[Ord. 5/26/1987, § 300; as amended by Ord. 257, 9/21/2010]
Except as provided by law or in this Chapter, in each district, no building, structure or land shall be used or occupied except for the purposes permitted in § 27-304 and for the zoning districts so indicated in Parts 4 through 13. On any property, parcel or tract of land, only one principal use shall be permitted. However, multiple uses may be permitted on a property, parcel or tract of land within the VC Village Commercial Zoning District by conditional use, subject to the requirements set forth in § 27-1003, and only those uses permitted within the VC Zoning District shall be allowed as such multiple uses.
[Ord. 5/26/1987, § 301]
A use listed in Parts 4 through 15 as a use permitted by right is permitted subject to such requirements as may be specified in § 27-304, and after a zoning permit has been issued in accordance with Part 22.
A use listed in Parts 4 through 15 may be permitted as a special exception provided the Zoning Hearing Board authorizes the issuance of a zoning permit by the Zoning Officer, subject to the requirements of § 27-304 and Part 23 and such further restrictions as said Board may establish.
A use listed in Parts 4 through 15 may be permitted as a conditional use provided the Board of Supervisors, having received positive recommendations from the Planning Commission, grants the conditional use subject to the expressed standards set forth in § 304 and Part 23, and such further conditions that the Board of Supervisors may impose to insure the protection of adjacent uses, or the health, safety or general welfare.
A use not listed in Parts 4 through 15 as noted above is not permitted in the specific zoning district.
[Ord. 5/26/1987, § 302]
Uses permitted by right, by conditional use or by special exception shall be subject, in addition to use regulations, to such regulations of yard, lot size, lot width, building area, easements, provisions for off-street parking and loading, and to such other provisions as are specified in other Parts thereof.
In particular, the laws of the Commonwealth and the regulations of the Bucks County Department of Health regarding water supply and waste disposal shall be adhered to. Further, no zoning permit shall be issued until approval is obtained form the Bucks County Department of Health for sewage disposal, unless the premises are served by public sewage facilities.
[Ord. 5/26/1987, § 303]
No garage or other accessory building, partial structure or temporary structure shall be erected or moved onto a lot and used for any dwelling purposes unless authorized by the issuance of a temporary zoning permit. Such permit shall clearly set forth that the structure proposed is intended for temporary dwelling purposes and that the authorized structure is to be vacated upon the expiration of a specified time limit, not to exceed one year. On receipt of the zoning permit, the applicant shall certify that he has knowledge of the terms of the permit and the penalty that can be invoked for violation.
Nonconforming temporary buildings or uses incidental to a building development and reasonably required for such development may be granted temporary zoning permits according to § 27-304, Use 13.
[Ord. 5/26/1987, § 304; as amended by Ord. 110, 7/19/1988; by Ord. 131, 7/17/1990, Art. 1; by Ord. 150, 6/15/1993, Art. 1-5; by Ord. 154, -/-/-, §§ 1-4; by Ord. 161, 10/17/1995, Art. 3; by Ord. 168, 2/18/1997 Art. 2,4,7; by Ord. 174, 1/20/1998, Art. 1; by Ord. 178, 9/15/1998, Art 1; by Ord. 192, 4/18/2000; by Ord. 194, -/-/2000, Art. I, Art. X; by Ord. 228, 1/16/2007; by Ord. 240, 6/17/2008; by Ord. 253, 4/20/1020; by Ord. 257, 9/21/2010; by Ord. 259, 1/18/2011; by Ord. 267, 9/11/2011; by Ord. 270, 5/14/2013; by Ord. 274, 1/6/2014; by Ord. No. 295, 10/27/2020; by Ord. No. 303, 3/26/2024]
Agricultural Uses.
General Farming. The production of agricultural, horticultural, arboriculture, viticultural and dairy products; the keeping of livestock, poultry and the products thereof; the raising of furbearing animals and the products thereof; the products of poultry and bee raising. All buildings (barns, sheds, silos, etc.) associated with this use.
Minimum Lot Area. Three acres.
Any building or structure used for the keeping or raising of bees, livestock, horses or poultry shall be situated not less than 100 feet from any street line or property line.
Silos shall be situated not less than 1 1/4 times the height of the silo from any street line or property line.
Any building or structure, other than noted in subsections (b) and (c) above, shall meet the lot width, yard and setback requirements for Use B1, "Detached Dwelling," for the applicable zoning district.
Maximum Impervious Ratio. 3%.
Riding academies, livery or boarding stables and commercial dog kennels are not included under this use.
Dwelling units shall meet the requirements of Use A8, "Farm Unit."
Retail sales shall meet the requirements of Use A7, "Agricultural Retail."
For the keeping of bees, adequate shade and water shall be provided in the immediate vicinity of the hives.
The keeping and raising of livestock and poultry on parcels of land less than 10 acres in area shall be limited to the keeping and raising of two head of livestock or 100 fowl per one acre.
Nursery. The outdoor raising of plants, shrubs and trees for sale and transplantation.
Minimum Lot Area. 1.8 acres.
Any building or structure shall meet the yard, lot width and setback requirements for the applicable zoning district for Use B1, "Detached Dwelling."
Maximum Impervious Surface Ratio. 3%.
Dwelling units shall meet the requirements of Use A8, "Farm Unit."
Retail sales shall meet the requirements of Use A7, "Agricultural Retail."
Intensive Agriculture. Greenhouses, mushroom houses, feedlots, confinement livestock or poultry operations taking place in closed pens.
Minimum Lot Area. 10 acres.
Any building or structure used for the keeping or raising of livestock, horses or poultry shall be situated not less than 100 feet from any street line or property line.
Silos shall be situated not less than 1 1/4 times the height of the silo from any street or property line.
Any building or structure, other than noted in subsections (b),(c) and (1), shall meet the lot width, yard and setback requirements for Use B1, "Detached Dwelling," for the applicable zoning district.
Maximum Impervious Surface Ratio. 20%.
Dwelling units shall meet the requirements of Use A8, "Farm Unit."
Retail rates shall meet the requirements of Use A7, "Agricultural Retail."
All applicable regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection shall be met.
Feedlots, pens and confine areas shall not be situated less than 40 feet from any stream or swale.
The raising of garbage-fed pigs is not permitted.
Commercial dog kennels and the raising of animals for fur or skins are not included in this use.
No area for the storage or processing of manure, garbage or spent mushroom compost or structures for the cultivation of mushrooms shall be situated less than 200 feet from any street or property line.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee.
Forestry. Including commercial logging operations; clearing or destruction of forested or wooded areas as defined in § 27-258; selective cutting or clearing for commercial or development purposes; or clearing of vegetation in reserved open space or resource protection areas. Not included under this use are the authorized clearing in accordance with plans approved pursuant to this chapter, the removal of sick or dead trees or the removal of trees in nondeed restricted areas.
Clear-cutting of all vegetation shall not exceed areas of more than five acres or more than 20% of the forest in any one calendar year, whichever is less, except where pursuant to a State forestry cutting program or where class I, II, III or IV agricultural soils are to be converted to agricultural uses.
A reforestation program shall be submitted which shall show a program for reestablishment of the forest on a sustained yield basis, except where clearing is for agricultural use in subsection (a) above.
For commercial uses, a long-range cutting program to insure that the forest is retained as an entity during the entire program. Such a program shall indicate the condition of the forest on a map showing:
Adjoining lands and neighbors.
The year of each cutting and reforestation.
Species of trees in reforestation.
For clearing purposes, the proposed future use must be stated if any is identified.
All plans shall show how the general habitat and visual block of the forest is to be maintained so that the forest retains its visual and habitat qualities at all stages of the long-range cutting plan.
Post security for any ancillary activities which would require security, forestry or other agricultural use notwithstanding. Specifically, security shall still be posted for any temporary driveways proposed in conjunction with the proposed forestry use.
Sign an agreement to be recorded that no cutting or shearing shall be considered to reduce the area of forest for any development, proposed or not, pursuant to the provisions of § 27-1900.
Riding Academy. An establishment where horses are boarded and cared for and/or where instruction in riding, jumping and showing is offered and/or the general public may, for a fee, hire horses for riding.
Minimum lot area: five acres.
Any building or structure used for the keeping or raising of livestock or horses shall be situated not less than 100 feet from any street line or property line.
Silos shall be situated not less than 1 1/4 times the height of the silo from any street line or property line.
Any building or structure, other than that noted in subsections (b) and (c) above shall meet the lot width, yard and setback requirements for Use B1, "Detached Dwelling," for the applicable zoning district.
Maximum Impervious Surface Ratio. 3%.
Dwelling units shall meet the requirements of Use A8, "Farm Unit."
Retail sales of related items shall be limited to a maximum floor area of 750 square feet.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for every three persons present at such facilities when they are filled to capacity, plus one additional off-street parking space for each full-time employee.
Agricultural Retail. The retail sale of agricultural products such as food and plants at roadside stands. The purpose of this use is to allow homeowners and farmers to sell produce they have grown and to encourage the continuation of farming, without creating a commercial use in districts where commercial uses are not permitted.
Agricultural retail is permitted as an accessory use which shall be subordinate to Use A1, A2, or A3, or a single-family detached dwelling.
All products sold must be grown, produced or raised on the property except if the principal use qualifies as a normal agricultural operation as defined under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Farm Law.[1] If the principal use qualifies as a normal agricultural operation, at least 25% of the products sold must be grown, produced, or raised on the property.
Editor's Note: See 3 P.S. § 951 et seq.
Maximum floor area: 200 square feet. No permanent foundation shall be constructed.
No sales area, parking area, or roadside stand shall be permitted within 10 feet of the cartway of any street.
No zoning permit shall be required, provided that the landowner or applicant, upon request of the Township, demonstrates compliance with all the standards set forth in this section.
This use is separate and distinct from Use A11, Accessory Farm Business. Any sale of agricultural products that does not meet the requirements of this use shall be subject to the requirements of Use A11.
Farm Unit. Detached dwelling units for the sole use of the property owner, immediate family members of the property owner and persons engaged in agricultural employment on the property. Immediate family members shall be limited to parents, grandparents, siblings, sons and daughters.
A farm unit is an accessory use which shall be clearly subordinate to primary uses A1, A2, A3, A5 and A11.
Maximum density: 0.033 dwelling spaces per acre.
A farm unit shall meet the minimum yard and setback requirements of Use B1, "Detached Dwelling," from any street line or property line and between other farm units on the property. Except that a farm unit in the industrial district shall meet the area and dimensional requirements specified in § 27-1302(b) and a farm unit in the Extraction District shall meet the area and dimensional requirements specified in § 27-1502(b).
Parking. Two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit.
Farm Support Facility. Commercial grain or commercial feed mill. Facility for the warehousing, sale and service of agricultural equipment, vehicles, feed or supplies.
Minimum lot area: two acres.
Maximum impervious surface ratio: 40%.
The lot shall have frontage on and take access from an arterial or a collector highway as designated in this chapter.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
No area for the storage or processing of manure, garbage or spent mushroom compost or structures for the cultivation of mushrooms shall be situated less than 200 feet from any street or property line.
Parking. One off-street parking space for every 500 square feet of total floor area plus one space for each company vehicle normally stored on the premises.
Kennel-Noncommercial. An establishment, structure or lot on or in which dogs, cats or domestic pets are kept for private purposes.
No more than six such pets shall be kept under the permanent care of the occupants.
No animal shelter or runs shall be located closer to the property or street line than the minimum yard requirements specified for the principal use.
A noncommercial kennel may be established only as an accessory use.
Except for the sale of young animals born to pets kept under the permanent care of the occupants, no animals shall be sold or offered for sale on the property.
Kennel-Commercial. An establishment, structure, or lot on which more than six dogs, cats, or other domestic pets are housed, bred, boarded, trained, or raised for sale.
Shows and/or competitions which occur on a property not more than twice in any calendar year are not regulated under this use.
The property owner shall possess any required state licensure for the keeping or breeding of the applicable animal, including, without limitation, any licensure required under the Pennsylvania Dog Law (3 P.S. § 459-101 et seq.).
Minimum lot area: 10 acres.
No animal shelter or run shall be located closer than 200 feet from any lot line.
Maximum impervious surface ratio: 3%.
Any building or structure, other than noted in subsection (c) above, shall meet the lot width, yard, and setback requirements for Use B1, "Detached Dwelling," for the applicable zoning district.
One single-family dwelling is permitted on the same tract with this use, provided it meets all applicable requirements of this chapter.
Accessory Farm Business. An accessory farm business is an activity, as specifically defined and regulated by this chapter, that is conducted on the land in addition and accessory to the principal use of farming the land. The purpose of these regulations is to encourage the continuation of farming and the preservation of farmland in the Township by allowing working farmers to market their products and services directly to the public and by allowing use of farmland for farm-related activities as accessory uses, provided that such activities are conducted in a manner that is compatible with the rural residential character of the Township.
The following types of accessory farm businesses, and no others, are permitted, provided that they comply with the requirements of this chapter:
Educational Farm Tours. Tours given to show the operation of a working farm and its animal production or production of field or nursery crops and harvesting.
Seasonal festivals, including "pick-your-own" events, which must be related to products grown on the farm.
Halloween events, including hayrides.
Farm market for farm and horticultural products where at least 25% of the items sold are produced on the property and where the requirements of A7, Agricultural Retail, are not met.
The following requirements apply to all types of accessory farm businesses permitted:
Minimum lot area: 25 contiguous acres.
A farm business shall be an accessory use which is subordinate and clearly incidental to the principal farming use. If the owner of the land fails to farm more than 50% of the total tillable acres of the property for two consecutive years, the owner shall not be permitted to operate any accessory farm business as defined herein but may continue the wholesale and retail sale of products raised on the land under Act 43 so long as the property remains in the agricultural security area. The accessory farm business is permitted as an accessory use only. If any of the conditions to which the use is subject cease to be met, then the accessory farm business use shall also cease.
Accessory farm business uses shall be operated by the owner of the property on which the use is proposed or by a related family member and such uses may not be subcontracted to any person or entity to operate the business on the farm. The intent of this provision is to provide for the continuation of family farm businesses and to prohibit commercial operations.
All accessory farm businesses shall meet the requirements for water supply, wastewater disposal, and rest room facilities of the Bucks County Health Department and any other agency with jurisdiction.
In addition to complying with Subsections b(1) through (4), all permitted accessory farm businesses except for farm markets are subject to the following additional requirements:
No activity or event or structure used for an activity or event shall be located within 150 feet of a right-of-way line or property line, except for parking areas which may be located within 75 feet of a right-of-way line or property line.
No event shall begin before 7:00 a.m. or continue past 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday nights or past 9:00 p.m. on the other nights of the week.
No alcohol may be offered for sale or consumed at any event conducted as an accessory farm business.
Accessory farm businesses are subject to the following regulations on type, frequency and duration:
Educational Farm Tours. An annual permit is necessary to operate education tours. This permit shall specify the number of days per year that educational tours will take place on the farm and a description of the farm tours to be provided in sufficient detail to demonstrate that the educational farm tour will illustrate farm operations.
Seasonal Festivals. A permit shall be required for each seasonal festival. No more than 10 seasonal festivals shall be permitted per farm per calendar year. A single festival shall not exceed four days in duration. Seasonal festivals must be related to the farm activities, products, and the farm year, such as spring planting, fall harvest, etc. Examples: strawberry festival, apple festival.
Halloween Hayrides. Halloween hayrides may operate from the last Saturday in September through the first Sunday in November only, and a traffic plan shall be reviewed and coordinated with the Pennridge Regional Police Department and the Township in order to guarantee safe ingress and egress from the property, and the safety of any off-site hayrides.
No concerts are permitted.
Amplified sounds or music is permitted provided that the owner or operator of the use guarantees that the noise standards in Chapter 6 of the East Rockhill Township Code will be met at the nearest occupied dwelling unit.
No mechanical rides or mechanical amusements are permitted, except tractor or animal pulled hayrides or other animal drawn vehicles or carriages shall be permitted.
Retail sales are permitted only as provided by this chapter for the sale of farm products.
Parking. Off-street parking areas shall be provided in designated areas to accommodate all attendees at any special event, seasonal festival, craft fair, hayride or other permitted event.
A traffic control plan must be submitted with the permit application and approved by the Township prior to receiving a permit for an event.
Lighting. No permanent outdoor lighting shall be installed or illuminated for special events; temporary lighting may be used for special events for the duration of the event only and may not shine or produce glare on adjacent properties. All lighting must comply with the lighting regulations of this chapter.
Signs. A plan for signs proposed for the event must be submitted with the application for a permit to the Township Zoning Officer and must be approved by the Township prior to receiving a permit for an event. A total of 32 square feet of sign area shall be permitted per event, including all directional signs, at any one time. The sign area may be divided into no more than three signs. The signs may be put in place no more than two weeks prior to the event and must be removed within five days of the conclusion of the event. The signs must have a sign permit and shall be subject to all applicable requirements of this chapter.
Farm Markets. Requirements for retail sale of farm products, horticultural products and pick-your-own products. These requirements shall apply in addition to those in Subsection A-11b of this section.
This section does not prevent or limit the sale of farm produce grown on properties within the Township's agricultural security area where such retail sale is permitted under Pennsylvania Act 43 which requires that a minimum of 25% of the products sold shall be grown on the farm on which the retail sale occurs. Products may be sold without a Township permit where all the Act 43 regulations are met and where there is no permanent structure or building proposed for the retail sale of products. Any use meeting the requirements of Use A7, Agricultural Retail, is exempt from the requirements of this subsection.
The products sold shall be limited to food items and horticultural items.
Lighting. Permanent outdoor lighting on the property shall be permitted only to illuminate the retail sales area and parking areas during business hours, the farm residence, and buildings used for farming purposes. All lighting must comply with the lighting regulations of this chapter.
Signs. One on-premises sign shall be permitted for each road frontage of each farm with a farm retail use. The signs must have a sign permit and shall be subject to all applicable requirements of Part 20, Signs, not inconsistent with this provision.
The hours of operation of any farm business that sells retail products to the public shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.
Maximum floor area of farm market: 2,000 square feet.
One dwelling unit is permitted and shall meet the requirements of Use B1.
Residential Uses.
Detached Dwelling. A single detached dwelling unit on an individual lot with private yards on all sides of the house and with no required public or community open space. Detached dwellings may include dwellings constructed on the lot, prefabricated dwellings, manufactured dwellings, modular dwellings and mobile homes.
If the dwelling is a mobile home the following conditions shall also apply:
No more than one mobile home shall be placed on a single parcel, and such mobile home shall be occupied by not more than a single family.
The area between the ground level and the perimeter of the mobile home shall be enclosed by means of a suitable skirting.
Each mobile home shall be placed on a permanent foundation of at least eight poured concrete or masonry pillars set on a concrete base at least eight inches thick. The pillars shall be spaced no more than 10 feet apart with the end piers being no farther than five feet from the ends of the unit. The pillars shall be at least one foot by two feet in size and at least 36 inches below grade. Each pillar shall have installed a tie-down ring to which the mobile home shall be secured.
Area and Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum Yards
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Maximum Bldg. Cov.
Section 502
1.8 acres
1.8 acres
22,000 square feet
22,000 square feet
10,000 square feet
10,000 square feet
For all detached dwelling subdivision or land developments which involve a site area of 35 acres or more and the average lot size is less than one acre, the developer shall reserve as open space a contiguous land area of at least 10% of the site area. This open space shall be maintained for use and enjoyment of residents or the general public, and shall not include land located within the one-hundred-year floodplain.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. Two off-street parking spaces for dwellings having three bedrooms or less; three off-street parking spaces for dwellings having four bedrooms or more.
Detached Dwelling Cluster Subdivision. Detached dwelling units on individual lots with private yards on all sides of the house which are clustered to preserve common open space. Detached dwellings may include dwellings constructed on the lot, prefabricated dwellings, manufactured dwellings, modular dwellings and mobile homes.
Performance Standards.
Minimum Site Area
Maximum Density
Minimum Open Space
Maximum Imp. Surface
Dimensional and Area Requirements.
Minimum Yards
Minimum Lot Area
(square feet)
Maximum Bldg. Cover
Minimum Lot Width
If the dwelling is a mobile home the following conditions shall also apply:
No more than one mobile home shall be placed on a single parcel, and such mobile home shall be occupied by not more than a single family.
The area between the ground level and the perimeter of the mobile home shall be enclosed by means of a suitable skirting.
Each mobile home shall be placed on a permanent foundation of at least eight poured concrete or masonry pillars set on a concrete base at least eight inches thick. The pillars shall be spaced not more than 10 feet apart with the end piers being no farther than five feet from the ends of the unit. The pillars shall be at least one foot by two feet in size and at least 36 inches below grade. Each pillar shall have installed a tie-down ring to which the mobile home shall be secured.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. Two off-street parking spaces for dwellings having three bedrooms or less; three off-street parking spaces for dwellings having four bedrooms or more.
Performance Standard Development. A development or subdivision that permit a variety of housing types subject to a series of performance standards. The performance standard development requires the provision of open space and limits density and impervious surfaces. The following housing types are permitted subject to the dimensional requirements as indicated below.
Detached Dwelling. A single detached dwelling unit on an individual lot with private yards on all sides of the house. Detached dwellings may include dwellings constructed on the lot, prefabricated dwellings, manufactured dwellings, modular dwellings and mobile homes.
If the dwelling is a mobile home the following conditions shall also apply:
No more than one mobile home shall be placed on a single parcel, and such mobile home shall be occupied by not more than a single family.
