[Res. 96-13, 4/9/1996, § 1]
These regulations shall apply to any individual or entity constructing, reconstructing or repairing a driveway which abuts a Township road; any individual or entity installing or replacing a driveway pipe in the right-of-way of a Township road; or any individual or entity constructing, reconstructing or repairing a utility requiring an opening in and/or along a Township road or occupancy of the Township street right-of-way.
[Res. 96-13, 4/9/1996, § 2]
The following regulations shall apply to the construction and/or reconstruction of driveways:
If a sidewalk or curb is present, the sidewalk and/or curb must be restored to the same condition as it was before construction of the driveway. Depressed curb must be installed if full depth curb is present. A concrete driveway apron must be installed if sidewalk is present.
Driveways shall be located no less than 40 feet from any street intersection (measured from the intersection of the curb). Sight distance requirements for all residential and nonresidential driveways shall be in accordance with PennDOT Chapter 441.
Driveways to corner lots shall gain access from the street of lower classification when a corner lot is bounded by streets of two different classifications as listed in § 22-506(3) of the Subdivision and Land Development Chapter. [Chapter 22]
All driveways serving single-family dwellings, except shared driveways, shall be at least five feet from any side or rear lot line.
All driveways serving single-family dwellings shall be a minimum eight feet in width with a grade not to exceed 10%; except that driveway grade may be up to 15%, if a leveling area, 4% or less, a minimum of 20 feet in length is provided at the intersection with the Township road, and at the interior end of the driveway. Maximum change in grade at any location on the driveway shall not exceed 8%.
All single-family residential driveways shall be paved from the edge of cartway to the ultimate right-of-way, or for a length of 15 feet, whichever is greater, using the following minimum standards:
Crushed aggregate base course with a compacted depth of six inches.
Bituminous binder course (ID-2) with a compacted depth of 1 1/2 inches.
Bituminous wearing course (ID-2) with a compacted depth of one inch.
In the case where sidewalks are provided, a concrete driveway apron shall be required.
Driveway Pipe.
Driveway pipe must be installed within the roadside drainage swale of all Township roads (where curbs do not exist) unless determined not required by the Township.
Where an existing roadside drainage swale is too shallow to permit installation of a driveway pipe, a concrete trench box with grate may be required to be installed. Grates must be recessed below edge of cartway to establish a minimum 2% slope from the cartway to the grate. Trench boxes must extend beyond edge of driveway paving a minimum of five feet.
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to keep the driveway pipe free from debris and blockage which could impede the flow of water and thus cause flooding of the roadway. In the event that the property owner fails to keep the pipe free of debris which impedes the flow of water, the Township shall notify the property owner to clear the impediment. If the owner fails to clear the impediments after seven days' notice from the Township, the Township will reopen the pipe at the owner's expense.
Pipe Specifications.
Driveway pipes must include flared end sections.
End of pipes must extend a minimum of five feet beyond edge of driveway paving.
Minimum pipe length is 20 feet.
Pipe shall be sized to convey the ten-year-storm event flow. Minimum pipe size shall be 12 inch round or 14 inches by nine inches arch.
Pipe must be corrugated metal except when reinforced concrete pipe is required by the Township.
A minimum of nine inches of cover must be maintained between top of pipe and finished paving elevation.
Pipe size and installation specifications may be modified by the Township to meet field conditions.
Intersection of single-family driveways with cartways shall include a minimum paving radius of five feet on both sides.
Where curb and sidewalk are required, concrete aprons shall be poured with a minimum thickness of six inches on a minimum four-inch-thick bedding of PennDOT 2B stone. All concrete shall be PennDOT Class AA 3750 psi mix. One-half inch expansion shall be placed between apron and curb. One-fourth inch score contraction joints shall be installed at 1/3 intervals.
Shared Residential Driveways.
Minimum driveway width shall be 18 feet within the street ultimate right-of-way.
Entrance must be paved in accordance with subsection (A)(6) within the ultimate right-of-way or for a minimum length of 20 feet (whichever is greater).
Intersection of driveways with cartways shall include a minimum driveway paving radius of 10 feet on both sides.
Driveway must be centered on the property line.
Nonresidential Driveways.
Design requirements shall be in accordance with PennDOT Chapter 441.
Driveways shall be paved. Design of paving section shall be in accordance with expected loading and frequency of loading. Minimum paving specification shall be in accordance with subsection (A)(6), except that minimum compacted depth of the coarse aggregate base course shall be eight inches.
[Res. 96-13, 4/9/1996, § 3]
The following rules and regulations shall apply to any individual or entity constructing, reconstructing or repairing a utility requiring an opening in and/or along a Township road.[1]
Roadway Restoration (Right-of-Way).
Restoration and materials shall conform to PennDOT Form 408 Specifications (latest edition), unless otherwise directed by the Township or this Part.
All backfill within Township right-of-way shall consist of full depth stone backfill; unless the side of the trench nearest the road is five feet or greater from the edge of pavement or stone shoulder, if existing. Full stone backfill requirements shall also apply to driveway crossings.
Full depth stone backfill shall consist of PennDOT 2A modified stone.
