The DBIPZ provides a planned business and industrial park environment employing design standards to assure proper control over the physical and visual design of the Town's employment areas while providing for economic development and employment opportunities along the Route 2 corridor. The DBIPZ is a group of individual zones that share common procedural and design requirements.
No DBIPZ shall be established unless it complies with the following requirements:
Each DBIPZ must consist of one or more lots comprising at least 20 acres in total area.
Each DBIPZ must provide for at least 50 feet of frontage on Austin Drive, Hebron Road, Jones Hollow Road, North Main Street, Planeta Drive, Portland Road or West Road, which frontage shall provide the exclusive means of access to and from the lots within the DBIPZ.
The DBIPZ must be located wholly within 4,000 feet from entrance/exit ramps for CT Route 2.
The Commission may divide each DBIPZ into one or more of the following subdistricts: District 1, District 2, District 3, District 4 , District 5 and District 6. Each of the foregoing subdistricts is further described in this article. Each such subdistrict shall be considered a zone under this chapter, and they are grouped together in this section due to the common procedural and design elements that they share. The subdistricts shall collectively be referred to as "DBIPZ."
Upon approval of a DBIPZ and its component subzones, the following uses are permitted only following issuance of a special permit by the Commission.
Uses permissible in District 1:
Beauty salons.
Dropoff cleaners.
Medical office buildings.
Private educational center.
Full-service restaurants.
Retail sales.
Uses permissible in District 2:
Auction house.
Business and professional, corporate and executive, bank and financial offices.
Banquet facilities and catering facility.
Broadcasting and film studio production.
Fitness center, including sports training center.
Hotel and conference centers, with restaurants as an accessory use.
Medical office buildings.
Printing, publishing, blueprinting and similar reproduction.
Private educational center and/or commercial day-care center.
Public utility installations needed for public convenience and necessity.
Technology and communication facilities.
Multiuse buildings containing a combination of any of the uses listed above, provided that uses of such buildings collectively comply with all applicable provisions of this chapter.
Uses permissible in District 3:
Bakeries, wholesale; retail sales restricted to 20% of floor area.
Bottling, brewery and distilling of beverages.
Broadcasting and film studio production.
Building and related trades, excluding uses which involve: the use or storage of heavy construction equipment or trucks; outdoor storage or parking of trailers, light equipment, lumber or other bulk materials; or outdoor display of products or services.
Bulk fuel storage facilities: not to exceed 30,000 gallons.
Business and professional, corporate and executive, bank and financial offices.
Fitness center, including sports training center.
Indoor recreation center.
Light manufacture, fabrication, processing or assembly of goods and packaging products, such as light machine parts, electrical components, electronic and photo-optic devices, office or business equipment, plastic components, printing, woodworking, sheet metal working, stone cutting, and distributive storage and warehousing of such items. No use shall be permitted under this paragraph that is dangerous by reason of fire, radiation or explosion, or injurious, noxious or detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood by reason of emissions.
Warehousing and storage is permitted only as an accessory use to manufacturing and assembly of raw materials and finished product materials of the specific business.
Printing, publishing, blueprinting and similar reproduction.
Research and development facilities, experimental engineering research facility; experimental electronic laboratories.
Technology and communication uses.
Wholesale businesses with related sales offices and display rooms.
Multiuse buildings containing a combination of any of the uses listed above, provided that uses of such buildings collectively comply with all applicable provisions of this chapter.
Uses permissible in District 4:
Grocery stores.
Hotel and conference centers, with restaurants as an accessory use; medical office buildings.
Full-service restaurant.
Retail sales.
Uses permissible in District 5:
Auction house.
Bakeries, wholesale; retail sales restricted to 20% of floor area.
Bottling, brewery and distilling of beverages.
Broadcasting and film studio production.
Building and related trades, excluding uses which involve the use or storage of heavy construction equipment or trucks; outdoor storage or parking of trailers, light equipment, lumber or other bulk materials; or outdoor display of products or services.
