[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 1; as amended by Ord. 84-O-132, 8/20/1984, § 1; by Ord. 86-O-147, 1/6/1986, § 1; and by Ord. 98-O-11, 5/13/1998, § 1]
For the purposes of this Part, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivation shall have meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and the words in a singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
Any other telecommunications service other than basic service, provided over its system by the grantee directly or as a carrier for its subsidiaries, affiliates or any other person engaged in communications service including, by way of example but not limited to pay TV, home and business protection systems, data or other electronic intelligence transmission, facsimile reproduction, meter reading, home shopping and other interactive services.
The delivery by the grantee to television receivers or any other type of suitable audio-video communication receivers, of all subscribers, and to all locations within the Township, of all signals of over-the-air television broadcasters as required by the Federal Communications Commission to be carried by a CATV system; the channels designated for special purposes by the Township and agreed to by the grantee; community access channels, audio signals as mandated by this part and any other services.
The cost of the cable system less depreciation and exclusive of the value of the franchise as certified by a Certified Public Accountant selected by the Township at the expense of the Grantee.
A community antenna television system or a system of antennas, cables, wires, lines, towers, waveguides, microwave, laser beams, any optical or other conductors, equipment or facilities, designed and constructed for the purpose of producing, receiving, amplifying and distributing to and from subscribing members of the public who pay for such service by audio, video, and other forms of electronic or electrical signals in the Township. Such term shall conform to the definition as definition as established by the Federal Communications Commission.
Programming, exclusive of broadcast signals, carried on a cable television system.
A nonaffiliated third party leasing a cable channel for the presentation and distribution of local non-operator video/audio programs or other video/audio communications over a cable channel for a specified fee.
A cable channel leased to a non-affiliated third party to permit presentation and distribution of local non-operator video/audio programming or other video-audio communications to subscribers for a specified fee.
The committee established jointly between Newtown Borough and Newtown Township to act as an advisory body to the Newtown Borough Council and the Newtown Township Board of Supervisors on matters pertaining to CATV.
Programming, exclusive of broadcast signals, produced by individuals, organizations and institutions expressly for telecasting over community access channels.
Davis enterprises, or anyone who succeeds it in accordance with the provisions of this Part.
That price which a seller, dealing at arms length, ready and willing to sell and not compelled to sell, would accept for the cable system when offered by a buyer, ready and willing but not compelled to buy, exclusive of the value of the franchise.
Programming, exclusive of broadcast signals, carried on a cable television system over one or more channels, and subject to the exclusive control of the cable operator.
Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind.
All public rights of way and public grounds or waters within or belonging to the Township, including but not limited to streets, avenue, highways, boulevards, concourses, driveways, bridges, tunnels, parks, parkways, waterways, docks, bulkheads, wharves, piers, and alleys.
A purchaser of any service delivered over the CATV system and includes those persons who are not required to pay any fee because of their exemption from fees by this Part or through agreements with the grantee.
The broadband communications facility which is to be constructed, operated and maintained by the grantee in the Township.
Any and all compensation and other consideration in any form, paid by anyone and received by the Grantee arising from the sale or lease by the grantee, of the system's services, and received or derived from the operations within the Township. Said sum shall not, however, include any sales, service, rent, occupation or other excise tax to the extent that such taxes are charged separately in addition to other charges and are remitted by the grantee to the taxing authority.
A person or organization utilizing a system channel for purposes of production and/or transmission of material, as contrasted with receipt thereof in a subscriber capacity.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 2]
Upon careful consideration of the qualifications of the applicants and in consideration of the faithful performance and observance of the conditions and reservations herein specified, Newtown Township hereby grants to the grantee a non-exclusive franchise right, privilege, authority and easement to erect, construct, operate and maintain, in, upon, along, across, above, over and under streets, alleys, public ways and public places now laid out or dedicated and all such extensions thereof and additions thereto in the Township of Newtown, County of Bucks, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and public utility right-of-way and easements to the extent the Township of Newtown, is empowered to grant such rights with respect thereto; all poles, wires, cables, underground conduits, manholes, and other television conductors and fixtures necessary for the maintenance and operation of a CATV system hereinafter sometimes referred to as a cable television system and/or system, for the interception, sale, transmission and distribution of television programs and other audio-visual electrical signals and the right to transmit the same to the inhabitants of the Township of Newtown, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. Newtown Township expressly reserves the right to grant similar use of said streets, alleys, public ways and public places to any person at any time during the period of this franchise.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 3]
Subject to the provisions herein the rights and privileges of the Grantee shall continue for a period of 15 years form the date of adoption of this Part which shall be deemed to constitute an express contract between Newtown Township and Grantee. At the end of the fifteen-year term, the franchise may be extended by the Township for two additional five year periods, (a total of 25 years), subject to the renewal procedures more particularly set forth in § 412 herein. No system shall be permitted to occupy within the Township without a CATV franchise granted by the Township.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 4]
The franchise granted herein is for the present territorial limit of Newtown Township and for any areas henceforth added thereto during the term of this franchise. The map attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and marked in red defines the boundaries of the Township and the boundaries of the franchise area which are deemed to be identical.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 5; as amended by Ord. 86-O-158, 12/1/1986, § 1]
Use of Streets, Pole Attachments.
The grantee shall first obtain the approval of the appropriate Township officials prior to commencing construction in the streets, alleys, public grounds or places of the Township. The grantee shall give the appropriate Township officials written notice of proposed construction at least 10 days prior to such construction.
The Company's rights and privileges shall be subordinated to any prior lawful use or occupancy of the streets or other public property and shall not be so used as to interfere with existing improvements or with new improvements Newtown Township may deem proper to make, or as to hinder or obstruct the free use of the streets, alleys, bridges, or other public property. In the event any equipment or facilities of Company shall interfere with any such improvement existing or intended to be made by the Township, Grantee shall, upon notice from the Township, forthwith relocate said equipment and facilities at Grantee's expense so as to eliminate said interference.
The Grantee shall not open or disturb the surface of any street, sidewalk, driveway, or public place for any purpose without first having obtained a permit to do so.
Nothing in this agreement or any franchise granted hereunder, shall authorize Grantee to erect and maintain for the Township new poles where existing poles are servicing the area. The Grantee shall obtain permission from the appropriate Township officials before erecting any new poles or underground conduit where none exist at the time the grantee seek to install its network.
In the case of disturbance of any streets, sidewalk, alley, public way, or paved area, grantee shall, at its own cost and expense and in a manner approved by the Township Engineer, replace and restore such street, sidewalk, alley, public way, or paved area to the same or similar condition as existed prior to the disturbance.
If at any time during the period of this Part the Township shall lawfully elect to alter or change the grade or alignment or rerouting of any street, sidewalk, alley, or other public way, Grantee, upon reasonable notice by the Township, shall remove, relay, and relocate its poles, wires, cable, underground conduits, manholes, and other fixtures at its own expense.
Any poles or other fixtures placed in any public way by Grantee shall be placed in such manner as not to interfere with the usual travel on such public way.
Grantee shall have the authority, under the supervision of the appropriate authority of the Township and only after prior approval thereof, to trim trees upon and overhanging streets, alleys, sidewalks, and public ways and places within the Township so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with its wires and cable.
Grantee shall, at the request of any person holding a building moving permit issued by the Township, temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the moving of a building.
Grantee shall at all times keep on file true and accurate maps or plats of all existing and proposed aerial and underground feeder lines, trunk lines and sub-trunk lines and a list of educational and municipal buildings to which special services are being provided, which shall be made available to the Township, or Council upon demand.
Construction and maintenance of the transmission distribution system shall be in accordance with the provisions of the National Electrical Code, latest edition, or any amendments or revisions thereof and in compliance with any applicable rules, regulations or order now in effect or hereafter issued by any federal or state commission or any other public authority (or utility) joint attachment practices.
