[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Seward as Ch. 1, Art. 10, §§ 1001 through 1003, of the 1976 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fiscal management — See Ch. 44.
Officers and employees — See Ch. 85.
Pension plans — See Ch. 91.
Additional pay prohibitions — See Ch. 100, § 100-1.10.
Salaries of officers and employees of the municipality shall be in such amount as the governing body shall fix by ordinance; provided that after the governing body has adopted a wage and salary schedule with employee classifications and wage ranges for each classification, by ordinance, such ordinance shall be sufficient for all changes in salary for municipal employees included thereunder without further ordinances being passed, approved, and published. All salaries shall be on file at the office of the Municipal Clerk and available for public inspection at any reasonable time.
[Amended 7-1-1980 by Ord. No. 12-80; 7-5-2000 by Ord. No. 30-00; 12-20-2005 by Ord. No. 58-05; 11-1-2011 by Ord. No. 31-11]
The annual salaries of the Mayor and Council are hereby fixed in the sums and payable at the beginning of the full term of any member of the governing body as follows:
Mayor, per year, payable monthly: $5,000.
Councilmembers (each), per year, payable quarterly: $2,400.
The emoluments of any elected official shall not be increased or diminished during the term of office for which he was elected, except that elected officials who are elected to the Council or other body having more than one member and where terms of one or more members commence and end at different times, the compensation of all members of that body may be increased or diminished at the beginning of the full term of any member thereof. No person who shall have resigned or vacated any elective office shall be again eligible to hold the office during the term he was elected to if after resignation the emoluments have been increased. (Neb. RS 16-326)