[Ord. 930, 12/10/1997, § 1]
The Borough Council of the Borough of Aspinwall finds that:
The ground water underlying the Borough is a major source of its existing and future water supply, including drinking water.
The ground water aquifers are integrally connected with, are recharged by, and flow into the surface waters, lakes and streams which constitute a major source of drinking water for the region.
Accidental spills and discharges of toxic and hazardous materials may threaten the quality of such ground water supplies and related water resources in the Borough, posing potential public health and safety hazards.
Unless preventive measures are adopted to control the discharge and storage of toxic and hazardous materials within the Borough, spills and discharges of such materials will predictably occur and with greater frequency and degree of hazard by reason of increasing construction, commercial and industrial development, population and vehicular traffic in the Borough.
[Ord. 930, 12/10/1997, § 1]
The purpose of this Part is to protect the public health, safety and welfare through the preservation of the Borough's major ground water resources to ensure a future supply of safe and healthful drinking water for the Borough, local residents and employees, and the general public. The designation of Wellhead Protection Areas I and II and careful regulation of land use, physical facilities and other activities within these areas can reduce the potential for ground water contamination.
[Ord. 930, 12/10/1997, § 1]
The Borough is empowered to regulate these activities under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247 of 1968, P.L. 805, as amended, 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq. ("MPC").
[Ord. 930, 12/10/1997, § 1]
By this Part, Parts 2B, 2C, 2D, 2F, 2G, 2H and Appendices A and B are enacted as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, [Chapter 27 of the Aspinwall Code]. By this Part, Parts 2B, 2E, 2H and Appendices A and B are enacted as amendments to the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22 of the Aspinwall Code].
[Ord. 930, 12/10/1997, § 1]
This Part shall only apply to those areas of the Borough which are located within Wellhead Protection Areas I and II surrounding a protected public water supply well, as delineated on an official map available for inspection at the Borough office. Maps of the Wellhead Protection Area are included in Appendices A and B for general reference.
This Part regulates the following land uses, physical facilities and activities which have the potential to contaminate ground water:
Light industry.
Sewage disposal.
Injection wells.
Storage tanks, underground and aboveground.
Disposal facilities, solid waste, dump sites.
Land developments.
[Ord. 930, 12/10/1997, § 1]
Approvals issued pursuant to this Part do not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to secure the required permits or approvals for activities regulated by other applicable code, rule, act or ordinance.