necessary and required dependent upon the specific activity. There shall be no loading from the street.
2. There shall be at least one trash and garbage pick-up location provided
by each building which shall be separated from the parking spaces
by either a location within the building or in a pick-up location
outside the building which shall be a steel-like, totally enclosed
container located in a manner to be obscured from view from parking
areas, streets and adjacent residential uses or zoning districts by
a fence, wall, planting or combination of all three a minimum of four
feet in height. If located within the building, the doorway may serve
both the loading and trash/garbage functions and if located outside
the building, it may be located adjacent to or within the general
loading area(s), provided the container in no way interferes with
or restricts loading and unloading functions. Adequate provisions
for recycling shall be provided.
J. CCRC Developments.
1. Permitted and Accessory Uses.
In the CCRC, the following mix of principal uses shall be permitted
uses provided they meet the standards of Subsection J.2 of this section:
Independent Living Units, including:
(a) Single-family detached dwelling.
(b) Two-family semi-detached dwelling.
(d) Single-family attached dwelling.
In the CCRC, the following uses are permitted when used in conjunction
with a Permitted Use and conforming to the standards of Subsection
J.2 of this section.
Healthcare and health maintenance facilities.
Child-Care Facilities for employees and non-employees.
Entertainment, library, computer and arts and crafts facilities.
Facilities of religious activities.
Other accessory uses which primarily support the principal permitted
uses and are incidental to the principal permitted use, including
commercial activities, e.g. retail or banking services.
Community rooms integrated into a residential building or center
in a separate building for the common use of residents.
(10) Outdoor recreational facilities, including tennis
or other court sports for the common use of residents.
(11) Congregate dining facility.
(12) An on-site security and maintenance service system
may be provided for a CCRC, including an entrance gatehouse, fences,
walls and supportive service buildings.
2. Bulk and Area Regulations for the CCRC Developments.
The following shall be the standards for CCRC developments:
Minimum tract size: 20 acres.
Gross density: eight units or beds per acre.
Minimum tract width: 400 feet.
Minimum building setback from street: 100 feet.
Minimum building setback from tract boundary: 75 feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet, provided that maximum building
height may be increased to 45 feet if the maximum setbacks from all
property lines are at least 200 feet.
Parking setback: 50 feet.
Maximum lot coverage: 40%.
Perimeter screen buffers shall be installed in accordance with §
506 of the Land Development Ordinance. The minimum width of such buffers shall be 25 feet. Natural buffers shall not be disturbed.
The following requirements shall apply to single-family attached
and townhouse/condominium developments:
Townhouse/condominium and single-family attached units attached
on a single linear plane shall not exceed a length of 96 feet.
Each single-family attached unit and townhouse shall have a
private rear yard of 200 square feet minimum.
A minimum of 100 square feet of storage shall be provided for
each unit in the basement, attic or other area attached to units plus
an additional 800 cubic feet for storage. This area shall include
storage for garbage, bicycles, garden equipment, barbecue equipment
and so forth.
There shall be a minimum distance of 50 feet between buildings.
The following shall be the standards for Nursing Care Units,
Assisted Living Facilities and Apartment Buildings permitted in the
Maximum number of Assisted Living Units in one building: 120
Maximum number of beds in one Nursing Care building: 150.
Maximum number of Apartment Units in one building: 60.
Principal Building Setback:
(a) From internal driveway or street: 25 feet.
There shall be a minimum distance of 50 feet between buildings
provided that buildings shall be permitted to be attached by enclosed
walkways and such walkways shall not be deemed to violate the fifty-foot
separation requirement. Such walkways, however, shall not have rooms
or offices within the walkways.
Accessory building setback from tract perimeter: 25 feet. Accessory
buildings are not permitted in the front yard along public streets.
3. Parking Requirements.
Parking shall be designed to meet the needs of the residents,
employees and guests.
The following number of parking spaces is required for each
Independent living units: 1.5 per dwelling unit.
Assisted Living Unit: 0.5 per dwelling unit.
Nursing beds: zero per bed.
Staff positions: one per staff member on the shift with the
maximum number of employees.
Visitors: 5% of the otherwise required total.
Parking for single-family structures and two-family structures
shall be provided immediately adjacent to the dwelling.
Parking for townhouse units and for multi-family units may be
provided either immediately adjacent to the structure or in common
parking areas, or partly in each.
All common parking facilities shall be located within a reasonable
distance of, and shall afford safe access to, the dwelling units or
common facilities they are intended to serve.
For any facility which will be available to the use of the nonresident
general public, the developer shall present a use plan which describes
the programs for which the facility will be used, the times of such
use and the projected parking required for such use to the Planning
Board for approval of parking for such facility.
All parking areas shall be located or screened in such a manner to substantially reduce their visibility from the public rights-of-way and from properties adjoining the CCRC. Screening shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of §
520 of the Land Development Ordinance.
Pursuant to the requirements of §
520 of the Land Development Ordinance, no more than 15 parking spaces shall be permitted in a continuous row without being interrupted by landscaping.
Space for the storage of recreational vehicles and trailers
shall be provided either in special parking areas or in a special
facility designed for this purpose. If provided in a common parking
area, the recreational vehicle and trailer spaces shall be contiguous
to each other and separated from the remainder of the parking area.
The parking area for recreational vehicles and trailers shall be screened
from dwelling units, adjacent properties and rights-of-way.
4. Design Standards for the CCRC.
A comprehensive design plan shall be prepared for the entire
CCRC Development which creates a distinct neighborhood, featuring
a communal meeting or neighborhood focal point developed with seating
areas, landscaping, decorative pavement and lighting and structural
features such as picket fencing, masonry walls, a gazebo, etc. A minimum
of 250 square feet of developed open space shall be set aside in the
form of neighborhood greens or parks per each residential unit approved
by the CCRC.
The development plan for the site, its developed facilities
and the interior of residential units in a CCRC must be specifically
designed to meet the potential physical and social needs and visual,
auditory, ambulatory and other impairments that may affect older persons,
particularly as residents age in place.
There should be provided a safe and convenient system of walks
accessible to all occupants. Due consideration should be given in
planning walks and ramps to prevent slipping or stumbling. Handrails
and ample space for rest should be provided. All walks, paths and
risers shall be designed according to the requirements of the Americans
with Disabilities Act ("ADA").
Artificial lighting shall be provided along all walks and interior
roads and driveways in all off-street parking areas, with sufficient
illumination for the safety and convenience of older age residents,
depending on anticipated nighttime use.
A CCRC shall include open space and common recreational or community
facilities for the exclusive use of its residents.
There shall be not less than six square feet of floor space
per dwelling unit provided in community or clubhouse buildings. Such
facilities shall be designed and equipped to meet the social and recreational
needs of the anticipated residents. This may include hobby and craft
rooms, lounge areas, meeting rooms, card rooms, rooms providing support
facilities for outdoor recreation facilities or other similar facilities.
The entire residential retirement development shall be designed
and constructed to provide utility services including stormwater drainage,
electric, telephone and where desired, CATV cables, all of which shall
be installed underground.
K. Age Restricted Cluster.
1. The following standards shall apply to single-family detached dwelling
and patio homes which are the permitted uses in Age-Restricted Cluster
Detached, Single-Family
Patio Home
Minimum Lot Area
7,200 s.f.
6,000 s.f.
Minimum Lot Width
60 ft.
50 ft.
Minimum Lot Depth
120 ft.
120 ft.
Minimum Front Yard
25 ft. from garage [1]
25 ft. from garage (1)
Minimum Rear Yard
20 ft. [1]
20 ft. [1]
Minimum Side Yard
8 ft./20 ft. agg.
12 ft.
Maximum Building Height
35 ft.
35 ft.
Maximum Lot Coverage
Individual lots
Maximum Lot Cover [3]
Maximum Density [2]
5 du/ac
5 du/ac
No more than two adjacent houses may have the same front setback.
Houses shall be offset a minimum of two feet in order to be considered
as having a different setback. [1]
Front and rear yard requirements may be adjusted as directed
by the Planning Board to accommodate traditional design development
with rear alley garage access.
Net Density - Total Tract area less open space requirement.
Land equal to a minimum of 35% of the tract of land proposed
for the Cluster shall be specifically set aside for conservation,
open space, floodplain, recreation and/or other open space.
2. All sheds shall meet the setback standard for accessory structures
unless located to the rear of all walls/parts/features/decks, etc.
of the principal building, i.e., the point on the structure farthest
from the street line. If a shed is so located, it may be placed within
five feet of any property line. For a corner lot, the reduced setback
standard above will apply to both street frontages, provided however,
that sheds along common property lines shall be placed to the rear
of the front facade of the principal structure on the adjoining lot
or 50 feet from the street on which frontage is shared, whichever
is greater.
L. Assisted Living Facility.
1. A minimum lot size: three acres.
2. Minimum lot frontage on a public or private street: 200 feet.
3. The adult assisted living facility may be owned and operated by a
for-profit or a non-profit entity or organization.
4. The assisted living residence, licensed by the State of New Jersey,
shall be agerestricted as per State regulations.
5. Outdoor areas suitable for sitting and limited walking shall be provided
for the residents.
6. The maximum permitted density shall be eight units per acre. The
maximum density may increase to up to 15 units per acre with the use
of Pinelands Development Credits (PDC), with 1/4 of a PDC required
per bed.
7. Area and Bulk Requirements.
Minimum front yard setback:
County or State right-of-way: 100 feet.
Local or private right-of-way: 50 feet.
Minimum side yard setback: 50 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 50 feet.
Minimum lot width: 200 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 250 feet.
Maximum Floor Area Ratio: 0.15.
Maximum Lot Coverage: 0.40.
Maximum height limitation: 45 feet.
Minimum parking setbacks:
From any county right-of-way: 35 feet.
From any private or local right-of-way: 25 feet.
From any side property line: 25 feet.
From any rear property line: 25 feet.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1993-17; Ord.
No. 1999-25 §§ 3, 4; Ord. No. 2002-33 § 1; Ord. No. 2007-19]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and In Buildings.
1. Clubs or Lodges organized for Fraternal or social purposes, provided
that the chief activity shall not be one which is customarily carried
on as a business.
2. Convalescent facilities and medical centers.
3. General Offices and Office Buildings.
5. Medical and professional offices.
6. Child Care Centers and Early Childhood Education Centers, e.g. Nursery
or preschools.
7. Residential Flats where said dwelling unit is located on the second
floor only and only if said floor is limited to the residential use.
Such residential flat shall be no less than 750 square feet in floor
area for a one bedroom or 900 square feet for a two bedroom dwelling
8. Public Utilities as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
9. Philanthropic or Eleemosynary Uses operated by members of the owner organization solely for local charitable, educational, cultural or similar purposes, and not for rent or lease, as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40A:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
10. Quasi-Public and Recreational Buildings as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
11. Private educational service centers including dietary, personal finance,
music training, tutoring, college preparation and similar services.
