Jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of this chapter shall apply to all structures, lands, water and air within the corporate limits of the Village of Howards Grove.
Compliance. No new structure, new use of land, water or air or change in the use of land, water or air shall hereafter be permitted and no structure or part thereof shall hereafter be located, erected, moved, reconstructed, extended, enlarged, converted or structurally altered without a zoning permit and without full compliance with the provisions of this chapter and all other applicable local, county and state regulations.
District regulations to be complied with. Except as otherwise provided, the use and height of buildings hereafter erected, converted, moved, enlarged or structurally altered and the use of any land shall be in compliance with the regulations established herein for the district in which such building or land is located.[1]
Editor's Note: The following original sections of the 1993 Code of Ordinances, which immediately and respectively followed this subsection, were repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II): Sec. 13-1-10(d), Yard reduction or joint use; Sec. 13-1-10(e), One main building per lot; and Sec. 13-1-10(f), Lots abutting more restrictive district.
Only the following uses and their essential services may be allowed in any district:
Permitted uses. Permitted uses, being the principal uses specified for a district.
Accessory uses. Accessory uses and structures as specified are permitted in any district but not until their principal structure is present or under construction.
Conditional uses.
Conditional uses and their accessory uses are considered as special uses requiring, for their authorization, review, public hearing and approval by the Village Board in accordance with Article V of this chapter excepting those existent at time of adoption of the Zoning Code.
Those existing uses which are classified as "conditional uses" for the district(s) in which they are located at the time of adoption of this code require no action by the Village Board for them to continue as valid conditional uses, and the same shall be deemed to be "regular" conditional uses.
Proposed change from permitted use in a district to conditional use shall require review, public hearing and approval by the Village Board in accordance with Article V of this chapter.
Conditional use(s), when replaced by permitted use(s), shall terminate. In such case(s), the reestablishment of an previous conditional use(s), or establishment of new conditional use(s), shall require review, public hearing and approval by the Village Board in accordance with Article V of this chapter.
Limited conditional uses authorized by Village Board resolution shall be established for a period of time to a time certain or until a future happening or event at which the same shall terminate.
Uses not specified in code.
Uses not specified in this chapter which are found by the Village Board to be sufficiently similar to specified permitted uses for a district shall be allowed.
Uses not specified in this chapter and which are found sufficiently similar to specified conditional uses permitted for a district may be permitted by the Village Board after approval in accordance with Article V of this chapter.
Street frontage. All lots shall abut upon a public street or other officially approved means of access, and each lot shall have a minimum frontage of 90 feet; cul-de-sac lots shall measure 90 feet at the front building setback line. However, to be buildable, the lot shall comply with the frontage requirements of the zoning district in which it is located.
Principal structures. All principal structures shall be located on a lot. Only one principal structure shall be located, erected or moved onto a lot. The Village Board may permit as a conditional use more than one principal structure per lot in any district where more than one such structure is needed for the orderly development of the parcel. Where additional structures are permitted, the Village Board may impose additional yard requirements, landscaping requirements or parking requirements, or require a minimum separation distance between principal structures. Structures which abut or are attached to one another shall be treated as separate structures unless their frames are permanently integrated with one another in a way that would prevent their separation without causing damage to one or both structures. Notwithstanding the above, decks, docks, porches and patios that are accessory to the principal use shall be considered a part of the principal structure if they abut within three feet of the principal structure or are attached to it.
Dedicated street. No zoning permit shall be issued for a lot which abuts a public street dedicated to only a portion of its proposed width and located on that side thereof from which the required dedication has not been secured.
Lots abutting more restrictive districts. Lots abutting more restrictive district boundaries shall provide side and rear yards not less than those required in the more restrictive abutting district. The street yard setbacks in the less restrictive district shall be modified for a distance of not less than 60 feet from the more restrictive district boundary line so such street yard setbacks shall be no less than the average of the street yards required in both districts.
Site suitability. No land shall be used or structure erected where the land is held unsuitable for such use or structure by the Village Board by reason of flooding, concentrated runoff, inadequate drainage, adverse soil or rock formation, unfavorable topography, low percolation rate or bearing strength, erosion susceptibility or any other feature likely to be harmful to the health, safety, prosperity, aesthetics and general welfare of this community. The Village Board, in applying the provisions of the subsection, shall, in writing, recite the particular facts upon which it bases its conclusion that the land is not suitable for certain uses. The applicant shall have an opportunity to present evidence contesting such unsuitability if he so desires. Thereafter, the Village Board may affirm, modify or withdraw its determination of unsuitability.
