[Ord. 95-O-9, 9/13/1995, § I]
It shall be unlawful for any sewage collector or hauler to collect and transport and/or dispose of sewage or wastes containing sewage within Newtown Township without a license for each vehicle, waste hauling tank or container used to transport these wastes.
All sewage collectors and haulers shall obtain licenses by application to Newtown Township. Each application shall be accompanied by a license fee as provided by a fee schedule (see Exhibit 1)[1] established by Newtown Township. Said fee shall be payable to Newtown Township and shall not be refundable under any circumstances, whether the permit is approved or not. Fee shall be payable by check, money order or cash. Said collector or hauler may collect or transport such sewage within the Township from the date of the issuance of the license until January 31st of the next calendar year. Licenses shall be renewed for each piece of licensee's equipment not later than January 31st of each calendar year in accordance with fee schedule as shown in Exhibit 1 . Any sewage collector or hauler to whom a license is issued shall have the privilege of collecting and hauling sewage picked up within the boundaries of Township, which license shall not be transferable. At the time of the application, the sewage collector/hauler shall provide the following information on a form prepared by the Authority:
The name of the sewage collector/hauler, business address and telephone number of the business office to receive calls from persons in the Township who receive collection service.
The name, address and telephone number of the person having the largest interest in the sewage collector/hauler.
The name, address and telephone number of the officer of the corporation or general partnership of the partnership, if applicable.
The make, year, model, shape, capacity, material, State license and registration of each truck/vehicle or container/tank which is used in the Township to haul, carry, transport or collect sewage.
Certificate of applicant's workmen's compensation insurance as required by law.
A certificate of insurance coverage covering complete third party public liability for both bodily injury and property damage, owner's and collector's protective insurance and automobile insurance with respect to personal injuries and property damage. Such insurance shall be in amounts that shall be from time to time set forth by the Township by regulations adopted hereunder. Each and every policy of insurance herein mentioned which is required pursuant to the terms of these rules and regulations shall carry within it an endorsement to the effect that the insurance carrier will convey to Newtown Township, by certified mail, written notice of any modification, alteration or cancellation of any such policy or policies or the terms thereof. The above-mentioned written notice shall be mailed to Newtown Township at least 30 days prior to the effective date of such modification, alteration or cancellation.
The approved disposal sites or facilities licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources for the disposal of septage where the sewage will be taken.
Any appropriate or required State or Federal licensing including, but not limited to, the Pennsylvania Environmental Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Such other information as the Township shall deem appropriate and necessary.
Editor's Note: Exhibit 1 is on file in the Township offices.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Part, and grounds for suspension or revocation of a license, or the denial of a renewal license, for any sewage collector/hauler to:
Falsify the application for license.
Collect or transport any sewage without a valid license as set forth above.
Fail to provide for proper disposal of sewage collected or transported within the Township.
Load or operate any vehicle within the Township or transport sewage in such a manner as to allow sewage to fall upon the public roadways or upon land abutting public roads in Newtown Township.
Otherwise create a public nuisance.
[Ord. 95-O-9, 9/13/1995, § I]
The container in which the waste is transported must be watertight and provided with a leak-proof cover.
The waste hauling container shall be so constructed that every portion of the interior and exterior can be easily cleaned.
The waste hauling container shall be provided with a vent which is so constructed that it will permit the escape of gas and prevent the escape of liquid.
Piping, valves and permanent or flexible connections shall be accessible and be easy to disassemble for cleaning purposes.
All inlets or openings to the waste hauling container shall be so constructed, maintained and operated so as to prevent the spillage of the waste material outside the container during filling, transfer, storage or transport.
The outlet connections shall be so constructed, maintained and operated that no material will leak out, run out or spill out at any time other than at the point of discharge, and they shall be of a design and type suitable for the material handled and capable of controlling the flow or discharge without undue spillage or flooding of the immediate surroundings while in use.
Pumps, check valves, cylinders, diaphragms and all appurtenances shall be of a design and type suitable for the material handled; capable of operation without spillage, spray or leakage; capable of being disassembled easily for cleaning and kept in a clean condition at all times when not in actual use. This equipment must be kept in good repair.
Any hose, pipe, joint or connection intended to convey unpolluted water for cleaning, diluting or any other operating purpose connected with removal, transfer or disposal of the waste material transported shall be stored and used in such a manner that no portion of the interior or exterior of such water-carrying equipment will come in contact with or be immersed in the waste materials. This equipment must be kept in good repair.
No connection shall be made at any time between any top or outlet furnishing potable water on any premises and the waste hauling container or waste handling equipment except by an approved backflow/backsiphonage prevention device.
All licensed equipment must be maintained in conformance with the provisions of this section at all times the equipment is being utilized to haul sewage or sewerage wastes. The Township may at any time inspect any licensed vehicle to determine compliance with this section.
Each licensee shall at all times, while in the process of collecting or transporting sewage, display a valid license sticker issued by the Township on that portion of equipment in which the waste is contained and such license sticker shall be posted in a conspicuous place. A valid registration sticker and license issued by the Township shall be provided on demand to any police officer or code enforcement officer of the Township.
Each licensee shall report to the Township each pumpout, to include the address, quantity, date, time and any unforeseen items that may indicate the system is not functioning property. A pump-out fee as shown in Fee Schedule 1 shall accompany each report.
[Ord. 95-O-9, 9/13/1995, § I]
The Township shall have the right to refuse to issue a license to any sewage collector/hauler or to revoke or suspend a license previously issued or refuse to renew the same if said sewage collector/hauler, his or its agents, servants or employees fail to comply with the provisions of these rules and regulations.
[Ord. 95-O-9, 9/13/1995, § I]
The Township shall adopt, from time to time, such additional rules and regulations as it shall deem necessary and proper in connection with the operation of sewage transporters, which rules and regulations shall be construed as part of this Part.
In the event any provision, Section, sentence, clause or part of this Part shall be held by any court or administrative tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or impair any remaining provision, Section, sentence, clause or Part of this Part, it being the intent of the Township that such remainder shall be and shall remain in full force and effect.