All installations of equipment shall be durable, of a permanent nature, and installed in accordance with current best CATV system engineering practices. Grantee, prior to the commencement of work, shall provide the Township with CATV construction standards to be used in the construction and installation of the system and said standards shall be incorporated in this Part as fully as though the same were herein set forth at length. Company shall comply with laws, rules, regulations and specifications heretofore or hereafter enacted or established, including but not limited to, those concerning street work, street excavation, use and removal and relocation of property within a street.
All cables and wires shall be installed parallel with existing telephone and electric wires whenever possible. Multiple cable configurations shall be arranged in parallel and bundled, in accordance with engineering and safety considerations as mandated by the National Electrical Code. All installations shall be underground in those areas of the Township where public utilities providing both telephone and electric service are underground at the time of installation. In areas where either telephone and electric utility facilities are above ground at the time of installation, the Grantee may install its service above ground with the understanding that at such time as those facilities are required to be replaced underground by the Township, the Grantee shall likewise place its service underground.
Grantee shall not begin any construction, modification, addition, replacement, removal or any change whatever of any Township facilities except ordinary and necessary repairs, without filing with the Township a plan of such work and receiving approval from the Township therefor. Prior to the institution of any work requiring opening, modification or removal of any Township facilities (including roads), grantee shall enter into a financial security agreement with the Township providing financial security for the required work and providing for reimbursement of reasonable engineering and inspection fees, legal fees and administrative fees, occasioned by a review of the plans, the preparation of the financial security agreement or otherwise. Such financial security agreement shall be in the sum of 110% of the cost of the work plus a reasonable provision for engineering, inspection, legal and administrative fees. Such financial security agreement shall provide that if the work is not completed in a timely fashion, that the Township may draw down the financial security and complete the work itself with the total cost thereof being borne by the grantee.
Nothing in this section should be construed as imposing on the Borough the obligation to review and/or approve the design or construction of the cable system itself or to assure compliance with any other applicable statutes, ordinances or regulations in connection with the design or installation of cable television systems, underground or aerial facilities or any other regulatory obligation imposed by State or Federal government, such obligations being the sole responsibility of grantee. The purpose of this subsection is to insure restoration of the property of the Borough and other public property to its prior condition upon completion of the work and to minimize the impact of the work on the public facilities of this Borough.
The Township specifically reserves the right to vacate any right-of-way they have given notwithstanding the existence of CATV construction equipment or service lines within any such right-of-way. In the event any such right-of-way is so vacated the Grantee at its own cost and expense shall obtain and provide alternate means of providing service to subscribers.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 6]
The grantee shall, within 12 months of the date of issuance of pole permits by both Bell Telephone Company and Philadelphia Electric Company, install and make operational in accordance with the provisions of this Part and the grantee's application for said franchise, distributions of cable along all areas within the limits of Newtown Township.
The grantee shall offer service to all residences within the Township limits recognizing technological and economic constraints which may arise.
Prior to the commencement of any construction of any part of the system, the grantee shall submit to the Township a construction plan showing the location and design of all construction proposed.
The Township shall have the right to inspect all construction and/or installation work that is performed by the Grantee.
The grantee may interconnect, and is encouraged to interconnect directly or indirectly by cable, microwave or other means, with any other cable television system operating in an adjacent area. Such interconnections shall be made upon mutual agreement by interested cable systems and local regulatory agencies.
If the Grantee fails to exercise diligence in the construction of the system during the twelve-month period herein provided for its construction, the Township may impose a surcharge upon the Grantee in the amount of $1,000 for each month that the construction schedule is not met.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 7]
The grantee shall construct a CATV System with sufficient bandwidth that when used in conjunction with an appropriate device at the subscriber's receiver shall enable the reception of a minimum of 52 downstream, video channels.
The channels shall be divided so as to have a minimum of 52 channels of downstream capacity.
The system shall have the capability of providing active bidirectional return communications without any technical modifications or additions to the transmission system.
The system should have the capability from its inception of providing a minimum capacity of four upstream television channels. Discreet amplifiers shall be added as required for this upstream path.
Maximum two way service capability shall be designed into the System at its inception.
The system shall include an Emergency Alert capability which will permit authorized personnel to override the audio of all TV channels simultaneously in accordance with Federal Communications Commission regulations in the case of public emergencies such as, but not limited to, nuclear holocaust, flood, major fires, war, third state pollution alerts, and threats of the general well-being of the general public. The grantee shall designate a channel which will be used for emergency broadcasts.
The grantee shall maintain equipment providing standby power for the headend.
The grantee shall provide standby powering of all trunkline amplifiers and shall particularly take measures to insure reliable delivery of signals into the Township.
Every subscriber shall have the absolute right to deactivate the return path from the subscriber's receiver at the Grantee's sole cost.
The Grantee shall provide a two way separate institutional cable which shall be for the use of the Bucks County Community College and the Council Rock School District and such other private or public institutions of learning as are now or may hereafter have institutions in the Borough or Township of Newtown.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 8]
All performance and technical standards governing construction, reconstruction, installation, operation, testing, use, maintenance and dismantling of the cable system provided for herein shall be in accordance with all applicable Federal Communications Commission and other Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations, provided, however, that the Township may require certain standards be met by grantee, including, but not limited to the following:
Produce a picture, whether in black and white or in color, that is undistorted, free from ghost images, and accompanied with proper sound of typical TV production sets.
Transmit signals of adequate strength to produce good pictures with good sound at all outlets without causing distortion in the cables or interfering with other electrical or electronic systems or television reception.
Maintain at all times the technical standards provided in the Federal Communications Commission Regulations, Section 76.604, as currently in effect and as amended, and shall conduct performance tests as provided in Federal Communications Commission Regulation, Section 76.601, as currently in effect and as amended. Said tests shall be made available to, and conducted with such consultants annually and may be required by the Committee if repeated complaints of picture quality are received. Township to participate in said testing. Said consultants shall have the right to perform the testing in connection with, or independent of, testing done by Grantee as required under Federal Communications Commission Regulations. (The second sentence relating to testing is to be compared with the original draft and was requested by the grantee so that petty complaints would not cause need for expensive testing but that testing could be required if complaints of picture quality were persistent.)
Grantee must provide service response seven days a week for all complaints and requests for adjustments within 24 hours of receipt of such complaints and requests provided they are attributable to the cable system. Complaints and requests of all other nature shall be answered within 48 hours after the complaints. Upon failure to remedy a loss of service attributable to the cable system within 24 hours after complaint, Grantee shall credit 1/30 of the regular monthly charge to the subscriber for each 24 hours or fraction thereof, after the initial 24 hours, until service is restored.
Whenever it is necessary to interrupt service for the purpose of making repairs, adjustments or installation, Grantee shall do so at such time as will cause the least amount of inconvenience to subscribers. Unless such interruption is unforeseen and immediately necessary, it shall give reasonable notice to affected subscribers. The requirements for maintenance of equipment contained in this provision shall not apply to the subscriber's television receiver.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 9]
As compensation for a franchise granted pursuant to this Part, and in consideration of permission to use the streets and public ways of the Township for the construction, operation, maintenance and reconstruction of a cable system within the Township, Grantee shall pay annually to the Township an amount equal to 5% of a Grantee's total local gross revenue from all sources attributable to the operations of a Grantee within the Township each year of this franchise. In the event that the Federal law, in the future, permits, any other basis for computing the franchise fee to be established, such basis, or any part thereof, may be negotiated.
Payments due to Township under this provision shall be computed by the Grantee annually, based on Grantee's accounting methods. The payment shall be due and payable to the Township no later than 30 days after the relevant computation date. The payment shall be accompanied by brief statement verified by the proper officer of the Grantee showing the basis for the computation and such other relevant facts as may be required by the Township. Failure to comply with this section shall invoke the penalty procedures as stated in § 403 herein.