Preservation of topography. In order to protect the property owner from possible damage due to change in the existing grade of adjoining lands and to aid in preserving and protecting the natural beauty and character of the landscape, no change in the existing topography of any land shall be made which would result in increasing any portion of the slope to a ratio greater than 1 1/2 horizontal to one vertical, within a distance of 20 feet from the property line, except with the written consent of the owner of the abutting property and with the approval of the Village Board, or which would alter the existing drainage or topography in any way as to adversely affect the adjoining property. In no case shall any slope exceed the normal angle of slippage of the material involved, and all slopes shall be protected against erosion.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 13-1-12(g), Decks, of the 1993 Code of Ordinances and which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The regulations contained herein relating to the height of buildings and the size of yards and other open spaces shall be subject to the following exceptions:
Chimneys, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, monuments, penthouses, stacks, scenery lofts, tanks, water towers, ornamental towers, spires, wireless, television or broadcasting towers, masts or aerials, microwave radio relay structures, telephone, telegraph and power poles and lines and necessary mechanical appurtenances are hereby excepted from the height regulations of this code and may be erected in accordance with other regulations or codes of the Village.
Where a lot abuts on two or more streets or alleys having different average established grades, the higher of such grades shall control only for a depth of 120 feet from the line of the higher average established grade.
Buildings on through lots and extending from street to street may have waived the requirements for a rear yard by furnishing an equivalent open space on the same lot in lieu of the required rear yard provided that the setback requirements on both streets be complied with.
Every part of a required yard shall be open to the sky, unobstructed, except for accessory buildings in a rear yard, and the ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices and ornamental features projecting not more than 12 inches.
Open or enclosed fire escapes and fire towers may project into a required yard not more than five feet and into a required court not more than 3 1/2 feet, provided they are so located as not to obstruct light and ventilation.
No lot, yard, parking area, building area or other space shall be reduced in area or dimensions so as not to meet the provisions of this chapter. No part of any lot, yard, parking area or other space required for a structure or use shall be used for any other structure or use.
Any home occupation that is customarily incidental to the principal use of a building as a dwelling shall be permitted in any dwelling unit.
Standards. In addition to all of the standards applicable to the district in which it is located, no home occupation shall be permitted unless it complies with the following standards:
No more than one person other than a member of the immediate family occupying such dwelling unit shall be employed.
No stock-in-trade (except articles produced by the members of the immediate family residing on the premises) shall be displayed or sold on the premises.
No alteration of the principal building shall be made which changes the character thereof as a dwelling.
No more than 25% of the area of one story of a single-family dwelling nor more than 20% of the area of any other dwelling unit shall be devoted to the home occupation; provided, however, that rooms let to roomers are not subject to this limitation.
No extensive mechanical equipment other than normal domestic or household equipment shall be used.
The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the principal residential building, or in a permitted private garage accessory thereto.
There shall be no outside storage of equipment or materials used in the home occupation.
No signs shall be permitted other than those permitted by the applicable regulations in Article VIII.
Particular occupations permitted. Customary home occupations include, but are not limited to, the following list of occupations:
Dressmakers, seamstresses, or tailors.
Music teachers, provided that the instruction shall be limited to one pupil at a time except for occasional groups.
Artists, sculptors, or authors.
Computer, technical and clerical workers.
Lawyers, architects, engineers, realtors, insurance agents, brokers and members of similar professions.
Ministers, rabbis, or priests.
Particular occupations prohibited. Permitted home occupations shall not in any event be deemed to include:
Barbershops, unless specifically permitted by the district regulations.
Beauty parlors, unless specifically permitted by the district regulations.
Dancing schools.
Funeral homes.
Nursery schools.
Small engine repair shops.
Renting of trailers.
Clinics or hospitals.
Repair shops or service establishments.
Animal kennels or hospitals or stables.
All persons proposing an action that requires the issuance of a building permit, conditional use permit, map approval, plat approval, or rezoning approval by the Village or any of its commissions, committees, officers or other agents shall pay such reasonable and necessary charges for professional services incurred by the Village for the review, administration, investigation, and processing of the application.
Professional services shall include, but are not limited to, planning, engineering, legal and related services. Such charges shall be in addition to any other filing, permit, publication or meeting fees, charges or costs otherwise payable by the applicant.
A schedule of standard charges for professional services related to development may be developed, and amended from time to time, by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, Building Inspector and Board within two months after the date of adoption of this chapter, and subsequently submitted to the Village Board for review and approval. After approval by resolution of the Village Board, the schedule of standard charges shall be maintained by the Village Clerk-Treasurer, who shall provide copies to any person upon reasonable request.