In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 2015 Code have been included in the 2017 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Chapter/Title From 2015 Code
Location in 2017 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
New legislation pending; see Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 37, Voting and Voter Registration
Ch. 48, Art. I
Ch. 50, Financial Matters
§§ 50-1 and 50-2 (compensation)
Ch. 60, Art. I
§ 50-3
Ch. 60, Art. II
Ch. 56, Procurement Policy
Ch. 60, Art. III
Ch. 88, Animals
Ch. 13, Art. I
Ch. 103, Unsafe Structures
Ch. 205
Ch. 120, Conduct
§ 120-1, Open fires
Ch. 67, Art. I
§ 120-2, Firearms
Ch. 64
§ 120-3, Games in streets
Ch. 200, Art. III
§ 120-4, Skateboards
Ch. 190
§ 120-5, Litter
Ch. 119
§ 120-6, Consumption of alcoholic beverages
Ch. 7, Art. I
§ 120-7, Public urination
Ch. 223
§ 120-8, Curfew
Ch. 130, Art. I
§ 120-9, Railroads
Ch. 177
§ 120-10, Snow Removal
Ch. 200, Art. II
Ch. 153, Floodplain
Superseded; see Ch. 72
Ch. 175, Buildings and Building Regulations
§ 175-1 (address numbers)
Ch. 29
§§ 175-2 to 175-24 (building regulations)
Ch. 25
§§ 175-25 to 175-32 (property maintenance)
Ch. 168
§§ 175-34 to 175-129 (housing code)
Ch. 91
§§ 175-130 to 175-138 (nuisance and abandoned property abatement)
Ch. 147
§ 175-139 (curbs and sidewalks)
Ch. 200, Art. I
Ch. 190, Nuisances
Art. I, Health and Sanitation
Ch. 85
Art. II, Noise
Ch. 142
Ch. 203, Parks
Ch. 156
Ch. 207, Peddling and Soliciting
Ch. 161
Ch. 236, Junk Abatement
Ch. 106
Ch. 275, Parking, Parking Meters and Speed Limit
Ch. 232
Ch. 284, Water and Sewer
Ch. 239
Ch. 300, Zoning
Ch. 250