[Ord. 6-4-84, 6/4/1984, § 7.01]
The regulations of this district are designed to provide an area for residential uses that are located adjacent to agricultural areas of the Township. The rural residential zones are distinguished by the absence of public water and sewers, with no possibility that those facilities will be installed within the foreseeable future. Although predominantly residential, these areas are compact in size and retain a rural character, and the provisions of this article are further designed to protect and enhance the combined features of the district.
[Ord. 6-4-84, 6/4/1984, § 7.02; as amended by Ord. 4-1987, 10/12/1987; by Ord. 4-1989, 12/18/1989; by Ord. 1-1997, 1/20/1997, § II; and by Ord. 5-2005, 12/19/2005, § XIV]
Single-family detached dwellings.
Soil cultivation and crop production, truck farming, nurseries and greenhouses including sales of greenhouse items that are grown on the premises.
Public conservation areas and structures for the conservation of open space, water, soil, forest and wildlife resources.
Public uses such as park and recreation areas, forest reserves, game refuges and similar non-intensive public uses.
Publicly and/or privately owned nursery schools, kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools, high schools, technical schools and vo-tech schools.
Churches, associated parish houses and cemeteries.
Necessary public utility structures and buildings.
Municipal buildings and community facilities such as police and fire protection facilities, museums, libraries, plus membership clubs, provided that they do not contain restaurants, cafes or other places offering food, beverages, dancing or entertainment.
Customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to any of the above permitted uses, including the following:
Home occupations as provided for in § 27-1205 of this chapter.
Accessory uses as provided for in § 27-1203 of this chapter.
Upon approval by the Zoning Hearing Board, the following special exception uses are permitted provided the use complies with the conditions listed herein and the applicable requirements specified in Part 20 of this chapter.
Semi-public and private recreation uses such as golf courses, country clubs, swimming and/or tennis clubs provided that no principal building, accessory structure, pool, tennis court or parking area is located within 100 feet of any road right-of-way line or lot line. Additionally, swimming pools associated with those uses shall be completely enclosed with a continuous, impenetrable fence no less than six feet in height above the ground level and the fence shall be equipped with a lockable gate.
Nonintensive animal husbandry, excluding beekeeping, or pet kennels subject to the following conditions:
[Amended by Ord. No. 4-2022, 3/21/2022]
A minimum lot size of five acres shall be provided.
Buildings in which livestock, poultry, insects or other than customary household pets are kept shall be no closer than 100 feet to any lot line or road right-of-way.
No outside storage of manure, malodorous substances or dust-producing substances shall be permitted within 200 feet of any lot line or road right-of-way.
Group care facilities provided that the following conditions are met:
Plans for the facility are approved by the appropriate state and local agencies (e.g., Department of Labor and Industry, Department of Welfare, etc.) prior to operation.
The facility shall be properly licensed, if required.
There shall be a minimum of 175 square feet of habitable floor area for each person residing in the facility.
All residents of the facility must be certified by the referring agency to be capable of residing in this group family environment and no resident shall receive skilled or intermediate type nursing care or psychiatric rehabilitation routinely required in an institutional setting.
The facility shall be served by the public water and public sewer system.
The facility shall comply with all applicable standards of this chapter, the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance of North Lebanon Township [Chapter 22].
Traffic generated by the facility shall not exceed normal residential levels and all points of ingress and egress shall be at safe and permissible locations.
All parking shall be off-street and the facility shall have two off-street parking spaces for the facility and one additional off-street parking space for each residential vehicle and each employee vehicle and such other additional off-street parking spaces as may be needed to handle the off-street parking needs of the facility's use.
The operator of the facility shall provide to North Lebanon Township a floor plan of the facility describing the uses of the rooms within.
Family day-care homes, provided that the following conditions are met:
Day care shall be provided by the resident of the home and a maximum of one nonresident assistant.
Applicants shall obtain and maintain a registration certificate from the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare for the family day-care home; a copy of said certificate shall be attached to the building permit.
Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided in addition to that required for the residence.
No signs pertaining to the day-care service shall be permitted.
Upon approval by the Board of Supervisors, apiaries/beekeeping are permitted as a conditional use, provided that the applicable requirements and conditions set forth in Chapter 27, Part 12, Supplementary District Regulations, § 27-1232, are met, along with any other reasonable conditions and safeguards that may be imposed by the Board of Supervisors as deemed necessary to implement the purposes of this chapter.
[Amended by Ord. No. 4-2022, 3/21/2022]
[Ord. 6-4-84, 6/4/1984, § 7.03; as amended by Ord. 2-1995, 12/18/1995, § VI; and by Ord. 1-1997, 1/20/1997, § X]
A lot area, lot width, lot coverage, yard depths and building height satisfying the requirements of the following table, unless otherwise specified, heretofore in § 27-402, shall be provided for every dwelling unit and/or principal nonresidential building or use hereafter erected, altered or established in this district.
District Requirements:
Lot Requirements
Yard Requirements
Min. Lot Area
Min. Lot Width
Max. Lot Coverage
Nonresidential building
5 acres
Single-family detached:
No public utilities (On site water & sewer)
1 acre
Public sewer and/or water
20,000 SF
No building shall exceed 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet in height unless authorized as a special exception.
[Ord. 6-4-84, 6/4/1984, § 7.04]
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Part 14 of this chapter.
[Ord. 6-4-84, 6/4/1984, § 7.05]
Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Part 15 of this chapter.
[Ord. 6-4-84, 6/4/1984, § 7.06]
The supplementary district regulations in Part 12 shall apply, where applicable, as additional requirements for this district.