The area between the ground level and the perimeter of the mobile home shall be enclosed by means of a suitable skirting.
Each mobile home shall be placed on a permanent foundation of at least eight poured concrete or masonry pillars set on a concrete base at least eight inches thick. The pillars shall be spaced no more than 10 feet apart with the end piers being no farther than five feet from the ends of the unit. The pillars shall be at least one foot by two feet in size and at least 36 inches below grade. Each pillar shall have installed a tie-down ring to which the mobile home shall be secured.
Dimensional requirements.
Minimum lot area:
8,000 square feet
Maximum building coverage:
Minimum yards:
30 feet
10 feet
40 feet
Minimum lot width at setback:
70 feet
Detached Dwelling — Off Center. A single detached dwelling unit on an individual lot with private yards on all sides of the house. The building is set close to one side property line with a side yard which may be reduced to five feet and the other side yard shall be no less than 15 feet.
A fence, wall or hedge shall be placed in the wider side yard, extending from the dwelling to the side property line and shall be parallel to the street. The fence, wall or hedge may be broken by a walkway not exceeding four feet in width or a driveway to parking areas in the side or rear of the lot. The driveway shall be 10 feet in width.
The fence or wall shall be of permanent construction and shall be four to six feet in height.
The hedge material shall be planted on three foot centers and shall meet the requirements of § 27-1905 (Table 3.D)
Dimensional requirements.
Minimum lot area:
7,000 square feet
Maximum building coverage:
Minimum yards:
20 feet
35 feet
Minimum lot width at setback:
60 feet
Village House. A single detached dwelling unit on an individual lot with private yards on all sides of the house. It differs from other forms of detached housing in the lot space and placement on the lot. It is similar to houses found in historic villages and towns. The house is placed close to the street and is additionally distinguished by planting or architectural treatments.
Each unit shall meet two or more of the following characteristics:
An unenclosed porch running across at least 3/4 of the house front, being at least seven feet in width.
A front yard raised above sidewalk grade by at least 30 inches and a retaining wall of at least 18 inches at the sidewalk line.
A front yard enclosed by a wall or fence of permanent construction at least 30 inches in height and one flowering shrub per 60 inches across the width of the front of the house.
Hedge of shrubs planted 18 inches on center for width of yard facing street and two flowering trees.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
5,600 square feet (3 BR or less)
6,200 square feet (4 BR or more)
Minimum setbacks:
house — 15 feet front
30 feet rear
5 feet sides
garage — 25 feet front
30 feet rear
5 feet sides
Minimum lot width at setback:
50 feet (3 BR or less)
55 feet (4 BR or more)
Canopy trees
2 in. caliper (§ 1905 Table 3.A)
Flowering trees
2 in. caliper (§ 1905 Table 3.B)
Flowering shrubs
3 feet high (§ 1905 Table 3.F)
Hedge shrubs
3 feet high (§ 1906 Table 3.D)
Maximum building coverage: 35%
Twins. A semidetached dwelling unit having only one wall in common with another dwelling unit with two dwelling units per structure.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
4,000 square feet (3 BR or less)
4,200 square feet (4 BR or more)
Maximum building coverage:
Minimum front yard:
30 feet
Minimum side yard:
10 feet
Minimum rear yard:
20 feet
Minimum lot width at setback:
40 feet (3 BR or less)
45 feet (4 BR or more)
Duplex. A semidetached dwelling unit with one dwelling unit located above the other dwelling unit having two dwelling units per structure.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area (per dwelling unit):
2,500 square feet (3 BR or less)
2,700 square feet (4 BR or more)
Maximum building coverage:
Minimum front yard:
30 feet
Minimum side yard:
15 feet
Minimum rear yard:
20 feet
Minimum lot width at setback: (per building)
60 feet
Multiplex. An attached dwelling unit which may be arranged in a variety of configurations: side by side, back, to back or vertically. The essential feature is the small number of units attached. No more than five units shall be attached in any structure, and structures shall average four units each.
Minimum lot area (per bldg.):
8,000 square feet
Minimum lot area (per dwelling unit):
800 square feet (efficiency)
1,500 square feet (1 BR)
2,200 square feet (2 BR)
2,500 square feet (3 BR)
2,700 square feet (4 BR)
Maximum building coverage:
Minimum setback line:
30 feet
Parking area
10 feet
Pedestrian walkway
5 feet
Minimum front yard:
30 feet
Minimum side yard:
10 feet
Minimum rear yard:
20 feet
Minimum building spacing:
24 feet
Minimum lot width (per building) at setback line:
80 feet
Maximum height:
3 stories
Townhouse. An attached dwelling unit from ground to roof, having individual outside access. No more than 60% of the townhouses on a street block may exceed five dwelling units per townhouse structure. The remaining 40% of the townhouses on a street block shall not exceed four dwelling units per townhouse structure. The varied size of buildings shall be intermixed throughout the subdivision in a manner and theme acceptable to the Township. One or more of the following features must be incorporated in the design of each townhouse structure throughout each townhouse block: side entrances for end units; stepped front entrances; and/or enhanced architectural treatment at each front entrance. Each dwelling unit shall contain a garage.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
1,800 square feet (3 BR or less)
2,200 square feet (4 BR or more)
Minimum lot width:
20 feet (3 BR or less)
22 feet (4 BR or more)
Maximum building coverage:
55% (ratio to lot area)
Minimum building setback:
25 feet
Parking area
10 feet
Pedestrian walkway
5 feet
Minimum rear yard:
20 feet
Minimum building spacing:
Back to Back
30 feet
Side to Back
30 feet
Side to Front
30 feet
Side to Side
25 feet
Village Townhouse. An attached dwelling unit from ground to roof having individual outside access. A row of attached townhouses shall not exceed eight dwelling units. Village Townhouses shall be served by alleys. No driveways or parking areas shall be permitted within the front yard area of a Village Townhouse. Village Townhouses are a separate and distinct use from townhouses.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
2,500 square feet
Minimum lot width:
20 feet
Maximum building coverage:
55% (ratio to lot area)
Minimum building setback:
15 feet
Parking area
10 feet
Pedestrian walkway
5 feet
10 feet
Minimum front yard:
15 feet
Minimum rear yard:
40 feet
Minimum side yard (end units)
15 feet
Alley right-of-way shall be included in determination of lot area.
Each unit shall include one or more of the following characteristics:
A shared detached two car garage centered on the side lot line and fronting on an alley. Garage must include enter partition wall.
A shared five feet by 10 feet long (minimum dimensions) storage unit centered on the side lot line and attached to the dwelling unit. (Total width of storage unit must be at least 10 feet.) Independent access to the storage unit shall be provided for each lot.
Individual walkout basement access.
Parking of vehicles shall be permitted in the rear yard within 30 feet of the alley centerline only.
Apartment, a grouping of dwelling units sharing common elements which may include common outside access. The dwelling units share a common lot area, which is the sum of the required lot areas of all dwelling units within the building. Apartment shall contain three or more dwellings in a single structure.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum Apartment Size
(square feet)
Minimum Lot Area Per DU
(square feet)
1 BR
2 BR
3 BR
4 BR
Each additional bedroom, den, family room or recreation room:
Maximum impervious surface ratio (onlot):
Minimum lot area:
1 acre
Minimum building setback:
50 feet
Parking area
30 feet
Pedestrian walkway
5 feet
Maximum number of units per building:
Minimum building spacing:
50 feet
Maximum street frontage:
100 feet
Maximum building height
35 feet
Performance Standards. The following requirements apply to Subsections a through l.
Min. Site Area
Max. Density
Min. Open Space
Max. Imp. Surface
Dwelling Types
All, except apartments, mobile homes, duplexes
Detached, off-center, village house, twin, duplex
Dwelling Unit Mix. A mix of dwelling unit types is necessary to promote a balanced community. There shall be four classes of dwelling unit types for purposes of this Section: single-family (detached dwelling, detached dwelling off-center, or village house), two-family (twin or duplex), multifamily (multiplex or apartment), and townhouse (townhouse). A mix of classes is required within the S, R-1, and VR Zoning Districts based on the number of dwelling units as set forth in the accompanying table.
Number of Dwellings in Development
Minimum Required Number of D.U. Classes
Maximum Percent Any D.U. Class
Minimum Percent Any D.U. Class
1 - 60
61 - 150
151 or more
S Suburban District Dwelling Mix. In order to promote flexibility in design and to encourage innovation, the foregoing dwelling unit mix may be modified by conditional use of the Board of Supervisors, provided that the developer lays out a plan in accordance with the required dwelling unit mix and provides sufficient evidence and testimony that the alternative dwelling unit mix will provide additional usable open space for the community, a better aesthetically pleasing layout and design, and the construction of additional recreational improvements or other amenities for the benefit of the Township and the residents of the community.
Parking Requirements.
Off-street Parking. If there is only one garage space at a dwelling unit, the garage space shall not be used to meet the requirements of this Section for off-street parking. However, if there is more than one garage space at a dwelling unit, then the garage spaces in excess of one may be used to satisfy the off-street parking requirements.
Dwelling Type
Minimum Number of Spaces per Unit
Detached dwelling, detached dwelling - off center, village house, twins, duplex
Multiplex, townhouse, village townhouse, apartment
3 BR or less
4 BR or more
General Requirements. The following general requirements apply to performance standard developments.
Fencing type and specifications including 10 feet in length of privacy fence attached to the Village Townhouse units extending along property line shall be subject to approval by the Township Board of Supervisors and such requirements shall be recorded as deed restrictions against the Village Townhouse units.
The following house types within performance standard developments (Use B3) shall be required to be constructed with basements: Twins, Duplex, Weak-Link Townhouse, Townhouse and Village Townhouse.
In addition to the buffer yard requirements contained within § 27-1705 of this chapter, where a performance standard development alley or rear yard abuts or is located within 50 feet of the rear or side yard of an existing single-family dwelling, additional buffering will be provided including berms and/or evergreen plantings to visually seclude the proposed alley or rear yard from the existing single-family dwelling.
Public streets with performance standard developments shall have a right-of-way width of 54 feet unless modified by the Board of Supervisors by conditional use. This requirement does not apply to alleys.
No natural resource protected and/or restricted area, including but not limited to protected margins and buffers, shall be permitted to be included in the lot area of the following residential use housing types within performance standard developments: twins, duplex, multiplex, townhouse, village townhouse, and apartment.
Any subdivision or land development proposing unit ownership which does not include deeded lots (zero lot line, condominium, footprint lot, or similar) shall verify compliance with minimum building setback requirements of the underlying unit type. Additionally, the cumulative minimum lot areas required by this chapter for the underlying unit type shall not be included in required open space.
Maximum Lot Impervious Surface Ratio. Performance standard subdivisions shall meet the following maximum impervious surface ratios for each dwelling type:
Max. Impervious Surface Ratio
Detached dwelling
Detached dwelling off-center
Village house
Village townhouse
Mobile Home Park. A parcel of land under single ownership which has been planned and improved for the placement of mobile homes for nontransient use, consisting of two or more mobile home lots.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum Lot Area
(square feet)
Min. Lot Width at Building Setback
Maximum Building Coverage
Min. Yards
Min. Distances Between Units
Single-wide Units to 61'
Single-wide Units 61' or Longer
Double-wide Units
Performance Standards.
Maximum site area:
15 acres
Maximum density:
5.0 du/ac
Minimum open space ratio:
Maximum impervious surface ratio:
If the dwelling is a mobile home the following conditions shall also apply:
No more than one mobile home shall be placed on a mobile home lot, and such mobile home shall be occupied by not more than a single family.
The are between the ground level and the perimeter of the mobile home shall be enclosed by means of a suitable skirting.
Each mobile shall be placed on a permanent foundation of at least eight poured concrete or masonry pillars set on a concrete base at least eight inches thick. The pillars shall be spaced no more than 10 feet apart with the end piers being no farther than five feet from the ends of the unit. The pillars shall be at least one foot by two feet in size and at least 36 inches below grade. Each pillar shall have installed a tie-down ring to which the mobile home shall be secured.
Every mobile home shall have access to an improved street in the mobile home park in accordance with the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22].
The minimum number of spaces completed and ready for occupancy before the first occupancy is permitted shall be nine.
No space shall be rented for residential use of a mobile home in any such park except for periods of 30 days or more.
Plans for any mobile home park shall be submitted in conformance with the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] and the Township ordinance regulating mobile home parks [Chapter 14].
Sewer and water services shall be provided in accordance with the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] and the Township Sewage Facilities Plan (Act 537).
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Minimum Off-Street Parking. Two spaces for three bedrooms or less; three spaces for four bedrooms or more.
Group Home. This use is to encompass living arrangement for a group of persons who might otherwise be confronted with institutionalization. The purpose of this use is to create a setting which most nearly approximates traditional familial living arrangements for handicapped, elderly, disabled persons and others. The intent of this use is to offer persons facing institutionalization an alternative whereby they can be placed in a family setting as nearly normal as possible and, thereby, enter into the mainstream of society. Groups contemplated by this use include, but are not limited to, group homes for the mentally handicapped, physically handicapped, emotionally handicapped and elderly. However, this use does not include group homes for ex-convicts or half-way houses. Due to the fact that it is the intent of this use to create traditional familial living arrangements, all group home structures should have the appearance of single-family or other traditionally residential structures.
The number of persons living in a group home shall not exceed 10 in number unless each resident has 100 square feet of floor space per person for sleeping quarters. It is the intent of this chapter that any number in excess often persons actually residing at the subject premises would tend to decrease the familial concept, detract from effective family interaction and would tend to create an institutional atmosphere. Personal care boarding homes in excess of eight residents and licensed by the State Department of Public Welfare shall be governed § 27-304, B6, of this chapter.
A group home must be sponsored and operated by an organization or corporation licensed by either the County or the State. Proof of compliance with all applicable County, State or Federal regulations and the name, address and phone number of the responsible contact person with the sponsoring organization shall be furnished to the Township with the zoning permit application and thereafter continuously maintained and updated.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking per employee on the largest shift plus one space for accessory vehicle.
Life Care Facility. A life care facility is a form of residential use designed and operated for individuals requiring certain support facilities, including personal care boarding homes in excess of eight residents and licensed by the State Department of Public Welfare. Personal care boarding homes for eight residents or less shall be governed by § 27-304, B5. Life care facilities are subject to the following restrictions:
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
5 acres
Minimum front yard:
75 feet
Minimum side yards:
50 feet
Minimum rear yard:
50 feet
Minimum lot width:
250 feet
Maximum Density. Four dwelling units per acre.
Maximum Impervious Surface Ratio, 25%.
Maximum Height. Three stories, 35 feet.
Support Facilities.
Retail facilities shall be for use of residents and their guests only. No outside advertising is permitted. The life-care retail facilities may occupy no more than 1/10 of 1% of the total floor area. Retail facilities shall be limited to the following uses:
Barber shop.
Beauty parlor.
Pharmacy (as an adjunct to the life-care nursing facility).
Gift shop.
Snack bar/coffee shop.
Thrift shop.
Handicraft shop.
Life-Care Nursing Facility. This facility shall be designed for the temporary and long-term care of the residents of the life-care facility. Long-term nursing beds within this facility shall not exceed one per three dwelling units.
Other support facilities may include, but are not limited to, lounge areas, reading rooms, craft rooms, common dining facilities and recreational rooms.
Open Space and Passive Recreational Area. At least 50% of the site area must be maintained as open space which shall not include detention basins, parking lots, accessory buildings or any impervious surfaces except those used for recreational purposes. At least 20% of the site, which may be considered part of the open space, shall be developed for passive recreation. This area shall include outdoor sitting areas and pedestrian walks. Not outdoor sitting areas shall be located on land subject to flooding or on slopes in excess of 5%.
Off-Street Parking. There must be .85 off-street parking spaces per bedroom in addition to one off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift.
Fire Protection. All rooms in the life-care facility shall be provided with sprinkler systems for fire protection and shall contain and be served by wet charged stand pipes to the top floor.
Location to Service. Due to the dependence of the elderly on alternate means of transportation and the need for acquiring access to primary services, a life-care facility must be located within a quarter of a mile to the following services:
Post office.
Drug store.
Regional shopping center.
Grocery store.
Dry cleaner.
Beauty parlor.
Barber shop.
House of worship.
Public transportation.
Movie house.
If this is not possible, the developer of a life-care facility shall submit to the Township a transportation plan which shall outline a transportation service for the residents of the life-care facility, to be provided by the owner or manager, providing access to these services at reasonable intervals. This plan must be approved by the Township as a condition for approval of use.
Safety Features. It is necessary in the design and development of a life-care facility, that the safety and physical capabilities of the future residents be considered. The design features of the life-care center shall be such that potentially dangerous situations are minimized and the independence and mobility of the residents maximized. The following safety features shall be incorporated into the design of the life-care center as a condition of approval.
Handle type spigots and doorknobs.
Showers designed for wheelchairs, in place of tubs in at least 30% of the units.
Nonskid surfaces in tubs and showers and on all floors.
Control of water temperature to avoid accidental scalding.
Flush door entrances for easy wheelchair access.
Emergency signal systems in bathrooms and bedrooms connected with either an adjacent apartment or central office.
Grab bars around all toilets and tubs; in addition, all grab bars and towel racks shall be made of noncorrosive metal and be able to withstand up to 250 pounds.
All cooking stoves shall be electric. Burner controls shall be located in the front.
Electric outlets shall be located at levels at least 24 inches above the floor.
All light fixtures shall be located on the walls at convenient levels to avoid accidents that might otherwise occur in the repair of ceiling fixtures.
There shall be ramps or elevators in addition to stairs.
All elevators shall have slow closing doors with sensitive reopening mechanisms.
Handrails shall be provided along all steps, hallways, ramps and sloped walks, both indoors and outdoors.
A transportation impact study and water impact study shall be required as specified in this chapter.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Full Care Facility. A full care facility is a form of residential use designed and operated exclusively for individuals requiring skilled full time care. Educational facilities may be an accessory use.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
5 acres
Minimum front yard:
75 feet
Minimum side yards:
50 feet
Minimum rear yard:
50 feet
Minimum lot width:
250 feet
Maximum Density. Eight bedrooms per acre.
Maximum Height. Three stories, 35 feet.
Open Space and Passive Recreational Area. At least 50% of the site area must be maintained as open space which shall not include detention basins, parking lots, accessory buildings or any impervious surfaces except those used for recreational purposes. At least 20% of the site, which may be considered part of the open space, shall be developed for passive recreation. This area shall include outdoor sitting areas and pedestrian walks. No outdoor sitting area shall be located in areas subject to flooding or on slopes in excess of 5%.
Off-Street Parking. There must be .85 off-street parking spaces per bedroom in addition to one off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift. All parking lots shall be located to the side and rear of the building as it faces the street.
Fire protection improvements shall be provided in accordance with applicable Township codes.
A transportation impact study and water impact study shall be required as specified in this chapter.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Rooming or Boarding House. A dwelling used for the housing of roomers, boarders or lodgers with or without common eating facilities, including dormitories, fraternity or sorority uses or other buildings of charitable, educational or philanthropic use, but not including personal care boarding homes or similar facilities licensed by the State Department of Public Welfare.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
2 acres
Minimum front yard:
55 feet
Minimum side yards:
50 feet
Minimum rear yard:
50 feet
Minimum lot width:
150 feet
Maximum Density. Three bedrooms per acre.
Maximum Height. Three stories, 35 feet.
Each sleeping room shall be limited to two beds.
Parking. One off-street space per bedroom.
Residential Conversion. The conversion of an existing building into two or more dwelling units or the conversion of an accessory building into one or more dwellings units.
Detached dwellings which are converted must maintain the appearance of a detached dwelling with a single front entrance. Additional entrances may be placed on the side or rear of the structure. The dwelling units may share the single front entrance. Exterior stairways and fire escapes shall be located on the rear wall in preference to either side wall and in no case on a front or side wall facing a street.
Except as may be necessary purposes of safety in accordance with the preceding subsection, there shall be no major structural change in exterior of the building in connection with the conversion. After conversion, the building shall retain substantially the same structural appearance it had before such conversion.
All septic systems must be approved by the Bucks County Department of Health prior to the issuance of a zoning permit.
Separate cooking and sanitary facilities shall be provided for each dwelling unit.
Off-street parking spaces shall be located to the side or rear of the converted structure.
Off-street parking lots with three or more spaces shall be buffered from abutting residences. Hedge material as specified in § 27-1905 shall be placed on three foot centers. Alternately, a four to five-foot fence may be erected which provides a visual screen.
Trash receptacles shall not be visible from the street or abutting properties except on scheduled pick-up days.
The minimum lot width and minimum yard requirements for Use B1, "Detached Dwelling," shall be met for the applicable zoning district. In the Cultural-Educational District, the minimum lot width and minimum yard requirements for all permitted uses in this district shall be met.
Each converted structure shall have a recreation/patio area of at least 200 square feet per dwelling unit. The recreation/patio area shall not be located in the front yard or the minimum side or rear yards.
The following minimum floor area requirements shall be met:
Type of Unit
Minimum Floor Area
(square feet)
1 Bedroom
2 Bedrooms
3 Bedrooms
4 Bedrooms
A minimum 120 square feet of floor area for each additional bedroom, den, family room or recreation room shall be required.
The following minimum lot area requirements shall be met:
Zoning District
Minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit
1 acre
1 acre
22,000 square feet
10,000 square feet
10,000 square feet
1 acre
A structure must be occupied at least seven years before it is converted.
