[Ord. 1, 6/12/1893, § 801; as amended by Ord. 75, 2/13/1901, § 801; and by Ord. 806, 6/11/1986; and by Ord. 995, 12/10/2003]
Appointment, Term of Office. A Borough Treasurer and a Borough Solicitor shall be appointed by Borough Council at its regular organizational meeting on the first Monday of January of each even-numbered year, or as provided by the Pennsylvania Borough Code. The Treasurer and Solicitor shall serve at the pleasure of Council and may be removed from office at any time by a majority vote of all Council members.
Qualifications of Treasurer. Council may appoint as Treasurer either an individual, bank or bank and trust company.
Qualifications of Solicitor. The Borough Solicitor shall be a person in active legal practice in the Commonwealth and licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth. In the absence of the Solicitor, a law firm of which the Solicitor is a member or associated may perform any of the duties of the Solicitor.
[Ord. 1, 6/12/1893, § 802; as amended by Ord. 75, 2/13/1901, § 802; and by Ord. 806, 6/11/1986]
If any officer appointed by Council shall neglect or refuse the duties of the office, the officer shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of $100. Collection of the fines and penalties for default of the payment shall be as provided by Chapter 1 of this Code.
[Ord. 1, 6/12/1893, § 803; as amended by Ord. 806, 6/11/1986]
The Borough Solicitor shall be the chief legal officer of the Borough and shall have the following powers and restrictions:
The Solicitor shall furnish legal advice, upon request, to Council, the Mayor, the Manager and to all boards and commissions concerning any matter or thing arising in connection with the exercise of their official powers or performance of their official duties and, except as otherwise expressly provided by this Code, shall supervise, direct and control all of the law work of the Borough.
At the direction of Council, the Solicitor shall appear for and represent the Borough or, if appropriate, the residents of the Borough as a class on matters before the various regulatory agencies of other governmental bodies and in the courts of the commonwealth.
No member of Borough Council or of any department or agency shall serve as Borough Solicitor nor as attorney for any commission, committee or agency in the Borough government while serving as a member of Borough Council, and for one year thereafter.
The Borough Solicitor or his/her firm shall not be permitted to serve in any matter in which the Borough is a party or has an interest for at least one year subsequent to retirement, resignation or removal as Borough Solicitor.
The Solicitor shall have right of access at all times to the official records of any officer, department, board or commission of the Borough.
The Solicitor, unless otherwise provided herein, may employ additional counsel without the assent or ratification of Council.
The Solicitor shall submit an annual report to Council of all legal activities performed for the Borough during the year.
[Ord. 1, 6/12/1893, § 804; as amended by Ord. 75, 2/13/1901, § 804; and by Ord. 806, 6/11/1986]
The powers and duties of the Treasurer shall be as follows:
Shall keep a just account of all receipts and disbursements, and shall annually submit such account to the Borough auditors.
Shall receive all monies received by any Borough officer or other person for use of the Borough. All such monies shall be paid promptly upon receipt to the Treasurer.
Shall deposit monies in a bank or banking institution in the name of the Borough.
Shall authorize expenditures to be paid out of the Borough Treasury upon an order signed by the President of Council and Borough Secretary; provided, there is sufficient money in the Treasury for such expenditure.
Shall, upon leaving office, pay over all monies remaining in his/her hands and deliver all books, papers, accounts and other things belonging to the Borough, to the succeeding Treasurer.
[Ord. 1, 6/12/1893, § 805; as amended by Ord. 806, 6/11/1986; and by Ord. 995, 12/10/2003]
Before taking office, and each year thereafter, the Borough Treasurer shall furnish a fidelity bond in an amount as set from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his/her duties. This fidelity bond shall be in a form acceptable to the Borough Solicitor and shall be issued by a corporation licensed to do business as a surety in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The cost of such bond shall be paid from the general revenue of the Borough.