12. Places of Worship as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
13. Shops and Stores for the Retail Sales in the CC District only of
antiques, books, beverages, confections, computers, drugs, dry goods,
flowers, foodstuffs, gifts, garden supplies, hardware, household articles
and appliances, jewelry, notions, periodicals, stationery, telephones
(including cellular and digital phones), tobacco, paint, wearing apparel
and other similar goods.
14. Food Service Establishments in the CC District only, including sit-down
restaurants, cocktail lounges, coffee shops and cafes, catering service,
bakery, pastry, candy, confectionery or ice cream shops, provided
that no distribution activities, other than personal grocery or pharmaceutical
delivery, shall be permitted.
15. Banks, including drive-in facilities, in the CC District only.
16. Personal Service Shops dealing directly with customers in the CC
District only, including beauty shops, barbershops, clothes cleaning
or pressing (not to include cleaning and dyeing plant), shoe repair,
dressmaking, millinery, self-service laundry and other similar uses.
17. General Services or Repair Shops for watches, clocks, jewelry, radio,
computer, telephone (including cellular and digital), television,
home appliances and other similar services and repair shops in the
CC District only.
18. Garden marts, Hardware Services, or Paint and Wall Hanging Services
in the CC District only.
19. Large Indoor and Outdoor Active Recreational Uses (such as health spas, gyms, tennis and racquetball courts and similar uses) as permitted uses in the CC District only, provided said use existed as of June 1, 1992. The requirements specified in this §
411 of this ordinance shall apply.
Indoor active recreational uses within areas of 6,000 square
feet or less, including martial arts, dance, educational play, aerobics,
exercise rooms, weight and power lifting, and sports rooms, including
indoor batting cages, pitching areas, basketball courts, wrestling
rooms and similar sports training facilities as permitted in the CC
District only. Paintball ranges are expressly prohibited. Adequate
parking shall be provided in accordance with § 411.F.
20. Fast Food Restaurants as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 in the CC District only, provided said use existed as of June 1, 1992. The requirements for "Fast Food Restaurants" in §
602 of this ordinance shall apply.
21. For Lots 33.06 and 34.01 of Tax Map Block 3201 along Tomlinson's
Mill Road in the CC District, all of the above uses shall be permitted
in accordance with the applicable requirements of this ordinance,
but such uses must utilize standard subsurface sewage disposal systems
in accordance with the intensity limitations and requirements specified
in § 521.M.2.b(4) of this ordinance, since these two lots
are located within the "Pinelands Rural Development Area" and cannot
be served by sewers.
22. Combination Office Service and/or Retail Sales in the CC District only, in compliance with §
203 "Definitions."
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Off Street Parking (see § 411.F hereinbelow and §
2. Fences and Walls (see §
3. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
4. Garages and Storage Buildings.
5. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
6. One temporary Construction Trailer not exceeding 750 square feet
in area plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. Any permitted temporary trailer
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer and sign shall be permitted for the period
of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit
and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy
or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three one-year
extensions may be granted by the Board.
C. Maximum Building Height.
1. No principal building with less than two full stories shall exceed
27 feet and 1 1/2 stories in height and shall be totally covered
by a true and complete gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof, provided,
however, that where roof mounted equipment is necessary for the operation
of the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting the appearance
of such pitched roofs may be permitted and approved by the Planning
Board during site plan review. Regardless of the style of the roof
treatment, the elevation of the building shall have a roof height
extending above the building wall equivalent to at least 1/3 of the
total height of the building, and this measurement of roof height
shall not include any eave projecting below the building wall. The
minimum pitch of all roofs shall be at least five feet vertical for
every 12 feet horizontal.
2. No principal building with two or more stories shall exceed 35 feet
and 2 1/2 stories in height and shall be totally covered by a
true and complete gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof, provided, however,
that where roof mounted equipment is necessary for the operation of
the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting the appearance of
such pitched roofs may be permitted and approved by the Planning Board
during site plan review. Regardless of the style of the roof treatment,
the elevation of the building shall have a roof height extending above
the building wall equivalent to at least 1/4 of the total height of
the building, and this measurement of roof height shall not include
any eave projecting below the building wall. The minimum pitch of
all roofs shall be at least five feet for every 12 feet horizontal.
3. The exceptions to height limits noted in §
604 of this ordinance shall apply, as applicable.
D. Intensity, Area and Yard Requirements.
RC District [1]
CC District [1]
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area
2 ac.
1 ac.
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
15' [2]
15' [2]
Front yard
65' [3]
65' [3]
Rear yard
Accessory Building Minimum
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Buffer Minimum
15' [4]
15' [4]
15' [4]
15' [4]
Floor Area Ratio
0.25 [5]
0.25 [5]
Lot coverage
60% [5]
60% [5]
Footnotes for Subsection 411.D:
No building shall exceed 20,000 square feet of gross floor area.
More than one principal building shall be permitted, provided that
the total floor area ratio and lot coverage maximums specified herein
are not exceeded. All buildings shall be separated by a minimum of
20 feet, provided such separation is to be used solely for pedestrian
circulation. All buildings shall be separated by a minimum of 50 feet
where any part of such separation is to be used for parking or vehicular
circulation. However, the separation requirements should not be construed
to prohibit covered pedestrian walkways when the roof or covering
of such walkway extends between the buildings.
Where said property line abuts a residential district, the side
yard shall be not less than 40 feet.
Where no parking is provided in the front yard area, the front
yard setback from a street line may be reduced to 1.75 feet for every
foot of building height, provided that a minimum front yard setback
of 40 feet is provided.
Where said property line abuts a residential district a thirty-foot
buffer shall be required.
In those instances where two adjacent property owners cooperate
to share a common access driveway serving both properties and thereby
eliminate an existing driveway access or do not propose a new access
point to the roadway, then floor area ratio may be increased to 0.275
and the maximum lot coverage may be increased to 65% for both properties.
Further, the maximum lot coverage may be increased an additional 3%
and the maximum floor area ratio also may be increased an additional
0.025 for amenity areas, plazas, and similar design features.
E. General Requirements.
1. Any principal building may contain more than one use, provided that
the total floor area ratio and lot coverage of the combined uses does
not exceed the maximums specified and further, that each use occupies
a minimum gross floor area of 500 square feet.
2. Any proposed development shall be constructed in accordance with
an overall integrated plan.
3. All buildings on a single commercial site shall be compatibly designed,
whether constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of
time. All building walls facing any street or residential district
line shall be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes. All buildings
shall have a gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof (or other dual pitched,
single ridge roof), and no flat or lean-to roof shall be permitted;
provided, however, that where roof mounted equipment is necessary
for the operation of the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting
the appearance of such dual-pitched roofs may be permitted and approved
by the Board during site plan review.
4. Unless otherwise specifically approved by the Board, no merchandise,
products, equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed
or stored outside, and all solid waste not stored within a building
shall be stored within an enclosed container.
Uses which require the permanent outside display of merchandise for sale and/or storage, including garden centers, new automobile dealerships, boat sales, home improvement centers, lumberyards, fence sales, swimming pool sales, greenhouse dealers, and similar uses, must have a permanent sales or operations building and a site plan approval pursuant to §
802 of this ordinance defining and designating the area within which the permanent outside sales and/or storage are permitted. Permanent outside storage areas shall be suitably fenced and/or screened.
5. Occasional outside displays of seasonal products or merchandise for
sale shall be permitted where it is impractical due to the size or
nature of the seasonal product or merchandise to store or display
said products or merchandise within the permanent enclosed building;
however, said occasional outside displays of seasonal products or
merchandise shall be conducted only by the owner or tenant of the
building and the regular employees of said business or use, and the
products or merchandise shall be reasonably related to the primary
business or use at the site.
6. All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading, access aisles,
driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably landscaped with
shrubs, ground cover, seeding or similar plantings and maintained
in good condition.
7. The minimum buffer area shall include a densely planted buffer of evergreen trees in accordance with §
506 at least six feet high at time of planting along any common property line with a residential district.
8. On all commercial lots, access, ingress and egress shall be onto
a nonresidential, arterial or collector street.
F. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions. Where a permitted
use of land includes different specific activities with different
specific parking requirements, the total number of required parking
spaces shall be obtained by individually computing the parking requirements
for each different activity and adding the resulting numbers together.
1. Retail and service activities, including banks, shall provide parking
at the ratio of one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Additionally, drive-in banks shall provide room for at least eight
automobiles per drive-in window for queuing purposes.
2. Medical/dental offices shall provide parking at the ratio of one
space per 150 square feet of gross floor area.
3. General and non-medical/dental professional offices and funeral parlors
shall provide parking at the ratio of one space per 250 square feet
of gross floor area.
4. Restaurants and taverns shall provide a minimum of one space for
every three seats, but in all cases a sufficient number of spaces
to prevent any parking along public rights-of-way or private driveways,
fire lanes and aisles.
5. Residential flats shall provide 1.5 spaces for each dwelling unit.
6. Garden marts shall provide parking at the ratio of six spaces per
1,000 square feet of gross floor area of buildings, plus 1/2 space
per 1,000 square feet of outside storage, sale or display area.
7. For all other uses, adequate off-street parking shall be provided
and shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Board or Zoning
Board of Adjustment, as the case may be, during site plan review.
8. See §
520 for additional standards.
H. Minimum Off-Street Loading.
1. Each principal use shall provide for off-street loading and unloading with adequate ingress and egress from streets and with adequate space for maneuvering and shall provide such area at the side or rear of the building. Each space shall be in accordance with the provisions in §
520 of this ordinance and a minimum of one space shall be provided for each building. Additional spaces may be necessary and required dependent upon the specific activity. There shall be no loading from the street.
2. There shall be at least one trash and garbage pick-up location provided
by each building which shall be separated from the parking spaces
by either a location within the building or in a pick-up location
outside the building which shall be a steel-like, totally enclosed
container located in a manner to be obscured from view from parking
areas, streets and adjacent residential uses or zoning districts by
a fence, wall, planting or combination of all three a minimum of four
feet in height. If located within the building, the doorway may serve
both the loading and trash/garbage functions and if located outside
the building, it may be located adjacent to or within the general
loading area(s), providing the container in no way interferes with
or restricts loading and unloading functions. Adequate provisions
for recycling shall be provided.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1999-25 §§ 5-7; Ord. No. 2007-19; Ord.
No. 2007-25 §§ 3, 5]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Limited Manufacturing, including the processing, storage and servicing
of objects, materials and goods, except as prohibited.
2. Wholesaling and Distributing Activities.
3. Job Printing and Newspaper or Book Publishers.
4. Offices for administrative, executive, professional sales or similar
uses incidental to the main industrial use.
