[Ord. 5/26/1987, § 900]
The Village Commercial District deals with a small commercial area adjacent to the village of Hagersville. The intent of this district is to provide local residents with a limited amount of commercial services.
Within the Village Commercial District a building may be erected, altered or used, and a lot or premises may be used when in conformance with the conditions of this chapter and the specific use, area and design regulations of this district.
[Ord. 5/26/1987, § 901; as amended by Ord. 148, 10/20/1992, Art. 3; by Ord. 168, 2/18/1997, Art. 8; by Ord. 257, 9/21/2010; by Ord. No. 303, 3/26/2024]
Uses Permitted by Right.
A4 Forestry.
A10 Kennel-Noncommercial.
B1 Detached Dwelling.
B10a Accessory Professional Office.
B10b Accessory Personal Services.
B10c Accessory Instructional Services.
B10d Accessory Home Crafts.
B11 Residential Accessory Building.
B12 Garage Sales.
C7 Municipal Building.
E3 Office.
F5 Village Oriented Shops.
F6 Service Business.
F7 Financial Establishment.
F32 Dwelling in Combination.
F33 Nonresidential Conversion.
I1 Nonresidential Accessory Building.
I3 Temporary Structure.
I9 Off-Street Parking.
I10 Signs.
Uses Permitted by Conditional Use.
B9 Residential Conversion.
B10f Accessory Trades, Business.
D3 Private Club.
E1 Medical Office.
E2 Veterinary Office.
F8 Funeral Home.
F25 Service Station or Car-Washing Facility.
G1 Utilities.
G2 Emergency Services.
I4 Temporary Community Event.
I8 Towers, Masts, etc.
Uses Permitted by Special Exception.
A9 Farm Support Facility.
B8 Rooming House.
B10e Accessory Family Day Care.
B10g Accessory Repair Service and Other.
F1 Commercial School.
F9 Eating Place.
F11 Tavern.
F23 Inn.
F27 Automobile Repair.
F29 Truck and Farm Equipment Sales.
[Ord. 5/26/1987, § 902; as amended by Ord. 257, 9/21/2010; by Ord. No. 303, 3/26/2024]
Unless a maximum height regulation in stated in § 27-304, "Use Regulations," for a specific use, no use in the Village Commercial District shall exceed 35 feet in height. For exceptions, refer to Use 18.
Unless a greater area or dimensional regulation is stated in § 27-304, Use Regulations, for a specific use and/or unless the proposed use on the property, parcel and/or tract of land consists of multiple uses pursuant to § 27-300 which shall be governed by § 27-1003, all uses in the VC Village Commercial Zoning District shall meet the following requirements.
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Maximum Bldg. Cov.
Maximum Imperv. Surface Ratio
Minimum Yards
10,000 square feet
Other permitted uses
1.0 acre*
(When multiple uses are proposed on a property, parcel or tract of land, there shall be no minimum lot area, but there shall be a minimum site area as specified in § 27-1003.)
Development within the VC District shall be designed to protect and preserve the character of the village center by employing design, scale, materials and architecture that are consistent with the historic character of villages. The facility shall be planned and designed as a single complex with an architectural theme that is acceptable to the Township. The architectural design of the proposed building(s) shall be submitted to the Township Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission for review and approval as part of the development review process.
All new utilities, newly constructed utilities and/or utilities associated with new land developments and/or subdivisions shall be installed underground in accordance with the East Rockhill Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.[1] Existing overhead utilities shall be relocated underground where possible.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 22, Subdivision and Land Development.
Refer to § 27-1900, "Natural Resource Protection Standards," to determine the buildable portion of the lot.
Multiple uses on a property, parcel or tract of land may be permitted within the VC Village Commercial Zoning District only by conditional use. Any and all proposed multiple uses on any property, parcel or tract of land within the VC Village Commercial Zoning District shall meet and comply with the following requirements:
Minimum site area: three acres.
Trash receptacles shall be located and landscaped so as to not create an intrusion upon adjacent properties. A trash storage area shall be screened from the street and adjacent properties by a solid fence or wall at least six feet in height and landscaping acceptable to the Township to prevent trash from blowing from the area and to serve as a visual screen for the trash area.
Development within the VC District shall be designed to protect and preserve the character of the village center by employing design, scale, materials and architecture that are consistent with the historic character of villages. The facility shall be planned and designed as a single complex with an architectural theme that is acceptable to the Township. The architectural design of the proposed buildings shall be submitted to the Township Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission for review and approval as part of the land development review process.
The distance, at the closest point, between any two buildings or groups of units of attached buildings shall not be less than 15 feet.
Minimum Parking Requirement: There shall be a minimum of one parking space per 200 square feet of floor area intended for servicing customers. Parking shall be designed so as to discourage parking and vehicular circulation between the buildings and the existing streets.
Only those uses permitted within § 27-1001 shall be allowed as multiple uses.
Minimum setback yards: front, 25 feet; side, 30 feet; rear, 50 feet.
Buffer: Buffer requirements shall be in accordance with § 27-1905.
Requirements for the parking of large vehicles shall be at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors.
Loading Zone: In the event the Township determines that there needs to be a designated loading zone for the proposed use(s), such a loading zone shall be designed in a manner acceptable to the Township to ensure public health, welfare and safety and shall not be located between the building/structure and any street.
Sanitary Sewer and Water Supply: The property and proposed use(s) shall be served by on-lot sanitary sewer and water supply facilities acceptable to the Township only until such time that public sewer and/or public water supply is available to serve the property. When there becomes available public sewer and/or public water supply within 150 feet of the use and/or structure on the property, connection to the public sewer and/or public water system shall be required in accordance with the East Rockhill Township Code of Ordinances. The Board of Supervisors of East Rockhill Township may also require a property to connect to public water and/or public sewer if said property and/or its use is beyond 150 feet from the public water and/or public sewer system if the Board of Supervisors deems it appropriate and/or if East Rockhill Township and/or PaDEP require same because of health, safety and/or welfare concerns.
Each use within the VC Zoning District shall comply with all Zoning Ordinance provisions governing such use as required in § 27-304, Use Regulations. When this Section differs from other sections in the Zoning Ordinance, the more restrictive provision shall govern.