[Ord. 112, 7/19/1988, § 1]
The following words, terms and phrases used in this Part shall be defined and construed as follows:
The water authority supplying service to the area, either Perkasie Borough Authority or North Penn Water Authority.
Commercial, industrial and professional activity.
A person, partnership, association or corporation and shall mean anyone to whom water is supplied by the authority, whether as owner or tenant.
A habitation intended for occupancy by a single family.
Construction pursuant to a valid building permit issued subsequent to date of enactment hereof.
A building or enclosure occupied as a single dwelling unit business.
A combination of buildings in a common enclosure occupied as a single dwelling or business.
One side of a double house with a solid vertical partition wall occupied as a single dwelling unit.
Each dwelling unit, business or profession in addition to the first dwelling unit, business or profession occupying the same building or enclosure, regardless of whether or not any additional plumbing facilities are existing with respect to such dwelling units, businesses or professions in addition to those installed or existing in the first year thereof; provided, however, that during the first year following the date upon which newly constructed or reconstructed commonly owned multiple dwelling, business or professional unit in addition to the first such unit shall be considered as property for purposes of this Part only upon its having been rented for occupancy. Upon the expiration of such first year, such additional dwelling, business or professional unit shall be considered a property hereunder, regardless of whether or not it has been so rented.
All the facilities of the authorities for the supplying of water to consumers.
[Ord. 112, 7/19/1988, § 2]
All buildings requiring water service located within 150 feet of the right-of-way of a public water main shall be required to make connection to said public water main and pay applicable connection fees and rental rates to the Authority having ownership of the public water main in the following instances:
All new construction requiring water supply.
All existing structures wherein the structure is enlarged or changed in use to a new use to require increased water capacity. This does not include residential additions which do not increase the number of dwelling units.
[Ord. 112, 7/19/1988, § 3]
Water saving fixtures and devices shall be required in all new construction regardless of public or private water supply pursuant to the following specifications:
Water Closets Operated by Flush Tanks. The water consumption of water closets operated by flush tanks shall not exceed an average of 3 1/2 gallons per flush cycle over a range of test pressures from 20 to 80 psig or a maximum of four gallons per flush cycle at any one test pressure. The fixture shall perform in accordance with the flushing test requirements cited in the ANSI 112.19.2 Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures standard.
Showerhead discharge rates shall not exceed 2 3/4 gallons of water per minute over a range of test pressure from 20 to 80 psig. The fixture shall perform in accordance with the test requirements cited in the ANSI 112.18.1 Finished Rough Brass Plumbing Fixture Fittings standard.
Sink and Lavatory Faucets.
Kitchen sink faucet discharge rates shall not exceed 2 3/4 gallons of water per minute over a range of test pressure from 20 to 80 psig. The fixture shall perform in accordance with the test requirements cited in the ANSI 112.18.1 Finished Rough Brass Plumbing Fixture Fittings standard.
Residential lavatory sink faucet discharge rates shall not exceed 2 3/4 gallons of water per minute over a range of test pressures from 20 to 80 psig. The fixture shall perform in accordance with the test requirements cited in the ANSI 112.18.1 Finished Rough Brass Plumbing Fixture Fittings standard.
Urinals. Urinal discharge rates shall not exceed 1 1/2 gallons of water per flush cycle over a range of test pressures from 20 to 80 psig. The fixture shall perform in accordance with the test requirements of ANSI 112.19.6.
Pressure Reducing Valve. Where connection is made to public water facilities and service water pressure to a building is expected to exceed 60 psi, a water pressure reducing valve with strainer shall be installed just downstream of the building's main valve so as to be accessible. The valve shall provide for pressure adjustment within the range of 50 to 60 psi. The valve shall conform to the requirements of product standard ASSE 1003. Exemptions to this Section are service lines to sill cocks, outside hydrants and main supply risers to buildings where pressure from the mains does not exceed 60 psi at the fixture branches or at individual fixtures.
[Ord. 112, 7/19/1988, § 4]
Where private water supply is to be installed for new construction, certification as to capacity and quality is required prior to issuance of an East Rockhill Township building permit for the structure serviced. Certification shall not be required where an existing well is redrilled or a new well installed due to insufficient well yield at an existing single-family residence.
The well yield shall be determined by a pumping test of not less than four hours duration conducted at a rate of not less than 150% of the intended long-term withdrawal from the well. The four hour test shall be conducted at a constant pumping rate that should not deviate greater than +/- 5% during the test.
In the event the well does not yield a minimum of six gpm, the proposed water system shall be designed to be able to provide sufficient storage via oversize tanks and/or storage in the well bone for the length of time it would take for the expected peak demand to empty a standard pressure tank being supplied by a well pumping six gpm.
All well drillers shall, upon completion of the well, provide the Township with a copy of the report submitted to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and sufficient data and documentation to verify compliance with subsections (A) and (B) above.
At a minimum, the sample of the water produced shall be subjected to examination by a State certified water laboratory for the presence of the following contaminants and certified to be potable.
Total dissolved solids.
TCE, PCE and 1-1-1 trichlorethane.
Benzene, toluene, xylene.
A minimum of three water samples shall be collected during the pump test for analysis:
Thirty minutes after commencement of the pump test.
Two hours after commencement.
Ten minutes prior to the end of the test.
[Ord. 112, 7/19/1988, § 5]
All wells shall be provided with a watertight casing. The minimum length of the casing to be 40 feet or 10 feet into bedrock, whichever is greater. All joints between sections of casing shall be made by continuous welding. Where a pump section or discharge pipes enter or leave a well through the side of the casing, the circle of contact shall be watertight. All casings shall extend at least 18 inches above final grade. The space between the earth and outside of the casing shall be filled with cement grout to a distance of at least six feet below the ground surface.
[Ord. 112, 7/19/1988, § 6]
All private wells with a thirty-day average daily withdraw rate in excess of 10,000 gallons shall register their well with the Delaware Basin Commission and shall provide the Township with copies of all correspondence, applications and required submissions and/or reports to the Delaware River Basin Commission.
[Ord. 112, 7/19/1988, § 7]
Prior to commencement of well drilling operation, owner shall be required to make application to, and receive approval from, East Rockhill Township.
Issuance of a permit to drill well shall not be made until payment of a permit fee in the amount established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 112, 7/19/1988; as added by Ord. 192, 4/18/2000]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a district justice in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each Section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. 112, 7/19/1988; as added by Ord. 192, 4/18/2000]
No responsibility or liability for the construction of any well shall be deemed to be placed upon the Township of East Rockhill or its officers, agents or employees by virtue of the terms of this Part or otherwise.