[Ord. 98-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 1]
The provisions of this Part are designed to promote and protect the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the residents of Newtown Township by regulating the installation and operation of amusement games within the Township.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 2]
Unless otherwise expressly stated, an "Amusement Game" means any automatic, mechanical, electric or electronic machine or device used or designed to be operated as a game, or for entertainment or amusement, by the insertion of a coin, token, money or other article, or by the payment of money to have it activated. This definition shall not include the following:
Bowling alleys.
Merchandise/food machines.
Photographic machines.
Any game or device maintained within a residence for the sole use of the occupants thereof and their guests.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 3]
No person, firm, association, corporation or other entity shall place, possess, keep, maintain, exhibit, use or operate, or permit to be placed, possessed, kept, maintained, exhibited, used or operated, any amusement game in or upon any building, premises, store or other public or quasi-public place, in their possession or under their control, within the Township of Newtown, without first obtaining a license therefor.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 4]
Application for an amusement game license shall be made to the Township on forms to be prescribed by the Township, which shall set forth, among other information deemed to be required and prescribed by the Township, the following.
The name and address of the applicant, if an individual, or if a partnership, association, or other entity, the names, residence addresses and occupations of each member of the partnership, association, or other entity, and if a corporation, the address of its registered office and principal place of business, the names and addresses of its officers and directors. The application shall include the name, address, and written consent of the owner of the property, if the applicant is other than the owner of the property where the amusement games are to be located.
Any prior criminal record of the applicant or of anyone associated with the applicant as a partner, associate, agent, or employee, or as an officer or director of a corporation.
The manufacturer, name, dimensions, serial number and general description, including a statement of ownership, of the amusement game.
The address of the place where the amusement game is to be placed, possessed, kept, maintained, exhibited, used or operated.
A floor plan of the building, premises, store or other public or quasi-public place shall be provided showing the proposed placement of the amusement game on the applicant's premises, in form and detail designated by the Township.
Authorization of the Fire Marshal, or other duly authorized Township official, to inspect the building, premises, store, or other public or quasi-public place for which the application is sought.
Compliance with all Township zoning requirements.
Upon receipt of a properly completed and filed application, the Township shall transmit same to the appropriate Township officials including, but not limited to, the Chief of Police, Building and Zoning Officer and Fire Marshall, as the Township deems appropriate, in order to verify the accuracy of the information submitted on the application, compliance with all local ordinances, state and federal laws, and suitability of the applicant and the premises for an amusement game license.
An applicant whose application for an amusement game license has been denied by the Township shall have the right to have the denial reviewed by the Board of Supervisors upon filing a written notice of appeal within 30 days after notice of denial.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 5]
Upon approval of an application, and payment of the proper fee, the Township shall issue a license to the applicant for the location and placement of an amusement game.
The fee for each license shall be established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and may be amended by resolution from time to time. A separate license and corresponding fee shall be required for each amusement game upon applicant's premises. Said license shall be issued for the calendar year commencing January 1 and expiring December 31. Said license shall be renewed each year by the filing of a written renewal application, accompanied by the license fee for each renewal. The license fee for any license issued for any calendar year after July 1 shall be 1/2 of the annual license fee.
The machine sticker shall be affixed to the amusement game and displayed in a manner approved by the Township.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 6]
A license may be transferred to a purchaser of the business where the amusement game is located, only upon application to the Township by the transferee, and approval of the application by the Township. The application procedure for a transfer shall be identical to an application for a new license. The transferee shall be required to pay the license fee as set forth in § 505(2) of this Part, at the time of his application for transfer.
No amusement game shall be operated within any licensed establishment without having a machine sticker affixed thereto, such machine sticker to be issued at the time of registration. Additional machine stickers may be purchased from the Township for the sum of $2, to facilitate the exchange of machines. The total number of machines at any given time shall not exceed the total number of machines for which a specific location is registered.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 7]
The number of amusement games permitted in any one building, premises, store or other public or quasi-public place shall be limited to three unless a special exception has been granted by the Zoning Hearing Board in conformance with the provisions of the Joint Municipal Zoning Ordinance.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 8]
There shall be not less than 30 square feet of usable floor space on the premises for each amusement game.