6. "Industrial Park Complexes" on tracts of land at least 20 acres in
area comprised of the preceding uses.
7. Building Materials Storage Yards and Lumberyards.
8. Public Utilities as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
10. Resource Extraction as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
11. Service Stations and Repair Garages in accordance with the standards of §
12. Public Utilities as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
13. Hospitals, Philanthropic Or Eleemosynary Uses as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
14. Quasi-Public And Recreational Buildings as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
15. Parochial, Private Or Public Schools as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
16. Places Of Worship as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
17. Child Care Centers as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
18. Cemeteries as a Conditional Use under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Accommodations for owners, caretakers or watchmen and their families,
when authorized by the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment,
as the case may be, as part of site plan approval.
2. Off-Street Parking (see § 412.F hereinbelow and §
3. Fences and Walls (see §
4. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
5. Garages and Storage Buildings.
6. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
7. One temporary Construction Trailer not exceeding 750 square feet
in area plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. Any permitted temporary trailer
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer and sign shall be permitted for the period
of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit
and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy
or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three one-year
extensions may be granted by the Board.
8. Employee Cafeterias as part of a principal building or as the entire
use of an accessory building, provided the cafeteria is limited in
service to the employees of the principal use designated on the site
plan as approved by the Board.
C. Maximum Building Height.
1. No principal building with less than two full stories shall exceed
27 feet and 1 1/2 stories in height and shall be totally covered
by a true and complete gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof, provided,
however, that where roof mounted equipment is necessary for operation
of the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting the appearance
of such pitched roofs may be permitted and approved by the Planning
Board during site plan review. Regardless of the style of the roof
treatment, the elevation of the building shall have a roof height
extending above the building wall equivalent to at least 1/3 of the
total height of the building, and this measurement of roof height
shall not include any eave projecting below the building wall. The
minimum pitch of all roofs shall be at least five feet vertical for
every 12 feet horizontal.
2. No principal building with two or more stories shall exceed 40 feet
and three stories in height.
3. The exceptions to height limits noted in §
604 of this ordinance shall apply, as applicable.
D. Intensity, Area and Yard Requirements.
Individual Uses
Lots Within "Industrial Park Complexes"
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area
2.5 ac.
1 ac.
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
Front yard
40' [3]
Rear yard
Accessory Building Minimum
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Buffer Minimum
Floor Area Ratio
0.30 [2]
Lot coverage
65% [2]
Footnotes for Subsection 412.D:
On lots adjoining a residential district or an existing residential
use, no building shall be closer than 150 feet to such a property
line, and no parking shall be closer than 75 feet of such a property
In those circumstances where two adjacent property owners cooperate
to share a common access driveway serving both properties and thereby
eliminate an existing driveway access or do not propose a new access
point to the roadway, then floor area ratio may be increased to 0.325
and the maximum lot coverage may be increased to 70% for both properties.
The front yard setback for an "Individual Use" from a street
line and the front yard setback for "Lots Within "Industrial Park
Complexes" from an existing street line shall be 1.75 feet for every
foot of building height, provided that a minimum front yard setback
of 50 feet is provided.
E. General Requirements.
1. Any principal building may contain more than one use and/or organization
provided that the total floor area ratio of the combined activities
does not exceed the maximum floor area ratio specified for the district.
Any lot may contain more than one principal building provided that
the minimum lot size is at least 20 acres and that all coverage requirements
are met.
2. All buildings shall be compatibly designed, whether constructed all
at one time or in stages over a period of time. All building walls
facing any street or residential district line shall be suitably finished
for aesthetic purposes.
3. Unless otherwise specifically approved by the Board, no merchandise,
products, equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed
or stored outside, and all solid waste not stored within a building
shall be stored within an enclosed container.
Uses which require the permanent outside display of merchandise for sale and/or storage, including garden centers, new automobile dealerships, boat sales, home improvement centers, lumberyards, fence sales, swimming pool sales, greenhouse dealers, and similar uses, must have a permanent sales or operations building and a site plan approval pursuant to §
802 of this ordinance defining and designating the area within which the permanent outside sales and/or storage are permitted. Permanent storage areas shall be suitably fenced and/or screened.
4. Occasional outside displays of seasonal products or merchandise for
sale shall be permitted where it is impractical due to the size or
nature of the seasonal product or merchandise to store or display
said products or merchandise within the permanent enclosed building;
however, said occasional outside displays of seasonal products or
merchandise shall be conducted only by the owner or tenant of the
building and the regular employees of said business or use, and the
products or merchandise shall be reasonably related to the primary
business or use at the site.
5. All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading, access aisles,
driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably landscaped with
shrubs, ground cover, seeding or similar plantings and maintained
in good condition.
6. The minimum buffer area shall include a densely planted buffer of evergreen trees in accordance with §
506 at least six feet in height at time of planting along any common property line with a residential district.
F. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. One space for every 5,000 square feet or fraction thereof gross floor
area used for storage yards, lumberyards, receiving and shipping activity,
warehousing or wholesale distribution activity, plus one space for
every 800 square feet or fraction thereof of gross floor area used
for industrial uses, limited manufacturing or laboratories, plus one
space for every 250 square feet or fraction thereof of gross floor
area used for offices; provided that the number of parking spaces
resulting from the application of these provisions to the subject
building shall not be increased by more than 10%.
2. Accessory dwelling units shall provide two spaces per unit.
3. See §
520 for additional standards.
H. Minimum Off-Street Loading.
1. Each principal use shall provide for off-street loading and unloading with adequate ingress and egress from streets and with adequate space for maneuvering and shall provide such area at the side or rear of the building. Each space shall be in accordance with the provisions in §
520 of this ordinance and a minimum of one space shall be provided for each building. Additional spaces may be necessary and required dependent upon the specific activity. There shall be no loading or unloading from the street.
2. There shall be at least one trash and garbage pick-up location provided
by each building which shall be separated from the parking spaces
by either a location within the building or in a pick-up location
outside the building which shall be a steel-like, totally enclosed
container located in a manner to be obscured from view from parking
areas, streets and adjacent residential uses or zoning districts by
a fence, wall, planting or combination of all three a minimum of four
feet in height. If located within the building, the doorway may serve
both the loading and trash/garbage functions and if located outside
the building, it may be located adjacent to or within the general
loading area(s), provided the container in no way interferes with
or restricts loading and unloading functions. Adequate provisions
for recycling shall be provided.
I. Bulk Standards for Cemetery Uses. Cemeteries shall satisfy the following
requirements in addition to the requirements otherwise applicable
in the zoning district.
1. Yard/Setback Requirements.
a. The front yard setback shall be 75 feet. The side and rear yard setbacks
shall be 25 feet.
b. No building or structure shall be permitted within the required yard
setbacks except for access drives, signage, fences, walls, columbaria
walls and crypts. Columbaria, columbarium walls and crypts shall be
no higher than 10 feet and shall be located no closer than 15 feet
to any property line. Columbaria structures, with niches only accessible
from the inside of the all, i.e., access from the face of the wall
not fronting on a front property line, shall be permitted.
2. Height.
a. The maximum height for all structures shall be 40 feet.
[Amended 2-24-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
b. Buildings shall be set back not less than 75 feet from the street
line and 25 feet from all other property lines. These standards shall
not apply to fences, walls, crypts, memorials, monuments, and columbaria.
[Amended 2-24-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-3]
c. Fencing is permitted at a height of at least six feet but no higher
than nine feet and shall be of appropriate design for a cemetery screening.
Features added intermittently to the top of walls or fences, e.g.
figurines, symbols, etc., may be as high as 12 feet if the Planning
Board finds that the features enhance the overall design of the site.
Any fence shall be set back a minimum of one foot from all property
lines, but no less than 15 feet from the edge of pavement/curb line
of the public cartway, following the construction of all proposed
improvements. A solid wall of an appropriate design and at a height
satisfactory to the Reviewing Board may be used in place of the fence.
d. The term height when applied to cemeteries is defined as the vertical
distance of a building or structure measured from the average elevation
of the finished grade surrounding the building or structure to the
highest point of the building or structure.
3. Internal Roads and Off Street Parking.
a. On-site roads available to the public shall be a minimum cartway
of 20 feet or 12 feet if a one-way traffic pattern is proposed.
b. An applicant for a cemetery use shall provide adequate on-site parking
to meet the expected peak needs of the use as determined by the Reviewing
Agency in its review of the proposal.
c. At a minimum the use shall provide one space for every 20,000 square
feet or fraction thereof of gross land area devoted to the proposed
d. Office or residential uses developed in connection with the development
of a cemetery use shall meet the minimum space requirements of one
space per 250 square feet for office use and two parking spaces per
dwelling unit.
e. In considering the adequacy of parking, the Review Board shall consider
the stacking potential provided by the internal roadways for interments
and like activities.
4. Landscaping.
a. Landscaping shall be provided within the front, side and rear yard
areas to adequately screen the proposed on-site uses from adjacent
residential uses. At least 25% of the yard are shall be appropriately
landscaped. Such landscaping shall be reasonably distributed throughout
the entire yard area. Additional landscape buffering shall be provided
adjacent to a residential use or zone to the satisfaction of the Reviewing
b. Street trees in accordance with Township standards shall be provided
along the site frontage with roadways.
5. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:
[Added 2-24-2009 by Ord.
No. 2009-3]
Any structure or object, regardless of material, erected
within a cemetery to serve as a permanent testament to the memory
of a deceased human being.
Any structure or object, regardless of material, erected
within a cemetery to serve as a permanent testament to the memory
of a deceased human being.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1993-17; Ord.
No. 1999-25 § 8; Ord.
No. 2001-29 § 2; Ord.
No. 2007-19]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
[Amended 12-18-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-14; 7-7-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-9]
1. Telephone central offices.
2. Clubs or lodges organized for fraternal or social purposes, provided
that the chief activity shall not be one which is customarily carried
on as a business.
3. General offices and office buildings.
5. Offices of doctors, dentists and veterinarians.
6. Child-care centers as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
7. Residential flats in connection with a business where said dwelling
unit is located on the second floor only and only if said floor is
limited to the residential use. Such residential flats shall be no
less than 750 square feet in floor area for a one-bedroom or 900 square
feet for a two- or more bedroom dwelling unit.
8. Quasi-public and recreational buildings as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
9. Parochial, private or public schools as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
10. Places of worship as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
11. Shops and stores for retail sales, including, but not limited to,
antiques, books, beverages, confections, drugs, dry goods, flowers,
foodstuffs, gifts, garden supplies, hardware, household appliances,
jewelry, notions, pets, tools, sporting goods, periodicals, stationery,
tobacco, paint, wearing apparel and other similar goods.
