All signs shall be maintained in a safe and neat condition to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector, and in accordance with requirements of the State Building Code. Structural damage, missing letters, or other deterioration obscuring content shall be remedied or the sign removed within 60 days.
Signs shall be lighted only by a steady, stationary light shielded and directed solely at or internal to the sign.
No illumination shall be permitted which casts glare onto any residentially used premises or onto any portion of a way so as to create a traffic hazard, or which results in average face brightness exceeding 60 foot-lamberts in a Business or Light Industrial District as established in the Zoning Bylaw,[1] or 20 foot-lamberts elsewhere.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 275, Zoning.
Corner visibility shall not be obstructed within the limits established at Section 2414 of the Zoning Bylaw.
No signs shall be attached to motor vehicles, trailers, or other movable objects regularly or recurrently located for fixed display.
No sign shall be attached to a radio, television, or water tower, or any other type of tower or smoke stack.
Pennants, streamers, flags used for commercial messages, spinners, or similar devices shall not be permitted.
No animated or revolving sign shall be permitted, and only time and temperature indicators shall be allowed to flash.
Only signs pertaining exclusively to the premises on which they are located or to products, accommodations, services, or activities on the premises shall be allowed, except as provided in Subsections B and C of this section and § 221-17D.
Permanent off-premises directional signs, designating the route to an establishment not on the street to which the sign is oriented, may be erected and maintained within the public right-of-way at any intersection if authorized by the Select Board members, or on private property if authorized following design review and hearing by the Sign Committee, subject to the following:
Such signs shall be permitted only upon the authorizing agency's determination that the sign will promote the public interest, will not endanger the public safety, and will be of such size, location, and design as will not be detrimental to the neighborhood.
At locations where directions to more than one establishment are to be provided, all such directional information shall be incorporated into a single structure.
All such directional signs shall be unlighted and the maximum sign area shall be limited to four square feet, except that the maximum sign area shall be limited to nine square feet for directional signs that serve a facility in Business District D and are located at the intersection of South Main Street and Old Post Road, at the intersection of South Main Street and the I-95 ramps, and on the segment of Old Post Road between South Main Street and a point 3,600 feet north thereof.
Permanent off-premises freestanding signs pertaining to facilities located in Business District D and to the businesses, products, accommodations, and services provided in said facilities are allowed within Residential Districts only if located in the northwest quadrant abutting the intersection of South Main Street and Old Post Road and within 160 feet of the intersection of the center lines of South Main Street and Old Post Road, if authorized following design review and hearing by the Sign Committee, subject to the following:
Each lot in Business District D is limited to one off-premises entrance sign and one off-premises pylon sign.
Off-premises entrance signs shall be monument signs having a maximum height of 10 feet above the adjoining ground plane and a maximum sign area of 150 square feet. Off-premises pylon signs shall have a maximum height of 30 feet above the adjoining ground plane and a maximum sign area of 350 square feet.
The provisions of § 221-9A shall not apply to off-premises monument entrance signs. Off-premises monument entrance signs shall be externally illuminated by a steady, stationary light shielded and directed solely at the sign face. No illumination shall be permitted which casts glare onto any residential structure or onto any portion of a way so as to create a traffic hazard, or which results in average face brightness exceeding 60 foot-lamberts.
The provisions of § 221-9A shall not apply to off-premises pylon signs. Off-premises pylon signs shall only be illuminated by one of the following lighting methods: (i) external illumination that is shielded and directed solely at the sign face; (ii) halo illumination; and (iii) push-through illuminated letters on an opaque sign panel. All such illumination shall use a steady, stationary light. No illumination shall be permitted which casts glare onto any residential structure or onto any portion of a way so as to create a traffic hazard, or which results in average face brightness exceeding 60 foot-lamberts. Between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m., illumination shall be directed at, around or through only the names of the stores that are open for business during that time, and if any store is open, the name of the lifestyle shopping center.
Off-premises signs shall not be located within five feet of any property line, within 100 feet of any residence, or within the minimum sight distance triangle required to provide intersection sight distance at intersections in accordance with American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) requirements.
Temporary signs shall be allowed as specified in Article IV, and provided that they comply with the following:
Unless otherwise specified in this bylaw, temporary signs must comply with all applicable requirements for permanent signs, including issuance of a sign permit.
Temporary signs not meeting requirements for permanent signs may, if allowed below, advertise sales, special events, or changes in the nature of an operation, but shall not otherwise be used to advertise a continuing or regularly recurring business operation, and shall be removed promptly when the information they display is out of date or no longer relevant. The Building Inspector may require a forfeitable deposit sufficient to defray costs of assuring compliance.
Any sign in the Business A or Business C District shall otherwise be subject to all of the provisions of this Chapter 221, Signs, and shall, in addition, be subject to the applicable provisions of the Design Guidelines for the Town Center Business District which are referenced in Section 6335 of the Town's Zoning Bylaw and as the same may be from time to time amended.[1] To the extent, if any, that the applicable Design Guidelines for the Town Center Business District exceed or differ from the provisions of this Chapter 221, the provisions of the Design Guidelines for the Town Center Business District shall apply.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 275, Zoning.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 275, Zoning, the provisions of Chapter 275 shall prevail.