Parking. Two off-street parking spaces for dwellings having three bedrooms or less; three off-street parking spaces for dwellings having four bedrooms or more.
Accessory Home Occupation. A customary home occupation for gain. An accessory home occupation is an accessory use that shall be clearly subordinate to the existing residential use of the property. Such uses shall meet the general standards and the specific standards related to the use as set forth below.
General Standards. The following shall apply to all home occupations:
A home occupation must be conducted within a dwelling which is the bona fide residence of the principal practitioner or in an accessory building thereto which is normally associated with a residential use. The home occupation shall be carried on wholly indoors.
The maximum amount of floor area devoted to this home occupation shall not be more than 25% of the ground floor area of the principal residential structure or 400 square feet, whichever is less. At least 850 square feet of the total floor area must remain in residential use.
In no way shall the appearance of the residential structure be altered or the occupation within the residences be conducted in a manner which would cause the premises to differ from its residential character by the use of colors, materials, construction, lighting, show windows or advertising visible outside the premises to attract customers or clients other than those signs permitted by this chapter.
One sign is permitted per home occupation providing that it is no larger than three square feet per side bearing only the name, occupation and office hours of the practitioner. In addition, it shall not be illuminated or placed in a window.
All commercial vehicles shall be parked onlot and must be parked in a garage or an enclosed structure.
Off-street parking spaces are not permitted in the front yards. A ten foot driveway providing access to parking areas in the side or rear of the property may be located in the front yard. All off-street parking areas must be located at least 10 feet from any property line. Off-street parking lots with three or more spaces shall be buffered from abutting residences. Hedge material as specified in § 27-1905 shall be placed on three foot centers. Alternately, a four to five-foot fence may be erected which provides a visual screen.
There shall be no exterior storage of materials or refuse resulting from the operation of the home occupation.
No equipment or process shall be used in a home occupation which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors, dust or electrical interference detectable to the normal senses off the lot. No equipment or process shall be used which creates visible or audible interferences in any radio or television receivers off the premises.
Home occupations shall not include the following: animal hospitals, commercial stables and kennels, funeral parlors or undertaking establishments, antique shops, tourist homes, restaurants and rooming-boarding-lodging houses.
A zoning permit shall be required for all accessory home occupations.
Specific Use Standards. The following shall apply to specific types of accessory home occupations.
Use B10(a), "Professional Offices." A professional office is a service oriented business use conducted within an enclosed area specifically designed for the functional needs of the use, wherein the professional services of the practitioner is the salable commodity offered to the client. Professional offices include, but are not limited to, the following: office facility of a salesman, sales representative or a manufacturer's representative. Office facility of an architect, engineer, broker, dentist, doctor, psychiatrist, insurance agent, land surveyor, lawyer, musician, real estate agent or accountant. Office facility of a minister, rabbi or priest providing that the office is open to the public or congregation.
A professional office home occupation is a permitted accessory use providing that the home occupation complies with the following conditions and a zoning permit is obtained:
No more than two persons, other than resident members of the immediate family, may be obtained.
The minimum site area shall be two acres, except in the VC and VR districts where it shall be permitted in any detached structure on lots of 10,000 square feet or larger.
In addition to the off-street parking spaces required in this chapter for the particular residential use concerned, a professional office shall provide one off-street parking space for each employee, plus one additional space for each 200 square feet of office space. A maximum of six off-street parking spaces are permitted on one lot, inclusive of the required residential parking.
Use B10(b), "Personal Services." A service business including, but not limited to, barbers, beauticians or photographers.
Beauty parlors and barber shops may be permitted as a conditional use provided no more than two beauty parlor or barber chairs are provided.
No more than one person, other than resident members of the immediate family, may be employed.
The minimum site area shall be two acres, except in the VC and VR districts where it shall be permitted in any detached structure on lots of 10,000 square feet or larger.
In addition to the off-street parking spaces required in this chapter for the particular residential use concerned, personal services use shall provide one off-street parking space for each employee, plus one additional space for each 200 square feet of office space. A maximum of six off-street parking spaces are permitted on one lot, inclusive of the required residential parking.
Use B10(c), "Instructional Services." An instructional service is a home occupation in which the practitioner provides the client with special instruction in a specific area of study. The establishment of this home occupation shall not require a room or series of rooms specifically designed for that purposes.
Instructional services involving a maximum of four students at a time are permitted.
Instructional services involving musical instruments are only permitted in single-family detached dwellings.
No persons shall be employed other than resident members of the immediate family.
In addition to the off-street parking spaces required in this chapter for the particular residential use concerned, an instructional service shall provide one off-street parking space per two students being instructed at any one time. A maximum of four off-street parking spaces are permitted on one lot inclusive of residential parking.
Use B10(d), "Home Crafts."
Home crafts are business activities whereby the commodity for sale is completely manufactured and may be sold on the site by the resident craftsman.
Home craft may include, but are not limited to, the following: artists, sculptors, dressmakers, seamstresses and tailors; and include such activities as model making, rug weaving, lapidary work and furniture making.
Home crafts are permitted only in single-family detached dwellings and existing accessory buildings on the same lot.
No more than one person other than resident members of the immediate family may be employed.
In addition to the off-street parking spaces required in this chapter for the particular residential use concerned, a home craft shall provide one off-street space per 300 square feet of total floor area used for the home occupation. A maximum of four off-street parking spaces are permitted on one lot inclusive of the required residential parking.
Use B10(e), "Family Day Care." A family day care use is a facility in which care is provided for one or more children, but no more than six at any one time, who are not relatives of the caregiver, where the child care areas are being used as a family residence.
Licensing, Approval and Permit Procedures. Prior to the final approval of the use by the Zoning Hearing Board and the granting of a permit by the Zoning Officer, the applicant must obtain a license from the Department of Public Welfare, Bureau of Child Development Programs. Licensure is certification of compliance with Chapter H, § 8C, of the Department of Public Welfare's Social Services manual by this Department to the applicant subject to licensure under Article X of the Public Welfare Code.
This use shall be conducted in a building designed for residential occupancy and for the safety and well-being of the occupants.
A minimum outdoor play area of 200 square feet of contiguous area shall be provided for each child as a recreational area for the children. This area shall not include any impervious surface or parking areas.
Family day care uses are only permitted as an accessory use in a detached dwelling.
If a family day care use is located adjacent to a nonresidential use, a parking lot or on a street classification higher than a residential access street, the outdoor play area must be enclosed by a four-foot high fence which is deemed appropriate by the Township. The outdoor play area should be located to the side or rear of the property.
No more than one person other than resident members of the immediate family may be employed.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking Standards. In addition to the off-street parking required for a single-family home at least one additional off-street parking space is required for each employee.
The use shall be located on a public street.
The use, by special exception, may be expanded to a group day care home which is a facility in which care is provided for more than six but no more than 11 children. The following criteria shall be met:
All standards noted above for family day care uses shall be met.
The regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare shall be met.
Such uses shall be permitted only in single-family detached dwellings or in an accessory building on the same lot.
Minimum lot area: two acres.
Use B10(f), "Trades, Business." The use of a residence as a base of operation for the business, but not including the conduct of any phase of the trade on the property. Trades included in this home occupation include, but are not limited to: electrician, plumber, carpenter, mason, painter, roofer and similar occupations.
No more than one business vehicle may be parked on the property including noncommercial trucks and vans with loading capacities not exceeding 3/4 ton. The business vehicle shall be parked in an enclosed structure.
The area of the office, storage of materials and equipment (excluding vehicles) shall not exceed the limitations of subsection (a)(2) above.
No assembling, manufacturing, processing or sales shall be conducted on the property.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
In addition to the off-street parking spaces required in this chapter for the particular residential use concerned, a trades business shall provide one off-street space for each employee and one off-street space for each employee and one off-street parking space for each business vehicle. A maximum of six off-street parking spaces are permitted on one lot inclusive of the required residential parking.
Use B10(g), "Repair Services and Other Home Occupations." A repair shop for appliances, lawn mowers, guns, bicycles, locks, small business machines and other goods but not including automobile, truck and motorcycle repairs. Other home occupations not specified in Uses B10(a) through B10(f), above.
No additional people other than resident members of the immediate family may be employed.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
In addition to the off-street parking spaces required in this chapter for the particular residential use concerned, this accessory use shall provided one off-street space per 300 square feet of total floor area used for the home occupation.
Residential Accessory Building, Structure or Use. Residential accessory building, structure or use including but not limited to:
Garages or parking spaces for the parking of passenger automobiles including noncommercial trucks and vans with loading capacities not exceeding 3/4 ton.
Garages, enclosed structures or parking for commercial vehicles.
No more than one commercial vehicle shall be parked on a residential property.
The commercial vehicle shall be parked in a garage.
Only the tractor of a tractor/trailer combination may be parked on properties of three acres or less.
Structures such as fences, walls or signs.
Buildings such as storage sheds, bath houses and private greenhouses.
Parking for Recreational and Other Vehicles. A vehicle or piece of equipment, whether self-powered or designed to be pulled or carried, intended primarily for leisure time or recreation use. Recreational vehicles or units include, but are not limited to, the following: travel trailers, truck-mounted campers, motor homes, folding tent campers, autos, busses or trucks adapted for vacation use, snowmobiles, minibikes, all-terrain vehicles, go-carts, boats, boat trailers and utility trailers. Recreational vehicles or units shall be stored either to the rear or side of the dwelling, or in a garage or in a roofed structure.
Noncommercial Swimming Pool. A noncommercial swimming pool is a recreation facility designed to contain a water depth of 24 inches or more for use of the residents and their guests, subject to the following:
A zoning permit shall be required to locate, construct or maintain a noncommercial swimming pool.
A swimming pool shall be located no closer to a property line or the street line than the minimum front, side or rear yard requirements or 25 feet, whichever is less.
The pool may be lighted by underwater or exterior lights, or both; provided, that all exterior lights are located so that the light is neither directed nor reflected upon adjacent properties in such a manner as to be a nuisance or an annoyance to neighboring properties. Underwater lighting shall be in compliance with the applicable National Electrical Code [Chapter 5].
A fence shall be provided in conformance with the Township's Building Code [Chapter 5].
There shall be no cross-connection with a public sewerage system.
The permanent inlet shall be above the overflow level of the pool.
At the time of application for a zoning permit it shall be demonstrated that the drainage of a pool is adequate and will not interfere with the water supply system, with existing sewage facilities, with public streets and shall not drain onto a neighboring property.
Boarding Accommodations. The keeping of roomers, boarders or lodgers as an accessory use.
No more than two roomers, boarders or lodgers shall be accommodated.
Such use shall be permitted only in detached dwellings.
Minimum Lot Area. Two acres.
The roomers, boarders or lodgers shall live within the principal residential building.
No separate cooking facilities or dwelling unit may be created.
One off-street parking space shall be provided for each roomer.
School Bus Shelter. A structure for the use of persons waiting for a bus.
Maximum floor area: 63 square feet.
Such structures shall be located at least 12 feet from any street line or lot line.
Two parallel signs, no more than six square feet each, may be erected. These signs may advertise goods, services, businesses or organizations not located on the property.
Accessory Family Apartments. One apartment accessory to a single-family detached dwelling shall be permitted; provided, that the following conditions are met. The intent of these provisions is to allow for related family members to reside on the premises, but to prohibit the creation of for-profit apartments in distracts where multifamily housing is not otherwise permitted.
Such use shall occupy no more than 50% of the total floor area of the primary living area of the principal residence, but in no event shall the accessory use exceed a total floor area of 800 square feet. The primary living area includes the living room, dining room, kitchen, one bathroom and the largest bedroom.
Occupancy of such use shall include only relatives of the family occupying the principal residence.
Such use may contain separate cooking, sleeping, living and bathroom facilities.
Such use shall be part of the principal residence or may be contained in an accessory structure or building existing at the date of this chapter. No new separate structures on the same lot with the principal residence shall be permitted to be constructed for this use, and the accessory family apartment shall not be located in cellars having 1/2 or more of its floor to ceiling height below the average level of the adjoining ground.
Only one accessory family apartment shall be permitted per single-family detached dwelling and there shall be no changes to the exterior of the residence which suggests that the dwelling unit is other than a single-family detached dwelling.
The record owner of the property shall grant a deed restriction limiting such use in accordance with the foregoing provisions in favor of East Rockhill Township. Additionally, the record owner shall execute a separate agreement with the Township, which agreement shall:
Describe the dimensions and location of the accessory use.
Identify the occupant or occupants of the accessory use.
Be in a recordable form acceptable to the Township so as to provide notice at the Bucks County Recorder of Deeds Office.
All costs related to the preparation and recording of the foregoing documents are the responsibility of the applicant for the accessory use.
Such use shall be subject to an annual inspection and annual zoning permit fee in accordance with a separate resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
The owner of the principal residence shall provide to the Township evidence of approval by the Bucks County Board of Health for the additional use.
One off-street parking space shall be provided for the additional use.
Accessory buildings and structures shall meet the requirements of § 27-1708 and § 27-1709 except that Use B11(i) may not encroach within the required yards for the district in which the use is located.
Garage or Yard Sales. The temporary display and sale of goods and craft items on a residentially used property.
Such temporary uses shall be limited to occurrences of not more than three days. Such occurrences shall be limited to not more than four occurrences in a calendar year. There shall be at least a thirty-day period between such occurrences.
Signs advertising garage or yard sales shall be limited to 12 square feet in size. Such signs shall be posted no more than two days prior to the first day of the sale and shall be removed on the final day of the sale. No more than three off-premises signs shall be placed. The location of off-premises signs must be approved by the property owners of the properties upon which they are to be fixed.
Age-Qualified Development. A land development or subdivision that is intended for persons 55 years of age or older and permits a variety of housing types specifically designed for an active adult population. The age-qualified development requires the provision of open space and limits density and impervious surfaces. The following housing types are permitted subject to the dimensional requirements as indicated below:
Detached Dwelling. A single detached dwelling unit on an individual lot with private yards on all sides of the house. Where individual lots are not proposed due to common ownership of lots and/or yards in the development, the yards and setbacks equivalent to the yards below shall apply:
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
6,000 square feet
Minimum front yard:
20 feet
Minimum side yard:
5 feet
Minimum rear yard:
25 feet
Maximum building coverage:
Minimum lot width at setback:
55 feet
Twins. A semidetached unit having only one wall in common with another dwelling unit, with two units per structure. Where individual lots are not proposed due to common ownership of lots and/or yards in the development, the yards and setbacks equivalent to the yards below shall apply:
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
4,000 square feet
Maximum building coverage:
Minimum front yard:
20 feet
Minimum side yard:
10 feet
Minimum rear yard:
20 feet
Minimum lot width at setback:
40 feet
Townhouse. An attached dwelling unit from ground to roof having individual outside access. A row of attached townhouses shall not exceed four dwelling units. Where individual lots are not proposed due to common ownership of lots and/or yards in the development, the yards and setbacks equivalent to the yards below shall apply:
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
2,800 square feet
Minimum lot width:
28 feet
Maximum building coverage:
Minimum building setback from street cartway:
25 feet
Minimum building setback from parking area:
10 feet
Minimum building setback for pedestrian walkway:
5 feet
Minimum rear yard:
20 feet
Minimum building spacing, side-to-side:
25 feet
Minimum building spacing, rear-to-rear:
50 feet
Minimum building spacing, side-to-rear in front:
40 feet
Performance Standards.
Min. Site Area
Max. Density
Min. Open Space
Max. Imp. Surface
Dwelling Types
Parking Requirements. Off-street parking shall be two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit. If there is only one garage space at a dwelling unit, the garage space shall not be used to meet the requirements of this section for off-street parking. However, if there is more than one garage space at a dwelling unit, then the garage spaces in excess of one may be used to satisfy the off-street parking requirements.
Spill-Over Parking. Spill-over parking shall be one parking space per dwelling unit.
General Provisions for Age-Qualified Development.
All age-qualified development plans shall execute a recordable declaration against the entire tract in a form acceptable to the Township binding all properties within the development. All properties within the development shall be restricted to occupants 55 years or older in compliance with the regulations of the Federal Fair Housing Act, as amended.
Whenever a lot or unit is sold, resold, rented or otherwise occupied, at least one of the occupants shall be 55 years of age or older. No individuals under the age of 19 years of age shall reside in any unit for more than three months in any calendar year.
If approved by the Board of Supervisors, minimum right-of-way requirements for streets and/or alleys may be reduced in order to accommodate a more efficient layout, construction of additional amenities, or other design features of the buildings and/or overall layout.
All site amenities, proposed retail and/or passive recreational facilities and/or other common areas shall comply with the current ADA accessibility requirements. Applicants are also encouraged to design the individual residential units to be readily adaptable to meet ADA requirements, especially as to door widths, thresholds and other features necessary to accommodate wheelchair access.
Dwelling Unit Mix. A mix of dwelling unit types necessary to promote a balanced community. There shall be three classes of dwelling unit types for purposes of this Section: single-family (detached dwelling), two-family (twin), and townhouse (townhouse). A mix of classes is required based on the number of dwelling units as set forth in the accompanying table.
Number of Dwellings in Development
Minimum Required Number of D.U. Types
Maximum Percent Any D.U. Type
Minimum Percent Any D.U. Type
1 - 60
61 - 150
151 or more
S Suburban District Dwelling Mix. In order to promote flexibility in design and to encourage innovation, the foregoing dwelling unit mix may be modified by conditional use of the Board of Supervisors, provided that the developer lays out a plan in accordance with the required dwelling unit mix and provides sufficient evidence and testimony that the alternative dwelling unit mix will provide additional useable open space for the community, a better aesthetically pleasing layout and design, and the construction of additional recreational improvements or other amenities for the benefit of the Township and the residents of the community.
Additional Amenities. Retail and passive recreational facilities are permitted for the use of residents and their guests, provided that no retail facility may occupy more than 1,500 square feet. Retail facilities shall be limited to barbershops, beauty parlors, commissaries, newsstands, gift shops, coffee shops (not full-service restaurant or open to the public), and handicraft shops. Other support facilities may include clubhouses, community rooms, recreational rooms, or common dining facilities.
A clubhouse shall comply with the following size requirements:
Number of Dwelling Units
Clubhouse Space Per Dwelling Unit
Clubhouse Size Range
0 - 100
Minimum 2,100 square feet
100 - 300
21-23 square feet
2,100 - 6,900 square feet
300 - 1,500
16-18 square feet
4,816 - 27,000 square feet
1,500 - 10,000
13-15 square feet
19,513 - 150,000 square feet
All age-qualified development plans shall provide for individual lot maximum impervious surface ratios on its final land development plan.
Short-Term Residential Rental (Overnight Accommodations). The rental of a dwelling unit where the occupants do not form a single housekeeping unit.
Minimum lot size: four acres.
The owner, lessee, or other permanent resident of the property must occupy the household for at least six months of the calendar year. The property shall be registered as a short-term rental with the Township.
An owner or lessee of the household may provide short-term rentals up to six times in one calendar year, whereas the maximum total number of days short-term rental activity shall be permitted to occur per dwelling unit shall not exceed of 30 calendar days in one calendar year in the aggregate.
The short-term rental shall not permit more than two persons to occupy one bedroom.
The short-term rental shall not permit more than one house guest to occupy one couch. Additionally, if the short-term rental does not offer private sleeping quarters, then the house guest shall be limited to one per household at a time.
All activity at the short-term rental shall be subject to enforcement of the Township's noise-, nuisance- and property-maintenance-related ordinances. Any noise caused by the house guests that disturbs the neighboring households shall not be permitted, and if the house or house guest is prosecuted for any disorderly conduct, the owner or lessee shall not be permitted to continue to offer short-term rentals.
The short-term rental shall provide one off-street parking space per bedroom available for rental.
Short-Term Residential Rental (Nonovernight Accommodations). The rental of a dwelling unit, portion thereof, or any amenity of a dwelling unit where the occupants are not provided overnight accommodation and do not form a single housekeeping unit.
Minimum Lot Size. four acres.
The owner, lessee, or other permanent resident of the property must occupy the household for at least six months of the calendar year. The property shall be registered as a short-term, nonovernight rental with the Township.
An owner or lessee of the household may provide short-term, nonovernight rentals up to six times in one calendar year, whereas the maximum total number of days short-term rental activity shall be permitted to occur per dwelling unit shall not exceed of 30 calendar days in one calendar year in the aggregate.
All activity at the short-term rental shall be subject to enforcement of the Township's noise-, nuisance- and property-maintenance-related ordinances. Any noise caused by the house guests that disturbs the neighboring households shall not be permitted, and if the house or house guest is convicted by the police for any disorderly conduct, the owner or lessee shall not be permitted to continue to offer short-term rentals.
The short-term rental shall provide no fewer than four off-street parking spaces plus one per each 500 square feet of dwelling unit floor space.
Institutional Uses.
Places of Worship. Any structure or structures used for worship or religious instruction including social and administrative rooms accessory thereto. Uses, C6, "Cemetery," and D4, "Community Center" are permitted as accessory uses to this principal use.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
2 acres
Minimum lot width:
200 feet
Minimum front yard:
65 feet
Minimum side yards:
50 feet
Minimum rear yard:
100 feet
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each four seats provided for patron use, or at least one off-street parking space for each 40 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for service to patrons, guests or members, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces, plus one additional space for each full-time employee. Parking areas shall be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
School. Religious, sectarian or nonsectarian, denominational private school or public school which is not conducted as a private, gainful business; nursery schools operated as a private, gainful business.