No acceptance of any payment shall be construed as an accord that the amount paid is, in fact, the correct amount, nor shall such acceptance of payment be construed as a release of any claim the Township may have for further or additional sums payable under the provisions of this Part. All amounts paid shall be subject to audit and recomputation by the Township. In the event that recomputation results in additional revenue to be paid to the Township, such amount shall be subject to an interest charge which shall at all times be 2% over and above the prime rate of interest charged by the Central Penn National Bank to its commercial customers. It is understood that this adjusted interest rate shall become effective on the first day of the month immediately following the official notice of such a rate change by the Central Penn National Bank.
In addition to the aforesaid franchise fee, Grantee shall reimburse the Township for its initial cost for attorneys fees in connection with the establishment of this franchise and reasonable engineers and consultants fees concerning the establishment of standards in connection with the franchise and such other reasonable professional fees in the course of modification of the terms of this franchise as may be necessary from time to time. Grantee shall also be responsible for the payment of any professional fees where the Township is attempting to, or has attempted to, enforce the provisions of this Part against Grantee violating the terms and conditions hereof.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 10; as amended by Ord. 83-O-120, 5/2/1983, §§ 2 & 3; by Ord. 85-O-142, 7/1/1985, § 2; and by Ord. 97-O-23, 12/3/1997, § 1(3)]
The Grantee's installation rates for all commercial facilities shall be determined by negotiation between the Grantee and commercial subscriber.
The Grantee shall not be permitted to charge a converter security deposit fee greater than the grantee's cost of the converter. In the event the grantee chooses to charge a security deposit fee, Grantee shall pay to each subscriber, not less than annually, a rate of interest equivalent to that currently being paid by commercial banks in the Township on passbook savings accounts.
For a period of 24 months from the date of this Part, the initial rates specified in § 410(1) above shall not be increased except for the following:
Pay TV rates may be increased, from time to time to an amount not in excess of two times the costs of the monthly program service which is then paid by the Grantee for such service.
The costs of basic service may be increased only by a factor equal to two times the Grantee's direct cost of acquiring additional programming over and above the programming initially supplied by grantee to grantee's first customers and an amount equal to two times any increases in the direct cost of programming which is included within the grantee's initial service to customers. As used in this paragraph, direct cost of programming only includes the direct monthly payment by the Grantee to program suppliers.
After twenty-four months from the date of this Part, the grantee shall be permitted to make increases in the charges for its service without prior approval of the Township Supervisors provided that such increase shall not be in excess of the following limitations:
Grantee shall be permitted to increase charges for Pay TV so long as the monthly charge to the customer does not exceed two times the Grantee's direct cost of acquiring such programming.
The monthly charge for basic service may be increased in an amount not greater than two times the grantee's direct cost of programming included within the basic service; such increase to be measured by the direct cots of programming at the time the grantee connects its initial customers to the month preceding the month during which such increase shall be effective. In addition, the basic monthly service charge may be increased, from time to time, by an additional amount provided that such additional increase shall not represent more than a 10% annual increase (which shall be in addition to the increase permitted by the preceding provisions of this subparagraph.) The 10% increase shall be determined by combining the basic monthly charge with the same charge which was made 13 months previously.
In addition to the foregoing increases for Pay TV and basic charge, the Newtown Township Supervisors may permit additional increases on the basis of what is fair to the consumer and to the grantee. Such review shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following factors:
Compliance of the operator in abiding by the terms of this Part, the quality of the service, efficiency of the operator; revenues and profits from all services offered; depreciated original cost of the cable plant and associated equipment; and a fair rate of return on investments having corresponding risk.
Approval by the Supervisors of Newtown Township shall be made within 60 days from application and approval shall be made by resolution of the Board of Supervisors with the same notice as provided for herein which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
The grantee shall not deny, delay, interrupt or terminate cable services or the use of community access facilities to subscribers or users because a request for an increase in the base rate has been denied.
Whenever the Township is presented with a request for the grantee to increase Pay TV and/or basic charges in excess of the automatic increases permitted by this Part, the Township shall request that the cable operator give notice within 10 days of a public hearing to the general public between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. for seven consecutive days on all activated local origination access channels of the cable system of where and when the rates to be reviewed may be examined. Written comments may be filed with the Township and grantee by any person within 30 days from the final date of notice. A written reply to the comments must be filed within 15 days. The Township shall decide the reasonableness of rates and shall have the right to request from Grantee such information as may be necessary to determine whether a rate change is reasonable.
The grantee shall annually file with the Township a full schedule of all subscriber and user rates and all other charges such as, but not limited to, Pay TV, lease channel and discreet services made in connection with the system. Any special rates for large institutions, motels, multiple-family dwelling units, or any other type of subscriber shall be included. All rates shall be published and non-discriminatory.
Nothing in this Part shall prohibit the reduction or waiving of charges in conjunction with promotional campaigns for the purpose of attracting subscribers or users.
Grantee may require all subscribers to pay for each month of basic service in advance at the beginning of each month.
There shall be no charge for disconnection of any installation or outlet. If any subscriber fails to pay a properly due monthly subscriber fee, or any other properly due fee or charge, the Grantee may disconnect the subscriber's service outlet, providing that the grantee has notified the subscriber.
If the grantee collects a deposit on any service requested by a subscriber or users, the grantee shall provide such service within 30 days or refund within the next five days all deposit or advance charges paid for the service in question by said subscriber to user. This provision does not alter a grantee's responsibility to subscribers and users under any contractual agreements separate from this Part the grantee might have the subscribers or users or relieve a grantee of liability for fines under this Part that may be assessed or damages that might result to the Township or any subscriber because of a grantee's failure to provide a service promised.
If a subscriber terminates basic service prior to the end of a prepaid period, a pro-rated portion of any prepaid subscriber service fee, using the number of days as a basis shall be refunded to the subscriber by a grantee.
Rates charged for additional services shall be consistent with Federal Communications Commission regulations and in conformance with this Part. In case of a conflict this Part shall govern unless to do so would cause an unlawful result.
In the event that a resident desires connection and grantee determines that more than 200 feet of connecting cable is required to be laid across the resident's private property in order to so connect the resident, then grantee shall provide the additional labor and materials required to connect the resident in excess of 200 feet at cost to the subscriber.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 11]
Grantee shall complete construction of Cable TV Distribution System within the twelve-month time period as defined in § 406(1) above. The system shall be deemed completed when the head-end is installed and all of the trunk lines shown on the plan dated the 1st day of June 1982, incorporated herein by reference are installed and energized. In order to insure diligent performance of this obligation hereunder, the Grantee shall provide quarterly written progress reports to the Township Supervisors, which progress reports shall include an estimated completion date for the system. In the event the grantee shall have been diligent during the 12 month period, the grantee shall be entitled to an automatic grace period, the system shall still not be completed, the Township (unless further grace period is granted) reserves the right to terminate and cancel the franchise hereby granted and all the rights and privileges of the grantee hereunder in accordance with the following procedures:
The Township shall notify the grantee in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the alleged default. The grantee shall have 30 days subsequent to the receipt of the notice to cure the violation(s).
If the grantee does not respond or, upon receipt of the grantee's response and/or evidence of correction of the violation, if the Township concludes that a basis for termination still exists, it shall notify the grantee thereof by certified mail, return receipt requested, and indicate the date on which a public hearing shall be held pursuant to 10 days public notice in a newspaper of general circulation.
At that public hearing, the grantee shall be afforded an opportunity to explain the reasons for the alleged violation(s). Upon conclusion thereof, the Township may terminate the franchise or direct the grantee to comply within such time and manner and upon such terms and conditions as the Township may direct.
If this franchise is terminated in accordance with the foregoing procedures, that part of the system then installed shall become the property of the Township for a price or consideration equal to the costs of the system then installed. For this purpose, cost shall include direct costs of labor and material excluding any interest or management fees or salaries. If such determination of costs cannot be agreed upon, then each party shall select an appraiser and such appraiser shall select a third appraiser. The amount to be paid shall be equal to 50% of the sum of the two appraisers that are closest to each other.
