The Building Inspector shall be the municipal official who shall have the duty of enforcing all building and housing regulations of the municipality. The Building Inspector shall inspect all buildings repaired, altered, built, or moved in the municipality as often as necessary to ensure compliance with all municipal ordinances. The Building Inspector shall have the power and authority to order all work stopped on any construction, alteration, or relocation which violates any building or housing regulations of the municipality. The Building Inspector shall issue permission to continue any construction, alteration, or relocation when the Building Inspector is satisfied that no provision will be violated. If the stop order is an oral one, it shall be followed by a written stop order within 24 hours. Such written order may be served by any municipal police officer. (Neb. RS 16-308)
It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to inspect, as often as necessary, any building which is being constructed, altered, repaired or relocated to determine if the work being done therein is in conformity with all municipal building and housing regulations.
In the event it is claimed that the true intent and meaning of this chapter has been wrongly interpreted by the Building Inspector; that the time allowed for compliance with any order of the Building Inspector is too short; or that conditions peculiar to a particular building make it unreasonably difficult to meet the literal requirements prescribed by this chapter and the Building Inspector, the owner, his agent, or the occupant may file a notice of appeal within a reasonable time after the decision or order of the Building Inspector has been made. The Board of Adjustment shall hear all appeals and shall have the power and authority, when appealed to, to modify the decision or order of the Building Inspector. Such a decision shall be final, subject only to any remedy which the aggrieved person may have at law or equity. Applications for review shall be in writing and shall state the reasons why the variance should be made. A variance to the interpretation of the code shall be granted only where it is evident that reasonable safety and sanitation are assured and may include conditions not generally specified by this code to achieve that end. A copy of any variance so granted shall be sent to both the Building Inspector and the applicant.
A municipal official charged with the duty or responsibility of accepting or approving plans, specifications, geological maps, and reports shall not accept or approve plans, specifications, geological maps, or reports which have not been prepared in accordance with the Geologists Regulation Act (Neb. RS 81-3501 et seq.).