Signs of real estate brokers, contractors, tradesmen and artisans.
Any such sign is permitted only during the period of time when the person or business posting the sign is actively engaged in performing the service on or for the premises where the sign is placed. The sign can remain for two weeks after completion of work.
Any such sign shall not exceed six square feet in size.
Only one sign per tax lot, building or storefront is permitted for each person actively engaged in performing a service on or for the premises.
Any such sign may include the principal name of the real estate broker (and any listing agent), contractor, tradesman or artisan, and may include a brief one-line description of the principal service offered. It may also include a logo or trademark by which the service is identified, a business address, and a telephone number.
Any such sign shall be located only upon the tax lot, building or storefront upon which the service is being performed, and only with the permission of the owner thereof. Any such sign shall not be located in any public right-of-way, in the park strip, or upon any other tax lot.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, a real estate broker (or any resident selling his or her own residence) may place one temporary sign advising the public of an open house on the tax lot. This sign with the hours of the open house may be displayed for 48 hours prior to the open house and may include balloons that are to be removed. Lighting or sound generation equipment may not be used.
Temporary advertising signs.
A temporary advertising sign can be either a temporary interior advertising sign or a business banner.
Any such sign or banner shall not be displayed for a period of more than 14 consecutive days per calendar quarter for a maximum of four times a year. There must be at least 30 days between the removal of any such sign or banner and the installation of any subsequent signs or banners. Notice must be given to the Zoning Enforcement Officer via e-mail when such sign or banner is mounted with the following information:
Date the TIAS or banner is to be installed;
Date the TIAS or banner is to be removed;
Sizes and number of the TIAS or banners;
Location of the TIAS or banner and how attached;
Message on the TIAS or banner;
Total window area;
Color of the TIAS or banner and lettering color;
Shape of the TIAS or banner;
Percentage of TIAS or banner in relation to window area.
Any interior sign or banner in any one retail use shall not exceed 10% of the total window area of that use.
A display sign or banner cannot be larger than the permitted sign and cannot exceed the total width of the display window(s).
Display signs or banners cannot cover the business sign and cannot cover key architectural features.
The sign or banner must be placed on the business it advertises.
Mobile signs, including easel and sandwich boards signs, must be removed from the exterior of the business at the end of the business day. The sign must not exceed eight square feet.
Handwritten signs or banners affixed to or placed in store windows are not permitted.
The applicant for a temporary interior advertising sign (hereafter "TIAS") and/or banner shall submit the following information to the Swedesboro Zoning Officer via e-mail at least 14 days prior to installing the TIAS or banner:
Date the TIAS or banner is to be installed;
Date the TIAS or banner is to be removed;
Sizes and number of TIAS or banners;
Location of the TIAS or banner and how attached;
Message on the TIAS or banner;
Total window area;
Color of the TIAS or banner and lettering color;
Shape of the TIAS or banner; and
Percentage of TIAS or banner in relation to window area.
The TIAS or banner is automatically approved if no rejection (with reasons) is transmitted to the applicant.
The TIAS and banners are permitted for the following events, e.g., sales, promotions, discounts, new services, new ownership and grand openings.
Business banners.
Any such banner shall not be displayed for more than 14 days per calendar quarter. Notice must be given to the Zoning Enforcement Officer when such banner is mounted.
A display banner cannot be larger than the permitted sign and cannot exceed the total width of the display window(s).
Display banners cannot cover the business sign and cannot cover key architectural features which will be determined by the Swedesboro Historic Preservation Advisory Commission.
The banner must be placed on the business it advertises.
Handwritten banners are not permitted.
Political signs.
Any such sign shall only be permitted on private property with the permission of the property owner.
Any such signs placed in the public right-of-way within or over any state, county or municipal right-of-way may be removed and disposed of by the Borough without notice.
Any such sign related to a candidate or referendum to be voted on at an election shall not be erected or attached prior to 30 days before the election day for which the subject will be voted on and must be removed within two days after the election day for which the subject was voted on.
Any such signs must otherwise not violate any of the prohibitions listed in § 266-12 of this chapter.