If at any time the grantee requests renewal of this franchise and such renewal is not granted, the Township shall purchase the entire system for fair market value. Such fair market value shall be the fair market value of all tangible and intangible property forming part of the system as a going business. If the Township fails to purchase the system within 90 days after such non-renewal of the franchise (during which time the grantee may continue to exercise the franchise) the Township shall either renew the franchise or permit the grantee to arrange a purchase of the system by any other party subject to approval of such party by the Township Supervisors, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld, which purchaser shall receive a renewed franchise.
Prior to commencement of installation of any part of the system, grantee shall deliver to the Township Supervisors a written instrument duly executed by the grantee containing the following provisions:
That the grantee agrees to be bound by the terms of this Part and faithfully to perform its obligations hereunder.
That it consents to the jurisdiction of the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to grant orders specifically enforcing the provisions of this Part against the grantee.
That the grantee agrees to pay and discharge all reasonable counsel fees and costs which the Township may incur in specifically enforcing the provisions of this Part.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 11A]
The Township may order the grantee to restore the streets to a condition the same as existed prior to System construction excluding any improvements made to said streets subsequent to System construction. The Township Engineer shall cause such streets to be examined prior to any construction by the Grantee and shall provide a report on the condition of such street to the Township and the Grantee. With regard to non-public property, the Grantee shall restore such property to a condition the same as existed prior to System construction excluding any improvement made to such property subsequent to System construction. Restoration of public streets shall be approved by the Township Engineer. Costs for restoration of private property and public property shall be borne by the grantee.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 12]
Twelve months prior to the expiration of the franchise, the Township shall receive the performance of the Grantee in accordance with this Part and shall review the content of the Part itself for its sufficiency.
The Township shall proceed to determine at a public hearing whether the Grantee has satisfactorily performed its obligations under the franchise after giving 10 days public notice, in a newspaper of general circulation, including notification to the grantee. To determine satisfactory performance, the Township shall review technical developments and performance of this system, programming, additional services offered, costs of service, fiscal and customer relations and technical audits, and any other particular requirement that may be set forth in this Part.
Following the review set forth in § 412(2) of this section, the Township may elect (i) to award grantee a five-year term franchise extension pursuant to the terms and conditions of § 403 of this Part, as amended; or (ii) purchase the System; or (iii) permit the purchase of the system by another party; or (iv) permit the franchise to expire.
In the event of the cancellation or expiration of the franchise, the Township may direct the Grantee to operate the System for the account of the Township for a period of six months and the grantee agrees to comply with such direction. The Township shall pay the Grantee all reasonable and necessary costs incurred by the Grantee in operating such System. Such costs shall be determined by an impartial audit of the grantee and agreed upon by both the grantee and the Township.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 13; as amended by Ord. 83-O-120, 5/2/1983, § 4; by Ord. 84-O-132, 8/20/1984, §§ 2-5; by Ord. 85-O-142, 7/1/1985, §§ 1 and 3; by Ord. 86-O-147, 1/6/1986, §§ 2 and 3; by Ord. 98-O-11, 5/13/1998, § 1; and by Ord. 2004-O-4, 3/10/2004]
There is hereby established an advisory committee for telecommunications to include: cable/wireless television, broadband/wireless internet access and local telephone services in Newtown Borough and Newtown Township which shall be known as the "Newtown Area Telecommunications Advisory Committee."
The Committee shall be composed of seven members, five of whom shall be residents of Newtown Township and two of whom shall be residents of Newtown Borough. Terms of members shall be for three years. Any vacancy shall be filled by the Borough Council or the Board of Supervisors, as the case may be, by appointment for the remainder of the term. No employee or person with ownership interest in any company providing the listed services (above) shall be eligible for membership on the Committee. The Chair of the Committee shall be elected by the members of the Committee for a term of one year. Action of the Committee shall require concurrence of at least four of its members. The Grantee shall be an ex-officio but nonvoting member of the Advisory Committee. The Committee shall have the following functions:
Explore and advise on open and non-discriminatory access to all telecommunications.
Advise the Borough and Township on applications for franchises and on franchise renewals.
Advise the Borough and Township on matters which might be grounds for revocation of the franchise or imposition of penalties on the Grantee in accordance with this Part.
Assist in resolving disagreements among customers and telecommunication providers or, if applicable, between two or more telecommunications providers.
Advise the Borough and Township in respect to cable rates, to policy relating to the services provided to subscribers, and to the operation and use of public and institutional cable channels, and to the availability of channel time for lease for pay-cable programs, business users, and informational programming.
Cooperate with other systems and supervise interconnection of systems.
Audit all grantee records as required by this Part and, require preparation and filing of information additional to that required herein.
Make an annual report to the Borough and Township including an account of franchise fees received and distributed, the total number of hours of utilization of public channels, and hours sub-totals for various programming categories.
Review any plans submitted during the year by the Grantee for development of new services.
At the request of the Board of Supervisors or Borough Council, conduct an evaluation of the cable system in consultation with the Grantee and utilizing technical consultants if necessary, which shall be paid for from fees received by the Borough and Township from the Grantee and pursuant thereto make recommendation to the Borough and Township for amendments to this Part.
Monitor emerging telecommunications standards and new technologies to address new community needs and provide maximum service and reasonable cost via the promotion of competition.
Review and address matters concerning aesthetics in equipment and installation as permitted by law.
Strive to improve service by expanding services and addressing (group) problems with local telephone, cable/wireless television and broad band/wireless internet services.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 14; as amended by Ord. 86-O-158, 12/1/1986, § 2]
The grantee shall indemnify and save the Township, its agents and employees, harmless from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees sustained by the Township, its agents and employees, on account of any suit, judgment, execution, claim or demand whatsoever arising out of the installation, operation or maintenance of the CATV system authorized herein and/or copyright infringements and/or any other damages alleged to arise from Township's grant of this non-exclusive franchise to construct a CATV system, and is caused in whole or in part by a negligent act or omission of the grantee, his subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose act any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, and whether or not any act or omission complained of is authorized, allowed or prohibited by the ordinance and the franchise granted hereunder.
The grantee shall pay and by its acceptance of this franchise specifically agrees that it will pay all expenses incurred by the Township, its agents and employees, in any defense with regard to all damages and penalties mentioned in subsection (1) above. These expenses shall include all out-of-pocket expenses such as attorneys' fees of the Township and its agents and employees and shall also include the reasonable value of any services rendered by the Township Solicitor and/or the Township Solicitor's assistants or consultants, any employees of the Township.
Grantee shall maintain and by its acceptance of this franchise specifically agrees that it will maintain throughout the terms of this franchise liability insurance insuring the Township and Grantee with regard to all damages mentioned in § 401(1) above in the minimum amounts of:
One million dollars for bodily injury or death to any one person, within the limit, however, of $2,000,000 for bodily injury or death resulting from any one accident.
Five hundred thousand dollars for property damages resulting from any one accident.
One hundred thousand dollars for infringement of copyrights.
One hundred thousand dollars for all other types of liability.
Grantee shall maintain, and by its acceptance of this franchise specifically agrees that it will maintain throughout the term of this franchise a faithful surety performance bond running to the Township in the penal sum of $100,000 conditioned that the grantee shall complete construction of the system as provided in this agreement and upon completion to be reduced to the penal sum of $50,000 conditioned that the Grantee shall well and truly observe, fulfill and perform each term and condition of this Part and that in case of any breach of the condition of either bond, not cured by the Grantee as provided herein, the amount thereof shall be recoverable from the principal and surety thereof by the Township for all damages resulting from the failure of grantee to well and faithfully observe the condition of the bonds. Further reduction in the $50,000 bond shall be exclusively within the discretion of the Township Supervisors.