Access shall be taken from an arterial or collector highway.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
10 acres
Minimum lot width:
200 feet
Minimum front yard:
75 feet
Minimum side yards:
100 feet
Minimum rear yard:
100 feet
Outdoor play areas shall be 75 feet from side and rear property lines. Outdoor play areas shall be sufficiently screened to protect the neighborhood from inappropriate noise and other disturbances.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Nursery School or Kindergarten. One off-street parking space for each faculty member and employee plus two additional spaces per classroom.
Elementary School. One off-street parking space for each faculty member and employee plus one space per two classrooms and offices.
Junior High School. One off-street parking space for each faculty member and employee plus one space per two classrooms and officers.
Senior High School. One off-street parking space per each faculty member and employee plus one space per 10 students of projected building capacity.
College and Junior College. One off-street parking space per faculty member and employee plus one space for each 10 classroom sets or one off-street parking space for each 10 auditorium seats, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces.
Parking areas shall be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Maintenance, storage, and athletic facilities and fields may be permitted as accessory uses when located on the same lot as the principal use.
Library or Museum. Library or museum, open to the public or connected with a permitted educational use and not conducted as a private gainful business.
Minimum lot area: two acres.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One space per five seats or one space per 250 square feet of total floor area where no seats are provided. Parking areas shall be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Hospital. An establishment, licensed by the American Hospital Association, which provides health services primarily for in-patient medical or surgical care of the sick or injured, including related facilities, such as laboratories, out-patient departments, training facilities, central service facilities and staff offices as an integral part of the establishment. A hospital is subject to the following additional provisions:
Minimum Lot Area. 10 acres.
Any such establishment providing convalescent care or care for the chronically sick shall provide an additional lot area of not less than 1,000 square feet per bed in use for such long-term care. For the purpose of this chapter, long-term care shall mean care in excess of one month.
Care shall be taken to locate emergency and service entrances where they are not offensive to adjoining neighbors.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Such use shall take access from collector or arterial highways only.
Parking. On off-street parking space for each patient bed plus one off-street parking space for every two employees and staff members. Parking areas must be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Nursing Home. Licensed nursing or convalescent home, subject to the following additional provisions:
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each patient or inmate bed plus one off-street parking space for every two employees and staff members. Parking areas must be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Cemetery. A burial place or graveyard including mausoleum, crematory, columbarium or chapel.
Minimum lot area (except for pet cemetery): 10 acres.
Minimum yards and setbacks:
100 feet
Minimum lot are for pet cemetery: three acres.
Maximum lot area for pet cemetery:
10 acres
Minimum yards and setbacks:
25 feet
Lot Coverage for Accessory Buildings and Parking Facilities: No more than 10% to a maximum of five acres may be devoted to above-ground buildings or impervious surfaces not serving as burial markers or memorials.
No burial plots, structures or parking areas shall be located within the one-hundred-year floodplain.
No outside storage shall be permitted.
All structures open to the public shall be supplied with water and sewer and all utilities shall be placed underground.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
A zoning permit shall be obtained on an annual basis.
Additional requirements for pet cemetery:
All grave markers shall be placed flush to the ground.
All caskets shall be of durable construction and not subject to breakage or deterioration. Caskets shall not be stacked one above another underground and the top of every casket shall be at least three feet below the existing grade. To insure compliance, the Building Inspector or Zoning Officer shall be notified before every internment for the purposes of conducting an inspection for which the owner or operator of the cemetery shall pay an inspection fee. All inspection fees shall be set by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to resolution. The owner or operator shall maintain at all times a current burial plot diagram showing all plots in use which shall be available to the Township for inspection upon request.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee and one off-street space for each four visitors in total capacity of the chapel. Parking areas must be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Municipal Building. East Rockhill Township and Pennridge Regional Police Department municipal buildings, including administration buildings, police barracks, recreation buildings, libraries or road maintenance facilities.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter must be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for every employee plus one space for every five seats in meeting areas. Parking areas must be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Recreational Uses.
Recreational Facility. Recreational facility or park owned or operated by the Township or other governmental agency.
No outdoor active recreation shall be located nearer to any lot line than 100 feet.
Outdoor play areas shall be sufficiently screened and insulated so as to protect the neighborhood from inappropriate noise and other disturbances.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each five persons of total capacity. Parking areas shall be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Private Recreational Facility. A recreational facility owned or operated by a nongovernmental agency.
Minimum Lot Area. Five acres.
The use shall not be conducted as a private gainful business, nor shall it permit amusement parks, wild animal parks or zoos.
No outdoor active recreation area shall be located nearer to any lot line than 100 feet.
Outdoor play areas shall be sufficiently screened so as to protect the neighborhood from inappropriate noise and other disturbances. The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each five persons of total capacity or al least one off-street parking space for each 50 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for service to customers, patrons, clients, guests or members, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces plus one additional space for each employee. Parking areas shall be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Private Club. Private club or lodge other than the use in Use D2.
The use shall not be conducted as a private, gainful business.
The use shall be for members and their authorized guests only.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each five members of total capacity or at least one off-street parking space for each 50 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for service to customers, patrons, clients, guests or members, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces plus one additional space for each employee. Parking areas shall be adequately screened when situated with 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Community Center. Community center, adult education center or other similar facility operated by an educational, philanthropic or religious institution.
Minimum Lot Area. Five acres.
The use shall not be conducted as a private, gainful business.
No outdoor recreation area shall be located nearer to any lot line than 100 feet.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each four seats provided for patron use; or at least one off-street parking space for each 50 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for service to customers, patrons, clients, guests or members, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces plus one additional space for each employee. Parking areas shall be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Office Use.
Medical Office. Office or clinic for medical or dental examination or treatment of persons as outpatients including laboratories incidental thereto.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. Four off-street parking spaces per doctor plus one additional space for each additional employee. Parking areas must be adequately screened when situated with 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Veterinary Office. Office of a veterinarian with accessory animal kennel. In no event shall kennels be allowed as a primary use.
No animal shelter, kennels or runs shall be located closer than 200 feet from any lot line.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. Four off-street parking spaces for each doctor plus one space for each employee. Parking areas must be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Office. Business, professional or governmental office other than uses E1 and E2.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each 200 square feet of total floor area. Parking areas must be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Office Park. An office park is a planned development of office and related uses which includes improvements for internal streets, coordinated utilities, landscaping and buffering.
Individual uses my be located in detached and attached structures.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum site area:
10 acres
Minimum setbacks from property lines — site:
75 feet
Minimum setbacks from street lines — site:
100 feet
Minimum frontage at street lines — site:
150 feet
Minimum building spacing:
100 feet
Maximum height:
24 feet
Minimum setbacks — internal streets:
50 feet
Permitted Uses. E1, E3, F2, F3, F6, F7, F9, F11, F15, F23, F32 and H2.
At least 70% of the total floor space of the park shall be utilized for office uses.
Accessory outside storage or display of materials, goods or refuse is not permitted within an office park.
Lighting facilities shall be provided and arranged in a manner which sill protect the highway and neighboring properties from direct glare or hazardous interference of any kind.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
All uses within the office park shall take access from an interior roadway. Access for the park shall be from an arterial or collector highway.
All parking and loading facilities shall be located to the rear or side of buildings.
Interior roadways shall have street trees as listed in § 27-1905 (Table 3.A) set on 40 foot centers.
A transportation impact study and water impact study shall be required.
All commonly owned elements shall be owned and maintained in accordance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Condominium Act or other ownership arrangement approved by the Board of Supervisors.
The applicant shall submit a plan for the overall design and improvements for the office park.
Parking. On off-street parking space for each 200 square feet of total floor area. Parking areas must be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Conditional Reduction of Parking Improvements. Refer to § 27-1713 of this chapter.
Commercial and Consumer Service Uses.
Commercial School. Trade or professional school; art, music or dancing school. Other schools not included in Uses C2 and F2.
Minimum Lot Area. Two acres.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space per faculty member and employee plus one space per three students. Parking areas shall be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Day Care Center. Day nursery, nursery school, kindergarten or other agency giving day care to children.
Minimum lot area shall be one acre or the minimum lot area for other permitted uses in the applicable zoning district, whichever requirement is greater.
The maximum number of children shall be 10 children per acre.
The minimum yard, setback and lot width requirements for other permitted uses in the applicable zoning district shall be met.
An outdoor play area shall be provided. This area shall be fully enclosed by a four-foot high fence and shall be located to the side or rear of the lot. The minimum required areas of such an outdoor recreational facility shall be 200 square feet for each child.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Prior to final approval of this use by the Zoning Hearing Board and the granting of a permit by the Zoning officer, the applicant must obtain a license form the Department of Public Welfare, Bureau of Child Development Programs. Licensure is certification of compliance with Chapter II, § 8A, of the Department of Public Welfare's Social Services manual by this Department to the applicant, subject to licensure under Article X of the Public Welfare Code.
When used in combination with another nonresidential use, a permit is required for each use.
Parking. At least one off-street parking space for each teacher, administrator and maintenance employee plus two additional spaces per classroom. Parking shall be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Retail Store. A shop or store selling commodities and goods to the ultimate consumer. Not included under this use is the over-the-counter sale of alcoholic beverages i a tavern or bar or a store with greater than 15 square feet of floor area devoted to the display of pornographic materials described in Use F4.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking: One off-street parking space for each 200 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for servicing customers plus one additional space for every two employees.
Adult Commercial. An adult commercial store is a store or shop with more than 15 square feet of floor area devoted to the display and setting of pornographic materials which are pictures, drawings, photographs or other depictions or printed matter and paraphernalia which, if sold knowingly to a child under 18 years of age, would violate the criminal laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in effect at the same time thereof.
The building or structure of such use shall be located no less than 500 feet from any residential use or district, public or private school, church, recreation facility or any other religious, institutional or educational use.
No such use shall be located within 2,000 feet of a similar use.
No materials sold within shall be visible from any window, door or exterior of the building.
No person under the age of 18 years of age shall be permitted within an adult commercial store or sold any pornographic material.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each 100 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for servicing customers plus one additional space for every two employees.
Village Oriented Shop. A shop or store including corner grocery (as distinct from a supermarket), drugstore, stationery store, soda fountain, luncheonette, barbershop and beauty parlor. This use shall not include a store in excess of 2,000 square feet of floor area.
Lighting on pole fixtures shall not exceed 10 feet in eight. The source of illumination shall be recessed and shielded within the fixture itself and shall not exceed 1/2 foot candle at the property line.
Outdoor collection stations shall be provided for garbage and trash removal. These stations shall be located to the rear of the structure and shall be screened from view and landscaped.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each 200 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for servicing customers plus one additional space for every full-time employee. Parking shall not be located between a building and a street.
Service Business. Service business including barber, beautician, laundry and dry cleaning, shoe repair, tailor, photographer, travel agency, photocopy center.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each 100 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for servicing customers plus one additional space for every two employees.
Financial Establishment. Bank, savings and loan association, credit union and other financial establishment.
Such uses with drive-up service windows shall have a vehicle waiting line area for at least six vehicles in each drive-up service window. The waiting line area(s) shall be separated from other circulation lanes.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each 200 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for servicing customers.
Funeral Home or Mortuary. An establishment for the preparation of the deceased for burial and the display of the deceased and ceremonies connected therewith before burial or cremation.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each four seats provided for patron use or at least one off-street parking space for each 50 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used in the operation of the establishment, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces plus one additional space for each full-time employee.
Eating Place. Eating place for the sale and consumption of food and beverages without drive-thru service. The sale of alcoholic beverages must be incidental to the sale and consumption of food.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each 25 square feet of total floor area or one off-street parking space for every two seats, whichever requires the greater number of spaces plus one additional space for each full-time employee on the largest shift.
Outdoor dining shall be permitted provided all outdoor dining areas meet the buffer requirements of § 27-1905 and comply with all setback requirements applicable to the principal eating place and/or zoning district.
Drive-Ins and Other Eating Places. Eating place for sale and consumption of food and nonalcoholic beverages other than Use F9, "Eating Place." Any establishment selling food or beverages through a drive-thru shall be considered an F10 Drive-In Use.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Such uses with drive-up service windows shall have a vehicle waiting line area for at least six vehicles. The waiting line area shall be separated from other circulation lanes.
Parking. One off-street parking space for every two seats or one off-street parking space for every 25 square feet of total floor area, whichever ever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces plus one additional space for each employee on the largest shift.
Tavern. An establishment which serves alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption which is licensed by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each 1.5 people permitted to occupy the premises plus one additional off-street parking space for each full-time employee.
Repair Shop. Repair shop for items including but not limited to appliances, lawn mowers, watches, guns, bicycles, locks, small business machines but not including automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, trailers and other heavy equipment.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
The minimum lot area for lawn mower repair shall be two acres.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each 300 square feet of total floor area plus one additional space for each employee.
Indoor Entertainment. Entertainment or recreational facilities operated as a gainful business within a building.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each four seats provided for patron use or at least one off-street parking space for each 50 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for service to customers, patrons, clients, guests or members, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces plus one additional space for each employee.
Theater. A building in which films are shown or stage shows are performed regardless of the type of film or program presented. This use does not include open air, outdoor or drive-in theaters.
The exterior display of any pornographic material which would violate the criminal laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in effect shall be prohibited.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each three seats provided for patron use or at least one off-street parking space for each 40 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for service to customers, patrons, clients, guests or members, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces plus one additional space for each employee.
Indoor Athletic Club. An indoor athletic club shall include buildings for indoor court games played with a ball such as racquetball, handball, squash, tennis, basketball and volleyball; facilities for exercise equipment and health clubs and facilities related thereto.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each five persons of total capacity or at least one off-street parking space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area used or intended to be used for service to customers, patrons, clients, guests or members, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces plus one additional space for each employee.
Outdoor Entertainment. Outdoor entertainment and recreation facilities operated as a gainful business other than Uses D1 and D2, and not including an outdoor motion picture establishment.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for every three persons present at such facilities when they are filled to capacity.
Outdoor Motion Picture Establishment. An open lot with its appurtenant facilities used for the showing of motion pictures or theatrical productions on a paid admission basis to patrons seated in automobiles.
Such uses shall have frontage on an arterial or collector highway and all access shall be taken from the arterial or collector highway. The applicant shall provide an analysis of the physical conditions of the road system at the proposed points of access. Improvements to insure safe turning movements and traffic safety shall be provided by the applicant as required by the Board of Supervisors. The applicant shall provide sufficient vehicle stacking area or a marginal access road to insure that entering vehicles will be able to pull off the road.
The motion picture screen shall be no closer to any property line than 1 1/4 times the height of the picture screen or the minimum yard requirements of the zoning district, whichever setback is greater. Other buildings shall be subject to the minimum yard requirements of the zoning district.
The applicant shall provide information which indicates conformance with § 27-1900, "Natural Resource Protection Standards."
The motion picture screen shall not be oriented towards the arterial or collector highway.
The applicant shall provide a plan for buffering in accordance with § 27-1905 and shall meet the following standards:
Along an adjacent property line that is zoned agriculture or residential or a property line with an existing residential use and along any road, either:
A six foot solid wooden fence within the exterior 50 feet of the buffer year and one deciduous tree (1 1/2 inch caliper minimum) at an average of one tree per 40 lineal feet of buffer plus one evergreen tree (three foot minimum height) at an average of one tree per 20 lineal feet of buffer. The trees shall be placed between the fence and the property line; or
A five foot berm planted on top as in subsection (1)(a) above; or
One deciduous tree (1 1/2 inch caliper minimum) at an average of one tree per 40 lineal feet of buffer plus one evergreen tree (three foot minimum height) at an average of one tree per 20 lineal feet of buffer plus one deciduous shrub (three foot minimum height) per four lineal feet of buffer.
Acceptable plant material for the buffer yard noted in subsection (1) above shall be:
Evergreen trees a specified in § 27-1905 (Table 3.C) of this chapter.
Deciduous trees as specified in § 27-1905 (Table 3.A) of this chapter.
Shrubs. Privet, Forsythia, Viburnum Species.
In accordance with § 27-1711 of this chapter, a clear-sight triangle shall be maintained at all street intersections and at all points where access drives intersect with roads.
Cottage Development or Private Camp. A tract of land and buildings or structure planned as a whole for seasonal use, comprising two or more cottages and other related buildings; also includes privately operated camps for boys or girls using two or more cottages for shelter or sleeping purposes.
Minimum Site Area. 10 acres.
The main use of the proposed development shall be seasonal, that is for periodic use over a limited number of months during particular seasons of the year, and no occupant shall be permitted to remain for a total period exceeding 120 days during any one calendar year with the exception of a caretaker, groundskeeper or other staff.
Sewage disposal method shall conform with the requirements of the Bucks County Department of Health and the East Rockhill Township Sewage Facilities Plan.
The maximum overall density shall not exceed one cottage for every two acres. The maximum number of occupants per cottage shall be 16.
Completely detached buildings or structures on the same lot shall not be less than 20 feet from one another.
Adequate measures to prevent noise and other noxious influences form disturbing nearby residential properties shall be taken.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
No mobile homes as defined in § 27-232 and no recreational vehicles as defined in § 27-304, F20(a)(1) shall be permitted as part of a cottage development or private camp as defined herein.
A zoning permit shall be obtained on an annual basis.
Parking. One and one-fourth parking spaces shall be provided for each cottage plus one additional space for each employee on the largest shift.
Where potable water is proposed to be provided with groundwater, the use shall conform with Chapter 22, § 22-408 relating to Water Resources Impact Study.
Recreational Camping Park. A property upon which two or more campsites are located, established or maintained for occupancy as temporary living quarters for recreation or vacation purposes.
CAMPSITE — A plot of ground within a recreational camping park intended for the accommodation of either a recreational vehicle, tent or other individual camping unit on a temporary basis.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE — A vehicular type unit primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational camping or travel use which either has its own power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle. The basic entities are: travel trailer, camping trailer, truck camper and motor home.
TEMPORARY BASIS — Campsites shall be rented by the day, week or month only and occupants of such sites shall remain in the same recreational camping park not more than 90 days per year.
Minimum Site Area: 10 acres.
The maximum number of campsites permitted in five campsites per acre based on the area of the site minus the required open space as specified in subsection (g) below.
The minimum campsite size shall be 1,400 square feet.
Required separation between recreation vehicles. Recreation vehicles shall be separated from each other and from other structures by at least 10 feet. Any accessory structure such as attached awnings, carports or individual storage facilities shall, for purposes of this separation requirement, be considered to be part of the vehicle.
Each site shall contain a stabilized vehicular parking pad of gravel, crushed stone, paving or other suitable material. No part of a recreational vehicle or other unit placed on a campground site shall be closer than five feet to a campsite line.
A minimum of 70% of the site shall be kept in open space.
Sewage disposal methods shall conform with the requirements of the Bucks County Department of Health and the Township Sewage Facilities Plan.
Minimum setbacks shall be 50 feet where the recreational vehicle park adjoins an existing street and 100 feet elsewhere. Buffer yards shall conform to § 27-1905 of this chapter.
One detached dwelling per camping park may be permitted for the use of an owner or operator of the camping park. The minimum lot area for this detached dwelling shall be 1.8 acres in addition to the lot area required in subsection (b) above.
One retail shop may be permitted to supply goods and commodities to those using the park. The maximum floor area shall be limited to 750 square feet.
A zoning permit shall be obtained on an annual basis.
Golf Course. Golf course (not including miniature golf course), including club house, restaurant and other accessory uses; provided, that these are clearly accessory to the golf course.
Minimum Lot Area.
18 hole -
130 acres
18 hole -
60 acres
Nine hole
50 acres
Par 3
18 hole -
45 acres
Par 3
9 hole -
25 acres
No building shall be closer than 100 feet to any lot line.
Parking. One off-street parking space for every five members of total capacity or at least one off-street parking space for each 50 square feet of total floor area used or intended to be used for service to customers, patrons, clients, guests or members, whichever requires the greater number of off-street parking spaces plus one additional space for each employee. Parking areas shall be adequately screened when situated within 50 feet of land zoned for or in residential use.
Motel-Hotel. A building or group of buildings for the accommodation of exclusively transient guests, chiefly motorists, containing guest rooms for rent.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Motels and hotels may include accessory restaurant facilities, conference facilities, meeting rooms and tavern facilities. In addition to the parking requirements of subsection (c) below, parking shall be provided for the accessory facilities based on one off-street parking space for each 50 square feet of total floor area or one off-street parking space for every four seats, whichever requires the greater number of spaces.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each rental room or suite plus one additional off-street parking space for each full-time employee.
Inn. An existing building or group of existing buildings for the accommodation of guests for rent, subject to the following requirements:
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Inns may include accessory restaurant, tavern, banquet, and conference facilities. In addition to the parking requirements of Subsection e below, parking shall be provided for the accessory restaurant, tavern, banquet and conference facilities based on one off-street parking space for each 50 square feet of total floor area or one off-street parking space for every four seats, whichever requires the greater number of spaces.
Inns may have swimming pools and tennis courts but shall be restricted in use to the guests of the establishment.
Banquet facilities may be indoors or outdoors, and if outdoors, shall be covered by a Township-approved permanent structure or structural tent. The approved permanent structure or structural tent shall not exceed 5,000 square feet of floor area, shall be subject to the applicable Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance requirements [Chapter 22], and any such accessory outdoor use shall comply with the following limitations:
The use or activity associated with the permanent structure or structural tent may include banquet facilities for the service of food and beverages and related entertainment, provided that any amplification associated with the entertainment shall comply with the Township's Noise and/or Nuisance Ordinance standards, and provided further that no amplified music will occur outdoors after 11:30 p.m.