12. Food service establishments, including sit-down restaurants, cocktail
lounges, coffee shops, catering service, bakery, pastry, candy, confectionery
or ice cream shops. Take-out and delivery shall be permitted.
13. Banks, including drive-in facilities.
14. Personal service shops dealing directly with customers, including,
but not limited to, beauty shops, barbershops, tattoo salon, health
spa, wellness center, clothes cleaning or pressing (not to include
cleaning and dyeing plant), shoe repair, dressmaking, millinery, self-service
laundry and other similar uses.
15. General services or repair shops for watches, clocks, jewelry, radios,
televisions, home appliances and other similar services.
16. Taxi or bus stations (excluding terminal).
17. Training facilities, including, but not limited to, cooking classes,
instructional wine making, instructional beer making, photography,
arts, crafts, sewing, how-to classes, professional certification classes,
safety classes, and other similar training activities.
18. The permitted uses in § 413.A.11, A.14, A.15 and A.17 shall
be interpreted under the principle of "ejusdem generis" (of the same
kind or class).
19. Limited breweries, restricted breweries (brewpubs), nano- and micro-distilleries
in accordance with the applicable ABC laws regarding same.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
[Amended 7-7-2015 by Ord.
No. 2015-9]
1. Off-street parking (see § 413.F hereinbelow and §
2. Fences and walls (see §
3. Signs (see § 413.G hereinbelow and §
4. Garages and Storage Buildings. In addition, in the case of preexisting
nonconforming residential uses, any legally preexisting garages and
storage buildings or residential accessory buildings, including sheds,
may be maintained or replaced with a structure having the same or
smaller length, width and height dimensions, and which maintains the
existing, or greater, setbacks from all property lines.
5. Satellite dish antennas (see §
501 for standards).
6. One temporary construction trailer not exceeding 750 square feet
in area plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution or similar information. Any permitted temporary trailer
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer and sign shall be permitted for the period
of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit
and concluding with the issuance of the last certificate of occupancy
or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three one-year
extensions may be granted by the Board.
7. Wholesale distribution and tastings by limited breweries, restricted
breweries (brewpubs), nano- and micro-distilleries in accordance with
the applicable ABC laws regarding same.
C. Maximum Building Height.
1. No principal building with less than two full stories shall exceed
27 feet and 1 1/2 stories in height and shall be totally covered
by a true and complete gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof, provided,
however, that where roof mounted equipment is necessary for the operation
of the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting the appearance
of such pitched roofs may be permitted and approved by the Planning
Board during site plan review. Regardless of the style of the roof
treatment, the elevation of the building shall have a roof height
extending above the building wall equivalent to at least 1/3 of the
total height of the building, and this measurement of roof height
shall not include any eave projecting below the building wall. The
minimum pitch of all roofs shall be at least five feet vertical for
every 12 feet horizontal.
2. No principal building with two or more stories shall exceed 35 feet
and 2 1/2 stories in height and shall be totally covered by a
true and complete gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof, provided, however,
that where roof mounted equipment is necessary for the operation of
the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting the appearance of
such pitched roofs may be permitted and approved by the Planning Board
during site plan review. Regardless of the style of the roof treatment,
the elevation of the building shall have a roof height extending above
the building wall equivalent to at least one-quarter of the total
height of the building, and this measurement of roof height shall
not include any eave projecting below the building wall. The minimum
pitch of all roofs shall be at least five feet for every 12 feet horizontal.
3. The exceptions to height limits noted in §
604 of this ordinance shall apply, as applicable.
D. Intensity, Area and Yard Requirements.
Individual Uses
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area [3]
10,000 s.f.
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
10' [1]
Front yard
— [1]
Rear yard
40' [1]
Accessory Building Minimum
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Floor Area Ratio
0.60 [2]
Lot coverage
65% [2]
Footnotes for Subsection 413.D:
No new construction or use of a vacant lot, including specifically
any demolished building, shall have a front yard setback less than
the average of existing buildings in the surrounding area, to be determined
by the Board when considering the application. At the same time, the
side and rear yards will be consistent with the surrounding area,
but in no event less than six feet, and further, no side or rear yard
will be less than 10 feet where the property line abuts a residential
In those instances where two adjacent property owners cooperate
to share a common access driveway serving both properties and thereby
eliminate an existing driveway access or do not propose a new access
point to the roadway, then floor area ratio may be increased to 0.65
and the maximum lot coverage may be increased to 70% for both properties.
No nonresidential use in the HVC District shall be located on
a parcel of less than one acre unless served by a centralized wastewater
treatment plant.
E. General Requirements.
1. Any principal building may contain more than one individual use,
provided that the total floor area ratio and lot coverage of the combined
uses does not exceed the maximums specified.
2. All buildings or uses of land in the HVC District shall be served
by public water and sewer. Renovations or conversions which result
in additional units and do not constitute a sewer extension under
applicable Department of Environmental Protection regulations may
use any original sewer connection upon payment of such additional
connection fees as are necessary to equal the number of additional
3. All buildings on a single commercial site shall be compatibly designed,
whether constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of
time. All building walls facing any street or residential district
line shall be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes.
4. Unless otherwise specifically approved by the Board, no merchandise,
products, equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed
or stored outside, and all solid waste not stored within a building
shall be stored within an enclosed container.
5. All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading, access aisles,
driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably landscaped with
shrubs, ground cover, seeding or similar plantings and maintained
in good condition.
6. No building or structure shall be erected, reconstructed, demolished, altered or restored, and no use shall be made of any land in the HVC District until approval has been granted in accordance with the provisions of §
806 of this ordinance.
7. Although no specific buffer areas are required, where a property
line is common with a residential district or use, design elements
such as privacy hedges, fences, low profile walls, trellises and other
similar features should be considered and included in development
F. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking spaces according to the following minimum provisions. Where a permitted use of land includes different specific activities with different specific parking requirements, the total number of required parking spaces shall be obtained by individually computing the parking requirements for each different activity and adding the resulting numbers together. In the event that insufficient land area exists on-site for 100% of the required off-street parking spaces a contribution to the Village Parking Trust Account may be acceptable pursuant to §
1. Retail and service activities, including banks, shall provide parking
at the ratio of one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Additionally, drive-in banks shall provide room for at least eight
automobiles per drive-in window for queuing purposes.
2. Medical/dental offices shall provide parking at the ratio of one
space per 150 square feet of gross floor area.
3. General and non-medical/dental professional offices and funeral parlors
shall provide parking at the ratio of one space per 250 square feet
of gross floor area.
4. Restaurants and taverns shall provide a minimum of one space for
every three seats, but in all cases a sufficient number of spaces
to prevent any parking along public rights-of-way or private driveways,
fire lanes and aisles.
5. See §
520 for additional standards.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1993-17; Ord.
No. 2007-19]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings. All Uses permitted in the GMS Growth Management South District specified in § 403.A of this ordinance. However, no building or structure shall be erected, reconstructed, demolished, altered or restored and no use shall be made of any land in the HVR District until approval has been granted in accordance with the provisions of §
806 of this ordinance.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted. All Uses permitted in the GMS Growth Management
South District specified in § 403.B of this ordinance.
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area and Yard Requirements.
1. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units. [1]
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area [1]
7,000 sf.
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
15' [2]
Front yard
15' [2]
Rear yard
40' [2]
Accessory Building Minimum (except sheds, see [4] below)
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Building coverage of principal building
Lot coverage
1.25 du/1 ac. up to 2.25 du/1 ac. with Pinelands Development
2. Patio Homes, Two-Family and Townhouse Dwelling Units [1]:
a. The maximum number of dwelling units shall be computed on the basis
of 1.25 dwelling units per gross acre up to 2.25 dwelling units per
gross acre with Pinelands Development Credits, provided that the total
number of units shall not exceed the equivalent of five dwelling units
per acre of non-wetlands, non-wetland buffers and non-one-hundred-year
floodplain acreage within the tract.
b. The minimum tract size shall be 10 acres.
c. See § 415.D for area and yard requirements.
Footnotes for Subsections 414.D.1 and 414.D.2:
All buildings or uses of land in the HVR District shall be served
by public sewer and water. Renovations or conversions which result
in additional units and do not constitute a sewer extension under
applicable Department of Environmental Protection regulations may
use any original sewer connection upon payment of such additional
connection fees as are necessary to equal the number of additional
units. No residential use shall be located on a parcel of less than
one-acre unless served by a centralized wastewater treatment plant.
No new construction or use of a vacant lot, including specifically
any demolished building, shall have a front yard setback less than
the average of existing buildings in the surrounding area, to be determined
by the Board when considering the application. At the same time, the
side and rear yards will be consistent with the surrounding area,
but in no event less than six feet.
The maximum lot coverage shall be consistent with the existing
coverage of residential lots in the surrounding area but shall be
no more than 80%.
All sheds shall meet the setback standard for accessory structures
unless located to the rear of all walls/parts/features/decks, etc.
of the principal building, i.e., the point on the structure farthest
from the street line. If a shed is so located, it may be placed within
five feet of any property line. For a corner lot, the reduced setback
standard above will apply to both street frontages, provided however,
that sheds along common property lines shall be placed to the rear
of the front facade of the principal structure on the adjoining lot
or 50 feet from the street on which frontage is shared, whichever
is greater.
3. Nonresidential Uses: No nonresidential use shall be located on a
parcel of less than one acre unless served by a centralized wastewater
treatment plant.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions. In the event
that insufficient land area exists on-site for 100% of the required
off-street parking spaces, a contribution to the Village Parking Trust
Account may be acceptable pursuant to § 500.
1. Single-family detached dwelling units: two spaces per unit.
2. Patio homes, two-family and townhouse dwelling units: see § 415.E.
3. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space and Recreation. Open space for each permitted use shall
be provided in accordance with the following minimum provisions:
1. Single-family detached dwelling units with on-site septic: 10% of
the total tract, of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation
use and must not be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year
floodplains or detention basin areas.
2. Single-family detached dwelling units with public sewer: 15% of the
total tract, of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation use
and must not be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year
floodplains or detention basin areas.
3. Patio homes, two-family and townhouse dwelling units: see § 415.G.
4. See §§
605 and
609 for additional standards.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1994-36 § 6; Ord. No. 1993-17; Ord.
No. 2001-26 § 8; Ord.
No. 2001-29 § 1; Ord.
No. 2007-19; Ord. No. 2007-33 §§ 3, 4]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units.
2. Patio Homes and Two-Family Dwelling Units with public sewer and water.
3. Townhouses with public sewer and water (see §
504 for general design standards).
4. Public Purpose Uses as defined in §
203 of this ordinance.
5. Quasi-Public And Recreational Buildings as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (See §
602 for standards).