The insurance policies and bond obtained by the grantee in compliance with this section shall be approved by the Township. Such insurance policies and bond, along with the written evidence of payment of required premiums, shall be filed and maintained with the Township Secretary during the term of this Part.
All expense of the above-noted insurance and bond shall be paid by the Grantee.
The insurance policies mentioned herein shall contain an endorsement stating that the policies are extended to cover liability assumed by the Grantee under the terms of this Part and shall contain the following endorsement:
"Cancellation or reduction of any requirement for insurance herein shall be termed default of this Part and subject to the grantee to termination of the franchise as provided herein."
Neither the provisions of this Part nor any insurance accepted by the Township pursuant hereto, nor any damages recovered by the Township thereunder, shall be construed to excuse faithful performance by the grantee or limit the liability of the grantee under the franchise issued hereunder or for damages either to the full amount of the bond or otherwise.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 15]
CATV basic service shall be made available to substantially all individual dwellings, residences, institutions, organization's and all other entities within the limits of the Township, in accordance with the provisions of this Part and all laws governing the rights of privacy and passage.
Installations and service fees shall be equal for all basic service subscribers. Installation or subscriber use of CATV service which involves the retransmission of the cable signal to multiple reception points via a privately-owned closed circuit television distribution system shall be negotiated separately by the grantee and the subscriber.
Residential installation shall occur as an activated or reactivated feeder line passes the home or dwelling, upon request of the resident.
Each class of subscriber service shall be offered cable television service on a uniform, non-discriminatory basis within said class.
All cable equipment shall be removed from a subscriber's property when so requested by a subscriber except as such removal would interfere with the provisions of cable services to another subscriber in the same structure.
Cable, whether underground or aerial, shall conform to the various other ordinances in effect within the Township pertaining to construction.
The system shall be designed for reliable operation 24 hours per day and shall ensure service impairment of interruption only for good cause. Interruptions of service shall be for the shortest times possible.
The Grantee shall maintain an office in either Newtown Borough or Newtown Township and shall be open to the general public during all usual business hours.
The grantee shall have a publicly listed telephone. The grantee shall maintain a twenty-four-hour answering device or operator each day of the year in order to receive subscriber complaints. A record shall be kept by the grantee listing each and every subscriber complaint received. Said record shall be available for inspection upon request at the office of the Township Secretary and shall be kept for a year. A written summary shall be given the Township annually on the anniversary date of the awarding of the franchise.
The grantee shall maintain a repair and troubleshooting force capable of responding to subscriber complaints and/or requests for cable system repairs within 24 hours as a maximum after the receipt of the complaint and/or request.
There shall be no charge to the subscriber for this service. The Grantee shall maintain a record on the disposition of all complaints and/or requests for repairs and shall provide an annual summary to the Township within 30 days of the anniversary date of the awarding of the franchise.
Said record shall be available for inspection upon reasonable notice, but in no case less than four times annually.
The grantee shall not deny nor delay service, deny or delay access, or otherwise discriminate against subscribers, channel users, or general citizens on any basis whatsoever.
The grantee shall strictly adhere to the Equal Employment Opportunity requirements of the Federal Communications Commission as expressed in Section 76.13(a)(8) and 73.311 of Chapter I, Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations and all Federal, State and local laws, regulations and executive orders pertaining to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action programs and nondiscrimination.
The grantee shall comply with all provisions of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act as the same may be from time to time amended.
The grantee shall not tabulate any test results, nor permit the use of its cable system for such tabulation, which would reveal the commercial product preferences or opinions of subscribers, members of their families or their invitees, licensees or employees without the express written consent of each and every subscriber so polled or tabulated.
In all cases where developments and subdivisions are to be constructed and to be served in whole or in part by underground power and telephone utilities, and in such area where both utilities are to be placed underground, exclusive of all electronic cable television facilities, the grantee shall similarly comply and shall install system concurrently with the installation of the underground power and telephone utilities.
Upon the reasonable request for service by any person within the Township, the grantee shall, within 30 days, furnish the requested service to said person providing the location of the requested service is within an area serviced by a feeder line.
If a subscriber requests installation or extension of cable and grantee fails to install or extend it within three months 90 days after the system is completed, such a failure shall be considered a breach of a condition of this Part. Continuing failure to install and/or extend cable system service during any subsequent three months 90 days period shall constitute a separate breach of a condition of this Part, provided, however, that there shall be no obligation to extend service more than 200 feet from existing cable to a subscriber without the subscriber's contribution to the cost of such extension. (This request we felt was reasonable under all the circumstances.)
Any subscriber who has a complaint regarding the quality of cable television service, equipment malfunctions, buildings, or any other matter which remains unresolved for 30 days after it has been brought to the grantee's attention, in writing, may file a compliant in writing with the Township who shall have the primary responsibility for the continuing administration of complaint procedure hereunder.
Upon filing of such a complaint, the Township shall notify the grantee and make an investigation to determine whether or not there is reason to credit the allegations. If it is determined after such investigation that there is reason to credit the allegations of the complaint, the Township shall so notify the grantee and the complainant, and shall promptly endeavor to resolve the matter by conciliation and persuasion.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 16]
Grantee shall provide each public, private and parochial school and college, fire stations, rescue squads, public ambulance garages, public and private libraries, and Township buildings and such public auditoriums and institutions as are requested by the Township with a single drop and service without charge. Additional drops and service will be charged to the facility by the grantee at a cost of time and material only.
Grantee shall comply with the present and future rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission in connection with and relating to the operation of its system and shall provide a minimum service offering as follows:
Public Access Channel. Grantee shall maintain at least one specially designated, non-commercial public access channel available on a first-come, non-discriminatory basis.
Educational Access Channel. Grantee shall maintain at least two specially designated channels for use by local educational authorities.
Local Government Access Channel. Grantee shall maintain at least one specifically designated channel for local government uses.
Leased Access Channel. Grantee shall maintain at least one specifically designated channel for leased access uses. In addition, other portions of its non-broadcast bandwidth, including unused portion of the specially designated channel shall be available for leased uses. On at least one of the leased channels, priority shall be given part-time users. Operations of a commercial leased channel shall not in any way cause interference to any other cable channel. It shall be the responsibility of the commercial channel lessee to avoid such interference. In the event that such avoidance is not possible, the commercial channel lessee shall cease further operations until such interference is eliminated. Failure to comply with this regulation shall result in the immediate forfeiture of all privilege regardless of the existence of any lease, claim or contract or other claim or right.
Program Origination. Grantee shall conduct program origination cable casting, in addition to any automated services.
Grantee shall provide both portable and stationary equipment to be used by access cable casters with the aid of a technical and production staff to be provided by grantee. Included should be equipment that can store programs for later showing. In addition, a centrally located studio must be made available to all access users on a first-come, first-served basis. A full schedule of rates for use of equipment, studio, and technical and production staff must be provided, including rates for portable facilities if they differ. Rates may give preference to non-commercial users.
The Grantee shall in no way restrict the content or message of any program presented over any of the community access channels. There are, however, subjects which are specifically prohibited by this Part from being distributed, telecast and/or cablecast via the cable system.
The following material(s) are specifically prohibited from being distributed, telecast and/or cablecast on any and all community access channels:
Any advertising material designed to promote the sale of commercial products or services, including advertising by or on the behalf of candidates for public elective office.
Any lottery information, gift enterprise or similar scheme, offering prizes dependent in whole or in part upon lot or change, or any list of prizes drawn or awarded by means of any such lottery, gift enterprise or similar scheme, whether such list contains any part or all of such prizes; or any lottery, gift enterprise or similar scheme if, in connection with such programs, a prize consisting of money or a thing of value or in part upon lot or chance, if as a condition of winning or competing for such prize, such winner or winners are required to have in their possession any product sold, manufactured, furnished or distributed by a sponsor of any program transmitted via the cable system.
Any material that is obscene or indecent.
