The purposes of this Part 8 are to:
Serve the public health, safety, and general welfare of the City and residents of Seward and its surrounding jurisdiction.
Provide for the orderly development and growth of the City by prescribing rules and standards ensuring the functional arrangement of streets, public improvements, open spaces, community facilities, and utilities.
Promote the creation of well-planned and attractive residential, commercial, and industrial developments within the City and its jurisdiction.
Avoid excessive costs to the taxpayers of Seward or the residents of the jurisdiction of the City for the provision of public services and utilities, while maintaining high standards for these services.
Protect the unique environment of the City of Seward by avoiding environmental damage whenever feasible and appropriate; and by encouraging flexibility in the design of subdivisions.
Provide the City of Seward with the ability to grow incrementally through the eventual annexation of new developments.
The provisions of this Part 8 shall be applicable to all property within the corporate limits of the City of Seward and its two-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction.
No owner of real property within the City of Seward and its jurisdiction may subdivide or plat such property into lots for buildings or any other use, streets, or other forms of dedication for public use without gaining approval pursuant to this Part 8. In addition, no individual may sell, offer to sell, or construct buildings on any lots or parts of real property that are not subdivided as required by state law or this Part 8.
The provisions of this Part 8 apply to all zoning districts. However, specific standards and requirements may be modified for developments in the TND Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay District.
These regulations shall be held to provide the minimum requirements necessary for the promotion of the public health, safety, and welfare. If any provision conflicts with any other provision of the Unified Land Development Ordinance, any other ordinance of the City of Seward, or any applicable state or federal law, the more restrictive provision shall apply.
Nothing in these provisions shall relieve any property owner or user from satisfying any condition or requirement associated with a previous approval, conditional use permit, variance, development permit, or other permit issued under any local, state, or federal ordinance or statute.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).