Ord. 1975-1B
Granting to Northwestern Lancaster County Authority certain rights and privileges in, along, over and under streets, roads, lanes, courts, public squares, alleys, highways and other properties of this Township for use in connection with the water system to be constructed and acquired by said Authority; and providing for regulating the manner in which such rights and privileges shall be exercised
Ord. 2003-02
Authorizing the Township of Penn, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to join with Manheim Borough, Manheim Borough Authority and Northwestern Lancaster County Authority to enter into an agreement under which Manheim Borough Authority will provide public water service to a portion of Penn Township and to establish the terms and conditions of such public water service
Ord. 2007-07
Authorizing the Borough of Manheim, Manheim Borough Authority, Northwestern Lancaster County Authority and the Township of Penn, of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to enter into an intermunicipal agreement to provide for an interconnection of the Northwestern Lancaster County Authority and Manheim Borough Authority water systems serving customers in Manheim Borough and Penn Township