The grantee shall refuse to distribute via the cable system community access programming or leased channel programing that he deems to be obscene or indecent or otherwise prohibited from such publication by law.
All users of any and all community access channels shall be responsible for all necessary appropriate arrangements with, and shall obtain all appropriate clearances from broadcast station's networks, sponsors, music licensing organization, performers, representative and, without limitation from the foregoing any and all other person, natural and otherwise, as may be necessary to transmit their program material over the cable television system.
In recognition of the fact that the grantee shall exercise no editorial control over the content of program material to be transmitted via the cable system, except as provided for herein, all users of any and all community access channels shall agree to hold the grantee harmless from any and all liability or other injury (including any reasonable costs of defending claims or litigation) arising from or in connection with claims for failure to comply with any applicable laws, rules, regulations or other requirements of local, State or Federal authorities; for claims of libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or the infringement of common law or statutory copyright; for unauthorized use of any trademark, trade name or service mark; for breach of contractual or other obligations owing to third parties by the franchisee; and for any other injury or damage in law or equity, which claims result from the user's use of the community access channels.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 17]
No later than 60 days following the close of its fiscal year the grantee shall submit a written report to the Township which shall include, but not be limited to:
A summary of the previous year's activities in development of this system, including but not limited to service begun or dropped, subscribers gained or lost.
Upon request, a financial statement including a statement of income, a balance sheet, and a statement of sources and applications of funds.
A list of subscribers with names and addresses and level of service.
A summary of service calls and letters of complain, identifying the number and nature of problems and their disposition.
Names of individual complaints may be requested by Township or the Council for the purposes of ascertaining the specifics of individual complaints.
Upon request, a list of officers and members of the board of a Grantee and the parent corporation.
Copies of company proof of performance.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 621/1982, § 18]
The franchise herein granted is personal to the grantee. It cannot be transferred, leased, assigned or disposed of as a whole, or in part either by forced sale, merger, consolidation, or otherwise, without prior written consent of the Township expressed by ordinance and then only under such conditions as may be therein prescribed.
Any foreclosure or judicial sale of all, or any part of the System shall be considered default. Initiation of any such proceedings shall be treated as a notification of change of control of the Grantee.
The Township Supervisors shall have the right to cancel this franchise 120 days after the election or appointment of a receiver or trustee to take over and conduct the business of the Grantee, whether in receivership, reorganization, bankruptcy or other action or proceedings, unless such receivership or trusteeship shall have vacated prior to the expiration of the 120 days; or unless:
Within 120 days after the election or appointment such receiver or trustee shall have fully complied with all provisions of this part and remedied all defaults thereunder; and
Within said 120 days such receiver or trustee shall have executed an agreement, duly approved by the Court having jurisdiction in the premises, whereby such receiver or trustee assumes and agrees to be bound by each and every provision of this Part.
[Ord. 82-O-109, 6/21/1982, § 19]
This document hereby incorporates by reference all order, rules and/or regulations of the Federal Communications Commission or other Federal or State Agencies applicable to a Cable Television System and such other orders, rules and/or regulations as any such Agency or agencies may from time to time adopt. Such regulations shall be a part of this document as though the same were fully set forth at length herein. In the event any such Agency ceases to exist or revokes any applicable order, rules and/or regulations, the said orders, rules and/or regulation shall continue to apply to the grantee and this franchise document unless also revoked by the Township of Newtown. In the event any such agency ceases to exist the Township of Newtown shall be the agency to which application should be made for any required approval or certification.
If the grantee, or any subsidiary, parent or affiliate corporation of the grantee is engaged in the business or activity of selling, leasing, repairing or installing television set or radio receivers, cameras, audio or video tape machines, microphones, control beeps, modulators or other television production equipment utilized by users or subscribers in the operation of any cable television system, the grantee shall not condition cable television service or the continuation thereof or usage of community access facilities on a subscriber's purchase or lease of, or failure to lease or purchase, any of such services or equipment.
The Grantee shall at all times during the life of this franchise, and any extensions thereof, be subject to all lawful exercise of the police power of the Township of Newtown, and to such reasonable regulations as the Township may hereinafter provide, and shall comply with all applicable State and Federal regulations.
In order to allow for technological changes in the state of the art regarding CATV, and to facilitate renewal procedures, allow for maximum degree of flexibility in the System, and to help achieve a continuing, advanced, modern system for the Township, the Grantee shall provide for the following review provisions:
The Township and Grantee shall hold a scheduled review session within 30 days of the first anniversary date of the Grantee's execution of the franchise ordinance. Subsequent review sessions shall be scheduled every year thereafter. All such review sessions shall be open to the public and announced in a newspaper of general circulation.
Copies of all petitions, applications and communications submitted by the Grantee to the Federal Communications Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission or agency having jurisdiction in respect to any matters affecting the Company's operations authorized pursuant to this franchise, shall also be submitted simultaneously to the Township.
To the extent that any federal or state agency with jurisdiction shall impose, modify or terminate controls in any area pertinent to this Part, the Part shall be construed as not to conflict therewith while it is in process of amendment or repeal as the Township may elect.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Part is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holdings shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof.
Every direction, notice or order to be served upon the Grantee shall be sent by Certified Mail to its officers located in the Borough or Township. The mailing of such notice, direction or order shall be equivalent to address personal notice, direction or order.
There shall be no automatic right of renewal of the franchise rights granted hereunder.
Nothing herein contained shall be construed to be a representation by the Township or any of its officers, agents or employees, that the authorization of this non-exclusive franchise is within the authority of the Township to grant. It is fully understood that the Township shall not be liable for any cost of any kind incurred by the Grantee resulting from any portion of this Part being held invalid, unauthorized, or unconstitutional, nor shall the Township be obligated to litigate the validity of this franchise unless the cost thereof shall first be guaranteed by the grantee in a manner satisfactory to the Township.
[Ord. 98-O-10, 5/18/1999, § 1]
A proposed change in a cable operator's existing rates for the basic service tier and associated equipment costs using the annual filing system pursuant to § 76.922(e) and § 76.923 of the Federal Communications Commission rules.
The basic service tier shall, at a minimum, include all signal of domestic television broadcast stations provided to any subscriber [except a signal secondarily transmitted by satellite carrier beyond the local service area of such station, regardless of how such signal is ultimately received by the cable operator(s)], any public, educational and governmental programming required by the franchise agreement to be carried on the basic tier and any additional video programming signals or services added to the basic tier by the cable operator(s).
Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act, Pub. L. No. 102-385, 106 Stat. 1460 (1992).
All cable television operators who are party to a current franchise agreement with the franchising authority.
Any video programming provided over a cable television system, regardless of service tier, including installation or rental of equipment used for the receipt of such video programming other than:
Video programming carried on the basic service tier.
Video programming offered on a pay-per-channel or pay-per-program basis.
A combination of multiple channels of pay-per-channel or pay-per-program video programming offered on a multiplexed or time shifted basis so long as the combined services: (i) consists of commonly identified video programming; and (ii) is not bundled with any regulated tier of service.
The certification received by the franchising authority from the FCC, empowering the franchising authority to regulate certain cable television rates.
A rate application filed in the manner prescribed and on the forms adopted by the FCC. A cost-of-service rate application may be submitted by a cable operator(s), in its sole discretion in support of its current rates or a proposed rate increase.
Those rates in effect for the basic service tier and for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier, existing on the date when the franchising authority notifies the cable operator(s) that it has received certification.
The Federal Communications Commission.
The agreement between one or more cable operator(s) and the franchising authority pursuant to which the cable operator(s) was granted a franchise to offer cable television services to subscribers.
Township of Newtown.
Those rates against which all rate applications shall be measured. The maximum permitted rates shall be determined consistent with the rules adopted by the FCC.
An opinion issued by the franchising authority in response to any rate application.
An order issued by the franchising authority advising the cable operator(s) and other interested parties of the franchising authority's intent to take additional time to review and approve or disprove any rate application.