Bulk fuel storage facilities, not to exceed 30,000 gallons.
Business and professional, corporate and executive, bank and financial offices.
Fitness center, including sports training center.
Indoor recreation center.
Light manufacture, fabrication, processing or assembly of goods and packaging products, such as light machine parts, electrical components, electronic and photo-optic devices, office or business equipment, plastic components, printing, woodworking, sheet metal working, stone cutting, and distributive storage and warehousing of such items. No use shall be permitted under this paragraph that is dangerous by reason of fire, radiation or explosion, or injurious, noxious or detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood by reason of emissions.
Medical office buildings.
Printing, publishing, blueprinting and similar reproduction.
Private educational center and/or commercial day-care center.
Public utility installations needed for public convenience and necessity.
Research and development facilities, experimental engineering research facility; experimental electronic laboratories.
Technology and communication facilities.
Warehousing and storage is permitted only as an accessory use to manufacturing and assembly of raw materials and finished product materials of the specific business.
Wholesale businesses with related sales offices and display rooms.
Multiuse buildings containing a combination of any of the uses listed above, provided that uses of such buildings collectively comply with all applicable provisions of this chapter.
Uses permissible in District 6:
Auction house.
Bakeries, wholesale; retail sales restricted to 20% of floor area.
Beauty salons.
Bottling, brewery and distilling of beverages.
Broadcasting and film studio production.
Building and related trades, excluding uses which involve the use or storage of heavy construction equipment or trucks; outdoor storage or parking of trailers, light equipment, lumber or other bulk materials; or outdoor display of products or services.
Bulk fuel storage facilities, not to exceed 30,000 gallons.
Business and professional, corporate and executive, bank and financial offices.
Dropoff cleaners.
Full-service restaurants.
Indoor recreation center.
Light manufacture, fabrication, processing or assembly of goods and packaging products, such as light machine parts, electrical components, electronic and photo-optic devices, office or business equipment, plastic components, printing, woodworking, sheet metal working, stone cutting, and distributive storage and warehousing of such items. No use shall be permitted under this paragraph that is dangerous by reason of fire, radiation or explosion, or injurious, noxious or detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood by reason of emissions.
Medical office buildings.
Printing, publishing, blueprinting and similar reproduction.
Private educational center and/or commercial day-care center.
Public utility installations needed for public convenience and necessity.
Research and development facilities, experimental engineering research facility; experimental electronic laboratories.
Retail sales.
Technology and communication facilities.
Warehousing and storage is permitted only as an accessory use to manufacturing and assembly of raw materials and finished product materials of the specific business.
Wholesale businesses with related sales offices and display rooms.
Multiuse buildings containing a combination of any of the uses listed above, provided that uses of such buildings collectively comply with all applicable provisions of this chapter.
Comparable use request. The Commission, at its sole discretion by a 2/3 majority vote of the full Commission after review of the record for the request, may permit other comparable uses other than those listed for each subdistrict. The applicant has to demonstrate that the proposed use has similar business operation characteristics relating to standards of § 340-5.3, Site development plan, and is no more intensive than the specific uses in the subdistrict. No uses in the prohibited use category of this chapter shall be permitted.
Change in use. Any change that modifies the approved site development plan shall require approval by the Commission as a subsequent site development plan application. Any change in use that seeks to vary special permit approval use or the conditions of any approval shall require approval by the Commission as a special permit application.
Prohibited uses. Anything in this article to the contrary notwithstanding, the following uses are prohibited in the DBIPZ and are not permitted under any circumstances:
Adult entertainment business.
Adult-oriented business and retail.
Asphalt/concrete plants.
Bulk fuel storage facilities, in Districts 1, 2 and 4 only.
Bus storage yard.
Crematoria and cemeteries.
Churches and other places of worship.
Distribution/warehouse facilities.
Earth excavation, mining and earth product processing.
Funeral homes.
Moving and storage facilities.
Recycling and construction debris reprocessing facilities.
Self-storage facilities.
