This chapter shall apply to all that portion of the Town of
Somerset outside the Village of Barker.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
A commercial bond issued by a surety company licensed to
do business in the State of New York and acceptable to the Town guaranteeing
that Town infrastructure and residents' property will be returned
to a condition as good or better than it was prior to the start of
the covered activity.
Every individual or entity that engages in a covered activity
within the Town, and any entity which hires, or employs, or contracts
with such contractor.
Any activity to which this chapter applies pursuant to § 169-3A
and which is not exempted by § 169-3B.
The streets, rights-of-way, easements, waterlines, sewer
lines, drainage systems, lighting and any other Town infrastructure
under the control or maintenance of the Town, as well as the buildings
and residences in the Town, including driveways, trees, and landscaping
thereof, and private attachments to infrastructure.
The worksheet created by the Town which must be completed
by the owner or contractor, summarizing the job, site location, start
and completion dates, expected max gross vehicle weight used for the
covered activity, and any other items that the Town deems necessary.
A recommended bond release given by the Town Code Enforcement
Officer, Superintendent of Highways, or Supervisor based on satisfactory
job site status at job completion.
A nonrefundable processing fee in the amount of $150, payable
to the Town of Somerset must accompany each worksheet submitted to
the Code Enforcement Officer or Superintendent of Highways.
A contractor may appeal the determination of the Superintendent
of Highways or Code Enforcement Officer concerning the amount of bond
or deposit required, or a determination concerning preliminary bond
release to the Town Board of the Town of Somerset.
Should any section or provision of this chapter contained herein
or as amended hereafter be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction
to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the
chapter as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part declared