[Ord. No. 16-019 §1, 5-2-2016]
For the purpose of interpreting this Article and the Sections contained herein, certain terms are defined as follows:
An element of the off-street pedestrian system similar to a sidewalk which may or may not be located within a public or private street right-of-way. A connector trail provides pedestrian access between adjacent streets, residential developments, shopping or employment centers, parks, schools or other public facilities.
[Ord. No. 23-073, 11-6-2023]
A multi-use path which accommodates a variety of non-motorized transportation options such as walking, cycling, skating, jogging, etc. Linear park trails are an element of the greenway system and can be utilized for recreational purposes and as part of the off-street transportation network.
[Ord. No. 16-019 §1, 5-2-2016; Ord. No. 23-073, 11-6-2023]
Purpose. The purpose of these requirements is to provide for the continuation of planned linear park trails and connectors necessary to access the linear park trail system, with the goal to provide connectivity throughout the City. Linear park trails provide options for recreation and non-motorized travel between where citizens live, shop, work, learn, and participate in recreation.
Linear Park Trail And Connector Trail Required When.
Linear Park Trail. A linear park trail shall be required to be constructed and dedicated in an easement by the developer where a linear park trail is identified by the City of Ozark Comprehensive Plan or the Ozark Trails Master Plan. These documents shall be maintained in the office of the Director of Planning and Development and/or incorporated into said Comprehensive Plan, as said exhibit may be amended from time to time.
Connector Trail. A connector trail shall be required to be constructed and dedicated in an easement on the subdivided property by the developer where there is a linear park trail on the property to be subdivided or the immediately adjacent property.
Requirements For Construction And Dedication.
Linear Park Trail. The easement for a linear park trail shall have a minimum width of thirty (30) feet. A linear park trail shall be constructed at a minimum of ten (10) feet wide and shall be constructed to the standards for the design of sidewalks as set forth within the City of Ozark Design Standards for Public Improvements. Alternative easement and trail widths may be considered by the Public Works Director due to site constraints. Easements for linear park trails shall generally follow the alignment identified in the Ozark Trails Master Plan and/or be located within the property to be subdivided in such a manner that the easements align with previously established easements on adjacent properties.
Connector Trail. The easement for a connector trail shall have a minimum width of thirty (30) feet. A connector trail shall be constructed at a minimum of ten (10) feet wide and shall be constructed to the standards for the design of sidewalks as set forth within the City of Ozark Design Standards for Public Improvements. Alternative easement and trail widths may be considered by the Public Works Director due to site constraints. The connector trail must connect a sidewalk within street right-of-way located on the property to be subdivided to either:
The linear park trail if the linear park trail is located either on the developer’s property or abuts the proposed subdivision on the adjoining property;
A public sidewalk on adjacent properties with a linear park trail; or
Alternative connections may be considered by the Public Works Director.
Easements for linear park trails and connector trails shall be required to be dedicated on the preliminary plat or an administrative replat subdivision. All said easements shall allow free and unimpeded pedestrian access to both residents and non-residents of the subdivision. All said easements are encouraged to be located on other types of easements provided the easements permit trails.
All linear park trails and connector trails shall be constructed.
Alternative Recommendations. The Director of Planning and Development shall make a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding alternatives to requiring a neighborhood linear park connector where a connector is not feasible due to physical or natural barriers or where it creates an unsafe public use.