No such permanent structure or structural tent may be erected or constructed within the front yard of any lot nor within 20 feet of any side or rear lot line.
The permanent structure or structural tent shall be designed, constructed and erected to satisfy the structural requirements of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ANSI/ASCE 7-98) and the Township Building Code, Chapter 5 of the East Rockhill Township Code of Ordinances, as amended.
Any permanent structure or structural tent utilized for outdoor banquet facilities shall require an annual permit and inspection by the Township.
Any use of a permanent structure or structural tent for outdoor banquet facilities shall require the provision of sufficient off-street parking for customers, visitors and employees for the term of the permit. The off-street parking requirements set forth in Subsection b above may be satisfied by the leasing of parking space on a property owned by another. The applicant for a permit for indoor or outdoor banquet facilities shall provide written documentation in the form of a lease or license that such off-street parking is available for the duration of the term of the permit. Additionally, the lessor providing the off-street parking will need to request and receive the appropriate zoning approval for such use, and the lessor shall be required to prove there is adequate parking for the use.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each rental room or suite, plus one additional parking space for each full-time employee.
No more than 18 guest rooms shall be provided, and no more than four persons may occupy any one room.
The maximum uninterrupted length of stay at an inn shall be 14 days.
Bed and Breakfast. The use and occupancy of a detached dwelling for the accommodation of transient guests for rent.
No more than six guest rooms may be provided. No more than two adults and two children may occupy one guest room.
The minimum lot size for the bed and breakfast use shall be three acres for the first guest room and one additional acre for each additional guest room.
One off-street parking space shall be provided for each guest room plus one space for each employee and two spaces for the owners of the property. The off-street parking spaces shall be located either to the rear of the main dwelling or screened from the roadway by a five-foot fence or plant material as specified in § 27-1905 (Table 3.C, D, E, F) of this chapter.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
There shall be no use of show windows for display or advertising visible outside the premises to attract guests other than a single, nonilluminated sign which may not exceed eight square feet.
No external alterations additions or changes to the exterior structure shall be permitted as required by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry or for safety reasons as required by another governmental agency.
The use shall be carried on primarily by members of the immediate family which must reside on the premises. Nonresident employees shall be limited to two in addition to the resident member of the family.
There shall be no separate kitchen or cooking facilities in any guest room. Food served to guests on the premises shall be limited to breakfast and afternoon tea only.
The maximum, uninterrupted length of stay at a bed and breakfast shall be 14 days.
The use of any amenities provided by the bed and breakfast such as a swimming pool or tennis courts shall be restricted in use to the guests of the establishment.
The use may not be established until there is compliance with the other Township rules and regulations. In addition to original compliance the bed and breakfast will be periodically inspected by the Fire Marshal for compliance with all Township safety standards.
Service Station or Car-Washing Facility. The retail sale of vehicular fuels and/or a car-washing facility and including as accessory uses the sale installation of lubricants, tires, batteries and similar accessories and/or the sale of groceries and similar convenience-type products.
Minimum lot width of not less than 250 feet shall be provided along each street on which the lot abuts.
Maximum building coverage area of 5,000 square feet.
Access to roads shall be at least 200 feet from the intersection of any streets.
All activities except those to be performed at the fuel pumps shall be performed within a completely enclosed building.
Fuel pumps and canopies shall be at least 25 feet from any ultimate street right-of-way.
All automobile parts and similar articles shall be stored within a building.
All refuse shall be stored within a building or enclosed area.
Paint spraying or body and fender work shall not be permitted.
Lubrication, oil changes and minor repairs permitted if entirely within a building.
Vehicles shall not be stored outdoors while awaiting repairs for more than five days.
Junk vehicles may not be stored in the open at any time.
Approval shall be secured from the Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshal for the underground storage of fuel. The Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshal shall be contacted if fuel tanks are temporarily or permanently abandoned.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for every 200 square feet of total floor area or two off-street parking spaces for each service bay, whichever is larger, plus one space for each employee. Off-street parking spaces shall not be part of, nor interfere with, the accessways to the pumps.
Automobile Sales. Sales or rentals of vehicles such as trucks, trailers, cycles or boats, including repair work conducted as an accessory use.
Minimum Lot Area. Two acres.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each 100 square feet of total floor area and one off-street parking space for each 5,000 square feet of total outside vehicle display area plus one additional space for each employee. This required parking shall not be used for the display of automobiles offered for sale or lease.
Automobile Repair. Automobile repair garage including paint spraying and body and fender work; provided, that al repair and paint work is performed within an enclosed building.
All automobile parts, refuse and similar articles shall be stored within a building or enclosed area.
Vehicles awaiting repairs and junk vehicles may not be stored outdoors more than five days.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each additional space for each employee.
Where an automobile repair use includes paint work, the property owner shall demonstrate that the use will be contained within a properly ventilated structure and all outside agency permits are received. On properties where paint work occurs that abuts a property where a residential use is permitted or exists, the setback for a structure where vehicle painting occurs shall be double what is otherwise required.
Automotive Accessories. Retail sale of automotive accessories such as parts, tires, batteries and other supplies. Installation of accessories purchased on the premises and storage of accessories to be installed are permitted within this use provided the installation and storage occur within an enclosed structure. Outdoor storage of automotive accessories is expressly prohibited.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each 100 square feet of total floor area plus one additional space for each employee.
Shopping Center. A neighborhood or regional shopping center which is planned and designed as a complex of related structures and circulation patterns.
Minimum Site Area. 10 acres.
No more than 25% of the total site area shall be occupied by buildings.
In a shopping center, Uses E1, E3, F1, F2, F3, F6, F7, F9, F13, F14, F15, F28, F32 and G3 may be permitted.
Any use of the same general character as any of the above permitted uses, when authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board; provided, that such use shall be permitted subject to such reasonable restrictions as the Board may determine.
No building or permanent structure, other than a permitted sign, shall be erected within 100 feet of a street line or within 50 feet of any property line. No parking, loading or service area shall be located less than 30 feet from any property line with the further requirement that parking, loading or service areas shall not be permitted within the required buffer yard.
The proposed development shall be constructed in accordance with an overall plan and shall be designed as a single architectural style with appropriate landscaping.
Outdoor storage and displays shall conform to the provisions of § 304.12 of this section.
The distance of the closest point between any two buildings or groups of units of attached buildings shall be not less than 20 feet.
Lighting facilities shall be provided and arranged in a manner which will protect the highway neighboring properties from any direct glare or hazardous interference of any kind.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. Four and 1/2 off-street parking spaces shall be provided and maintained for each 1,000 square feet, or portion thereof, of gross leasable area. Gross leasable area is the total floor area designed for tenant occupancy and use including basements, mezzanines, storage areas and upper floors, if any, expressed in square feet and measured from the center line of common partitions and from outside walls faces.
Conditional reduction of parking improvements, refer to § 27-1713 of this chapter.
Miniwarehouse. Warehouse/storage units provided for lease to the general public for the purpose of storage of articles commonly associated with residential properties.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum lot area:
5 acres
Maximum building coverage:
Maximum impervious surface ratio:
Minimum setbacks from roads:
75 feet
Minimum setbacks from property lines:
50 feet
Minimum lot width:
150 feet
Maximum height storage units:
12 feet
Maximum height other buildings:
35 feet
Minimum aisle width between buildings shall be 26 feet.
The storage facilities complex shall be surrounded by a fence at least eight feet in height of a type approved by the Township.
Outdoor storage of automobiles, boats and recreation vehicles is permitted if they are within the fenced area. A maximum of two square feet of outdoor storage area shall be permitted for every one square foot of indoor storage area. The parked vehicles shall not interfere with traffic movement through the complex and shall meet the minimum setbacks noted in subsection (a) above.
Buffers shall be provided in accordance with § 27-1905 of this chapter. In addition, any parked vehicles which are stored outdoors shall be properly screened so as not to be visible from any adjacent streets or property.
One office and dwelling unit is permitted as an accessory use to provide for a full-time caretaker.
Approval shall be obtained from the Township Police Chief and Fire Marshall regarding security and fire protection.
Each structure shall not exceed 6,000 square feet in size.
Minimum Requirements for Lease Restrictions:
No business activities other than leasing of storage units shall be permitted.
No explosive, toxic, radioactive or highly flammable materials shall be stored on the property.
A zoning permit shall be obtained on an annual basis.
Parking. One space for each five storage units or, if the size and number of units is flexible, one space for each 2,000 square feet of total floor area and outside storage area. These parking spaces should be distributed equally throughout the storage area. If a manager's living quarters are included, two additional spaces are required. One additional space for each 25 storage compartments or, if the size and number of units is flexible, one space for each 10,000 square feet of total floor area to be located at the project office for use by prospective clients.
Dwelling in Combination. An accessory dwelling unit that is clearly subordinate to an institutional, commercial, consumer service or office use.
Where permitted, a dwelling in combination may be used as an accessory use with an institutional, commercial, consumer service or office use that is permitted within the applicable district. Where permitted, a dwelling in combination may be used as an accessory use with a nonconforming institutional, commercial, consumer service or office use under the requirements of Part 21.
The requirements of § 27-304 B9(c), (d) and (g) shall be met.
In addition to the requirements for the principal use, the minimum floor area, minimum lot area and minimum off-street parking requirements of subsections (2)(J)(10) and (11) of this section shall be met.
The maximum density in the C-E and VC Districts shall be two dwelling units per acre. The maximum density in the C-O District shall be four dwelling units per acre.
Medical Marijuana Dispensary. A shop or store holding a permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Health to dispense medical marijuana and that sells medical marijuana to the ultimate consumer. Other retail sales, other activities, accessory/ancillary uses, and outside storage/display are not allowed as a part of this use, nor are they allowed in the same structure as this use. In addition, the establishment and operation of a dispensary shall fully comply with the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Act (35 P.S. § 10231.101 et seq.), as may be amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, including, but not limited to, Chapters 1141, 1151, and 1161 of Title 28 of the Pennsylvania Code (28 Pa. Code Chapters 1141, 1151 and 1161).[2]
Editor's Note: Title 28, Chapters 1141, 1151 and 1161 of the Pa. Code are reserved. See now 55 Pa. Code Chapters 1141, 1151 and 1161.
Utility, Service and Transportation Uses.
Utilities. Transformer station, pumping station, relay station, towers (transmission, water or relay), substations, switching center, sewage treatment plant and any similar or related installations such as wells, wellhouses or stripping towers but not including public incinerators and public or private landfills.
Except in commercial and industrial zoning districts, no public business office or any storage yard or storage building shall be operated in connection with it.
A buffer yard shall be provided along all property lines which shall include adequate means for visual screening and meet the requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter.
Parking. Two off-street parking spaces, or one space per employee, whichever requires the greatest number of spaces.
Emergency Services. Fire, ambulance, rescue and other emergency services of a municipal or volunteer nature.
Minimum Lot Area. Two acres.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. Three off-street parking spaces for every four employees on the two major shifts at maximum employment, or four off-street parking spaces for each fire truck where no community room is a part of the building, whichever requires the greater number of parking spaces. Where a community room is provided, two off-street parking spaces for each fire truck plus one off-street parking space for each 100 square feet of total floor area.
Terminal. Bus or taxi station or terminal or public parking lot or parking garage.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. Off-street parking spaces as the Board of Supervisors shall determine adequate to serve customers, patrons, visitor, employees and vehicles normally parked on the premises.
Airport or Heliport.
In addition to the airport or heliport, accessory office, service, industrial or commercial uses may be approved by the Township Board of Supervisors as conditional uses. The area, dimensional, coverage, buffering, impervious surface limitations and parking requirements for the specific use and the Industrial-1 and Industrial-2 Districts shall be met.
Approval shall be secured from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aviation.
A stopway of at least 200 feet in length and having a width equal to that of the paved runway shall be provided between each end of the runway and the property line of the airport tract.
All buildings, runways, taxiways, parking areas, warm-up pads, aprons, light, communication facilities, tie-down areas, repair facilities, refueling facilities, etc., shall conform to the setback requirements of this chapter.
A steel post and mesh Class E wire fence having a height of four feet shall enclose that part of the airport tract which is used by aircraft so that animals and unauthorized persons and vehicles are restrained from entering the aircraft operating area.
The owners, lessees and operators of the airport shall take all possible actions to protect the peace, safety and air quality of the environment of the area surrounding the airport. This shall include:
The establishment of flight patterns and ground traffic patterns.
The location of warm-up ramps, parking areas, tie-down areas or hangars.
Flight training shall not be scheduled before 7:00 a.m. after 10:00 p.m.
Air shows, displays, etc., shall meet the requirements of Use 14.
The requirements of Part 18, "Nuisance Standards," shall be met so as to create the least amount of noise, dust, dirt, disturbance, annoyance, hazard and limitation on the enjoyment of the residents and property owners of East Rockhill Township.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met. In addition, warm-up ramps, parking areas, tie-down areas and hangars shall meet the buffer requirements of this chapter.
No airport of heliport shall be established if its flight pattern will conflict with the flight pattern of any existing airport or heliport.
Parking. Off-street parking spaces for the principal airport or heliport facility as the Board of Supervisors shall determine adequate to serve customers, patrons, visitors, employees and vehicles normally parked on the premises.
Wireless Telecommunications Facility.
Purpose. The purpose of this subsection is to establish uniform standards for the siting, design, permitting, maintenance, and use of wireless telecommunications facilities in East Rockhill Township. While the Township recognizes the importance of wireless telecommunications facilities in providing high-quality communications service to its residents and businesses, the Township also recognizes that it has an obligation to protect public safety and to minimize the adverse visual effects of such facilities through the standards set forth in the following provisions.
Design. By enacting this subsection, the Township intends to:
Promote the health, safety, and welfare of Township residents and businesses with respect to wireless telecommunications facilities;
Provide for the managed development of wireless telecommunications facilities in a manner that enhances the benefits of wireless communications and accommodates the needs of both Township residents and wireless carriers in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations;
Establish procedures for the design, siting, construction, installation, maintenance, and removal of both tower-based and nontower-based wireless telecommunications facilities in the Township, including facilities both inside and outside the public rights-of-way;
Address new wireless technologies, including but not limited to distributed antenna systems, data collection units, cable wi-fi, and other wireless telecommunications facilities;
Encourage the co-location of wireless telecommunications facilities on existing structures rather than the construction of new tower-based structures;
Protect Township residents from potential adverse impacts of wireless telecommunications facilities and preserve, to the extent permitted under law, the visual character of established communities and the natural beauty of the landscape; and
Update the Township's wireless facilities regulations to incorporate changes in federal and state laws and regulations.
Definitions. The following are applicable to wireless telecommunications facilities:
Any system of wires, rods, discs, panels, flat panels, dishes, whips, or other similar devices used for the transmission or reception of wireless signals. An antenna may include an omnidirectional antenna (rod), directional antenna (panel), parabolic antenna (disc) or any other wireless antenna. An antenna shall not include tower-based WTF defined below. For the purposes of this use, this definition shall not include private residents' mounted satellite dishes or television antennas or amateur radio equipment, including, without limitation, ham or citizens band radio antennas.
The mounting of one or more WTFs, including antennas, on an existing tower-based WTF or utility or light pole.
An unmanned building, cabinet or structure containing communications equipment required for the operation of communications antennas and covering an area on the ground not greater than 250 square feet per user unless approved by the Township.
A network of spatially separated antenna sites connected to a common source that provides wireless service within a geographic area or structure.
A condition that 1) constitutes a clear and immediate danger to the health, welfare, or safety of the public or 2) has caused or is likely to cause facilities in the rights-of-way to be unusable and result in loss of the services provided.
Federal Communications Commission.
The vertical distance measured from the ground level, including any base pad, to the highest point on a tower-based WTF, including antennas mounted on the tower and any other appurtenances.
A WTF or site which consists of a single pole structure, designed and erected on the ground or on top of a structure, to support communications antennas and connecting appurtenances.
All non-tower wireless telecommunications facilities, including, but not limited to, antennas and related equipment. Non-tower WTF shall not include support structures for antennas and related equipment.
Individuals, corporations, companies, associations, joint-stock companies, firms, partnerships, limited-liability companies, corporations, and other entities established pursuant to statutes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, provided that "person" does not include or apply to the Township or to any department or agency of the Township.
Camouflaging methods applied to wireless communications towers, antennas and other facilities which render them more visually appealing or blend the proposed facility into the existing structure or visual backdrop in such a manner as to render it minimally visible to the casual observer. Such methods include, but are not limited to, architecturally screened roof-mounted antennas, building-mounted antennas painted to match the existing structure, and facilities constructed to resemble trees, shrubs, and light poles.
Any increase in the height of a wireless support structure by more than 10% or by the height of one additional antenna array with separation from the nearest existing antenna not to exceed 20 feet, whichever is greater, except that the mounting of the proposed wireless telecommunications facility may exceed the size limits set forth herein if necessary to avoid interference with existing antennas; or
Any further increase in the height of a wireless support structure which has already been extended by more than 10% of its originally approved height or by the height of one additional antenna array.
Any structure that is used for the purpose of supporting one or more antennas, including, but not limited to, self-supporting lattice towers, guy towers and monopoles, utility poles, and light poles. DAS hub facilities are considered to be tower-based WTFs.
East Rockhill Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Wireless Broadband Collocation Act (53 P.S. § 11702.1 et seq.).
Transmissions through the airwaves, including, but not limited to, infrared line of sight, cellular, PCS, microwave, satellite, or radio signals.
A freestanding structure, such as a tower-based wireless telecommunications facility, or any other support structure that could support the placement or installation of a Wireless Telecommunications Facility if approved by the Township.
The antennas, nodes, control boxes, towers, poles, conduits, ducts, pedestals, electronics, and other equipment used for the purpose of transmitting, receiving, distributing, providing, or accommodating wireless communications services.
Any person that applies for a wireless communications facility building permit, zoning approval, and/or permission to use the public right-of-way or other Township-owned land or property.
General Requirements: All Facilities. Unless otherwise prohibited by the WBCA, all Wireless Telecommunications Facilities shall be permitted only by conditional use in accordance with §§ 27-2207 through 27-2209 of this Chapter. Where conditional use approval is prohibited by the WBCA, such covered facilities shall be allowed by right. All WTFs shall be subject to the following regulations:
Standard of Care. Every WTF shall be designed, constructed, operated, maintained, repaired, modified, and removed in strict compliance with all current applicable technical, safety, and safety-related codes, including, but not limited to, the most recent editions of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Code, National Electrical Safety Code, National Electrical Code, as well as (when applicable) the accepted and responsible workmanlike industry practices of the National Association of Tower Erectors. Every WTF shall, at all times, be kept and maintained in good condition, order, and repair by qualified maintenance and construction personnel, so that the same shall not endanger the life of any person or any property in the Township.
Wind. Every WTF and support structure shall be designed to withstand the effects of wind according to the standard designed by the American National Standards Institute as prepared by the engineering departments of the Electronics Industry Association and the Telecommunications Industry Association (ANSI/TIA-222-E Code, as amended). Such structures must be designed to withstand wind gusts of at least 100 miles per hour.
Interference. No WTF shall interfere with public safety communications or the reception of broadband, television, radio, or other communications services enjoyed by occupants of nearby properties.
Radio Frequency Emissions. No WTF may, by itself or in conjunction with other WTFs, generate radio frequency emissions in excess of the standards and regulations of the FCC, including, but not limited to, the FCC Office of Engineering Technology Bulletin 65 entitled "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields," as amended.
Aviation Safety. All WTFs shall comply with all federal and state laws and regulations concerning aviation safety.
Lighting. WTFs shall not be artificially lit, except that security lighting may be used as long as it is shielded and pointed towards the ground to retain the light within the boundaries of the property or except as required by law. If lighting is required or proposed, the applicant shall provide a detailed plan for sufficient lighting, demonstrating as unobtrusive and inoffensive an effect as is permissible under state and federal regulations.
Noise. All WTFs shall be operated and maintained so as not to produce noise in excess of applicable noise standards under state law and the Township Code of Ordinances, except in emergency situations requiring the use of a backup generator, where such noise standards may be exceeded on a temporary basis only.
Historic Buildings or Districts. No WTF may be located on a building or structure that is listed on either the National or Pennsylvania Register of Historic Places or eligible to be so listed or has been designated by the Township as being of historic significance.
Natural Resources. The location of the WTF and all accessory structures and equipment shall comply with all applicable natural resource protection standards of this chapter.
Security. All communications equipment buildings and similar structures/areas shall be equipped with an appropriate security or alarm system for detection of fire. All towers, poles, and similar structures shall be fitted with anticlimbing devices, as approved by the manufacturer.
Monitoring and Maintenance. The following requirements shall apply:
Every WTF shall be fully automated and unattended on a daily basis and shall be visited only for maintenance or emergency repair.
Such maintenance shall be performed to ensure the up-keep of the facility in order to promote the safety and security of the general public.
All maintenance activities shall utilize nothing less than the best available technology for preventing failures and accidents.
Graffiti. Any graffiti or unapproved signs on a tower-based or non-tower WTF or on any accessory equipment shall be removed at the sole expense of the owner within 10 business days of notice of the existence of the graffiti or signs.