The rate prescribed by the franchising authority for the basic service tier and/or for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier, which may differ from the proposed rate submitted by the cable operator(s) in a rate application.
A reduction by the franchising authority in the current rates charged by the cable operator(s).
An application on the form adopted by the FCC to be submitted by the cable operator(s) for approval of its current rates and/or any proposed increase in the rates for the basic service tier and/or for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier.
Any refund ordered by the franchising authority of rates charged for the basic service tier and/or the rates for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier pursuant to the terms contained in § 424(4)(B).
A customer of the cable operator(s) receiving cable television service within the geographic boundaries of the franchising authority.
[Ord. 98-O-10, 5/18/1999, § 2]
The franchising authority is hereby empowered to make application for certification with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to regulate cable television rates for the basic service tier, the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier and to provide notice to the cable operator(s) of its application for certification. Application shall be made in the manner and on the forms adopted by the FCC and notice shall be provided to the cable operator(s) before or on the same day of filing of the application.
Upon the effective date of certification the franchising authority shall provide notice to the cable operator(s) of its certification, its intention to regulate rates for the basic service tier and the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier.
In the event that the franchising authority shall not obtain certification or that its certification shall be reconsidered and revoked, the franchising authority is hereby authorized to take such steps as are necessary to receive certification.
[Ord. 98-O-10, 5/18/1999, § 3]
Pursuant to the power and authority granted to the franchising authority under the Cable Act of 1992, its certification by the FCC for regulating rates for the basic service tier and rates for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier and other charges which may be regulated by the franchising authority pursuant to the regulations adopted by the FCC under the Cable Act of 1992, the franchising authority shall exercise regulatory power over the rates charged or to be charged to a subscriber for the basic service tier and for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier applicable to those subscribers of the cable operator(s).
[Ord. 98-O-10, 5/18/1999, § 4]
Initial Procedures.
The cable operator(s) shall give notice to its subscribers within 90 days (or three billing cycles) of the effective date of the rules adopted by the franchising authority and all new subscribers at the time of installation of the availability of the basic service tier.
Each cable operator shall submit a rate application to the franchising authority for approval of that cable operator's current rates for the basic service tier and for approval of its rates for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier and for approval of any proposed rate increase.
The rate application for approval of current rates for the basic service tier and the rates for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier shall be filed within 30 days of notice from the franchising authority to the cable operator(s) that the franchising authority has been certified by the FCC and has adopted the regulations required by the FCC for rate regulation.
The rate application for any proposed increase in rates for the basic service tier or for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier, other than an annual rate adjustment, shall be filed a minimum of 30 days before the effective date of the proposed increase.
A cable operator that submits for review an annual rate adjustment for the basic service tier and associated equipment costs shall do so no later than 90 days from the effective date of the proposed rates.
Included in a rate application shall be such information as is set forth in the application form adopted by the FCC.
The cable operator(s) shall submit any relevant information as is permitted by FCC rules, as contained on the application and worksheets adopted by the FCC for rate applications, and which the cable operator(s) would like the franchising authority to consider in evaluating the current rates for the basic service tier and/or for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier and/or in evaluating any proposed rate increase of those same items.
If the current rates for the basic service tier and/or for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier or any proposed rate increase exceeds the maximum permitted rates, the cable operator(s) may submit a cost-of-service rate application in conformity with FCC rules. Only the cable operator(s) may decide whether to submit a cost-of-service rate application.
The cable operator shall give written notice to its subscribers that a rate application has been filed at least 30 days prior to the effective date of any proposed rate increase. In the case of an annual rate adjustment rate application, the cable operator may give subscribers notice of the proposed rate changes at the time a cable operator files its rates with the franchising authority. Such notice should state that the proposed rate change is subject to approval by the franchising authority. If the cable operator is only permitted a smaller increase than was provided for in the notice, the cable operator must provide an explanation to subscribers on the bill in which the rate adjustment is implemented. If the cable operator is not permitted to implement any of the rate increase that was provided for in the notice, the cable operator must provide an explanation to subscribers within 60 days of the date of the franchising authority's opinion. Said notice shall provide the name and address of the franchising authority before whom the rate application is pending.
The cable operator(s) bears the burden of proof that its current rate or any proposed rate increase complies with the statutes of the United States and the regulations of the FCC.
Within 10 days of receipt of a rate application, the franchising authority shall provide notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the jurisdiction of the franchising authority, which notice shall contain at a minimum:
The rate application has been received from the cable operator(s).
The manner in which interested parties may review and/or obtain copies of the rate application.
The effective date of the proposed rate increase if that is the subject of the rate application.
The manner in which interested parties may offer their comments regarding the rate application.
The date all comments must be received by the franchising authority.
The date on which the franchising authority must act on the rate application or the rate application shall have become effective without action.
Within 30 days of receipt of the rate application, other than an annual rate adjustment, the franchising authority shall:
Review the rate application and documentation submitted by the cable operator(s).
Compare the current rates or the proposed rate increase submitted by the cable operator(s) with the maximum permitted rates or with such other applicable standards as have been adopted and/or approved by the FCC.
Consider any public input on the rate application which may have been provided.
Approve, disapprove or seek additional time to consider the rate application.
In the event the cable operator files an annual rate adjustment, the franchising authority shall have 90 days from the date of the filing to:
Review the rate application and documentation submitted by the cable operator(s).
Compare the current rates or the proposed rate increase submitted by the cable operator(s) with the maximum permitted rates or with such other applicable standards as have been adopted and/or approved by the FCC.
Consider any public input on the rate application which may have been provided.
Approve, disapprove or seek additional time to consider the rate application.
However, if the franchising authority or its designee concludes that the cable operator has submitted a facially incomplete filing, the franchising authority's deadline for issuing an opinion, the date on which rates may go into effect if no opinion is issued and the period for which refunds are payable will be tolled while the franchising authority is waiting for this information; provided, that in order to toll these effective dates the franchising authority or its designee notifies the cable operator of the incomplete filing within 45 days of the date the filing is made.
Deemed Approval.
If the franchising authority shall fail to either approve, disapprove or seek additional time to consider the rate application, other than an annual rate adjustment, within said 30 days, the rate application shall be deemed approved on the thirtieth day after submission.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Part 4B, in the event the cable operator files an annual rate adjustment, if the franchising authority has taken no action within the ninety-day review period, then the proposed rates may go into effect at the end of the review period, subject to a prospective rate reduction and refund if the franchising authority subsequently issues an opinion disapproving any portion of such rates; provided, however, that in order to order a prospective rate reduction and refund, if the cable operator who made the filing inquires as to whether the franchising authority intends to issue an opinion after the initial review period, the franchising authority or its designees must notify the cable operator of its intent in this regard within 15 days of the cable operator's inquiry. If a proposed rate goes into effect before the franchising authority issues its opinion, the franchising authority shall have 12 months from the date the cable operator filed for the rate adjustment to issue its opinion. In the event that the franchising authority does not act within this twelve-month period, it may not at a later date order a refund or a prospective rate reduction with respect to that rate filing.
Request for Additional Time.
Rate Application. If the franchising authority is unable to determine from the rate application, including any supporting documentation submitted by the cable operator(s), whether the current rates for the basic service tier and/or for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier and/or the proposed rate increase are within the maximum permitted rates, the franchising authority may, in cases not involving an annual rate adjustment or cost-of-service showings, take an additional 90 days to consider the rate application.
The franchising authority shall issue an order and serve the same upon the cable operator(s) indicating that additional time is required to consider the rate application. The order shall be issued prior to the expiration of the 30 days during which the franchising authority may consider the rate application. Within seven days of issuance of such order, the franchising authority shall publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the jurisdiction of the franchising authority, which notice shall contain a summary of the order, including the additional time requested and the reason for requesting such additional time.