Any such sign shall contain only lettering or text to describe the function to be served, such as "Parking," "Reserved Parking," "Handicapped Parking," "Private Parking," "One Way," "Out," "In," "Entrance," "Exit," or the name or names of the persons or class of persons for whom the use of a particular parking space is reserved.
Any such sign shall not exceed the size of the smallest standard municipal sign bearing the same or a similar message. Where there is no similar standard municipal sign, any such sign shall not exceed two square feet.
Where any such sign is remote from the building or use served, the sign may contain the name of the building or use, which name shall not exceed 1/2 of the total sign area. Directional parking signage shall be permitted only on the street where the driveway to the business is located.
Any such signs shall be part of an initial site plan application and shall be considered as part of the sign plan of any tax lot.
Any such sign shall contain only lettering or text to describe the function to be served, such as "Public Restrooms," "Telephone," or similar messages, or shall provide a place for the posting of public announcements.
Any such sign shall not exceed the size of the smallest standard municipal sign bearing the same or a similar message. Where there is no similar standard municipal sign, any such sign shall not exceed two square feet, except in the case of a public message board provided by a nonprofit civic organization, which shall not exceed 10 square feet.
Any such signs shall be part of an initial site plan application and shall be considered as part of the sign plan of any tax lot.
The number of such signs permitted for any one tax lot shall be the minimum number reasonably necessary to inform the public of the services available at the premises. No more than one sign for each individual service shall be allowed. If the owner desires to have more than one sign for each individual service, it shall only be allowed by way of a sign permit issued pursuant to this chapter.
Any public message board may also include the name of the government or nonprofit civic organization providing the sign.
Signs on awnings shall be considered one sign. No awning shall have signage on more than two separate planes or surfaces, except that the awning side flaps may display the building or property address number.
Awnings shall meet the requirements for awnings under any other governmental statute, ordinance or regulation.
No office, business or retail establishment shall display commercial informational signs having more than one square foot in aggregate area. Store hours signs, with a maximum area not to exceed 108 square inches (i.e., nine inches by 12 inches) may be placed in a location near the entrance to the store.
The Zoning Officer shall permit a new business to display an interim business sign pending the necessary approvals for the business' permanent signage.
Such sign must comply in size, lettering, etc., with the provisions of this chapter.
The sign must be placed in approximately the same location as the permanent sign would go unless approved otherwise by the Zoning Officer due to practical considerations.
The interim business sign must be removed upon installation of the permanent signage, or the expiration of 90 days, whichever is sooner.
One flag, other than the American flag, shall be permitted for each storefront or building.
Any displayed flag shall be installed so that the bottom edge of the flag shall not encroach the pavement, walkway, sidewalk, and/or step.
The flag may be displayed for decorative purposes and/or for an expression of patriotism.
The flag may be displayed on a flagpole mounted to the exterior of a building or storefront or mounted freestanding.
The flag dimensions shall not exceed three feet in width, five feet in length and a total area of 15 square feet unless approved by Swedesboro Zoning Official.
A business that has an exterior display of merchandise or a restaurant that has a bill-of-fare easel shall not be permitted to display a flag. This flag display prohibition does not apply to the display of the flag of United States of America.
A sign permit is not required for the display of a flag.
The location of the flagpole on the storefront or building or freestanding shall be approved by the designated Swedesboro Zoning Official.
This section does not apply to and does not prohibit and/or regulate the display of flags on a single-family residence, two-family residence and on any federal, state, or local governmental structure or building.
Any merchant whose primary product is food items sold for consumption off the premises and whose business is not an approved restaurant with seating may choose to use an outdoor marketing graphic display in lieu of an outdoor display of merchandise and goods. Such merchant may have either an outdoor marketing graphic display, or a display of merchandise and goods, but not both.
Any such outdoor marketing graphic display shall meet the following requirements:
The outdoor marketing graphic display may be an easel board or a pedestal sign only, except for a merchant providing prepared food for consumption off the premises or providing food for preparation at some other location, in which case the display may be a miniature mannequin (such as a butler, waiter, cook, etc.) on which a menu or bill of fare or list of specials is displayed.