Material shall be placed in maximum one foot loose lifts compacted by a vibratory sheeps foot trench roller. When material is compacted by use of a jumping jack, eight inch loose lifts shall be utilized.
Where full depth stone backfill is required outside of paved or stoned areas, the trench shall be topped with a minimum of six inches of topsoil and restored as lawn.
Permittee shall be responsible for any subsequent settlement that occurs within roadway. Settlement must be immediately corrected with addition of paving material. Any damage that occurs to motor vehicles due to improper trench maintenance shall be the responsibility of the permittee.
Two inch depth temporary patch of BCBC or cold patch (PSP) shall be installed and maintained at the end of each workday and for no less than 30 days prior to final restoration of an existing roadway or driveway. Temporary patch shall be removed with final restoration completed no more than 90 days from the date of utility installation.
Utility owner/contractor shall be responsible for proper implementation of safety requirements in conformance to all Federal and State Department of Labor and Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration regulations.
At any location where the existing cartway is disturbed, a minimum five inches of BCBC, and two inches of ID-2 binder shall be installed to existing grade.
Full cartway width overlay of ID-2 wearing material is required regardless of extent of encroachment onto the existing cartway, unless otherwise specified by the Township. (Refer attached Drawings S-18 and 5-19.)[2]
Overlay shall extend a minimum 25 feet beyond the furthest point of disturbance running parallel to the cartway.
Where trenches cross paved driveway entrances, driveway entrance shall be completely overlaid within limits of right-of-way.
Where overlay terminates, a 6 to 1 paving taper shall be provided (as directed) from edge of existing paving to road centerline and a one-foot wide key (saw cut or milled) shall be provided for tie-in into existing paving.
ID-2 leveling course shall be installed as directed by the Township to correct roadway crown and all irregularities that exist prior to installation of one inch minimum ID-2 wearing course overlay. Tack coat shall be applied prior to any leveling or overlay. Placement of tack coat shall be by a distribution vehicle.
Upon completion of overlay, all pre-existing line striping shall be replaced in kind; and all paving seams/structures shall be provided with a one-foot wide seam seal.
Editor's Note: Drawings S-18 and S-19 are on file at the Township office.
All sidewalk and curb damaged by excavation and construction activity shall be replaced to the satisfaction of the Township.
Earthen areas within the street right-of-way shall be restored in accordance with subsection (B).
Lawn Restoration.
Lawn restoration shall apply in all areas not requiring roadway restoration (i.e., outside of paved/stoned cartway and/or shoulders).
Backfilling of trench shall conform to the following specifications:
Maximum particle size of rock within earth backfill is eight inches.
Suitability of earth backfill is at the discretion of the Township. Soil backfill shall be free of roots, woody vegetation, organic material, oversized rocks, trash, or other objectionable material.
Material shall be placed in maximum one foot loose lifts compacted by a vibratory sheeps foot trench roller. When material is compacted by use of a jumping jack, eight inch loose lifts shall be utilized.
Permittee shall be responsible for subsequent settlement that occurs through undeveloped areas or within right-of-way/easements. Trenches shall be topped with additional topsoil as necessary to fill in settlement and stabilize.
Seeding, fertilizing and mulching specifications shall conform to DER Chapter 102 and Bucks County Conservation District Rules and Regulations; PennDOT Form 408 (latest edition); or as specified by the Township.
Minimum depth of topsoil shall be six inches. If existing topsoil depth exceeds six inches, the adjacent existing depth shall be re-established and matched along the entire trench location.
Editor's Note: Application for Township Road Occupancy Permit is on file at the Township office.
[Res. 96-13, 4/9/1996, § 4]
Vehicular traffic control in work zone areas on and along streets open to the public shall be in strict accordance to requirements of PennDOT Publication 203, Work Zone Traffic Control ('67 PA Code, Chapter 203).
[Res. 96-13, 4/9/1996, § 5]
Placement of utility poles within Township right-of-way shall be in accordance with PennDOT standards. Issuance of a Township permit for a utility pole evidences compliance with Township administrative rules and regulations. The Township assumes no responsibility for pole location as it relates to traffic safety.
[Res. 96-13, 4/9/1996, § 6]
When deemed necessary by the Township, an escrow must be established by the applicant in an amount determined by the Township to guarantee satisfactory restoration of the road/right-of-way.
[Res. 96-13, 4/9/1996, § 7]
If any person constructs a driveway or curb-cut, installs a driveway pipe or constructs/repairs a utility which does not conform to the requirements of this Part, the Township shall order such person, firm or corporation to remove the improper work and replace same in compliance with this Part. Notice to remove and replace the improper work shall be given by registered mail and shall state that the person, firm or corporation has 14 days from the receipt of notice to comply therewith. Upon noncompliance, the Township may do or cause to be done the work requested, and may levy the cost of its work on such owner as a property lien to be collected in any manner provided by law.
[Res. 96-13, 4/9/1996, § 8]
Failure to comply with the terms of this Part shall be a violation of Ordinance No. 163 [Ch. 21, Part 1], and said person or entity violating the provision of this Part shall be subject to the penalties and enforcement provisions set forth in Ordinance No. 163 [Ch. 21, Part 1]