Indemnification. Every applicant for a WTF shall complete an indemnification provision as a part of the application process. This provision shall provide that each person that owns or operates a WTF will, at its sole cost and expense, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Township, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and agents, at all times, against any and all claims for personal injury, including death, and property damage arising in whole or in part from, caused by, or connected with any act or omission of the person, its officers, agents, employees, or contractors arising out of, but not limited to, the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, or removal of the WTF. Each person that owns or operates a WTF shall defend any actions or proceedings against the Township in which it is claimed that personal injury, including death, or property damage was caused by the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, or removal of the WTF. The obligation to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend shall include, but not be limited to, the obligation to pay judgments, injuries, liabilities, damages, reasonable attorneys' fees, reasonable expert fees, court costs, and all other costs of indemnification.
All WTFs shall be inspected every two years by an expert who is regularly involved in the maintenance, inspection, and/or erection of such facilities. At a minimum, this inspection shall be conducted with the tower inspection class checklist provided in the Electronics Industries Association (EIA) Standard 222,. Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Support Structures. A copy of said inspection report shall be provided to the Township.
The Township reserves the right to inspect any WTF to ensure compliance with the provisions of this subsection and any other provision found within the Township Code of Ordinances or state or federal law. The Township shall have the authority to enter the property upon which a WTF is located at any time, upon reasonable notice to the operator, to ensure such compliance.
All WTF applicants shall provide the Township with a written commitment that they will allow the Township to inspect their WTF to ensure compliance with the provisions of this use and any other provisions found within the Township Code of Ordinances or state or federal law and that they grant the Township and/or its agents the authority to enter the property upon which a WTF is located at any time, upon reasonable notice to the operator, to ensure such compliance.
Application. Subsequent to conditional use approval and prior to construction/installation of the WTF, the applicant shall obtain a building permit from the Township. The plan and design calculations for the construction of any WTF shall contain the seal and signature of a Pennsylvania licensed structural engineer.
General Requirements: Tower-Based WTFs. All tower-based wireless telecommunications facilities shall be subject to the following regulations:
Location. Tower-based WTFs shall only be allowed in the following Wireless Telecommunications Overlay Zones:
The strip of land 400 feet in width, measured from the right-of-way line of Old Bethlehem Pike (S.R.).[3]
Editor's Note: So in original.
The strip of land 400 feet in width, measured from the right-of-way line of Swamp Road (S.R. 313).
Attached to a tower or structure existing as of January 6, 2014, and located in any zoning district.
Gap in Coverage. An applicant for a tower-based WTF must demonstrate that a significant gap in wireless coverage exists with respect to all wireless operators in the applicable area and that the type of WTF being proposed is the least intrusive means by which to fill that gap in wireless coverage.
Co-location. An application for a new WTF shall not be approved unless the Township finds that the wireless communications equipment planned for the proposed WTF cannot be accommodated on an existing structure or building, including, but not limited to, utility and traffic light poles. Any application for approval of a WTF shall include a comprehensive inventory of all existing towers, buildings, and other suitable structures within a two-mile radius from the point of the proposed tower, unless the applicant can show to the satisfaction of the Township that a different distance is more reasonable, and shall demonstrate conclusively why an existing tower or other suitable structure cannot be utilized. If an existing building or structure is found, it shall be used to mount the antenna unless the applicant provides written proof to the Township that the owner denied permission to the applicant to install the antenna on this building or structure.
Timing of Approval. Within 30 calendar days of the filing of an application for a tower-based WTF with the Township, the Township shall notify the applicant in writing of any information that may be required to complete such application. Any application for a tower-based WTF shall be acted upon within 150 days of the receipt of a fully completed application for a tower-based WTF. If additional information was requested by the Township to complete an application, the time required by the applicant to provide the information shall not be counted toward the one-hundred-fifty-day review period. The Township shall advise the applicant in writing of its decision on the application.
Removal. In the event that use of a tower-based WTF is planned to be discontinued, the owner shall provide written notice to the Township of its intent to discontinue use and the date when the use shall be discontinued. Unused or abandoned WTFs or portions of WTFs shall be removed as follows:
All unused or abandoned tower-based WTFs and accessory facilities shall be removed within six months of the cessation of operations at the site unless a time extension is approved by the Township.
If the WTF and/or accessory facility is not removed within six months of the cessation of operations at a site, or within any longer period approved by the Township, the WTF and accessory facilities and equipment may be removed by the Township and the cost of removal assessed against the owner of the WTF, including any expenses incurred in conjunction with the removal of these facilities, including, but not limited to, engineering fees, attorney's fees, construction or demolition costs, and repair costs.
Any unused portions of tower-based WTFs, including antennas, shall be removed within six months of the time of cessation of operations. The Township must approve all replacements of portions of a tower-based WTF previously removed.
If the owner of the WTF fails to reimburse the Township for the costs of any removal activities undertaken by the Township within 30 days of being invoiced for the same, the Township may make demand upon any bond or other financial security maintained with the Township for such WTF for the full amount owed to the Township, including any expenses incurred in conjunction with the collection of these monies, including, but not limited to, legal costs and attorney's fees.
Removal of a tower-based WTF located in the right-of-way shall comply with the regulations set forth below for such facilities.
Signs. All WTFs shall post a sign in a readily visible location identifying the name and phone number of a party to contact in the event of an emergency.
Additional Antennas. All tower-based WTF applicants shall provide the Township with a written commitment that they will allow other service providers to co-locate antennas on their tower-based WTF where technically and economically feasible. The owner of a tower-based WTF shall not install any additional antennas without obtaining the prior written approval of the Township.
Permit Fees. The Township may assess appropriate and reasonable permit fees directly related to the Township's actual costs in reviewing and processing the application for approval of a tower-based WTF, as well as inspection, monitoring, and other related costs.
Bond. Prior to the issuance of a permit, the owner of a tower-based WTF shall, at its own cost and expense, obtain and maintain a bond or other form of security acceptable to the Township Solicitor, in an amount of $100,000, from a surety licensed to do business in Pennsylvania. Such bond or security shall assure the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of this subsection and shall provide that the Township may recover from the principal and surety any and all compensatory damages incurred by the Township for violations of this subsection, after reasonable notice and opportunity to cure. The original of said bond or security shall be provided to and held by the Township.
General Requirements: Tower-Based WTFs Inside of Right-of-Way. The following regulations shall apply to all Wireless Telecommunications Facilities located within the right-of-way of any public street, and all such WTFs shall comply with these requirements:
Height. Every WTF shall be designed at the minimum functional height. All WTF applicants must submit documentation to the Township justifying the total height of the structure. The maximum total height of any WTF located in the public rights-of-way shall not exceed 50 feet, which height shall include all subsequent additions or alterations.
Design Requirements:
WTF installations located above the surface grade in the public ROW, including, but not limited to, those on street-lights and joint utility poles, shall consist of equipment components that are no more than six feet in height and that are compatible in scale and proportion to the structures upon which they are mounted. All equipment shall be the smallest and least visibly intrusive equipment feasible.
Antennas and all support equipment shall be treated to match the supporting structure. WTFs and accompanying equipment shall be painted, or otherwise coated, to be visually compatible with the support structure upon which they are mounted.
Equipment Location. All WTFs and accessory equipment shall be located so as not to cause any physical or visual obstruction to pedestrian or vehicular traffic or to otherwise create safety hazards to pedestrians and/or motorists or to otherwise inconvenience public use of the ROW as determined by the Township. In addition:
In no case shall ground-mounted equipment, walls, or landscaping be located within 18 inches of the face of the curb, the nearer edge of a sidewalk or pedestrian/bike path, or any building.
Ground-mounted equipment that cannot be underground shall be screened, to the fullest extent possible, through the use of landscaping or other decorative features to the satisfaction of the Township.
Required electrical meter cabinets shall be screened to blend in with the surrounding area to the satisfaction of the Township.
Any underground vaults related to non-tower WTFs shall be reviewed and approved by the Township.
Relocation or Removal of Facilities. Within 60 days following written notice from the Township, or such longer period as the Township determines is reasonably necessary or such shorter period in the case of an emergency, an owner of a WTF in the ROW shall, at its own expense, temporarily or permanently remove, relocate, change, or alter the position of any WTF when the Township, consistent with its police powers and applicable Public Utility Commission regulations, shall have determined that such removal, relocation, change, or alteration is reasonably necessary under the following circumstances:
The construction, repair, maintenance, or installation of any Township or other public improvement in the right-of-way;
The operations of the Township or other governmental entity in the right-of-way;
Vacation of a street or road or the release of a utility easement; or
An emergency as determined by the Township.
Compensation for ROW Use. In addition to permit fees as described above, every tower-based WTF in the ROW is subject to the Township's right to fix annually a fair and reasonable compensation to be paid for use and occupancy of the ROW. Such compensation for ROW use shall be directly related to the Township's actual ROW management costs, including, but not limited to, the costs of the administration and performance of all reviewing, inspecting, permitting, supervising, and other ROW management activities by the Township. The owner of each tower-based WTF shall pay an annual fee to the Township to compensate the Township for its costs incurred in connection with the activities described above. The annual ROW management fee for tower-based WTFs shall be determined by the Township and authorized by resolution of Township Board and shall be based on the Township's actual ROW management costs as applied to such WTFs.
Specific Requirements: Tower-Based Facilities Outside of ROW. The following regulations shall apply to tower-based Wireless Telecommunications Facilities located outside of the right-of-way of any public street, and all such WTFs shall comply with these specific requirements:
Height. Any tower-based WTF shall be designed at the minimum functional height. All tower-based WTF applicants must submit documentation to the Township justifying the total height of the structure. The maximum total height of any tower-based WTF shall not exceed 200 feet, which height shall include all subsequent additions or alterations.
Design Regulations and Finishes.
To promote the aesthetics and compatibility of the use within the existing areas of the Township, tower-based WTFs located outside the public rights-of-way shall employ the most current stealth technology available in an effort to appropriately blend into the surrounding environment and minimize aesthetic impact. The application of the stealth technology chosen by the WTF applicant shall be subject to the approval of the Township. At a minimum, all applications for a new WTF shall propose an alternate design in the form of a tree or silo where feasible.
Any height extensions to an existing tower-based WTF shall require prior approval of the Township and shall not increase the overall height of the tower-based WTF to more than 200 feet. The Township reserves the right to deny such requests based upon aesthetic and land use impact or any other lawful considerations related to the character of the Township.
Any proposed tower-based WTF outside the public rights-of-way shall be designed structurally, electrically, and in all respects to accommodate both the WTF applicant's antennas and comparable antennas for future users.
At a minimum, all tower-based WTFs outside the public rights-of-way shall be galvanized and/or painted with a rust-preventive paint of an appropriate color to harmonize with the surroundings.
Surrounding Environs:
The tower-based WTF applicant shall ensure that the existing vegetation, trees, and shrubs located within proximity to the WTF structure shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible.
The tower-based WTF applicant shall submit a soil report to the Township complying with the standards of Appendix I: Geotechnical Investigations, ANSI/EIA 222-E, as amended, to document and verify the design specifications of the foundation of the tower-based WTF, and anchors for guy wires, if used.
Notice. In conjunction with an application for any WTF which shall be located outside the public rights-of-way, the applicant shall mail notice thereof to the owners and tenants of every property within 1,000 linear feet of the site of the proposed facility and shall provide proof of the mailing of such notice to the Township.
Sole Use on a Lot. A tower-based WTF is permitted as a sole use on a lot subject to the following:
Minimum lot size: one acre.
Minimum setbacks measured from the required security fence: the height of the wireless support structure plus 20 feet or the yard setbacks applicable to the zoning district in which the WTF is located, whichever is greater.
Combined With Another Use. A tower-based WTF may be permitted on a lot with an existing agricultural, industrial, commercial, institutional, or municipal use, subject to the following conditions:
The existing use on the property shall be any permitted use in the applicable zoning district and need not be affiliated with the WTF.
Minimum Lot Size. The minimum lot area shall be the area needed to accommodate the tower/pole (guy wires if used), the communications equipment building, security fence, and buffer planting, which shall be in addition to the required lot area for the existing permitted use.
Minimum Setbacks. Minimum setbacks measured from the required security fence: the height of the wireless support structure plus 20 feet or the yard setbacks applicable to the zoning district in which the WTF is located, whichever is greater.
Access. Whenever feasible, the vehicular access to the communications equipment building shall be provided along the circulation driveways of the existing use.
An eight-foot-high security fence shall completely surround any tower-based WTF, guy wires, communications equipment building, or any other structure housing WTF equipment.
An evergreen screen shall be planted that consists of either a hedge, planted three feet on center maximum, or a row of evergreen trees planted 10 feet on center maximum, unless otherwise approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Existing vegetation (trees and scrubs) shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible.
Accessory Equipment:
Ground-mounted equipment associated to, or connected with, a tower-based WTF shall be underground or screened from public view using stealth technologies, as described above.
All communications equipment buildings, utility buildings, and accessory structures shall be architecturally designed to blend into the environment in which they are situated and shall meet the minimum setback requirements of the underlying zoning district.
Access Road. An access road, turnaround space and parking shall be provided to ensure adequate emergency and service access to a tower-based WTF. Maximum use of existing roads, whether public or private, shall be made to the extent practicable. Road construction shall at all times minimize ground disturbance and the cutting of vegetation. Road grades shall closely follow natural contours to assure minimal visual disturbance and minimize soil erosion. Two off-street parking spaces, or one space per employee, whichever requires the greatest number of spaces, shall be provided. Where necessary, the WTF owner shall present documentation to the Township that the property owner has granted an access easement for the proposed facility.
General Requirements: Non-tower Facilities Outside of Right-of-Way. All non-tower Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, except for those located in the public rights-of-way, shall be subject to the following regulations:
Permitted in All Zones Subject to Regulations. Non-tower WTFs are permitted in all zones in accordance with the restrictions and conditions prescribed within this Chapter and subject to the prior written approval of the Township.
Removal. In the event that use of a non-tower WTF is discontinued, the owner shall provide written notice to the Township of its intent to discontinue use and the date when the use shall be discontinued. Unused or abandoned WTFs or portions of WTFs shall be removed as follows:
All abandoned or unused WTFs and accessory facilities shall be removed within three months of the cessation of operations at the site unless a time extension is approved by the Township.
If the WTF or accessory facility is not removed within three months of the cessation of operations at a site, or within any longer period approved by the Township, the WTF and/or associated facilities and equipment may be removed by the Township and the cost of removal assessed against the owner of the WTF.
Removal of a non-tower WTF located in the ROW shall comply with the regulations set forth below for such facilities.
Permit Fees. The Township may assess appropriate and reasonable permit fees directly related to the Township's actual costs in reviewing and processing the application for approval of a non-tower WTF, as well as related inspection, monitoring, and related costs. Where the non-tower WTF does not substantially change the physical dimensions of the wireless support structure to which it is attached, the Township may assess appropriate and reasonable permit fees directly related to the Township's actual costs in reviewing and processing the application for approval of this non-tower WTF or $1,000, whichever is less.
Timing of Approval. Within 30 calendar days of the date that an application for a non-tower WTF is filed with the Township, the Township shall notify the applicant in writing of any information that may be required to complete such application. Within 90 calendar days of receipt of a complete application, the Township shall make its final decision on whether to approve the application and shall advise the applicant in writing of such decision. If additional information was requested by the Township to complete an application, the time required by the applicant to provide the information shall not be counted toward the Township's ninety-day review period.
Bond. Prior to the issuance of a permit, the owner of a non-tower WTF shall, at its own cost and expense, obtain from a surety licensed to do business in Pennsylvania and maintain a bond, or other form of security acceptable to the Township Solicitor, in an amount of $25,000 to assure the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of this subsection. The bond shall provide that the Township may recover from the principal and surety any and all compensatory damages incurred by the Township for violations of this subsection, after reasonable notice and opportunity to cure. The owner shall file a copy of the bond with the Township.
General Requirements: Non-tower Facilities in Right-of-Way. All non-tower Wireless Telecommunications Facilities located in the public rights-of-way shall be subject to the following regulations:
Co-location. Non-tower WTFs in the ROW shall be co-located on existing poles, such as existing utility poles or light poles.
Design Requirements:
WTF installations located above the surface grade in the public ROW, including, but not limited to, those on street-lights and joint utility poles, shall consist of equipment components that are no more than six feet in height and that are compatible in scale and proportion to the structures upon which they are mounted. All equipment shall be the smallest and least visibly intrusive equipment feasible.
Antennas and all support equipment shall be treated to match the supporting structure. WTFs and accompanying equipment shall be painted, or otherwise coated, to be visually compatible with the support structure upon which they are mounted.
Compensation for ROW Use. In addition to permit fees as described above, every non-tower WTF in the ROW is subject to the Township's right to fix annually a fair and reasonable compensation to be paid for use and occupancy of the ROW. Such compensation for ROW use shall be directly related to the Township's actual ROW management costs, including, but not limited to, the costs of the administration and performance of all reviewing, inspecting, permitting, supervising, and other ROW management activities by the Township. The owner of each non-tower WTF shall pay an annual fee to the Township to compensate the Township for its costs incurred in connection with the activities described above. The annual ROW management fee for non-tower WTFs shall be determined by the Township and authorized by resolution of the Township Board and shall be based on the Township's actual ROW management costs as applied to such non-tower WTF.
Time, Place and Manner. The Township shall determine the time, place and manner of construction, maintenance, repair, and/or removal of all non-tower WTFs in the ROW based on public safety, traffic management, physical burden on the ROW, and related considerations. For public utilities, the time, place, and manner requirements shall be consistent with the police powers of the Township and the requirements of the Public Utility Code.
Equipment Location. Non-tower WTFs and accessory equipment shall be located so as not to cause any physical or visual obstruction to pedestrian or vehicular traffic or to otherwise create safety hazards to pedestrians and/or motorists or to otherwise inconvenience public use of the ROW as determined by the Township. In addition:
In no case shall ground-mounted equipment, walls, or landscaping be located within 18 inches of the face of the curb, the nearer edge of a sidewalk or pedestrian/bike path, or any building.
Ground-mounted equipment that cannot be undergrounded shall be screened, to the fullest extent possible, through the use of landscaping or other decorative features to the satisfaction of the Township.
Required electrical meter cabinets shall be screened to blend in with the surrounding area to the satisfaction of the Township.
Any underground vaults related to non-tower WTFs shall be reviewed and approved by the Township.
Relocation or Removal of Facilities. Within 60 days following written notice from the Township, or such longer period as the Township determines is reasonably necessary or such shorter period in the case of an emergency, an owner of a WTF in the ROW shall, at its own expense, temporarily or permanently remove, relocate, change, or alter the position of any WTF when the Township, consistent with its police powers and applicable Public Utility Commission regulations, shall have determined that such removal, relocation, change, or alteration is reasonably necessary under the following circumstances:
The construction, repair, maintenance, or installation of any Township or other public improvement in the Right-of-Way;
The operations of the Township or other governmental entity in the Right-of-Way;
Vacation of a street or road or the release of a utility easement; or
An emergency as determined by the Township.
Visual or Land Use Impact. The Township retains the right to deny an application for the construction or placement of a non-tower WTF based upon visual and/or land use impact.
Specific Requirements: Non-tower Facilities That Change Support Structure. All non-tower Wireless Telecommunications Facilities located outside the rights-of-way that substantially change the wireless support structure to which they are attached shall be subject to the following additional regulations:
Development Regulations. Non-tower WTFs shall be co-located on existing structures, such as existing buildings or tower-based WTFs, subject to the following conditions:
If the WTF applicant proposes to locate the communications equipment in a separate building, the building shall comply with the minimum requirements for the applicable zoning district.
An eight-foot-high security fence shall surround any separate communications equipment building, and an evergreen screen, consisting of arborvitae trees six feet in height, planted at three-foot intervals, shall be planted along the perimeter of the security fence, unless otherwise approved by the Board of Supervisors. Vehicular access to the communications equipment building shall not interfere with the parking or vehicular circulations on the site for the principal use.
Design Regulations.
Non-tower WTFs shall employ stealth technology and be treated to match the supporting structure in order to minimize aesthetic impact. The application of the stealth technology chosen by the WTF applicant shall be subject to the approval of the Township.
Non-tower WTFs which are mounted to a building or similar structure may not exceed a height of 50 feet above the roof or parapet, whichever is higher.
All non-tower WTF applicants must submit documentation to the Township justifying the total height of the non-tower structure. Such documentation shall be analyzed in the context of such justification on an individual basis.
Antennas, and their respective accompanying support structures, shall be no greater in diameter than any cross-sectional dimension than is reasonably necessary for their proper functioning.
Noncommercial Usage Exemption. persons utilizing satellite dishes and antennas for the purpose of maintaining television, phone, and/or Internet connections at their respective residences shall be exempt from the regulations enumerated in this subsection.
Removal, Replacement, and Modification.
The removal and replacement of non-tower WTFs and/or accessory equipment for the purpose of upgrading or repairing the WTF is permitted, so long as such repair or upgrade does not increase the overall size of the WTF or the numbers of antennas.
Any material modification to a WTF shall require a prior amendment to the original permit or authorization.
Conditional Use Requirements. Applicants for a Wireless Telecommunications Facility shall present testimony and evidence to the Board of Supervisors in support of the following requirements:
The applicant shall present documentation that the facility is designed in accordance with all the standards cited in this Chapter for WTFs.
The applicant shall demonstrate that the antenna/tower/pole for the WTF is the minimum height necessary for the service area.
The applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed WTF complies with all state and federal laws and regulations concerning aviation safety.
