The MU Mixed Use District is intended to accommodate projects which combine several compatible land uses into an integrated development. The MU District may also be used to pre-designate parts of the City that are appropriate for a mixture of residential, commercial, office, and accessory uses. The district permits mixing residential areas with workplaces and services. Development in the MU District must accommodate transportation systems, pedestrian and bicycle movement, and surrounding environments.
Each ordinance establishing an MU District establishes the use types permitted within its boundaries.
The minimum area of any MU District is one acre.
Prior to the issuance of any building permits or other authorization, all projects in the MU District shall receive approval by the City Council, following a recommendation by the Planning Commission. This approval may be granted for a specific plan for the development of an MU District in lieu of a plan for individual projects, provided that any subsequent developments are consistent with the specific plan.
Applications for approval must contain at a minimum the following information:
A detailed site map, including:
A boundary survey.
Site dimensions.
Contour lines at no greater than five-foot intervals.
Adjacent public rights-of-way, transportation routes, and pedestrian or bicycle systems.
Description of adjacent land uses.
Utility service to the site and easements through the site.
Description of other site features, including drainage, soils, or other considerations that may affect development.
A development plan, including:
A site layout, including the location of proposed buildings, parking, open space, and other facilities.
Location, capacity, and conceptual design of parking facilities.
Description of the use of individual buildings.
Description of all use types to be included in the project or area, and maximum floor area devoted to each general use.
Maximum height of buildings.
Schematic location and design of open space on the site, including a landscaping plan.
Vehicular and pedestrian circulation plan, including relationship to external transportation systems.
Schematic building elevations and sections if required to describe the project.
Grading plans.
Proposed sewer and utility improvements.
Location, sizes, and types of all proposed signage.
Specific proposed development regulations for the project, including:
The specific use types permitted within the proposed district.
Maximum floor area ratios.
Front, side, and rear yard setbacks.
Maximum height.
Maximum building and impervious coverage.
Design standards applicable to the project.
A traffic impact analysis, if required by the City.
The Planning Commission and City Council shall review and evaluate each Mixed Use District application. The City may impose reasonable conditions, as deemed necessary to ensure that a mixed-use development shall be compatible with adjacent land uses, will not overburden public services and facilities and will not be detrimental to public health, safety and welfare.
The Planning Commission, after proper notice, shall hold a public hearing and act upon each application.
The Planning Commission may recommend amendments to MU District applications.
The recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be transmitted to the City Council for final action.
The City Council, after proper notice, shall hold a public hearing and act upon any ordinance establishing an MU Mixed Use District. "Proper notice" shall mean the same notice established for any other zoning amendment.
An ordinance adopting a Mixed Use District shall require a favorable simple majority of the City Council for approval.
Upon approval by the City Council, the development plan shall become a part of the ordinance creating or amending the MU District. All approved plans shall be filed with the City Clerk.
The Zoning Administrator is authorized at his/her discretion to approve amendments to an approved development plan, provided that:
A written request is filed with the Zoning Administrator, along with information specifying the exact nature of the proposed amendment.
The amendment is consistent with the provisions of this section.
The amendment does not alter the approved site regulations of the development plan and does not materially alter other aspects of the plan, including traffic circulation, mixture of use types, and physical design; or does not increase density, floor area ratios.
Any amendment not conforming to these provisions shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for action.