6. Places of Worship as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
7. Public Utilities as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
8. Community Residences for the Developmentally Disabled, Community
Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence, Community Residences for
Persons with Head Injuries and Community Residences for the Terminally
III for up to 15 persons, subject to standards and requirements for
single-family dwelling units located within this district.
9. Easttown Planned Developments, in accordance with the provisions
specified in Subsection 608.C of this ordinance, on tracts of land
at least 130 acres in area served by public water and sewage treatment
facilities and only on that portion of the VRD District specifically
indicated on the Zoning Map.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Private Residential Swimming Pools (see §
529 for standards) and other usual recreational facilities customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
2. Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than for vehicles) and
other customary residential accessory structures, e.g., gazebos, cabanas,
etc., owned by the residents of the property and each not exceeding
15 feet in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor
area. One such structure is permitted on lots less than one acre.
Two accessory structures (each not exceeding 168 square feet) are
permitted on lots between one and two acres. Lots two acres or greater
in size are permitted to have up to three such structures.
3. Off-Street Parking, Private Residential Garages and Carports (see § 415.E hereinbelow and §
4. Fences and Walls (see §
5. Home Occupations as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §§
203 and
602 for definition and requirements).
6. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
7. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
8. For major subdivisions only, one temporary Construction Trailer and
one temporary Sales Trailer, each not exceeding 750 square feet in
area, plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. For major site plans, only the
aforesaid one temporary Construction Trailer plus the aforesaid one
temporary sign shall be permitted. Any permitted temporary trailer(s)
and sign shall be located on the site where construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer(s) and sign shall be permitted for the
period of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction
permit and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of
Occupancy or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three
one-year extensions may be granted by the Board.
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2.5 stories except that townhouses can be a maximum of three stories and 35 feet in height and except as further allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area, Yard and Pinelands Development Credit Requirements.
1. Single-Family Detached, Patio Homes and Two-Family Dwelling Units:
Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units, on Public Sewer
and Water
Patio Homes and Two-Family Dwelling Units [1] on Public
Sewer and Water
Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units, on Septic Systems
Principal Building Minimum
Lot area
15,000 s.f. [2]
4,500 s.f. [2]
2.0 ac
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
15' ea.[3]
10' one; 0' other [3]
Front yard
Rear yard
30' [3]
15' [3]
Accessory Building Minimum (except sheds, see [5] below)
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Building Coverage of Principal Building
Lot coverage
2.25 unit/1 acre
2.25 unit/1 acre
.5 unit/acre
Footnotes for Subsection 415.D.1:
The minimum tract size shall be 10 acres. No residential use
shall be located on a parcel of less than one acre unless served by
a centralized wastewater treatment plant.
The specific minimum "lot area" shall be contiguous non-wetland,
non-wetland buffer and non-one-hundred-year floodplain acreage, and
such area must be appropriately situated for the location and construction
of the dwelling unit and its appurtenances and customary accessory
uses; otherwise the minimum required lot area shall be 30,000 square
feet for Single-Family Detached Dwellings and 9,000 square feet for
Patio Homes and Two-Family Dwelling Units.
Design Elements and Decks as described below may extend into
the minimum required yard area, provided that in all cases the first
floor and second floor design elements may intrude not more than three
feet into the minimum required yard area (decks may extend further),
and provided further that, for semidetached and two-family dwelling
units, the extensions will only be allowed when privacy walls, screening
or fencing are incorporated as part of the overall design of the attached
dwelling unit or where the subject yard area abuts major open space
areas at least 100 feet in width along the entire length of the subject
lot line.
First Floor Design Elements: Chimneys, window elements, eaves,
entranceway elements, and similar architectural and foundation projections
as approved by the Planning Board, provided that the total length
of such extensions is limited to 45% of the linear distance of the
foundation wall.
Decks: Decks may be located in side and/or rear yard areas only,
shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from all property lines, and
shall occupy not more than 25% of any particular side or rear yard
area within which the deck is located.
The maximum number of dwelling units shall be computed on the
basis of 2.25 dwelling units per gross acre, provided that the total
number of units shall not exceed the equivalent of five dwelling units
per acre of non-wetlands, non-wetland buffers, and non-one-hundred-year
floodplain acreage within the tract.
All sheds shall meet the setback standard for accessory structures
unless located to the rear of all walls/parts/features/decks, etc.
of the principal building, i.e., the point on the structure farthest
from the street line. If a shed is so located, it may be placed within
five feet of any property line for a corner lot, the reduced setback
standard above will apply to both street frontages, provided however,
that sheds along common property lines shall be placed to the rear
of the front facade of the principal structure on the adjoining lot
or 50 feet from the street on which frontage is shared, whichever
is greater.
2. Townhouse Dwelling Units:
a. The minimum tract size shall be 10 acres.
b. Minimum distance between townhouse buildings shall be measured horizontally
in feet and shall be measured away from the front, side and rear of
each building. The total minimum separation between the buildings
shall be the sum of the two abutting distances. The minimum distances
shall be 15 feet for the side of a building and 25 feet for the rear
of a building. No portion of any building shall be closer to any portion
of any other building than the combined distances of the abutting
requirements for each building, providing that the corner of a building
off-set more than a 20° angle from a line drawn parallel to another
building shall be considered a side of the building. In addition,
no building shall be located closer than 50 feet from the right-of-way
line of any arterial street, 40 feet from the right-of-way line of
any collector street, 30 feet from the right-of-way line of any local
street or 20 feet from any parking area.
c. For fee simple townhouse lots, the boundaries of any lot shall not
infringe upon any common open space land areas, wetlands, wetlands
buffers or one-hundred-year floodplain, nor shall the boundaries of
any lot be closer than five feet from any driveway or parking lot
area, nor closer than 25 feet from any tract property line or collector
street, nor closer than 10 feet from any local street.
d. The maximum number of dwelling units shall be computed on the basis
of 2.25 dwelling units per gross acre, provided that the total number
of units shall not exceed the equivalent of five dwelling units per
acre of non-wetlands, non-wetland buffers, and non-one-hundred-year
floodplain acreage within the tract.
e. Each townhouse building shall have a gable, hip, gambrel, and/or
mansard roof; no flat or shed (lean-to) roofs within the public view
shall be permitted.
3. Nonresidential Uses: No nonresidential use shall be located on a
parcel of less than one acre unless served by a centralized wastewater
treatment plant.
4. For all developments of five dwelling units or more, Pinelands Development
Credits shall be acquired and redeemed at a rate of one right (0.25
Credits) for every four non-income restricted housing units (i.e.
25% of all market-rates units) in the VRD zone.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. Single-family detached, patio homes and two-family dwelling units
shall provide four off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit, except
that if on-street parking is available, only two off-street parking
spaces are required for dwelling units consisting of less than five
bedrooms and 2.5 spaces for dwelling units of five or more bedrooms.
2. Townhouses shall provide 1.5 spaces for each dwelling unit consisting of one bedroom or less, two spaces for each dwelling unit consisting of two or three bedrooms and 2.5 spaces for each dwelling unit consisting of more than three bedrooms. Each one car garage space and the driveway leading to the garage space shall, together, be considered 1.5 parking spaces, provided that the driveway is dimensioned to park a car off-street in accordance with the definition of "Parking Space" in §
203 of this ordinance and provided further that no portion of such parking space shall interfere with or extend into sidewalks or other common elements outside the street right-of-way line.
3. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space and Recreation. Open space for each permitted use shall
be provided in accordance with the following minimum provisions:
1. Single-family detached dwelling units with on-site septic: 10% of
the total tract, of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation
use and must not be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year
floodplains, or detention basin areas.
2. Single-family detached dwelling units with public sewer: 15% of the
total tract, of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation use
and must not be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year
floodplains, or detention basin areas.
3. Patio homes, two-family and townhouse dwelling units: 20% of the
total tract, of which 1/2 must be suitable for active recreation use
and must not be either wetlands, wetland buffers, one-hundred-year
floodplains, or detention basin areas.
4. Within the non-wetlands, non-wetlands buffer and non-one-hundred-year
floodplain open space, at least one contiguous area shall be large
enough to have inscribed within it a circle with a diameter of 250
feet, which diameter shall not pass over any detention or retention
basin or street right-of-way.
5. See §§
605 and
609 for additional standards.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings. Uses, including conversions, permitted in the HVC Historic Village Commercial District specified in § 413.A of this ordinance with site plan approval, but only where at least 50% of a building or site is used as a residence for the owner or lessee of the commercial business or use operated on the site. If no commercial use is proposed, the provisions and requirements of the HVR Historic Village Residential District shall apply as specified in §
414 of this ordinance in its entirety.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted. Uses permitted in the HVC Historic Village
Commercial District specified in § 413.B., or the HVR Historic
Village Residential District specified in § 403.B of this
ordinance if no commercial use is proposed.
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
D. Density, Area and Yard Requirements. The provisions of § 413.D
shall apply if a commercial use is proposed; otherwise, the provisions
of § 414.D shall apply. In addition, the following provisions
shall be met:
1. The site plan submitted shall include an interior layout designation
of the rooms and interior floor space, establishing to the satisfaction
of the Board that at least 50% of the building will be used for a
residence of the owner or lessee of the commercial or restricted commercial
business or use operated on the site.
2. Any approval granted for the use herein shall contain conditions
that, in the event that the residential use ceases, the business or
use operated in conjunction with the residential use shall also cease,
and the use of the premises shall be limited thereafter to residential
use unless a subsequent approval is obtained; and that the owner shall
consent to periodic inspection by the enforcing official of the Township
to verify the continued compliance with the provisions of this ordinance.
E. General Requirements. See § 413.E for provisions if a commercial
use is proposed.
F. Minimum Off-Street Parking. See § 413.F and § 414.E
for provisions.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1993-17; Ord.
No. 1997-16 §§ 18 — 24; Ord. No. 2001-29 § 1; Ord. No. 2007-19]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units on lots of 3.2 acres, provided
a. The dwelling unit will be the principal residence of the property
owner or a member of the immediate family of the property owner;
b. The individual whose principal residence the dwelling unit will be
has not developed a dwelling unit under this section within the previous
five years.
c. The parcel of land on which the dwelling is to be located has been
in the continuous ownership since February 7, 1979 of the person whose
principal residence the dwelling unit will be, a member of that person's
immediate family, or a partnership or corporation in which members
of that person's immediate family collectively own more than a majority
interest in such partnership or corporation;
d. The person whose principal residence the dwelling unit will be has
resided in the Pinelands for at least five years and that person or
one or more members of that person's immediate family has resided
in the Pinelands for a total of at least 20 different years; and
e. The area and yard requirements for single-family detached dwellings
with septic in the GD District are met (see § 403.D).
2. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units at a density of one unit per
10 acres, provided that:
a. The dwelling unit is accessory to an active agricultural operation;
b. The dwelling unit is for the operator or employee of the farm who
is actively engaged in and essential to the agricultural operation;
c. The dwelling unit is to be located on a lot which is under or qualified
for agricultural assessment;
d. The dwelling unit is located on a lot which has an active production
history or where a farm management plan has been prepared which demonstrates
that the property will be farmed as a unit unto itself or as part
of another farm operation in the area; and
e. A residential lot has not been subdivided from the property within
the previous five years unless the lot has been subdivided pursuant
to Subsection 417.A.1 hereinabove.
f. No more than one lot may be created for a dwelling unit pursuant
to this Subsection at any one time.
3. Residential dwelling units at a gross density of one unit per 40
acres, provided that:
a. The units shall be clustered on one acre lots;
b. The remainder of the parcel, including all contiguous lands in common
ownership, which is not assigned to individual residential lots shall
be permanently dedicated for agricultural uses through recordation
of a restriction on the deed to the parcel; and
c. The restriction on the deed to the parcel, including any rights to
be redeemed for future residential development, shall be done in accordance
with N.J.A.C. 7:50-5, Part IV, so as to sever any Pinelands Development
Credits allocated to the parcel.
5. Agricultural Employee Housing as an element of, and accessory to,
an active agricultural operation.
6. Forestry (see §
612 for standards).
7. Fish and wildlife management and wetland management.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
8. Low-Intensity Recreational Uses, provided that:
a. The parcel proposed for low-intensity recreational use has an area
of at least 50 acres.
b. The recreational use does not involve the use of motorized vehicles
except for necessary transportation.
c. Access to bodies of water is limited to no more than 15 linear feet
of frontage per 1,000 feet of water body frontage.
d. Clearing of vegetation, including ground cover and soil disturbance,
does not exceed 5% of the parcel.
e. No more than 1% of the parcel will be covered with impervious surfaces.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
9. Expansion of Intensive Recreational Uses, provided that:
a. The intensive recreational use was in existence on February 7, 1979
and the capacity of the use will not exceed two times the capacity
of the use on February 7, 1979;
b. The use is necessary to achieve recreational use of a particular
element of the existing Pinelands environment; and
c. The use is environmentally and aesthetically compatible with the
character of the Pinelands Agricultural Production Area and the characteristics
of the particular basin in which the use is to be located, taking
into consideration the proportion of cleared and developed land, ambient
water quality, ecologically sensitive areas and unique resources,
and will not unduly burden public services.
10. Agricultural Commercial Establishments excluding supermarkets, restaurants
and convenience stores, provided that:
The principal goods or products available for sale were produced
in the Pinelands.
The sales area of the establishment does not exceed 5,000 square
11. Agricultural Products Processing Facilities.
12. Public Service Infrastructure. Centralized waste water treatment
and collection facilities shall be permitted to service the APA District
only in accordance with Subsection 521.M.2.b(2).
13. Pinelands Development Credits, subject to the provisions of §
607 of this ordinance.
14. Pinelands Resource-Related Industries excluding resource extraction and uses that rely on sand or gravel as raw products, as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
15. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units on lots of one acre, provided
The applicant satisfies all of the requirements set forth above
in Subsection 417.A.1.;
The lot to be developed existed as of February 8, 1979 or was
created as a result of an approval granted by the Pinelands Development
Review Board or by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to the Interim
Rules and Regulations prior to January 14, 1981;
The applicant qualifies for and receives from the Township a
variance from the three and two-tenths acre lot size requirement set
forth in Subsection 417.A.1 above;
The applicant purchases and redeems 0.25 Pinelands Development
Credits; and
Any Pinelands Development Credits allocated to the lot to be
developed are reduced pursuant to Subsection 607.C.2 of this ordinance.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Private Residential Swimming Pools (see §
529 for standards) and other usual recreational facilities, customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
2. Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than for vehicles) and
other customary residential accessory structures, e.g., gazebos, cabanas,
etc., owned by the residents of the property and each not exceeding
15 feet in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor
area. One such structure is permitted on lots less than one acre.
Two accessory structures (each not exceeding 168 square feet) are
permitted on lots between one and two acres. Lots two acres or greater
in size are permitted to have up to three such structures.
3. Off-Street Parking, Private Residential Garages and Carports (see § 417.E hereinbelow and §
4. Fences and Malls (see §
5. Home Occupations as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §§
203 and
602 for definition and requirements).
6. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
7. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area and Yard Requirements.
1. No residential dwelling unit shall be located on a lot of less than
3.2 acres except as provided in Subsection 417.A.3 hereinabove.
2. No principal or accessory permitted use shall be situated within
50 feet of any lot line. All sheds shall meet the setback standard
for accessory structures unless located to the rear of all walls/parts/features/decks,
etc. of the principal building, i.e., the point on the structure farthest
from the street line. If a shed is so located, it may be placed within
five feet of any property line. For a corner lot, the reduced setback
standard above will apply to the street upon which the dwelling faces.
The reduced setback for the second street shall begin at the required
front yard setback.
3. The maximum lot coverage for any permitted use shall be 15% except
as provided hereinabove.
4. Notwithstanding the minimum lot areas specified in Subsections 417.A
and 417.D hereinabove, no such minimum lot area for a nonresidential
use within the APA District shall be less than that needed to meet
the water quality standards of Subsection 521.M.2, whether or not
the lot may be served by a centralized sewer treatment or collection
system. No nonresidential structure shall be located on a parcel of
less than 1.0 acre in size.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. Single-family detached dwelling units shall provide two spaces per
2. Recreational uses shall provide two spaces per campsite plus one
common parking area at the entrance to the facility or proximate the
recreational use. The amount and location of parking spaces is subject
to site plan review.
3. Agricultural commercial establishments and agricultural products
processing facilities shall provide parking at a ratio of one space
per 800 square feet of gross floor area devoted to processing uses
and one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area devoted to retail
4. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space and Recreation. None required.
[Ord. No. 1992-1 § 2; Ord. No. 1993-17; Ord.
No. 1997-16 §§ 25-27; Ord. No. 2001-29 § 1; Ord. No. 2007-19]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units on lots of 3.2 acres, provided
a. The dwelling unit will be the principal residence of the property
owner or a member of the immediate family of the property owner;
b. The individual whose principal residence the dwelling unit will be
has not developed a dwelling unit under this section within the previous
five years.
c. The parcel of land on which the dwelling is to be located has been
in the continuous ownership since February 7, 1979 of the person whose
principal residence the dwelling unit will be, a member of that person's
immediate family, or a partnership or corporation in which members
of that person's immediate family collectively own more than a majority
interest in such partnership or corporation;
d. The person whose principal residence the dwelling unit will be has
resided in the Pinelands for at least five years and that person or
one or more members of that person's immediate family has resided
in the Pinelands for a total of at least 20 different years; and
e. The area and yard requirements for single-family detached dwellings
with septic in the GD District are met (See § 403.D).
2. Berry Agriculture and Horticulture of native plants and other agricultural
activities compatible with the existing soil and water conditions
that support traditional Pinelands berry agriculture.
3. Agricultural Employee Housing as an element of, and accessory to,
an active agricultural operation.
5. Forestry (see §
612 for standards).
6. Fish and wildlife management and wetland management.
[Amended 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
7. Pinelands Development Credits, subject to the provisions of §
8. Single-Family Detached Dwelling Units on lots of one acre, provided
a. The applicant satisfies all of the requirements set forth above in
Subsection 418.A.1.;
b. The lot to be developed existed as of February 8, 1979 or was created
as a result of an approval granted by the Pinelands Development Review
Board or by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to the Interim Rules
and Regulations prior to January 14, 1981;
c. The applicant qualifies for and receives from the Township a variance
from the 3.2 acre lot size requirement set forth in Subsection 418.A.1
d. The applicant purchases and redeems 0.25 Pinelands Development Credits;
e. Any Pinelands Development Credits allocated to the lot to be developed
are reduced pursuant to Subsection 607.C.2 of this ordinance.
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Private Residential Swimming Pools (see §
529 for standards) and other usual recreational facilities, customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
2. Private Residential Sheds for storage (other than for vehicles) and
other customary residential accessory structures, e.g., gazebos, cabanas,
etc., owned by the residents of the property and each not exceeding
15 feet in height, and not exceeding 168 square feet in gross floor
area. One such structure is permitted on lots less than one acre.
Two accessory structures (each not exceeding 168 square feet) are
permitted on lots between one and two acres. Lots two acres or greater
in size are permitted to have up to three such structures.
3. Off-Street Parking, Private Residential Garages and Carports (see § 418.E hereinbelow and §
4. Fences and Walls (see §
5. Home Occupations as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §§
203 and
602 for definition and requirements).
6. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
7. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
C. Maximum Building Height. No building height shall exceed 35 feet in height and 2 1/2 stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
D. Density, Area and Yard Requirements.
1. No residential dwelling unit shall be located on a lot of less than
3.2 acres.
2. No principal or accessory permitted use shall be situated within
50 feet of any lot line. All sheds shall meet the setback standard
for accessory structures unless located to the rear of all walls/parts/features/decks,
etc. of the principal building, i.e., the point on the structure farthest
from the street line. If a shed is so located, it may be placed within
five feet of any property line. For a corner lot, the reduced setback
standard above will apply to both street frontages, provided however,
that sheds along common property lines shall be placed to the rear
of the front facade of the principal structure on the adjoining lot
or 50 feet from the street on which frontage is shared, whichever
is greater.
3. The maximum lot coverage for any permitted use shall be 15%, except
as provided hereinabove.
4. Notwithstanding the minimum lot areas specified in Subsections 418.A
and 418.D hereinabove, no such minimum lot area for a nonresidential
use within the SAPA District shall be less than that needed to meet
the water quality standards of Subsection 521.M.2, whether or not
the lot may be served by a centralized sewer treatment or collection
system. No nonresidential structure shall be located on a lot of less
than one acre in size.
E. Minimum Off-Street Parking. Each individual use shall provide parking
spaces according to the following minimum provisions:
1. Single-family detached dwelling units shall provide two spaces per
2. See §
520 for additional standards.
G. Open Space and Recreation. None required.
[Ord. No. 2001-33; Ord. No. 2002-3 § 1; Ord. No. 2007-19]
A. Principal Permitted Uses on Land and in Buildings.
1. Professional, general and medical office buildings not to exceed
a maximum gross floor area of 6,000 square feet per building.
2. Limited retail as Conditional Use under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
6. For any lot which lies within both the RHC (Restricted Highway Commercial)
and the HC-1 (Highway Commercial) district, the uses permitted for
the HC-1 (Highway Commercial) district shall be permitted in the RHC
(Restricted Highway Commercial) portion of the lot, only if access
to the lot is provided through the more intense district and the standards
of Subsection 420.E.13.