The need for additional buffer yard treatments shall be evaluated.
The applicant shall demonstrate that the WTF must be located where it is proposed in order to serve the applicant's service area and that no other viable alternative location exists.
Where the WTF is located on a property with another principal use, the applicant shall present documentation that the owner of the property has granted an easement for the proposed facility and that vehicular access is provided to the facility.
Township Facilities. Proposed or existing WTFs owned, operated, or leased by East Rockhill Township or located upon property owned by East Rockhill Township shall not be subject to the requirements of this Chapter, nor to the conditional use provisions of this Chapter. This exemption does not apply to proposed or existing WTFs located in Township-owned rights-of-way and owned by non-Township entities.
Industrial Uses.
Manufacturing. Manufacturing, including the production, processing, cleaning, testing and distribution of materials, goods, foodstuffs and products.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift plus one space for each company vehicle normally stored on the premises.
Research. Research, testing or experimental laboratory.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift, or one off-street parking space for every 250 square feet of total floor area, whichever is greater, plus one space for each company vehicle normally stored on the premises.
Printing. Printing, publishing, binding.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift or one off-street parking space for every 500 square feet of total floor area, whichever is greater, plus one space for each company vehicle normally stored on the premises.
Contracting. Contractor offices and shops such as building, cement, electrical, heating, masonry, painting and roofing.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
All materials and vehicles shall be stored within a building or an enclosed area which is properly screened.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift or one off-street parking space for every 500 square feet of total floor area, whichever is greater, plus one space for each company vehicle normally stored on the premises.
Crafts. Upholstery, cabinetmaking, furniture making, and similar crafts.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift or one off-street parking space for every 500 square feet of total floor area, whichever is greater, plus one space for each company vehicle normally stored on the premises.
Lumber Yard. Lumber yard where lumber products are sold and/or processed. This principal use may be combined with a planing mill.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift at maximum employment but in no case less than one off-street parking space for every 300 square feet of total office and customer service area.
Mill. Mill where grain and similar products are processed.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift plus one space for every 250 square feet of total floor area used for servicing customers.
Fuel Storage and Distribution. Storage and distribution of fuel oil or coal.
Approval shall be secured from the Pennsylvania State Police Fire Marshal for the underground storage of fuel.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. Off-street spaces as the Zoning Hearing Board shall determine adequate to serve customers, employees, visitors and vehicles normally parked on the premises but in no case less than one off-street parking space for each employee.
Junkyard. An area of land, with or without buildings, used for the storage, outside of a completely enclosed building, of used or discarded materials, including but not limited to wastepaper, rags, metal, building materials, house furnishings, machinery, vehicles, or parts thereof, with or without the dismantling, processing, salvage, sale or other use or disposition of the same. The deposit or storage of two or more motor vehicles not having valid inspection stickers issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, excluding farm vehicles, or of two or more wrecked or broken vehicles, or the major parts of two or more such vehicles shall only be stored in a licensed junkyard.
No material shall be placed in any junkyard in such a manner that it is capable of being transferred out of the junkyard by wind, water or other natural causes.
The boundaries of any junkyard shall at all times be clearly delineated.
All paper, rags, cloth and other fibers and activities involving the same, other than loading and unloading, shall be within fully enclosed buildings.
The land area used for junkyard purposes shall not be exposed to public view from any public street or road by virtue of its location on a hillside or location on a plateau below street level.
Such junkyard shall be entirely enclosed by a solid fence or wall at least eight feet but no more than 10 feet high, constructed of plank boards, brick, cinder block or concrete with access only through solid gates. The fence or wall shall be situated no closer to any street or property line than 50 feet. Such fence or wall shall be kept in good repair and neatly painted in a uniform color.
The contents of such a junkyard shall not be placed or deposited to a height greater than the height of the fence or wall herein prescribed.
Between the fence or wall and the street or property line, buffer plantings shall be placed that are either:
One deciduous tree (1 1/2 inch caliper minimum) at an average of one tree per forth lineal feet of buffer plus one evergreen tree (three foot minimum height) at an average of one tree per 20 lineal feet of buffer.
One deciduous tree (1 1/2 inch caliper minimum) at an average of one tree per 40 lineal feet of buffer plus one deciduous shrub (three foot minimum height) per four lineal feet of buffer. Shrubs shall be privet, forsythia or viburnum species.
All materials shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent the breeding or harboring of rats, insects or other vermin. When necessary, this shall be accomplished by enclosure in containers, raising of materials above the ground, separation of types of material, preventing the collection of stagnant water, extermination procedures or other means.
No explosive, toxic, radioactive or highly flammable materials shall be kept on the property.
No burning shall be carried on in any junkyard. Fire shall be prevented and hazards avoided by organization and segregation of stored materials with particular attention to the separation of combustibles from other materials and enclosure of combustibles where necessary (gas tanks shall be drained) by the provision of adequate aisles (at least 15 feet) for escape and firefighting and by other necessary measures.
All vehicles must be drained of all liquids before they are placed in the junkyard. An impervious base, free of cracks and sufficiently large for draining liquids from all vehicles, shall be provided. The base should be sloped to drain to a sump or holding tank and liquid shall be removed from the site as often as is necessary to prevent overflow of the system. Curbing around the pad must be able to retain run-off from a one hundred year, twenty-four-hour storm. All hazardous liquids shall be properly disposed of according to the Department of Environmental Protection's rules and regulations.
The natural resource protection standards of § 27-1900 shall be met.
A zoning permit shall be obtained on an annual basis.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee on the largest shift plus three spaces for customer parking.
Extractive Operation. Sand, clay, shale, gravel, topsoil or similar extractive operations including borrow pits (excavations for removing material for filling operations).
A zoning permit shall be obtained on an annual basis.
When applying for a zoning permit, the applicant shall provide the following plans and information:
Plans Required.
Plan of general area (within a one mile radius of site) at a scale of 1,000 feet or less to the inch) with a 20 foot or less contour interval to show:
Existing Data.
Land use pattern including building locations and historical sites and buildings.
Roads, indicating major roads and showing width, weight loads, types of surfaces and traffic data.
Proposed Uses or Facilities.
Parks, schools and churches.
Highways (new and reconstructed).
Other uses potentially affecting or affected by the proposed extractive operation.
Plan of proposed site at a scale of 100 feet or less to the inch with a five foot or less contour interval to show:
Basic Data.
Soils and geology.
Groundwater data and watercourses.
Vegetation, with dominant species.
Wind data, directions and percentage of time.
Proposed Usage.
Final grading by contours.
Interior road pattern, its relation to operation yard and points of ingress and egress to State and Township roads.
Estimated amount and description of aggregate and overburden to be removed.
Ultimate use and ownership of site after completion of operation.
Source and amount of water if final plan shows use of water.
Plan of operation showing: proposed tree screen locations; soil embankments for noise, dust; and visual barriers and heights of spoil mounds; method of disposition of excess water during operation; location and typical schedule of blasting; machinery, type and noise levels; and safety measures, monitoring of complaints.
Performance Standards.
Operations. Extractive operations shall meet all development and performance standards of § 27-1900.
Setbacks. No excavation, quarry wall, storage or area in which processing is conducted shall be located within 200 feet of any lot line, 200 feet of any street right-of-way or within 200 feet of any residential or agricultural district boundary line.
Grading. All excavations, except stone quarries over 25 feet in depth, shall be graded in such a way as to provide an area which is harmonious with the surrounding terrain and not dangerous to human or animal life.
Excavations shall be graded and backfilled to the grades indicated by the site plan. Grading and backfilling shall be accomplished continually and as soon as practicable after excavation. Grading and backfilling may be accomplished by use of waste products of the manufacturing operation or other clean fill materials, providing such materials be composed of nonnoxious, noncombustible solids.
Grading and backfilling shall be accomplished in such a manner that the slope of the fill or its cover shall not exceed normal angle of slippage of such materials or 45° in angle, whichever is less. During grading and backfilling, the setback requirements in subsection (b) above may be reduced by 1/2 so that the top of the graded slope shall not be closer than 100 feet of any district boundary line, any lot line or any street right-of-way. Stockpiles shall not exceed 100 feet in height.
When excavations which provide for a body of water are part of the final use of the tract, the banks of the excavation shall be sloped to a minimum ratio of seven feet horizontal to one-foot vertical, beginning at least 50 feet from the edge of the water and maintained into the water to a depth of five feet.
Drainage, either natural or artificial, shall be provided so that disturbed areas shall not collect water or permit stagnant water to remain.
Access. Truck access to any excavation shall be so arranged as to minimize danger to traffic and avoid nuisance to surrounding properties.
Planting. When planting is the final use to which the tract is put, all that is not covered by water shall be covered with a sufficient amount of arable soils to support vegetation. A planting plan shall be prepared for the entire finished tract using various types of plant material for the prevention of soil erosion and to provide vegetative cover.
Stone Quarry. Stone quarries whose ultimate depth shall be more than 25 feet shall provide the following:
A screen planting within the setback area as specified in subsection (b) above shall be required. Such a screen shall be no less than 25 feet in width an setback from the excavation so as to keep the area next to the excavation planted in grass or ground cover and clear of any obstruction.
A chain link (or equal) fence at least 10 feet high and with an extra slanted section on top, strung with barbed wire, shall be placed at either the inner or outer edge of planting completely surrounding the area.
Warning signs shall be placed on the fence at intervals of no more than 100 feet.
No ground vibration caused by blasting or machinery shall exceed the limits established by the Act of July 10, 1957, P.L. 685, as amended, 73 P.S. §§ 164-168, and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder, with the exception that no blasting shall cause a peak particle velocity greater than one inch per second, measured at any property line. Blasting shall not occur between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Applicants for this use shall submit a water impact study in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Parking. One off-street parking space for each employee in the largest shift plus one space for each company vehicle normally stored on the premises.
Industrial Park. An industrial park is a planned development of industrial and related uses which includes improvements for internal streets, coordinated utilities, landscaping, buffering and stormwater management.
Dimensional Requirements.
Minimum site area:
10 acres
Minimum setback from existing streets and property boundary (site):
50 feet
Minimum lot width (site):
200 feet
Minimum lot area (lot):
2 acres
Minimum lot width (lot):
200 feet
Minimum front yard setback (lot):
50 feet
Minimum side yard setback (lot):
35 feet
Minimum rear yard setback (lot):
50 feet
Maximum building height (lot):
40 feet
Maximum impervious surface:
60 percent
Permitted Uses. C7, E3, F7, F15, H1, H2, H4, H5, I1, I2.
Conditional Uses. D2, F2, F9, F12, F22, H7.
Within an industrial park, Use D2, "Private Recreation Facility," shall have a minimum lot area of three acres.
Accessory outside storage of raw materials or goods must be buffered by a six-foot high evergreen planted screen or six-foot solid fence.
Outdoor lighting facilities shall be provided and arranged in a manner that will protect the highway and neighboring properties from direct glare or hazardous influence of any land.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met. However, parking may encroach up to 50% within the required buffer yard between individual industrial park uses.
No use shall emit noise in excess of limits described in § 27-1800 of this chapter.
All uses within the industrial park shall be accessed from an interior roadway.
Street trees shall be installed along all interior roadways in accordance with § 22-515 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22]. A Class C buffer yard shall be installed along all existing streets.
A traffic impact study prepared in accordance with § 22-406 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] shall be required.
A water resources impact study prepared in accordance with § 22-408 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22] shall be required.
Within the industrial park, buildings on individual lot or lots may be jointly owned and maintained provided this ownership arrangement is in accordance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Condominium Act or other arrangement approved by the Board of Supervisors.
The applicant shall submit a plan for the overall design and improvements for the industrial park.
Onlot parking requirements shall be in compliance with § 27-304 of this chapter.
At least 70% of the total floor space of the park must be used for industrial uses.
All loading facilities/truck parking and outside storage shall be located to the rear or side of buildings.
Resource Recovery Facility. A facility or land that is used for any one or a combination of the following: composting, incineration, material separation, recycling or trash transfer.
Related Definitions.
COMPOSTING FACILITY — A facility for the composting of the organic matter in municipal solid waste.
INCINERATOR — A facility designed to reduce municipal solid waste by combustion. This use may or may not include heat exchange equipment for energy recovery.
MATERIAL SEPARATION and/or REFUSE DERIVED FUEL (RFD) FACILITY — The extraction of materials from municipal solid waste for recycling or for use as refuse derived fuel (RDF).
MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE — The unseparated and/or unprocessed combination of residential and commercial solid waste materials generated in a municipality.
RECYCLING FACILITY — A business that accumulates material such as paper, glass, aluminum and/or plastic that is no longer useful for its intended purpose. The materials are then sold to another business as a raw material which can be used to manufacture a new product.
TRANSFER STATION — A facility where municipal solid waste is delivered for the purpose of compacting the material into larger vehicles for transport to a final disposal site or processing facility. (A transfer station may include the separation and collection of material for the purpose of recycling.)
Minimum Lot Area. 10 acres.
Any such use shall be a minimum of 200 feet from any public road as measured from the ultimate right-of-way of the road and 200 feet from any property line. Additionally, an incinerator or transfer station shall be a minimum of 300 feet from any residential zoning district or occupied residential dwelling unit.
Parking areas shall be a minimum of 100 feet from any property line.
Operation of a resource recovery facility shall at all times be in full compliance with the statutes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the rules and Regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP) and the provisions of this chapter. In the event that any of the provisions of this chapter are less restrictive than any present or future rules or regulations of PaDEP, the more restrictive PaDEP regulations shall supersede and control.
Access to the site shall be limited to those posted times when an attendant is on duty. In order to protect against indiscriminate and unauthorized dumping, every resource recovery facility shall be protected by locked barricades, fences, gates or other positive means designed to deny access to the area at unauthorized times or locations. Such barricade shall be at least six feet high and shall be kept in good repair and neatly painted in a uniform color.
Unloading of municipal solid waste shall be continuously supervised by a facility operator.
Hazardous waste as included on the list of hazardous waste as maintained by the Department of Environmental Protection shall not be disposed of in a resource recovery facility.
Litter control shall be exercised to confine blowing litter to the work area and a working plan for cleanup of litter shall be submitted to the Township. To control blowing paper, there shall be erected a fence having a minimum height of six feet with openings not more than three inches by three inches along all boundaries. The entire area shall be kept clean and orderly.
All parts of the process (unloading, handling and storage of municipal solid waste) shall occur within a building. However, certain separated recyclable materials like glass, aluminum and other metals may be stored outdoors.
The storage of paper shall be within a building.
Any materials stored outdoors shall be properly screened so as not to be visible from any adjacent streets or property.
No material shall be placed or deposited to a height greater than the height of the fence or wall herein prescribed.
No municipal solid waste shall be processed or stored at a recycling facility. For all other types of resource recovery facilities, municipal solid waste shall not be stored on the site for more than 72 hours.
A contingency plan for disposal of municipal solid waste during a plant shutdown must be submitted to the Township and approved by the governing body.
Leachate from the municipal solid waste and water used to wash vehicles or any part of the operation shall be disposed of in a manner in compliance with PaDEP regulations. If the leachate is to be discharged to a municipal sewage treatment plant appropriate permits shall be obtained from the applicable agencies and authorities. In no event shall the leachate be disposed of in a storm sewer, to the ground or in any other manner inconsistent with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's regulations.
Waste from the resource recovery facility process (such as, but not limited to, ash from an incinerator) shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent it from being carried from the site by wind or water. This process waste shall be located at least 100 feet from any property line and stored in leakproof and vectorproof containers. Such process waste shall be disposed of in a sanitary landfill approved by PaDEP or in another manner approved by PaDEP.
A dense evergreen buffer shall be provided on the outside perimeter of the fenced area. Evergreens shall be four to five feet in height and planted on ten-foot staggered centers. In addition, the buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
Solid waste landfill operations and open burning of any materials shall specifically be prohibited.
No use shall emit noise in such quantity as to be audible beyond its lot lines. In addition, the nuisance standards of § 27-1800 of this chapter shall be met.
A traffic impact study and a water impact study shall be required.
A zoning permit shall be obtained on an annual basis.
Solid Waste Landfill. A land site on which engineering principles are utilized to bury deposits of solid waste without creating public health or safety hazards, nuisances, pollution or environmental degradation.
Minimum lot area: 50 acres.
The solid waste landfill operation shall be set back from any property line or street right-of-way line at least 300 feet.
Direct access to PA Route 563 (Ridge Road) shall be required for the operation of a solid waste landfill.
A traffic impact study shall be required.
Operation of any solid waste landfill shall at all times be in full compliance with the statutes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the rules and regulations of the Department of Environmental Protection and the provisions of this chapter. In the event that any of the provisions of this Part are less restrictive than any present or future rules or regulations of the Department, the more restrictive Department rules or regulations shall supersede and control in the operation of such solid waste landfill.
Suitable measures shall be taken to prevent fires by means and devices mutually agreeable to the Department of Environmental Protection and the Township.
Burning of municipal solid waste is prohibited at a solid waste landfill.
A solid waste landfill operation shall be under the direction at all times of a responsible individual who is qualified by experience or training to operate a landfill.
Access to the site shall be limited to those posted times when an attendant is on duty. In order to protect against indiscriminate and unauthorized dumping, every solid waste landfill shall be protected by locked barricades, fences, gates or other positive means designed to deny access to the area at unauthorized times or locations.
Unloading of waste shall be continually supervised.
Measures shall be provided to control dust. To control blowing paper, there shall be erected a fence having a minimum height of six feet with openings not more than three inches by three inches along any boundary over which such a nuisance may be spread. The entire area shall be kept clean and orderly. Cracks in, depressions in or erosion of cover shall be repaired daily.
Hazardous materials including, but not limited to, highly flammable materials, explosives, pathological wastes, radioactive materials, liquids and sewage shall not be disposed of in a solid waste landfill.
The disposal of sewage liquids and solids and other liquids shall be specifically prohibited in a solid waste landfill.
Litter control shall be exercised to confine blowing litter to the work area and a working plan of cleanup of litter shall be accomplished.
Salvaging shall be conducted by the operator only and shall be organized so that it will not interfere with prompt sanitary disposal of waste or create unsightliness or health hazards. The storage of salvage shall be controlled in a manner that will not permit the inhabitation or reproduction of deleterious vectors.
The entire site, including the fill surface, shall be graded and provided with drainage facilities to minimize runoff onto and into the fill, to prevent erosion or washing of the fill, to drain off rainwater falling onto the fill and to prevent the collection of standing water. The operator shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 75 and Chapter 102 of Title 25, Pennsylvania Code, and applicable Township ordinances so that there is no adverse off-site impact from the drainage of surface water.
Operation of any solid waste landfill shall at all times be in full compliance with the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law, Act 157 of 1980, as amended.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 of this chapter shall be met.
A zoning permit shall be obtained on an annual basis.
A final inspection of the entire site shall be made by the Department of Environmental Protection and the Township and their authorized representatives to determine compliance with approved plans and specifications before the earthmoving equipment is removed from the site. Any necessary corrective work shall be performed before the solid waste landfill project is accepted as completed. Arrangements shall be made for the repair of all cracked, eroded and uneven areas in the final cover during the first two years following completion of the solid waste landfill. A bond shall be posted to ensure that all corrective work is completed.
Medical Marijuana Grower/Processor. An industrial facility holding a permit issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Health to grow and process medical marijuana and that sells medical marijuana to medical marijuana dispensaries for sale to the ultimate consumer. Retail sales, other activities, accessory/ancillary uses, and outside storage/display are not allowed as a part of this use nor are they allowed in/on the same structure/property as this use. In addition, the establishment and operation of a grower/processor shall fully comply with the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Act (35 P.S. § 10231.101 et seq.) and the regulations promulgated thereunder as may be amended, including, but not limited to, Chapters 1141 and 1151 of Title 28 of the Pennsylvania Code (28 Pa. Code Chapters 1141 and 1151).[4]
Editor's Note: Title 28, Chapters 1141 and 1151 of the Pa. Code are reserved. See now 55 Pa. Code Chapters 1141 and 1151.
Warehouse/Logistics Use. A building or group of buildings on the same lot used for the indoor storage of goods, products and materials and/or receipt of bulk products and separation and distribution of those products to another warehouse/logistics use or to individual end-user consumers. A warehouse/logistics use may include value-added services between a supplier and its customers such as breaking down of large orders from a single source into smaller orders (break-bulk functions), product mixing, sorting, packaging, cross-docking, order fulfillment, order returns, the consolidation of several orders into one large order for distribution to several recipients and/or vice versa but shall not include retail or manufacturing uses. Warehouse/logistics uses shall be classified as:
Loading Docks. A warehouse/logistics use that incorporates 10 or more tractor trailer loading/unloading docks or would generate more than 50 tractor-trailer trips or 100 nontractor trailer truck trips in any twenty-four-hour period based on the latest edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation Handbook shall be required to satisfy the requirements for a truck terminal in Subsection H18 in addition to the applicable warehouse/logistics use requirements. A "trip" shall be defined as one arrival at or one departure from the property on which the use is located.
Dimensional Requirements. The dimensional requirements set forth below apply to a site in the aggregate. Total gross floor area refers to the total gross floor area of all buildings on the site. Dimensional requirements of the underlying zoning district notwithstanding:
The maximum height for a warehouse/logistics use shall be 35 feet.
The minimum lot area for a small warehouse/logistics use having a total gross floor area per site less than 25,000 square feet shall be two acres.
