[Ord. No. 1508 §1, 2-17-2016]
It is unlawful for any person to keep or maintain a boarding or breeding kennel, pet shop, grooming shop, or dealership in unincorporated St. Charles County without first obtaining a valid and subsisting registration therefor from the Division of Humane Services of St. Charles County. The County Council shall set a fee and, if required by any applicable provision of law, the voters shall approve that fee, for such kennel registration. That fee shall be assessed not upon individual animals but upon the owner or keeper of a boarding or breeding kennel, pet shop, grooming shop, or dealership. Each registration and certificate of inspection issued pursuant to this Article shall be conspicuously displayed at the establishment to which such registration and certificate were issued. The registration shall be dated and numbered and shall bear the name of St. Charles County, Missouri, and the name and address of the owner or keeper of the establishment, and the expiration date of the registration. The registration shall run for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase.
[Ord. No. 1508 §1, 2-17-2016]
Zoning Compliance. The applicant for an original kennel registration shall present to the Director a written statement from the County Division of Planning and Zoning of the Department of Community Development that the establishment of a kennel at the proposed site is not in violation of the St. Charles County Unified Development Ordinance or is permissible either as a legal non-conforming use or under a conditional use permit.
Health Inspection. Before a boarding or breeding kennel, pet shop, grooming shop, or dealership registration may be issued by the Division of Humane Services of St. Charles County, the Division must issue a certificate of inspection showing that said boarding and breeding kennel, pet shop, grooming shop and dealership is in compliance with Article IV, Sections 205.180, 205.190, 205.200 or 205.210 herein.
[Ord. No. 1508 §1, 2-17-2016]
Inspection. It shall be the duty of the Division of Humane Services of St. Charles County to make or cause to be made such inspections as may be necessary to insure compliance with this Article, Sections 205.190, 205.200 or 205.210 herein. The owner or keeper of a boarding or breeding kennel, pet shop, grooming shop or dealership shall admit to the premises for the purpose of making an inspection, any officer, agent, or employee of the St. Charles County Division of Humane Services at any reasonable time that admission is requested.
Unlawful. It shall be unlawful to keep, use or maintain within St. Charles County any boarding or breeding kennel, pet shop, grooming shop, or dealership that is unsanitary, detrimental to public health and/or safety, or not in compliance with this Article, Sections 205.190, 205.200, 205.210 or 205.220 herein. Such unlawful conditions may be cause for revocation or denial of a kennel registration.
[Ord. No. 1508 §1, 2-17-2016]
Boarding or breeding kennels, pet shops and dealerships shall meet the following conditions:
Housing facilities shall be provided the animals and such shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair; shall be designed so as to protect the animals from injury; shall contain the animals; and shall restrict the entrance of other animals.
Suitable food and bedding shall be provided and stored in facilities adequate to provide protection against infestation or contamination by insects or rodents. Refrigeration shall be provided for the protection of perishable foods.
Provision shall be made for the removal and disposal of animal and food wastes, bedding, dead animals, and debris. Disposal facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition, free from the infestation or contamination of insects or rodents or disease, and from obnoxious or foul odors.
Water must be conveniently available for cleaning purposes.
Sick animals shall be separated from those appearing healthy and normal and, if for sale, shall be removed from display and sale. Sick animals shall be kept in isolation quarters with adequate ventilation to keep from contaminating well animals.
There shall be an employee or owner on duty at all times during hours any store is open whose responsibility shall be the care and welfare of the animals in that shop or department held for sale or display.
An employee or owner shall come in to feed, water and do the necessary cleaning of animals and birds on days the store or shop is closed.
No person, persons, association, firm or corporation shall knowingly sell a sick or injured dog, cat or other small animal.
No person, persons, association, firm or corporation shall misrepresent a dog, cat or other small animal to a consumer in any way.
[Ord. No. 1508 §1, 2-17-2016]
Boarding or breeding kennels, pet shops, and dealerships shall:
Be constructed to provide shelter from excessive sunlight, rain, snow, wind, or other elements. In addition, such facilities shall be constructed to provide sufficient space for the proper exercise and movement of each animal contained therein.
Be constructed to provide drainage to prevent the accumulation of water, mud, debris, excreta, or other materials and shall be designed to facilitate the removal of animal and food wastes.
Be constructed with adequate walls or secure fences to contain the animals kept therein and to prevent entrance of other animals.
[Ord. No. 1508 §1, 2-17-2016]
Grooming parlors shall:
Provide such restraining straps for the animal while it is being groomed so that such animal shall neither fall nor be hanged.
Not leave animals unattended before a dryer.
Not prescribe or administer treatment or medicine that is the province of a licensed veterinarian.
Not put more than one (1) animal in each cage.
Provide for the removal and disposal of animal and food wastes, bedding, and debris. Disposal facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition, free from the infestation or contamination of insects or rodents or disease, and from obnoxious or foul odors.