[Amended 5-21-1996 by Ord. No. 21-96]
The Mayor shall, with the consent of a majority of the Council, appoint the Municipal Clerk. It shall be the duty of the Municipal Clerk to attend every meeting of the Council and keep a record of the proceedings thereof. Whenever required by the Mayor or requested by four members of the Council, he shall issue to the Chief of Police a notice to be delivered to the members of the Council of any special meeting thereof, and shall notify any and all committees of the Council of the business entrusted to them.
The Clerk shall keep and carefully preserve all papers and books which may come into his possession as Clerk, filing and arranging them in a manner convenient for reference; provided that after the period of time specified by the State Records Board, the Clerk may transfer such journal of proceedings of the Council to the state archives of the Nebraska State Historical Society for permanent preservation.
The Clerk shall keep the Seal of the City and duly attest thereby the Mayor's signature to all ordinances and all deeds and papers required to be attested, when ordered by the governing body.
The Clerk shall keep all orders for money or warrants for the payment of money, and shall enter the same in numerical order in a book to be kept for that purpose.
The Clerk shall keep a register of all licenses granted and the purpose for which they were issued, and report to the Council at every meeting. At the beginning of each month, he shall, if required by the governing body, furnish the Police Department with a true copy of the register of all licenses then in force. He shall issue licenses and collect license fees connected therewith as provided by the laws of Nebraska or the municipality.
The office of the Clerk shall be responsible for keeping a full and correct account with each consumer of City utility services and shall issue proper receipts for all money collected from each consumer, one copy of which shall be retained by this office. The books and papers representing all transactions of this office shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Mayor and Council. This office shall make to the Mayor and Council a detailed monthly report as prescribed by the Mayor and Council. This office shall collect all money receivable by the City on account of public utilities, duly accounting therefor, and pay said sums forthwith to the Treasurer.
All office personnel of the Clerk's office and the Electric and Water Office shall be under the supervision and control of the City Clerk. All of said employees shall obey the Clerk's orders and may be discharged on recommendation of the Clerk for inefficiency or for the general good of said office.
Within 30 days after any meeting of the Council, the Clerk shall prepare and publish the proceedings of the Council in a legal newspaper, or more than one legal newspaper if directed by the Council. Said publication shall set forth a statement of the proceedings thereof and shall also include the amount of each claim allowed, the purpose of the claim, and the name of the claimant, except that the aggregate amount of all payroll claims may be included as one item. Between July 15 and August 15 of each year, the names of all employees and their current annual monthly or hourly salaries corresponding to such job titles shall be published. Each job title published shall be descriptive and indicative of the duties and functions of the position. The charge for the publication shall not exceed the rates provided for in Neb. RS 23-122. The publication charge shall be paid and allowed as other claims against the General Fund.
Wherever the Clerk is required to issue licenses, occupation tax receipts, or permits, the City Treasurer shall collect the amount required to be paid by the applicant therefor.
The Clerk shall have such additional duties and receive such salary as the governing body may prescribe. (Neb. RS 16-317, 19-1102 through 19-1104)
The Mayor, with the consent of the Council, may appoint within the office of the City Clerk a Deputy Clerk, who shall have all the powers and duties of the Clerk except as otherwise shall be provided by ordinance. He shall receive such compensation as the Mayor and Council shall from time to time establish by ordinance. He shall be removable at any time by the Mayor with the consent of the members of the Council. He shall give such bond as may be required by the Mayor and Council. He shall be under the immediate supervision of the Clerk.