[Ord. No. 406 § 700.500, 12-7-2015]
City of Kimberling City warrants that all property owners within the City limits of Kimberling City shall, subject to the provisions of this Article and other applicable ordinances of the City, be entitled to have access to City water from the City water system, provided the customer, applicant or property owner shall pay the actual cost of extension of any water mains to the property being served, if necessary, and the actual cost of setting the meters, and the hookup to the water system.
Before the extension of any water main in the City of Kimberling City shall be made by any person, corporation, partnership or other entity, other than a City employee, application for such extension shall be made to the City Clerk.
When extending a water line or main to a single user where there is an existing main of adequate size in a street or roadway adjacent to the property or where an extension is necessary to serve a single user, the following rules and policies shall apply.
Upon proper written application, the City Director of Public Works will make an estimate of the cost of the proposed extension, which shall include all labor, consulting engineering costs, materials, equipment rentals required, including fittings, values, value boxes, right-of-way costs, if any, and reconstruction of existing water mains to which the proposed extension will be connected and shall include an additional ten percent (10%) for use of small tools, appliances, transportation, storeroom and incidental expense.
The estimate in Subsection (C)(1) shall be for extending from the existing main to a point directly to the meter location for said property. If the existing main is not on the same side of the street as the meter location for such property, the estimated cost shall include the cost of boring under the street to install a service line from the main to the meter.
The applicant shall pay to the City an amount equal to the estimated cost. Construction shall not commence until such sum has been paid. The sum so advanced by the applicant shall be adjusted to the actual cost of the work and as soon as the work is completed, the excess of the payment, if any, shall be returned to the applicant, or if actual costs exceed the estimate, the applicant will be required to pay the additional sum to the City. The additional sum and all costs of extension shall be paid before service is commenced.
When extending water mains into a territory or area which is unoccupied and not developed or where there are no water mains in the streets, roadways or rights-of-way (excluding subdivisions which fall within subdivision regulations) and the City Director of Public Works finds that additional connections will probably be made between the existing main and the end of the extension, the rules and policies set forth in Subsection (C)(1), (2) and (3) along with Subsection (D)(1), (2) and (3) shall apply.
Future applicants to connect to said extended line shall pay a fee to the City based upon a formula representing a reasonable pro rata charge based upon other available and prospective users of the extended line.
All sums of money collected by the City as provided by Subsection (D)(1) shall be credited to a fund designated as the "Water Pro Rata Fund." Money credited to the Water Pro Rata Fund, may, at the direction of the Board of Aldermen, be used to pay all or part of the cost of the extension to the original applicant paying for such extension. All refunds hereinafter provided shall be paid from the Water Pro Rata Fund.
Through the completion of any extension as provided in this Subsection (D) and after the original applicant has commenced receiving service; all additional connections to applicant's water main extension shall be made to pay the pro rata charge as originally established to ensure payment of a refund to the original applicant not to exceed the applicants cost of said extension. Funds remaining after the original applicant has been paid, as herein provided, shall become the property of the City.
For any extension under either Subsections (C) or (D), the following general rules and policies shall apply:
The deposits or payment of costs made by applicants as provided hereunder do not relieve any applicant from the payment of the regular service connection or tap fee as may be provided by any other ordinance in effect at the time the application is made.
The City reserves the right to further extend the main and to make connecting mains on intersecting streets or easements and such further extensions or connections shall not entitle the original applicant to any refund by reason thereof or when other customers attach thereto as provided in Subsection (D)(3).
No interest shall be paid on any deposit made under the provisions of this Article.
Minimum pipe size for water mains shall be six (6) inches in diameter. Should the City desire to install a smaller or larger pipe connection, it may do so with proper cost adjustment to the applicant.
An applicant shall, when requested by the City, furnish a complete plan of the proposed development, tract or lot to be served, including the location of the requested extension and a profile of the grades on roads/streets of approved easements. In the case of new developments, the City may require the developer to bring the grades of the proposed streets reasonably close to the final grade to be established before constructions of the water extension is commenced.
The location of all extensions shall be in established streets, alleys or approved easements with the actual location of the extension under the control of the City. Rights-of-way or easements shall be provided without cost to the City or, if payment is required, it shall be included in the cost of the extension. Rights-of-way or easements shall be granted in favor of the City.
Extensions made under the policy established by this Article shall be and remain the property of the City in consideration of its perpetual upkeep and maintenance.
Responsibility of advising the City of the proper recipient of the refunds provided herein shall rest with the applicant.
The City reserves the right to refuse the extension of any main if, in the judgment of the Board of Aldermen, the cost or investment would be prohibitive or the extension of the main as requested is determined to be detrimental to the City water system, its water pressure or present water customers.
Whenever, in the judgment of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Kimberling City, Missouri, it is found and determined to be in the best interest of the water system of the City of Kimberling City, Missouri, for the City to make a water main extension at the cost of the City and not under the policies herein provided by this Article, or where said Board determines that to follow the provisions of this Article would be an unreasonable burden on the property owners because of the length of the extension involved, said Board may waive the provisions of this Article and proceed in such other manner as the Board determines.