The holder of the license may locate the amusement games on the premises as he wishes, subject to approval of the Township and the Township Fire Marshal, to insure safe and adequate ingress and egress.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 9]
An amusement game license may be issued for a building, premises, store or other public or quasi-public place located within the following zoning districts only:
CC - Convenience Commercial.
PC - Planned Commercial.
TC - Town Commercial.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 10]
No amusement game shall be licensed, placed, possessed, kept, maintained, exhibited, used or operated in any location, the entrance or exit to which is within 600 feet of any entrance to or exit from any school, park, playground or church, or within 300 feet of any residential zoning district.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 11]
The owner of any amusement game within Newtown Township shall comply with all provisions of law, ordinance, rule or regulation applicable thereto and relating to the conduct of the business in connection with which the game is used and maintenance of the premises where it is located.
The owner of the game shall maintain good order on the premises at all times. The lack of good order on the premises shall include, but not be limited to the following:
Excessive noise, fighting and rowdy behavior.
Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages, except upon premises licensed for on-premises consumption thereof.
The use or possession of marijuana or any controlled substance, possession of which is prohibited by law.
Amusement games may be in operation between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight only, subject to the following:
Games shall not be operated by school age children during school hours when schools are open.
Games shall not be operated after 10:00 p.m. on Sundays through Thursdays by any person under the age of 18 years when schools are open the following day.
Games shall at no time be operated after 10:00 p.m. by any person under the age of 16 years unless accompanied by and under the supervision of a parent or guardian.
The aforesaid time limitations on operation shall not apply to premises licensed for on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages provided persons under the legal drinking age are prohibited from operating amusement games on the premises at all times.
The owner or occupant of any premises where amusement games are located shall maintain adequate supervision of the premises at all times when the games are in operation. No amusement game shall be available for use or operation, unless it is under the control of and supervision by one or more persons over the age of 18 years who shall insure that it is operated in compliance with this Part.
Any premises where amusement games are located shall maintain a minimum light level of not less than ten-foot candles.
The interior portion of the premises, where the amusement games are located, shall, except as hereinafter provided, be visible to the public from the exterior of the premises. This provision shall not apply to the premises with less than six amusement games, or to premises licensed for on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Any premises where amusement games are located which school-age children patronize, shall provide and maintain bicycle racks or other adequate provision for parking of bicycles.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 12]
Any license issued pursuant to the provisions of this Part shall terminate upon any of the following occurrences:
Discontinuance of the license holder's business.
Removal of licensed amusement games from the business premises.
The violation of § 504 of this Part.
All licenses issued pursuant to the provisions of this Part are subject to suspension or revocation by the Township upon any of the following conditions:
Willful misrepresentation made by the license holder or his agent in applying for the license.
Conviction of the license holder for any felony or misdemeanor involving force, violence, moral turpitude or involving any violation of this Part or other ordinances of Newtown Township, or other State or Federal laws pertaining to business operation.
The existence of a nuisance to customers, other businesses or the general public stemming from the operation of amusement games or from customers, or other persons on or adjacent to the license holder's premises. The definition of "nuisance" for the purpose of this section shall include the violation of any provision of any ordinance of Newtown Township or the Pennsylvania statutes.
Prior to any action suspending or revoking any license, the Township shall give the license holder written notice of such action, affording an opportunity to the license holder to correct any such deficiencies forming the basis for the suspension or revocation.
[Ord. 89-O-228, 12/4/1989, § 14; as amended by Ord. 91-O-11, 7/22/1991; and by Ord. 97-O-22, 12/3/1997]
Any person, firm, association, corporation or other entity who shall violate any of the provisions of § 511, "Operation of Amusement Games," shall be notified of such violation and given an opportunity to correct same within a reasonable period of time as designated by the Township.
Any person, firm or corporation who, after receiving notice as herein provided, continues to be in violation of any of the provisions of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a district justice in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each Section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.