[Ord. 98-3, 11/5/1998, § 1]
The Council of the Borough hereby signifies its desire and intention to incorporate and organize an authority under provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, the Act of May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, 53 P.S. § 301 et seq., as amended (the "Authorities Act").
[Ord. 98-3, 11/5/1998, § 2]
The President or Vice-President of the Council of the Borough, and the Secretary of the Borough, are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the Borough, Articles of Incorporation for an authority in substantially the form that is attached hereto as Exhibit "A," which, by reference, is made part hereof, that relate to the creation of the "Hummelstown General Authority" (the "Authority").
[Ord. 98-3, 11/5/1998, § 3]
The President or Vice President of the Council of the Borough, and the Secretary of the Borough, are authorized and directed to cause public notice to be published as to the substance of this Part, including the substance of said Articles of Incorporation, and as to the proposed filing of said Articles of Incorporation, all in accordance with the requirements of the Authorities Act.
[Ord. 98-3, 11/5/1998, § 4]
The President or Vice President of the Council of the Borough, and the Secretary of the Borough, are authorized and directed to file said Articles of Incorporation, a copy of this Part, and the necessary proofs of publication therefor with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and to pay the required filing fees from the Borough funds.
[Ord. 98-3, 11/5/1998, § 5]
The following named persons are appointed as the first members of the Board of Authority for the following terms of office. [Here followed the names, addresses and terms of office of the first members of the Board of said Authority.]
[Ord. 98-3, 11/5/1998, § 6]
The surplus of assets of the Authority not reasonably required to meet or provide for the obligations or operations of the Authority shall be transferred, upon the written directive of the Borough, to the Borough, from time to time.
[Ord. 98-3, 11/5/1998, § 7]
The proper officers of the Council of the Borough are authorized and directed to do all things necessary to effect the incorporation of the Authority and to advance and pay other reasonable necessary costs associated therewith.