7. Single-family
detached dwelling units in existence as of the effective date of this
[Added 10-18-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-9]
B. Accessory Uses Permitted.
1. Home Occupations as a Conditional Use under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 for standards).
2. Off-Street Parking (see Subsection 410.F., as permitted by use and §
3. Fences and Walls (see §
4. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
5. Garages and Storage Buildings. In addition, in the case of preexisting
nonconforming residential uses, any legally preexisting garages and
storage buildings or residential accessory buildings, including sheds,
may be maintained or replaced with a structure having the same or
smaller length, width and height dimensions, and which maintain the
existing, or greater, setbacks from all property lines.
6. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 for standards).
7. One temporary construction trailer not exceeding 750 square feet
in area, plus one sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area and advertising
the names of the prime contractor, architect, subcontractor(s), financing
institution and similar information. Any permitted temporary trailer
and sign shall be located on the site where the construction is taking
place and shall be set back at least 10 feet from all street and lot
lines. The temporary trailer and sign shall be permitted for the period
of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit
and concluding with the issuance of the last Certificate of Occupancy
or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three one-year
extensions may be granted by the Board.
C. Maximum Building Height.
1. No principal building with less than two full stories shall exceed
27 feet and 1 1/2 stories in height and shall be totally covered
by a true and complete gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof, provided,
however, that where roof mounted equipment is necessary for the operation
of the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting the appearance
of such pitched roofs may be permitted and approved by the Planning
Board during site plan review. Regardless of the style of the roof
treatment, the elevation of the building shall have a roof height
of the building, and this measurement of roof height shall not include
any eave projecting below the building wall. The minimum pitch of
all roofs shall be at least five feet vertical for every 12 feet horizontal.
2. No principal building with two or more stories shall exceed 35 feet
and 2 1/2 stories in height and shall be totally covered by a
true and complete gable, hip, gambrel or mansard roof, provided, however,
that where roof mounted equipment is necessary for the operation of
the building, a facade roof treatment exhibiting the appearance of
such pitched roofs may be permitted and approved by the Planning Board
during site plan review. Regardless of the style of the roof treatment,
the elevation of the building shall have a roof height extending above
the building wall equivalent to at least 1/4 of the total height of
the building, and this measurement of roof height shall not include
any eave projecting below the building wall. The minimum pitch of
all roofs shall be at least five feet vertical for every 12 feet horizontal.
D. Intensity, Area and Yard Requirements.
Principal Building Minimum [3]
Lot area
1/2 acre
Lot frontage
Lot width
Lot depth
Side yard (each)
Front yard
Rear yard
Accessory Building Minimum
Distance to side line
Distance to rear line
Buffer Minimum
Floor area ratio
Lot coverage
50% [2]
Footnotes for Subsection 420.D:
A building shall not be constructed closer than 25 feet from
any street right-of-way line, except in the case of lots adjoining
streets classified as arterial or higher. The front yard setback may
be reduced to permit existing nonconforming structures to remain,
and to permit additions thereto, but the setback for such additions
shall not be less than 20 feet. The setback along arterial streets,
or any higher classification street, shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
In those instances where two lots are consolidated or two adjacent
property owners cooperate to share a common access driveway serving
both properties, the floor area ratio may be increased to 55% for
the consolidated lot or for both properties.
No commercially used building shall exceed 6,000 square feet
of gross floor area. More than one principal building shall be permitted,
provided that the total floor area ratio and lot coverage maximums
specified herein are not exceeded. All buildings shall be separated
by a minimum of 20 feet, provided such separation is to be used solely
for pedestrian circulation. All buildings shall be separated by a
minimum of 50 feet where any part of such separation is to be used
for parking or vehicular circulation. However, the separation requirements
should not be construed to prohibit covered pedestrian walkways when
the roof or covering of such walkway extends between the buildings.
E. General Requirements.
1. Any principal building may contain multiple uses, provided that the
total floor area ratio and lot coverage of the combined uses does
not exceed the maximums specified and further, that each use occupies
a minimum gross floor area of 500 square feet.
2. All buildings or uses permitted in the RHC district shall be served
by public sewer and water. This requirement shall be deemed a site
plan regulation. The Planning Board may grant an exception to this
requirement pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-51.
3. The principal and any accessory building shall be compatibly designed,
whether constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of
time. All building walls shall be suitably finished for aesthetic
4. Unless otherwise specifically approved by the Board, no merchandise,
products, equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed
or stored outside, and all solid waste and recyclables not stored
within a building, shall be stored within an enclosure as approved
by the Township.
5. Driveways connecting Old Marlton Pike and Route 70 are prohibited,
except for emergency services only.
6. Ingress and egress shall be limited to one driveway per lot to the
adjoining street, except in the case of one-way drives, where two
driveway access points are permitted. Combined access for two or more
lots is encouraged.
7. All areas not utilized for buildings and other lot coverage shall
be suitably landscaped with shrubs, groundcover, seeding or similar
8. The minimum buffer areas shall include a planted buffer in accordance with §
9. The preservation of existing structures for adaptive reuse is encouraged.
10. Parking lots may not be located between the front wall or extended
line of the front wall of the building and the street line, unless
located a minimum of 50 feet from the right-of-way, and provided with
an expanded buffer of berms and landscaping measuring 30 feet in width.
11. Site development plans shall include provisions for sidewalks, walkways,
benches, bike racks, trees, and other landscaping as appropriate to
attract and encourage pedestrian and bicyclist use.
12. Site development shall be consistent with the Community Design Plan
Element of the Master Plan, and the Community Design Ordinance.
13. When uses permitted in a more intense commercial district are proposed
for an RHC lot as per Subsection 420.A.6 above, all buildings and
parking shall be located a minimum of 150 feet from any street in
the RHC District and a landscaped buffer with a minimum width of 50
feet shall be provided against any residentially used lot. The buffer
may be reduced to 25 feet if the use of the adjoining property, in
whole or in part, is nonresidential or a combination of nonresidential
and residential which would warrant a uniformly narrower buffer.
[Ord. No. 2004-24 § 1]
A. Purpose of GMN-AR Zoning District. The purpose of the GMN-AR (Growth
Management North-Age-Restricted) Zoning District is to provide for
the construction of a variety of age-restricted single-family and
age-restricted multifamily dwellings and to create a realistic opportunity
for the construction of a portion of the low- and moderate income
housing obligation of the Township of Medford under New Jersey's Fair
Housing Act, N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301, et seq., the rules of the New Jersey
Council on Affordable Housing, N.J.A.C. 5:93-1, et seq., and the Mount
Laurel doctrine, pursuant to that certain Settlement Agreement of
Litigation entered into on December 22, 2004, by and among Jennings
Mill Run Estate, L.P., Mark A. Vittese, Steven R. Brick, Medford Holdings,
L.L.C., TPB Medford Property, LLC, the Township of Medford and the
Planning Board of the Township of Medford (the "Settlement Agreement"),
the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference.
B. Location of the GMN-AR Zoning District. The GMN-AR Zoning District
is comprised of those certain tracts or parcels of land presently
designated on the Official Tax Map as Block 403, Lot 1.01 and Block
404, Lots 2, 5 and 14, together with any other tract or parcel of
land which, pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement, may
subsequently be included within the GMN-AR Zoning District.
C. Water and Sewer Availability. Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement
sufficient public sewer capacity and sufficient public water capacity
will be available to serve the proposed development of the GMN-AR
Zoning District, which sewer and water capacity has been guaranteed
and exclusively reserved for the properties located within the GMN-AR
Zoning District.
D. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings.
1. Age-restricted single-family detached dwelling units.
2. Age-restricted townhouse dwelling units.
3. Low- and moderate income age-restricted dwelling units.
4. Conservation Areas, Open Spaces and Parks.
5. Public Utilities as Conditional Uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 (see §
602 of this ordinance for definition and standards).
E. Accessory Uses and Structures Permitted.
1. Recreational Facilities, such as club houses, tennis courts, swimming
pools and other recreation equipment and landscaping features, such
as trellises and gazebos, all as customarily associated with age-restricted
residential developments.
2. Off-Street Parking and Private Residential Garages.
3. Fences and Walls (see §
513 of this ordinance for design requirements).
4. Signs (see §
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Ord.
No. 2013-1]
5. Satellite Dish Antennas (see §
501 of this ordinance for design standards).
6. In the developer's discretion, up to four temporary construction/storage
trailers and one temporary sales trailer per project, each not exceeding
1,000 square feet in area, plus signs not exceeding 50 square feet
in area and advertising the names of the prime contractor, architect,
subcontractor(s), financing institution and similar information.
a. Any permitted temporary trailer(s) and/or sign shall be located on
the site where construction is taking place and shall be set back
at least 10 feet from all street and lot lines.
b. The temporary trailer(s) and/or sign shall be permitted for the period
of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit
and concluding with the issuance of the last certificate of occupancy
or two years, whichever is less, provided that up to three one-year
extensions may be granted by the Board.
7. Utility structures and facilities, including but not limited to,
sewerage treatment and conveyancing facilities and storm water management
8. Porches, decks, patios, arbors, trellises, sheds and the like.
F. Maximum Building Height.
1. Principal Buildings. No principal building shall exceed 35 feet in height and three stories except as allowed in §
604 of this ordinance.
2. Accessory Buildings. No accessory building shall exceed 25 feet in
height and two stories; provided, however, that clubhouses may be
up to 30 feet in height.
G. Densities, Maximum Number of Units and Maximum Required Setaside
of Affordable Units.
1. Densities.
a. For developments or portions of developments consisting of single-family
units for sale, the maximum density shall be 3.5 dwelling units per
gross acre of land within that portion of the tract or parcel of land
that is subject of a development application.
b. For developments or portions of developments consisting of townhouse
units, the maximum required density shall be 10 dwelling units per
gross acre of land within that portion of the tract or parcel of land
that is the subject of a development application.
2. Maximum Total Number of Units. Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement,
the maximum number of residential units within the GMN-AR Zoning District
shall be 529.
3. Maximum Required Setaside of Affordable Units. For developments or
portions of developments consisting of any market units for sale,
a minimum 15% (80 units) of the total number of units approved for
development shall be required to be setaside for occupancy by eligible
low- and moderate income households in accordance with the applicable
Substantive Rules and the applicable Ordinances approved by the New
Jersey Council on Affordable Housing ("COAH") and adopted by Medford
4. Affordable Housing Regulations. Affordable Units shall be developed
and sold or rented in accordance with the current applicable COAH
rules. Construction phasing of the low- and moderate income units
with the market rate units developed within the GMN-AR Zoning District
shall be as follows for each development:
Minimum Percentage of Low- and Moderate Income Units Completed
Percentage of Market Housing Units Completed
25 + 1 Unit
5. Payment of Fee in Lieu of Construction. Developers of inclusionary
residential developments within the GMN-AR Zoning District being developed
in accordance with these provisions may choose to pay a fee to Medford
Township in lieu of constructing up to 20 of the otherwise required
setaside of low- and moderate income units. The amount of the fee
in lieu of construction shall be $25,000 per unit.
