[Ord. 517, 9/13/1976]
The tract of land owned by Oxford Borough located in the West Precinct, bounded by Lancaster Avenue, Second Street, Coach Street and land of the Presbyterian Home, is hereby established as a public park of the Borough and shall be designated "Oxford Memorial Park."
[Ord. 517, 9/13/1976]
The authority to manage, supervise and maintain the park and any other parks or recreation areas that may be hereafter acquired or established by the Borough shall be vested in Borough Council, which may appoint from time to time a committee to oversee the use, operation and management thereof as Borough Council may determine.
[Ord. 517, 9/13/1976; as amended by Ord. 830, 5/17/2010, § 2]
The following rules and regulations are hereby established for the use, operation, management and the protection of the park:
The park shall be open daily to the public from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., local time. At closing time all activities shall cease and all persons shall leave as soon as possible thereafter.
No person other than authorized Borough employees shall be in the park at any time from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., local time.
No person shall injure, deface, cut, damage, mutilate or remove any of the trees, plants, shrubs, turfs, lawns, buildings, fireplaces, tables, benches, fixtures and furnishings of the Borough located within the park.
No person shall remove or change the locations of tables, benches or other property of the Borough in the park without permission.
No person shall set or maintain any fire except in fireplaces provided for that purpose in the park.
No person shall deposit any waste, litter or garbage within the park except in receptacles provided for that purpose.
No person shall bring waste, litter or garbage from outside the park and deposit it in the park receptacles.
No person shall bring any spirituous liquor into the park.
No person shall conduct himself or herself within the park so as to annoy or offend others using the park for recreational purposes.
No person shall operate a motorbike or vehicle within the confines of the park.
No person shall erect, set up or maintain any booth, table or stand or use any park facilities within the park for the sale, barter or display of any articles without having received a written permit therefor upon due application to the Borough Manager.
No person shall hold any meeting or gathering assembled through advertisement or public notice or any gathering otherwise assembled and composed of 20 or more persons within the limits of the park without having first made due application therefor and having received a written permit from the Borough Manager. The application for such permit shall be in the name of a person who shall be responsible for the management of the group and who shall be responsible for seeing that all litter and refuse left by the group is either removed from the park or placed in the proper receptacles.
[Ord. 517, 9/13/1976; as amended by Ord. 636, 5/23/1989, § 1-6; and by Ord. 810, 12/17/2007]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues shall constitute a separate offense.