[Res. 2010-R-11, 6/23/2010, § 1; as amended by Res. 2012-R-9, 1/25/2012, § 1]
The Board of Supervisors herein establishes the Newtown Township Traffic Committee which shall consist of no more than seven members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Newtown Township Board of Supervisors and shall be residents of Newtown Township. Members of the Committee shall serve for three-year terms on a staggered basis. The Board of Supervisors shall initially appoint three members of the Committee to one-year terms, two members of the Committee to two-year terms and two members of the Committee to three-year terms. Terms shall run through December 31 of each year. For the initial appointments, one more than 1/2 of the terms shall expire December 31, 2011, and the balance of the terms shall expire December 31, 2010. As part of the initial appointment of persons to the Newtown Township Traffic Committee, the persons currently serving as members of the Newtown Township/Newtown Borough Joint Traffic Committee shall be appointed to the Newtown Township Traffic Committee by the Board of Supervisors for terms to expire either December 31, 2010, or December 31, 2011, as the Board shall determine.
[Res. 2010-R-11, 6/23/2010, § 2]
The mission and/or purpose of the Committee shall be to improve the quality of life for Newtown Township residents, to improve Newtown Township's desirability to visitors, workers and businesses, and to ensure a safe access to multi-modal transportation options that meet the needs of residents, visitors, workers and businesses in Newtown Township by ensuring the ability to safely walk, drive, bike and use public transportation throughout the Township in accordance with a consistent and comprehensive approach to pedestrian and vehicular circulation and safety.
[Res. 2010-R-11, 6/23/2010, § 3]
The Committee shall hold an organizational meeting in January of each year following the organizational meeting of the Newtown Township Board of Supervisors. At such meeting, the Committee shall meet and elect a Chairperson and such other officers as they shall deem necessary to serve until the next organizational meeting of the Newtown Township Traffic Committee. The Committee shall identify three members of the Newtown Township Traffic Committee that shall serve on the Newtown Township/Newtown Borough Joint Traffic Committee. Each member appointed to the Newtown Township/Newtown Borough Joint Traffic Committee shall serve for a period of one year but said persons may be reappointed by the Committee at the expiration of the one-year term assuming they are members of the Newtown Township Traffic Committee. All meetings shall be advertised and open to the public in accordance with the provisions of the Sunshine Act. The Committee shall adopt such rules and regulations necessary for the conduct of its business or to carry out its purposes.
[Res. 2010-R-11, 6/23/2010, § 4]
The Committee shall elect a Chairperson and Secretary at the organizational meeting of the Committee. The Chairperson is responsible to set the agenda, coordinate requests for documents and information from the Township staff, oversee meetings and call for motions and recommendations. The Secretary shall be responsible for assisting in the preparation of the minutes of each meeting.
[Res. 2010-R-11, 6/23/2010, § 5]
The Committee shall keep minutes of its meetings and activities and shall make oral reports to the Township Board of Supervisors from time to time. Minutes, at the minimum, shall include those persons in attendance at the meeting, motions made by the Committee, votes, as well as recommendations.
[Res. 2010-R-11, 6/23/2010, § 6]
The members of the Committee shall not receive any compensation for their services. Members shall, however, be reimbursed for expenses actually and necessarily incurred by his/her in the performance of his/her duties provided said expenses are approved in advance by the Newtown Township Board of Supervisors.
[Res. 2010-R-11, 6/23/2010, § 7]
The Newtown Township Traffic Committee shall have the following duties:
Develop and maintain a working knowledge of the Township's existing road, trail and signage system.
Make recommendations with respect to the transportation needs of the Township.
Make recommendations that promote traffic enforcement and pedestrian safety in the Township.
Make recommendations that address circulation and safety issues in the commercial districts in the Township.
Make recommendations that improve bike and pedestrian links within the Township and with neighboring municipalities.
Make recommendations on traffic calming methods.
Make recommendations on grant moneys that the Township can pursue to help finance transportation improvements in the Township.
Advise the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors on the traffic impacts of development in the Township.
Seek input from the Community on these duties.
[Res. 2010-R-11, 6/23/2010, § 8]
The Board of Supervisors shall appoint one or more members of the Board of Supervisors as a liaison to the Committee.
[Res. 2010-R-11, 6/23/2010, § 9]
Nothing contained herein shall be construed as an abolishment of any existing Township agency, board, authority or commission even though such agency, board, authority or commission may have responsibilities related to the responsibilities delegated to this Committee. Neither the Committee nor its members shall have authority to enter into the contracts without the approval of the Board of Supervisors.