The U/MU University Mixed Use District is based on an understanding that a college campus is a special kind of planned district, for which the requirements of traditional zoning districts may be inappropriate or difficult to apply. It provides an opportunity by which an official campus master plan may be prepared and adopted as the development plan for a specific area of the City. This relieves the university from receiving approval for each project that is consistent with the overall adopted master plan.
The U/MU District permits college and university use, including all facilities and services that are auxiliary to campus use. Permitted auxiliary uses includes residential development, commercial services, including retail and food services that serve the campus community, maintenance facilities, and any other use included within an official campus master plan.
The minimum area of any U/MU District is 20 acres.
The City Council, following a recommendation by the Planning Commission, may approve an official campus master plan as part of the U/MU District designation. The campus master plan shall include at a minimum:
A conceptual site layout, including the location of proposed buildings, parking, open space, and other facilities.
General location, capacity, and conceptual design of parking facilities.
Description of all use types to be included in the project or area, and maximum floor area devoted to each general use.
Schematic location and design of campus open spaces and greens on the site, including a landscaping plan.
Vehicular and pedestrian circulation plan, including relationship to external transportation systems.
Proposed sewer, utility, and other infrastructure improvements.
Proposed development regulations, including height limitations, perimeter setbacks, and impervious coverage limitations.
The range of flexibility and variation requested to maintain consistency with the master plan.
Relevant design or architectural standards included in the master plan.
The Planning Commission and City Council shall review and evaluate the campus master plan and the U/MU application. The City may impose reasonable additional conditions, as deemed necessary to ensure that the campus master plan shall be compatible with adjacent land uses, will not overburden public services and facilities and will not be detrimental to public health, safety and welfare.
The Planning Commission, after proper notice, shall hold a public hearing and act upon each application.
The Planning Commission may recommend amendments to U/MU District applications.
The recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be transmitted to the City Council for final action.
The City Council, after proper notice, shall hold a public hearing and act upon any ordinance establishing a U/MU University Mixed Use District. "Proper notice" shall mean the same notice established for any other zoning amendment.
An ordinance adopting a University Mixed Use District shall require a favorable simple majority of the City Council for approval.
Upon approval by the City Council, the campus master plan shall become a part of the ordinance creating or amending the U/MU District. All approved plans shall be filed with the City Clerk.
The Zoning Administrator is authorized at his/her discretion to approve amendments to an approved development plan, provided that:
A written request is filed with the Zoning Administrator, along with information specifying the exact nature of the proposed amendment.
The amendment is consistent with the provisions of this section.
The amendment does not alter the approved site regulations of the development plan and does not materially alter other aspects of the plan, including traffic circulation, mixture of use types, and physical design; or does not increase density, floor area ratios.
Any amendment not conforming to these provisions shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for action.