There is hereby established a zoning plan for the Village of Woodridge, which plan is set forth in the text and map that constitute this chapter.
It is the legislative intent of this chapter to provide for the orderly and desirable development and use of land within the Village of Woodridge. This chapter incorporates the Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Woodridge and is expected to evolve over time to meet other changing needs. Regular reviews and updates are anticipated. Specific purposes include the following:
The facilitation of the efficient and adequate provisions of public facilities and services.
The protection of residential areas and the provision of privacy for families.
The prevention and reduction of traffic congestion and the provision of safe and adequate traffic access to uses generating large volumes of traffic.
The protection of business areas by the reduction of traffic congestion caused by insufficient roadway capacity and/or design and inadequate parking facilities.
The preservation of historic and natural features and the accommodation of new development in such a way as to maintain and enhance the desirable aesthetic qualities of the Village.
To make the provision for, so far as conditions permit, the accommodation of solar energy systems and equipment and the access to sunlight necessary therefor.
The assurance of adequate sites for residence, industry and commerce.
The enhancement of the appearance of the Village of Woodridge as a whole.
The encouragement of flexibility in the design and development of land in such a way as to produce the most appropriate use of lands, to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities and to preserve the natural and scenic qualities of open lands.