[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13608; as amended by Ord. 855, 11/15/1989, § 13608]
All water supplied by the Borough to consumers shall be metered and shall be paid for at rates established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13609; as amended by Ord. 995, 12/10/2003]
Any person, firm or corporation desiring water for building purposes shall, upon completing the excavations for the foundation walls, etc., have placed therein a meter. All water used thereafter in and about the premises shall be charged for at a rate in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council. A discount of 20% will be allowed on all bills for water paid within 10 days after the date of same, provided that the discount allowed does not affect the minimum charge.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13610]
The quantity recorded by the water meter shall be conclusive both on the part of the consumer and the Borough as to water use, except where a meter has been found defective or ceases to register. In such case, the quantity used during a previous corresponding period shall be taken until the defective meter is repaired or replaced.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13611; as amended by Ord. 995, 12/10/2003]
In case of a dispute of an account involving the accuracy of the registration of a meter, the meter will be tested by the Borough upon payment by the applicant of a testing charge in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council, which will be returned to the applicant in case the meter is found to over register 2% or more, in case of such over registering. If the meter is found to be under registering 2% or more, registering shall be readjusted to correspond and the bill upon which the complaint was made corrected accordingly.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13612]
All bills for water used shall be prepared and mailed by the authorized Borough agent. The agent also shall notify the Borough Manager of all delinquencies for water bills, and the Borough Manager shall be governed by the rules relating thereto.
Bills and notices relating to the Borough water system shall be mailed or delivered by the Borough agent to the property owner's last address as shown by the records of the Borough, and the Borough shall not be otherwise responsible for delivery. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to file any change of address in writing with the Borough office.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13613]
Payment of bills shall be made by mail or to the authorized agent of the Borough. Water bills shall be payable on the first days of March, June, September and December of each year, except in case of the discontinuance of the use of water, when all bills become due and payable forthwith.
Any bill not paid by the due date established on the quarter billing shall be subject to delinquency and penalty charges as shall be adopted from time to time by resolution by Borough Council.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13614; as amended by Ord. 995, 12/10/2003]
Failure to pay for any water furnished within a period of 90 days after the bill for same has been rendered will be cause for the Borough Manager to shut off the water from said premises without further notice. Fees for water used for building purposes or occasional use shall be payable on demand. A shut-off fee, in an amount established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council shall be charged.
[Ord. 806, 6/11/1986, § 13615; as amended by Ord. 995, 12/10/2003]
When water is shut off for nonpayment of bills or a violation of the terms of the application or the rules governing the water system, the water will only be turned on after all arrears due the Borough are paid along with an additional charge, in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of Borough Council, for turning on the water.