The outdoor marketing graphic display shall not exceed 4.5 feet in overall height and shall have a square footage not to exceed six square feet. However, if it is a back-to-back sign and the two sides of the sign are identical, only one side of the sign shall be measured for the purposes of determining the size of the sign.
The outdoor marketing graphic display shall be located within 30 inches (measuring perpendicular from the front edge) of the front property line of the property in which the store is located. The display shall not obstruct the store's front entrance, and a safe, continuous path on the public sidewalk with a minimum of four feet must be maintained for pedestrian traffic to pass in front of the property.
The outdoor marketing graphic display is intended to feature depictions of the merchant's products but may also display text. However, that text may not exceed 1/2 of the total area of the outdoor marketing graphic display. The text on the sign shall not be hand-lettered. However, an outdoor marketing graphic display may be a chalkboard with no depiction of a product, in which case hand-lettered text is permitted and there is no restriction on the area of the text.
The outdoor marketing graphic display shall not have any moving parts, any internal lighting, any sounds emanating from it, nor any odor emanating from it, nor shall it have any other items affixed to it, such as balloons, banners, signs, or any other similar items.
The outdoor marketing graphic display may only be displayed when the merchant with which the sign is associated is open, shall be removed from the sidewalk every evening at the close of business, and shall be stored off of the sidewalk when the business is not open.
The outdoor marketing graphic display restrictions in this section of the chapter shall not apply to civic or eleemosynary organizations.
Suspension of chapter by Council authorized. The Borough Council, by resolution, may suspend the operation of this chapter or may prohibit the outdoor marketing graphic display on certain days and times, and for certain events.
Control and enforcement. The following control and enforcement provisions shall apply to this chapter:
If the Swedesboro Zoning Officer or the Swedesboro Code Enforcement Officer determines that any outdoor marketing graphic display is in a state of disrepair, unclean or not in compliance with the permit, or if the Swedesboro Zoning Officer or the Swedesboro Code Enforcement Officer has determined that the holder of the permit or the owner of the real estate for which the permit is issued is in violation of any other municipal ordinance or regulation or state statute or regulation, the Swedesboro Zoning Officer or the Swedesboro Code Enforcement Officer shall give written notice to the permit holder of the unsatisfactory condition of the facility and/or the violation of the terms of the permit, or the ordinance, statute or regulation of which the holder of the permit or property owner is in violation.
The permit holder shall thereafter have five days to correct the unsatisfactory condition or permit violation, or ordinance, statute or regulation violation. If the unsatisfactory condition or violation is not so corrected within the five-day period, the Swedesboro Zoning Officer or the Swedesboro Code Enforcement Officer may thereafter suspend the permit and any outdoor marketing graphic display must be removed.
The Swedesboro Zoning Officer or the Swedesboro Code Enforcement Officer shall also report the violation to the Construction Official, who may, at his/her discretion, revoke the permit, continue the suspension or lift the suspension, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
The Swedesboro Zoning Officer or the Swedesboro Code Enforcement Officer may, in addition to suspending the permit or as an alternative, file a Municipal Court complaint or a Superior Court complaint against the permit holder, or take any other lawful action to enforce the ordinance, statute or regulation violated.
The Swedesboro Zoning Officer or the Swedesboro Code Enforcement Officer may file a complaint in Municipal Court or in Superior Court against any individual or entity that places an outdoor marketing graphic display in the right-of-way as provided for in this chapter, without obtaining a permit pursuant to this chapter, or take any other lawful action to enforce the ordinance, statute or regulation violated.
Violations and penalties. Any person that shall violate any part of this chapter, or do any act or thing prohibited, or refuse to do any act required to be done, or refuse or fail to comply with an order of the Swedesboro Zoning Officer or the Swedesboro Code Enforcement Officer, or an order of the Construction Official with jurisdiction in this chapter, shall, upon conviction thereof before any judicial officer authorized to hear and determine the matter, be subject to the penalties provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, § 1-15. Whenever such person shall have been officially notified by the Swedesboro Zoning Officer or the Swedesboro Code Enforcement Officer or by service of a summons in a prosecution, or in any other official manner, that such person is committing a violation, each day's continuance of such violation after such notification shall constitute a separate offense punishable by a fine or penalty.