Truck terminals.
Residential uses, including any "residential uses" as that term is used in C.G.S. § 8-30g(g) and how that term has been construed by the Connecticut courts.
By district.
DBIPZ District 1.
Lot size: 40,000 square feet.
Frontage: 200 feet.
Minimum Required Yard
Maximum Required Yard
Front yard
Side yard
Rear yard
Maximum height: 35 feet.
Minimum floor area: 1,200 square feet.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum lot coverage: 75%.
Maximum building footprint: 10,000 square feet.
DBIPZ District 2.
Lot size: 60,000 square feet.
Frontage: 200 feet.
Minimum Required Yard
Maximum Required Yard
Front yard
Side yard
Rear yard
Maximum height: 35 feet.
Minimum floor area: 1,200 square feet.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum lot coverage: 75%.
Maximum building footprint: 30,000 square feet.
Minimum lot size and frontage requirement.
Lot size: 60,000 square feet.
Frontage: 200 feet.
Minimum Required Yard
Maximum Required Yard
Front yard
Side yard
Rear yard
Maximum height: 35 feet.
Minimum floor area: 1,200 square feet.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum lot coverage: 75%.
Maximum building footprint: 60,000 square feet.
Minimum lot size and frontage requirement.
Lot size: 1,600,000 square feet.[1]
Editor's Note: So in original.
Frontage: 300 feet.
Minimum Required Yard
Maximum Required Yard
State highway front yard
Local road front yard
Side yard
Rear yard
Maximum height: 35 feet.
Minimum floor area: 1,200 square feet.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum lot coverage: 75%.
Maximum building footprint: 50,000 square feet.
Minimum lot size and frontage requirement.
Lot size: 60,000 square feet.
Frontage: 175 feet.
Minimum Required Yard
Maximum Required Yard
Front yard
Side yard
Rear yard
Maximum height: 35 feet.
Minimum floor area: 1,200 square feet.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum lot coverage: 75%.
Maximum building footprint: 50,000 square feet.
Minimum lot size and frontage requirement.
Lot size: 60,000 square feet.
Frontage: 175 feet.
Minimum Required Yard
Maximum Required Yard
Front yard
Side yard
Rear yard
Maximum height: 35 feet.
Minimum floor area: 1,200 square feet.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum lot coverage: 75%.
Maximum building footprint: 50,000 square feet.
Residential buffer.
All setbacks when abutting residential property shall be increased to a minimum of 50 feet, and adequate vegetative buffering as described in § 340-5.3, Site development plan, is required.
The Commission will require a viewshed analysis plan/cross section to help determine the proper buffering for abutting properties and Town Center area. Additional plantings or other appropriate screening design techniques may be required by the Commission.
Front-yard setback waiver. No building shall be located more than one and one-half times the front-yard setback requirement from the street line unless a waiver is granted by a vote of 2/3 of the full Commission.
Maximum height waiver. Maximum height may increase by five feet by a two-thirds' vote of the full Commission to provide for architectural features to screen HVAC, building vents, communication equipment, or other similar objects.
Customary buildings and uses accessory to the uses above, which may include assembly hall for meetings incidental to the business of the principal use or for civic meetings; cafeterias, central heating and cooling system, power generation (fuel cell) equipment storage and maintenance, material storage, motor vehicle storage, child day-care center, and recreation facilities for employees.
Security or reception buildings may be located between 15 and 50 feet from the street line and shall not exceed 150 square feet and 12 feet in height.
In Districts 3, 5 and 6 the Commission by special permit can allow outdoor storage of equipment and materials for any permitted uses except for building and related trades. Outdoor storage shall not occur in any required buffer area, building setback area, in front of a building, or within 50 feet of any abutting property line and 100 feet from an abutting residentially zoned property. All outdoor storage areas shall have sufficient landscape screening and fencing to prevent visibility from adjoining property and any public street. No materials or equipment shall project above the screening provided.
The design standards of Article V shall expressly apply to all uses in the DBIPZ.