The cable operator may submit such additional information as it believes will cure any deficiencies in the rate application during the additional time.
The franchising authority may require the cable operator(s) to furnish additional specified information, including proprietary information, when the current rate or proposed rate increase is in excess of the maximum permitted rate. When the current rate is equal to or below the maximum permitted rate the franchising authority may only require furnishing of documentation that the rate is within the maximum permitted rate. Any proprietary information furnished to the franchising authority shall be retained as confidential in conformity with regulations adopted by the FCC in this regard, a copy of which regulations are on file with and available for review upon request to the franchising authority.
If no decision is issued by the franchising authority at the expiration of the additional time, the current rates or proposed rate increase shall become effective, subject to any later refund order adopted by the franchising authority. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the franchising authority, in order to later order a refund, must, within the text of the order, direct the cable operator(s) to keep an accurate account of all amounts received by reason of the rate in issue and on whose behalf such amounts were paid.
Cost of Service Rate Application. If the cable operator(s) has submitted a cost-of-service rate application and the franchising authority is unable to determine whether the current rates for the basic service tier and/or for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier and/or the proposed rate increase are within the maximum permitted rates, the franchising authority may take an additional 150 days to consider the cost of service rate application.
The franchising authority shall issue an order and serve the same upon the cable operator(s) indicating that additional time is required to consider the rate application because it is a cost-of-service rate application. The order shall be issued prior to the expiration of the 30 days during which the franchising authority may consider the rate application. Within seven days of issuance of such order the franchising authority shall publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the jurisdiction of the franchising authority, which notice shall contain a summary of the order including the additional time requested and the reason for requesting such additional time.
The franchising authority may require the cable operator(s) to furnish additional specified information, including proprietary information, when the current rate or proposed rate increase is in excess of the maximum permitted rate. When the current rate is equal to or below the maximum permitted rate, the franchising authority may only require furnishing of documentation that the rate is within the maximum permitted rate. Any proprietary information furnished to the franchising authority shall be retained as confidential in conformity with regulations adopted by the FCC in this regard, a copy of which regulations are on file with and available for review upon request to the franchising authority.
If no decision is issued by the franchising authority at the expiration of the additional time, the current rates or proposed rate increase shall become effective, subject to any later refund order adopted by the franchising authority. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the franchising authority, in order to later order a refund, must, within the text of the order, direct the cable operator(s) to keep an accurate account of all amounts received by reason of the rate in issue and on whose behalf such amounts were paid.
Decision of the Franchising Authority.
The franchising authority shall issue a written opinion when:
The rate application is not approved, in whole or in part, by the franchising authority.
The rate application is approved by the franchising authority over the objection(s) of any interested party.
The franchising authority may, but is not required to, issue a written opinion when the rate application is approved and there have been no objections filed.
Within seven days of issuance of an opinion, the franchising authority shall provide notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the jurisdiction of the franchising authority, which notice shall contain at a minimum that:
The franchising authority has reached a decision on the rate application and announcing that decision.
The manner in which interested parties may review and/or obtain copies of the opinion.
The right of interested parties to take an appeal from the opinion of the franchising authority.
The deadline for taking any such appeal.
Notice of the opinion of the franchising authority shall be provided to the cable operator(s) by mail within seven days of issuance.
Disapproval of the Rate Application.
Rate Reduction.
Current Rates. If the franchising authority shall issue an opinion disapproving the current rates of the cable operator(s) for the basic service tier or for rates for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier, the franchising authority may order a reduction in the current rates for the basic service tier and/or for the equipment and installation necessary to receive the basic service tier. The prospective rate adjustment may be set at:
A level consistent with the FCC adopted maximum permitted rates.
Another rate based on review of a cost-of-service rate application.
Another rate consistent with FCC rules.
Proposed Rates. If the franchising authority shall issue an opinion disapproving of any proposed rate increase the franchising authority may:
Prescribe a reasonable rate to be charged by the cable operator(s) instead of the proposed rate. The prescribed rate may not be lower that the maximum permitted rate unless a cost-of-service rate application has been submitted by the cable operator(s) and the franchising authority determines that the cost-of-service analysis justifies a lower rate.
Advise the cable operator(s) of a rate level to which it would not object if a modified rate application were resubmitted.
Refunds. The franchising authority may order a refund if:
The cable operator failed to comply with a rate decision by the franchising authority. The refund period may be retroactive to the effective date of the rate order issued by the franchising authority.
The franchising authority determines in its initial review of the current rates that they exceed the maximum permitted rates and are unsupported by a cost-of-service rate application. In such instance the refund period may be retroactive to September 1, 1993, or one year prior to the date on which the cable operator(s) implement(s) the prospective rate adjustment, whichever is shorter.
The franchising authority:
Has issued an order permitting it to take an additional 90 or 150 days to consider a rate application.
Has directed the cable operator(s) to keep an accurate account of all amounts received by reason of the rate in issue and on whose behalf such amounts were paid; but
Failed to issue an opinion during that time period, causing the rates to become provisionally effective and the franchising authority later finds all or a portion of the rates to be unreasonable. In such instance, the refund period may be retroactive to the date of the order and ending on the date on which the cable operator(s) implements the prospective rate reduction or one year, whichever is shorter.
Before any refund order shall become effective, the franchising authority must send notice to the cable operator(s) and provide said cable operator(s) a maximum of 30 days to submit additional information to the franchising authority as to why the refund should not be ordered. At the end of said period the franchising authority shall either confirm, amend or rescind said refund order.
Refunds shall include interest computed at applicable rates published by the Internal Revenue Service for tax refunds and additional tax payments.
If any proposed rate increase has gone into effect due to inaction of the franchising authority or the failure of the franchising authority to issue an order stating a need for additional time, the franchising authority has no right to order a refund.
Any violation of any order issued hereunder shall be considered a violation of this Part.
[Ord. 98-O-10, 5/18/1999, § 5]
Cumulative Remedies. Where this Part provides alternative penalties or remedies they shall be cumulative and the imposition of one penalty or remedy shall not prevent the franchising authority from invoking any other penalty or remedy provided herein.
In addition to all other rights and remedies provided herein, the franchising authority shall have all rights and remedies afforded under the franchise agreement.
Unless otherwise provided, any person convicted of violating any provisions of this Part, including any order issued or any rule or regulation promulgated hereunder shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than $600 and costs for each offense and in default of payment thereof may be imprisoned for not more than 30 days. Each day of a continuing violation shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
[Ord. 98-O-10, 5/18/1999, § 6]
Appeals of all ratemaking decisions by the franchising authority may be taken to the FCC by the cable operator(s), subscribers or other interested parties.
Appeals must be filed within 30 days of the date of public release of the franchising authority's opinion.
Oppositions to an appeal must be filed within 15 days after the filing of the appeal and must be served on the party appealing.
Replies to oppositions shall be filed within seven days of the filing of an opposition and served on all parties.
[Ord. 98-O-10, 5/18/1999, § 7]
Cable Programming Service Rates.
The franchising authority is hereby authorized to file complaints with the FCC on behalf of itself and/or any subscriber(s) who files a complaint with the franchising authority for those cable programming service rates solely regulated by the FCC.
The decision to file a complaint with the FCC by the franchising authority shall be in the sole discretion of the franchising authority.
Any such complaint filed by the franchising authority shall be in conformity with the rules of the FCC.
The franchising authority shall not file a complaint unless within 90 days after a rate increase in cable programming service rates becomes effective it receives no less than two complaints from subscribers.
No formal review or adjudication by the franchising authority of any such complaint is permitted.
Information to Be Included in Billing.
A cable operator(s) shall provide the following information to subscribers on monthly bills:
The name and mailing address of the franchising authority.
The FCC community unit identifier for the cable system.
A cable operator(s) shall provide notice to the franchising authority at least 30 days in advance of any change in rates for cable programming service or associated equipment.