The minimum lot area for a large warehouse/logistics use or truck terminal having a total gross floor area per site between 25,000 square feet and 100,000 square feet per lot shall be five acres.
The minimum lot area for a large warehouse/logistics use or truck terminal having a gross floor area per site in excess of 100,000 square feet shall be 10 acres.
Woodland Disturbance. Alteration or removal of any hedgerows shall be minimized. No portions of tree masses, tree line, hedgerow, or individual freestanding trees measuring six inches diameter at breast height (DBH) shall be removed unless clearly necessary to effectuate the proposed development. In no case, shall more than 50% of any existing tree masses, tree lines, hedgerows, or individual freestanding trees with six inches or greater DBH be removed. For purposes of this subsection, a "woodland" is defined as a tree mass or plant community in which tree species are dominant or codominant and the branches of the trees form a complete, or nearly complete, aerial canopy. Any area, grove, or stand of mature or largely mature trees (i.e., larger than six inches DBH) covering an area of 0.25 of an acre or more, or consisting of more than 50 individual trees larger than six inches DBH, shall be considered a woodland.
Threatened and Endangered Species. A Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program study (PNDI Receipt) dated within two years of the submission of an application for conditional use/special exception or subdivision and land development, whichever is first, as well as any state agency clearance letters required thereby, shall be provided to the Township. The applicant shall comply with all measures directed by the clearance letters to avoid, minimize or mitigate impacts to endangered, threatened and special concern species and their habitat.
Access and Parking.
The use shall have direct access to an arterial road, defined as a street with an existing or proposed right-of-way width of 50 feet or more and a minimum average annual daily traffic rate of 5,000 vehicles per day.
Where gates, guard shacks or checkpoints are proposed at the entrance(s) to the facility, adequate queuing space shall be provided within the property boundaries to prevent stacking of vehicles on or along public streets.
In addition to off-street loading facilities, each use shall provide 1.2 off-street parking spaces for each employee on its largest shift.
Off street loading.
Each warehouse/logistics use shall provide off-street loading facilities which meet the minimum requirements of this section and are sufficient to accommodate the maximum demand generated by the use.
A minimum of one off-street loading space per loading dock must be provided. Spaces for tractor trailers must measure at least 12 feet by 80 feet.
Each loading space and the needed maneuvering room shall be located entirely on the lot being served and be located outside of required buffer areas and street rights-of-way.
Each loading space shall have sufficient maneuvering room to avoid conflicts with parking and traffic movements within and outside of the lot. No facility shall be designed or used in such a manner that it creates a safety hazard, public nuisance or an impediment to traffic off the lot.
Fire Lanes. Fire lanes shall be provided where required by state or federal regulations or other local ordinances. The specific locations of these lanes are subject to review by East Rockhill Township Fire Marshal.
Sensitive receptors.
For purposes of this section, sensitive receptors shall be defined as schools, preschools, daycare centers, in-home daycares, health facilities such as hospitals, long-term care facilities, retirement and nursing homes, community centers, places of worship, parks (excluding trails), campgrounds, prisons, dormitories, and any residence where such residence is not located on a parcel with an existing industrial, commercial, or unpermitted use as determined by the Zoning Officer.
Unless physically impossible, loading docks, truck entries, and truck drive aisles shall be oriented away from abutting sensitive receptors.
To the greatest extent feasible, loading docks, truck entries, and truck drive aisles shall be located away from nearby sensitive receptors. In making feasibility decisions, loading docks, truck entries, and drive aisles may be located near sensitive receptors at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors, but any such site design shall include measures designed to minimize overall impacts to nearby sensitive receptors.
For any warehouse/logistics use larger than 100,000 square feet in size, the building's loading docks shall be located a minimum of 300 feet away, measured from the property line of the sensitive receptor to the nearest dock door using a direct straight-line method.
Impact Statement. The applicant shall provide impact statements covering the topics and in a manner set forth in § 27-2411.
Office Space. Office space shall be considered a permitted accessory use to any H17 Use provided the office space is utilized by the owner or operator of the warehousing use. Each accessory office space shall be no more than 5% of total facility floor area.
Trucking Terminal. A building or group of buildings on the same lot used for the purpose of loading or unloading materials or goods from trucks, for the primary purpose of transferring materials and goods, either for distribution or changing from one transportation carrier to another. This use may also involve parking, storage, and incidental repairs and maintenance of primarily tractor-trailers. A truck terminal may include as accessory uses if they are closely related to the principal use: repair, washing, refueling, and maintenance facilities for trucks using the terminal, administrative uses for the terminal. A truck terminal that exceeds 25,000 square feet in gross floor area shall be required to satisfy the requirements for a large warehouse/logistics use in Subsection H17 in addition to the requirements for a truck terminal in this section.
Short-term warehousing may be permitted under this use.
Trucks with compressors running 24 hours a day shall be located within a quadrangle of buildings or walls.
The buffer requirements of § 27-1905 shall be met.
Parking. 1.2 parking spaces for each employee or 1.2 parking spaces for every 500 square feet of total floor area, whichever is greater, shall be provided.
The applicant shall provide impact statements covering the topics and in a manner set forth in § 27-2411.
Office space shall be considered a permitted accessory use to any H18 Use provided the office space is utilized by the owner or operator of the warehousing use. Each accessory office space shall be no more than 5% of total facility floor area.
General Accessory Uses and Structures.
Nonresidential Accessory Building. Accessory building, structure or use customarily incidental to the uses permitted within the zoning district except outside storage. For any use accessory to a use permitted only as a special exception or conditional use, the accessory use shall only be provided as a special exception or conditional use. Nonresidential accessory buildings shall be no more than 200 square feet.
Nonresidential accessory buildings shall meet the minimum setbacks for the principal nonresidential use.
Bus Stop Shelter.
Maximum floor area: 63 square feet.
Such structures shall be located at least 12 feet from any street line or lot line.
No commercial advertising shall be permitted on a bus stop shelter.
Parking. Parking shall conform to the requirements of the most closely related use.
Nonresidential accessory uses of a seasonal or occasional nature for public or private schools, churches, nonprofit organizations and Township, county or state municipalities are permitted by right, provided that a traffic control plan is submitted to the Township and approved with the issuance of a zoning permit for the proposed activity. Such a nonresidential accessory use shall be a normal and customary incidental use to an existing permitted use. No more than five occurrences in one calendar year shall be permitted per organization.
Outside Storage or Display.
Outside storage or display, other than storage as a primary use of the land, necessary but incidental to the normal operation of a primary use.
No part of the street right-of-way, no sidewalks or other areas intended to designed for pedestrian use, no required parking areas and no part of the required front yard shall be occupied by outside storage or display except in the VC zoning district where outside display shall not extend more than five feet beyond the front of the building.
Outside storage and display areas shall occupy an area of less than 1/2 the existing building coverage.
Outside storage areas shall be shielded from view from all public streets.
Uses requiring more substantial amounts of land area for storage or display may be exempt from the provisions of subsections 12(a)(2) and (3) when granted as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board.
No more than 25% of the lot area shall be used in outdoor storage or display.
In particular, uses appropriate under this provision include, but are not limited to, nurseries (Use A2), lumber yards (Use H8), automobile sales (Use F26), truck terminals (Use H6) and agricultural retail (Use A7).
Among the uses that shall not be appropriate for inclusion under this provision are retail stores (Use F3), repair shops (Use F12), service station or car-washing facility (Use F25), automobile repair (Use F27), sale of automobile accessories (Use F28), contractor office and shops (Use H5) and crafts (Use H7).
Temporary Structure. Temporary structure, building or use. A temporary permit may be issued for structures or uses necessary during construction or other special circumstances of a nonrecurring nature.
If the temporary structure, building or use is for dwelling purposes, the following conditions shall apply:
The time period of the initial permit shall be six months. This permit may be renewed for three month time periods, subject to the time limitations specified in § 27-303, unless extended by the Board of Supervisors.
Such structure or use shall be removed completely within 30 days of the expiration of the permit without cost to the Township.
All requirements of the Bucks County Department of Health pertaining to water use and sewage shall be met by the applicant for the use.
All Township Building Code requirements [Chapter 5] shall be met by the applicant, if applicable.
If the temporary structure, building or use involves a construction trailer, sales trailer, model home or other use of a nonresidential nature, the following conditions shall apply:
The time period of the initial permit shall be six months. The permit may be renewed for two additional three month time periods.
Such structure or use shall be removed completely within 30 days of the expiration of the permit without cost to the Township.
The applicant shall file with the Township Zoning Officer a site plan and/or floor plan of the proposed temporary use.
The Township shall establish a cash escrow, pursuant to current Township Fee Schedule, account with the Township to guarantee the removal of the temporary use. The foregoing cash escrow deposit will be held by the Township until either the use and related improvements are removed by the applicant or until such time as the temporary permit and any extensions thereof expire. In the event that the use and intended improvements are not removed upon the happening of the foregoing, the Township will provide 30 days' written notice for the use and improvements to be removed by the applicant. If the use and improvements are not removed upon notice, the cash escrow deposit will be forfeited to the Township in order to enforce the terms of the temporary use permit.
The applicant shall provide sufficient off-street parking for customers, visitors and employees to the temporary use for the term of the permit. The off-street parking requirements shall be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer.
Temporary Community Event. A temporary activity including, but not limited to, flea markets, public exhibitions, auctions, carnivals, circuses, picnics, air shows and suppers for fundraising, and similar organization events and meetings
Such temporary uses shall be limited to occurrences of not more than five consecutive days per occurrence. Such occurrences shall be limited to not more than four occurrences in a calendar year for each organization. There shall be at least a thirty-day period between such occurrences. Temporary community events which are proposed to last longer than five consecutive days are permitted only with permission of the Board of Supervisors.
Signs advertising a temporary community event shall be limited to 12 square feet in size. Such signs shall be posted no more than 14 days prior to the first day of the event and shall be removed on the final day of the event. No more than four off-premises signs shall be placed and may not be placed in the public right-of-way. The location of off-premises signs must be approved by the property owners of the properties upon which they are to be fixed.
Any temporary event which requires accommodations of the Township shall submit a special event permit more than 30 days prior to the event.
Oil and Gas Drilling Well. An accessory use on a property, wells and other structures related to the drilling for, exploration for or production of oil and/or gas.
Wells and storage tanks shall be located not less than 200 feet from any property line or residential dwelling.
All wells and storage tanks shall be located not less than 100 feet from a stream or other natural watercourse or from any private or public water well.
All well locations shall be cleared of dead grass, brush and debris and any other hazard or inflammable material within a radius of 75 feet from each well.
A fire bank shall be constructed around the tanks to catch and impound oil in the event of spillage and seepage. Such areas shall be lined with an impermeable material to prevent the pollution of the groundwater.
An adequate slush pit shall be maintained to collect tank drainage or draw-off. Such areas shall be lined with an impermeable material to prevent the pollution of the groundwater.
Zoning permit applications shall include the names and addresses of the surface owners; the names and addresses of the oil, gas and mineral owners; the names and addresses of the lessees, if any, of the oil, gas and minerals.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection 16, Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS), was repealed by Ord. 259, 1/18/2011. See now Ch. 13, Part 4, Alternative Energy Systems.
Air Landing Field. A private, noncommercial air landing field.
Approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aviation, shall be secured.
No air landing field shall be established if its flight pattern will overlap with the flight pattern of any existing air landing field.
Radio and Television Towers, Masts, Aerials, Flagpoles, Dish Antenna and Silos. An accessory use for a principal use other than the Use G1.
The structure shall be set back from all property lines a distance at least 1 1/2 times the height of the structure.
The structure shall be anchored to the ground in a manner satisfactory to the Township.
The structure shall not be subject to the maximum height limitations of this chapter except in the Airport Zones (§§ 27-1602 and 27-1603). However, a conditional use permit must be obtained for any structure which will exceed these maximum height limitations.
On lots of 10 acres or smaller, dish antenna, radio towers and television towers shall not be located in the front yard of a residential structure. On lots greater than 10 acres, these uses shall not be located in the minimum front yard as specified in this chapter.
The diameter of the dish antenna shall not exceed nine feet.
When separately supported, the total height of the dish antenna shall not exceed 10 feet unless approved as a conditional use.
Roof mounting of a dish antenna is not recommended. If roof mounted, the antenna shall be located on a portion of the roof sloping away from the front of the lot and no part thereof shall project above the ridge line; provided, however, in no event shall a roof mounted antenna exceed three feet in diameter. Dish antennas shall not be mounted on chimneys.
No more than one dish antenna shall be permitted on any lot.
When not roof mounted, the dish antenna shall be screened by staggered plantings of evergreens which present a solid visual barrier to adjoining houses and to the street. Before a permit will be issued for the erection of a dish antenna, a screening plan must be submitted to and approved by the local Township Planning Commission.
Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking, subject to the provisions and requirements of §§ 27-1712 to 27-1714.
Signs. Signs, subject to the provisions and requirements of Part 20 of this chapter.
Homestead Chickens. An accessory use wherein a limited number of chickens are kept and raised as an accessory use to a principal residential use. Such an accessory use shall be subject to the following restrictions and requirements for the noncommercial keeping of chickens on lots with principal residential uses:
No person shall keep or maintain chickens, construct a chicken coop, henhouse, chicken run, or any other type of enclosure for chickens as an accessory use and/or structure to their principal residential use before completing a permit application and submitting it to the East Rockhill Township Zoning Officer and securing the applicable zoning permit for the same.
A minimum lot area of one acre is required to keep chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). Five chickens are permitted for one acre. A maximum of 10 is allowed on two or more acres of land. However, additional chickens above the maximum 10 chickens may be permitted in the AP, RR, and RP Zones upon approval by the Board of Supervisors.
No male chickens (roosters) over the age of six months are permitted. However, roosters above the age of six months may be permitted in the AP, RR, and RP zoning districts upon approval by the Board of Supervisors.
All chickens must be contained within the owner's property boundary within a chicken coop, henhouse, enclosure, or chicken run that is enclosed on all sides. Chickens are forbidden to run at large.
Any chicken coop, henhouse, or enclosure for chickens must provide a covered, predator-proof chicken house that is thoroughly ventilated, or of sufficient size to admit free movement of the chickens, and kept clean.
Any chicken coop, henhouse, or enclosure must provide five square feet of space for each chicken as well as 10 square feet of space for each chicken within the chicken run.
Any chicken coop, henhouse, chicken run or enclosure for chickens must be located a minimum of 15 feet from any side or rear lot line and located at least 25 feet away from any residential structure.
No chicken coop, henhouse, chicken run, or other enclosure is permitted in the front yard of any parcel.
A chicken coop, henhouse, chicken run, or other enclosure that is not occupied for a period of two years must be removed.
All feed must be kept in a vermin-proof, airtight container.
All chickens shall be provided with sufficient feed throughout the day and fresh water at all times.
Slaughter is allowed when conducted in the private area of the chicken keeper's property and all excess viscera disposed of in a sanitary way. Public slaughter is prohibited.
All chicken related materials, feed, and waste must be kept in a sanitary way within a secure enclosed structure on the lot so as to prevent any nuisance to surrounding neighbors.
It shall be unlawful and constitute a nuisance if any chicken is kept in unsanitary conditions that produce odors, excessive noise, attract vermin, and are otherwise a concern to public health.
All chicken wastes shall be stored and disposed in a manner consisted with Chapter 91 of the Pennsylvania Code.
Homestead Animals. An accessory use wherein a limited number of livestock and/or fowl are kept and raised as an accessory use to a principal residential use. Such an accessory use shall be subject to the following restrictions and requirements for the noncommercial keeping of livestock (large animals or small animals) and/or fowl on lots with principal residential uses:
No person shall keep or maintain livestock (large animals or small animals), fowl, an animal enclosure, stable, pen, or any other type of structure for animals as an accessory use and/or structure to their principal residential use before completing a permit application and submitting it to the East Rockhill Township Zoning Officer and securing the applicable zoning permit for the same.
Descriptions of permitted and nonpermitted animal types:
Large Animals: All types of horses, ponies, mules, and donkeys and/or other animals with a standard production weight of 600 pounds or greater as identified in the Pennsylvania Act 38 Nutrient Management Technical Manual Supplement 5 Standard Animal Weights.
Small Animals: All types of swine, sheep, goats, alpacas, and llamas and/or other animals with weights below 600 pounds as identified in the Pennsylvania Act 38 Nutrient Management Technical Manual Supplement 5 Standard Animal Weights.
Fowl: All forms of fowl, including turkeys, ducks, swan, pigeons, pheasants, partridges, grouse, and quails. Regulations regarding the keeping of Gallus gallus domesticus (common chicken) are found under accessory use I11. The keeping of Gallus gallus domesticus (common chicken) is not permitted under this use.
Struthio camelus (ostrich), and Dromaius novaehollandiae (emu), and peafowl known as Pavo cristatus, Pavo muticus, and Afropavo congensis are not permitted under this accessory use.
Site regulations:
A minimum lot area of three acres is required for a homestead animal accessory use.
Two large animals or two small animals are permitted on the first three acres of land. For each additional acre of land above three acres, one additional large animal or two additional small animals are permitted. For purposes of this subsection, two fowl shall be the equivalent of one small animal.
No more than six small animals, a combination of five large and small animals, or four large animals are permitted on any lot as accessory to a principal residential use. However, additional livestock and fowl may be permitted in the AP, RR, and RP zoning districts upon approval by the Board of Supervisors.
In the event a person keeps or maintains fowl pursuant to this subsection (I12, Homestead Animals) and common chickens, Gallus gallus domesticus (pursuant to Subsection I11, Homestead Chickens), as accessory uses to a principal residential use, the total combined number of fowl and common chickens taken together on any lot shall not exceed 10 regardless of size, weight or species.
In the event any large animal, small animal or fowl gives birth, thereby exceeding the number of animals allowed by the minimum set forth herein, the owner of said animals and/or the occupier of the premises shall conform to the applicable restrictions on the number of animals within one year of the birth of the animal.
Animal structures shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from all property lines, or the accessory building setback required by the zoning district in which the use is located, whichever is greater.
Animal structures shall not be permitted in the front yard.
All animals shall be kept within an enclosure unless under direct control of the owner or other authorized party. Animals are forbidden to roam at large.
The height of the fencing shall be sufficient to keep the animal(s) within their enclosure and be constructed to prevent the animal(s) from escaping its confines. Barbed-wire fencing is not permitted for animal enclosures.
The keeper of such animal(s) shall show that adequate provisions are being implemented to collect, store and dispose of the manure and other waste and/or litter associated with the keeping of the subject animal(s). The containers to be used in the process shall be kept covered and shall be cleaned on a regular basis to avoid the potential for detectable odors.
All animal wastes shall be stored and disposed in a manner consistent with Chapter 91 of the Pennsylvania Code.
It shall be unlawful and constitute a nuisance if any homestead animal is kept in unsanitary conditions that produce odors, excessive noise, attract vermin, and are otherwise a concern to public health.
An animal housing facility shall be provided as a shelter for the animal(s). The structure shall incorporate no less than three walls and a sufficient roof area to provide a weatherproof shelter. Animal housing facilities shall be of sufficient size to enable the animal to comfortably stand, turn around and lay down.
Animal housing facilities shall be ventilated to avoid respiratory disease and infections, control ambient temperature, and prevent accumulation of toxic gases.
This accessory use is only for the noncommercial keeping of animals as an accessory to a principal residential use. The raising of animals for commercial use or profit is not permitted. The sale of animal products is prohibited.
Slaughtering and butchering of livestock animals is strictly prohibited.
Slaughter of fowl is allowed when conducted in the private area of the animal owner's property and all excess viscera disposed of in a sanitary way. Public slaughter is prohibited.
The disposal of dead animals shall be in accordance with the Domestic Animal Law, 3 Pa.C.S. § 2352. Dead animals shall be disposed of within 48 hours after death.
Animal feed that is not stored in the principal building shall be stored in sealed, rodent-proof containers.
[Ord. 5/26/1987, § 305]
Other dwelling types or uses, not specifically or adequately defined in § 27-304 of this chapter, may evolve after the enactment of this chapter or were not uses commonly in use at the time of the enactment of this chapter. From time to time, however, such dwelling types or uses may become reasonable and appropriate. It is the purpose of this chapter to provide for all reasonable and appropriate use and it is the purpose of this section to establish a mechanism for including of such additional dwelling types or uses in the Township.
The landowner, equitable or otherwise, shall submit his request for inclusion of a specific dwelling type or use to the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission with illustrations and explanatory information which fully describe the dwelling type or use and the manner in which the proposed dwelling type or use substantially differs from permitted uses in this chapter.
The Planning Commission shall review the submission and advise the Board of Supervisors, it shall be determined if the proposed dwelling type or use falls within any of the permitted use classifications of this chapter, is a variation of a permitted use or is an exotic use which is not reasonable and appropriate.
It is the intent of this chapter that reasonable and appropriate dwelling types or uses not specifically or not adequately described in this chapter shall be provided for as follows:
Residential uses in the Residential District.
Residential dwelling types under. Use B3 "Performance Standard Development in the Residential District."
Institutional uses in the Cultural-Educational District.
Office, commercial and consumer service uses in the Commercial-Office District.
Industrial uses in the Industrial-1 and Industrial-2 Districts.
Such reasonable and appropriate dwelling types or uses shall be permitted in the districts noted above subject to density, area, dimensional and other requirements of the district as condition uses under Part 20 of this chapter
Editor's Note: The Table of Use Regulations is included at the end of this chapter.