H. Area, Bulk and Development Standards.
1. Principal Permitted Uses.
Single-Family Detached Units
Townhouse Buildings
Minimum Lot Area
4,000 sq. ft.
1,440 sq ft.
Minimum Lot Frontage
30 ft.
12 ft.
Minimum Lot Width
50 ft.
18 ft.
Minimum Lot Depth
80 ft.
80 ft.
Minimum Side Yard
5 ft.
0 for common walls; 5 ft. for end unit
Minimum Front Yard
20 ft.
20 ft.
Minimum Rear Yard*
10 ft.
10 ft.
Minimum Distance to Other Buildings
20 ft.
Maximum Impervious Coverage of Lot (structures and paving)
Perimeter setback for reverse frontage lots on Jennings Road
shall be as follows: (i) single-family homes - a minimum of 45 feet
of which 25 feet shall be a landscaped buffer; and (ii) townhouses
- a minimum of 45 feet with a twenty-five-foot buffer of which 12.5
feet must be landscaped. A fifteen-foot landscaping buffer easement
shall be provided on lots that are adjacent to an off-tract single-family
2. Permitted Uses; Accessory.
Single-Family Detached Units
Townhouse Buildings
Minimum Distance to Side Line
5 ft.
5 ft.
Minimum Distance to Rear Line
5 ft.
5 ft.
Minimum Distance to Other Buildings
10 ft.
5 ft.
a. Accessory uses shall not be located in the front yard.
3. Setback Exceptions. The foregoing setback requirements shall not
apply to mailbox structures, patios, steps, walkways, arbors, trellises,
window elements, chimneys, cantilevers, eaves and the like.
I. Parking, Bicycle Lanes/Paths and Garages. Standards for parking,
bicycle lanes/paths and garages shall be governed by the Residential
Site Improvement Standards, N.J.A.C. 5:21-1.1, et seq.
J. Solid Waste and Recyclable Facilities. Solid Waste and recyclable
pick-up stations, if provided, shall be within a totally enclosed
container located in a manner to be obscured from view from parking
areas, streets and adjacent residential uses by a fence, wall, planting
or combination of the three. Developments within the GMN-AR Zoning
District shall be served by municipal solid waste and recyclable collection
services and facilities.
L. Open Space and Recreation. No development within the GMN-AR Zoning
District shall be required to provide for or pay for any active and/or
passive open space (other than as set forth in the Settlement Agreement),
recreational amenities, impact fees or off-site contributions. In
lieu of providing for or paying for any open space (other than as
set forth in the Settlement Agreement), recreational amenities, impact
fees or off-site contributions, developers of units within the GMN-AR
Zoning District shall, as a condition of the issuance of each certificate
of occupancy, pay a fee to the Township in the amount of $1,417.77
per unit in accordance with the terms of the Settlement Agreement.
M. General Requirements.
1. All dwelling units shall be connected to approved and functioning
central water and sanitary sewer systems prior to the issuance of
any Certificate of Occupancy.
2. No outside area or equipment shall be provided for the hanging of
laundry or the outside airing of laundry in any manner in any Townhouse
Building. Sufficient area and equipment shall be made available within
each Townhouse Building for the laundering and artificial drying of
the laundry of the occupants of each building.
3. Streets shall be dedicated to the Township.
4. Any approval granted to a development within the GMN-AR Zoning District
shall carry initial vested rights for a period of no less than 10
N. Definitions; Age-Restricted. For the purposes of the GMN-AR Zoning
District, "Age-Restricted" means housing which adheres to the occupancy
requirements for "housing for older persons" as set forth in 42 U.S.C.A.
3607(b)(2)(C) of the Federal Fair Housing Act and the regulations
promulgated thereunder.
O. Construction Permits for Model Homes. Construction permits shall
be available for three model homes in each development within the
GMN-AR Zoning District prior to construction of roads within such
development; provided, however, that the developer of such development
has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal, that reasonable
emergency access is available to each model home for which a construction
permit is sought.
P. Application of Ordinances.
1. For the purposes of the GMN-AR Zoning District, the following Sections of this ordinance shall not be applicable: § 419; §
504; §
507; § 602.M.; § 608.B.; §
609; and §
2. As applied to development of lands within the GMN-AR Zone, the following
section of § 804.B of the Land Development Ordinances of
the Township of Medford do not apply or shall be amended as follows:
a. Section 804.B.14.a shall not be applicable to lands within the GMN-AR
b. Section 804.B.15 is amended to provide that existing and proposed
contours within 100 feet of the property shall be shown.
c. Section 804.B.18 is amended to provide that the location of all existing
structures within 100 feet of the property shall be shown.
d. Section 804.B.22 is amended to provide that a plan showing existing
individual trees in excess of 10 inches in diameter shall be required
only for trees located within the developable area of the property.
e. Section 804.B.27 is amended to provide that letters from existing
utilities and County and State Agencies approving extension of utility
services shall not be required.
f. Section 804.B.28 is amended to provide that only proposed and existing
streets on the property shall be shown.
g. Section 804.B.29 is amended to provide that only existing deed restrictions
shall be required at the time of preliminary approval and proposed
deed restriction shall be shown as a condition of final approval.
h. Section 804.B.32 shall not be applicable to lands within the GMN-AR
i. Section 804.B.34 shall not be applicable to lands within the GMN-AR
j. Section 804.B.37 shall not be applicable to lands within the GMN-AR
Zone with respect to water and sewer.
k. Section 804.B.38 is amended to provide that a separate map shall
not be required for lands within the GMN-AR Zone.
l. Section 804.B.41 shall not be applicable to lands within the GMN-AR
m. Section 804.B.43 shall not be applicable to lands within the GMN-AR
n. Section 804.B.45 shall not be applicable to lands within the GMN-AR
o. Section 804.B.46 shall not be applicable to lands within the GMN-AR
p. Section 804.B.48 shall not be applicable to lands within the GMN-AR
q. Section 804.B.49 shall not be applicable to lands within the GMN-AR
3. As applied to development of lands within the GMN-AR Zone, § 805.B.3
of the ordinances of the Township of Medford is hereby amended to
provide that a section or staging plan will be required only if development
is proposed in sections.
4. As applied to development of lands within the GMN-AR Zone, § 805.C.3.g
is amended to provide that no additional review of the application
will be required by any other agency or other professional consultant,
except those set forth in §§ 805.C.3.a through 805.C.3.e.
5. The Zoning Map shall be amended to include Block 403, Lot 1.01 and
Block 404, Lots 2, 5 and 14 in the GMN-AR Zoning District.
6. All provisions of §
506, entitled "Buffers and Scenic Corridors" shall apply unless otherwise specified or waived.
7. The provisions of this ordinance shall be applied separately to each
development within the GMN-AR Zoning District.
[Added 9-6-2011 by Ord.
No. 2011-12]
A. Purpose of GMN-AR-2 Overlay Zoning District. The purpose of the GMN-AR-2
(Growth Management North-Age Restricted-2) Overlay Zoning District
is the same as § 421.A, the GMN-AR Zoning District, the
terms of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
B. Location of GMN-AR-2 Overlay Zoning District. The location of the
GMN-AR-2 Overlay Zoning District is comprised of the property being
Block 404, Lot 14, Jennings Road, on the Official Tax Map of the Township
of Medford.
C. Water and Sewer Availability. As provided in § 421.C, the
terms of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
D. Principal Permitted Uses on the Land and in Buildings. As provided
in § 421.D, the terms of which are hereby incorporated by
E. Accessory Uses and Structures Permitted. As provided in § 421.E,
the terms of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
F. Maximum Building Height. As provided in § 421.F, the terms
of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
G. Densities, Maximum Number of Units and Maximum Required Set-aside
of Affordable Units.
1. Densities.
For developments or portions of developments consisting of single-family
units for sale, the maximum density shall be 4.1 dwelling units per
gross acre of land within that portion of the tract or parcel of land
that is the subject of a development application.
For developments or portions of developments consisting of townhouse
units, the maximum required density shall be as permitted in § 421.G.1(b),
the terms of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
2. Maximum Total Number of Units. The maximum number of residential
units within the GMN-AR-2 Overlay Zoning District shall be 228.
Except for the total number of units, the balance of this section
shall be the same as § 421.G.2, G.3, G.4 and G.5, the terms
of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
H. Area, Bulk and Development Standards.
1. Principal Permitted Uses.
Proposed Market Units
Proposed Affordable Units
Minimum Lot Area
4,800 sq. ft.
3,700 sq. ft.
Minimum Lot Frontage
25 ft./18.75 ft. on curve
37 ft.
Minimum Lot Width
48 ft.
37 ft.
Minimum Lot Depth
80 ft.
80 ft.
Minimum Side Yard
5 ft.
0 for common walls; 5 ft. for end unit
Minimum Front Yard
20 ft.
20 ft.
Minimum Rear Yard*
10 ft.
10 ft.
Minimum Distance to Other Buildings
20 ft.
Maximum Impervious Coverage of Lot (structures and paving)
Perimeter setback for reverse frontage lots on Jennings Road
shall be as follows:
Single-family homes: a minimum of 45 feet of which 25 feet shall
be a landscaped buffer; and
Townhouses: a minimum of 45 feet with a twenty-five-foot buffer,
of which 12.5 feet must be landscaped. A fifteen-foot landscaping
buffer easement shall be provided on lots that are adjacent to an
off-tract single-family dwelling.
2. Permitted Uses; Accessory. The balance of this section shall be the
same as § 421.H.2 and H.3, the terms of which are incorporated
herein by reference.
I. Parking, Bicycle Lanes/Paths and Garages. As provided in § 421.I,
the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference.
J. Solid Waste and Recyclable Facilities. As provided in § 421.J,
the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference.
K. Signs. As provided in § 421.K, the terms of which are incorporated
herein by reference.
L. Open Space and Recreation. The same as § 421.L, the terms
of which are incorporated herein by reference, except that the recreation
fee to the Township in the GMN-AR-2 Overlay Zoning District shall
be $1,094.41 per unit for each of the 228 units.
M. General Requirements. As provided in § 421.M, the terms
of which are incorporated herein by reference.
N. Definitions. As provided in § 421.N, the terms of which
are incorporated herein by reference.
O. Construction Permits for Model Homes. As provided in § 421.O,
the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference.
P. Application of Ordinances. As provided in § 421.P, the
terms of which are incorporated herein by reference.