[Ord. 930, 12/10/1997, § 1]
No subdivision or land development shall occur within Wellhead Protection Areas I or II except in strict conformance with the provisions of this Part.
[Ord. 930, 12/10/1997, § 1]
To implement the provisions of this Part, wellhead protection areas surrounding protected public water supply wells are hereby established. The boundaries of Wellhead Protection Areas I and II are shown on official maps which are available for inspection at the Borough office. Copies of the official maps at a reduced scale are included in Appendices A and B for general reference.
Should any person challenge the boundary of Wellhead Protection Areas I or II, it shall be the responsibility of that person to retain a recognized professional with competence in the field to determine more accurately the precise boundary of the disputed area. The final boundary to be used will be determined by the Borough, with assistance from ACHD, the Borough Engineer and/or a professional hydro geologist designated by the Borough, as appropriate.
[Ord. 930, 12/10/1997, § 1]
Subdivisions and land developments within Wellhead Protection Areas I or II for which stormwater management controls are required pursuant to the subdivision and land development regulation [Chapter 22], shall be designed consistent with the following:
Stormwater retention basins shall be prohibited.
Stormwater detention basins shall be designed with an impermeable liner to prohibit the infiltration of impounded water to the subsurface.
Subdivisions and land developments within Wellhead Protection Areas I or II as mapped in Appendices A and B shall have the following preliminary plan requirements in addition to those requirements of the subdivision and land development regulations [Chapter 22]:
A recognized professional with competence in the field shall review aerial photographs, soils, geologic and other available related data as the data relates to the subject property. The professional shall also conduct a site inspection of the property.
Based on the work required by Subsection 1A, above, the professional shall prepare a map of the site showing all karst features or feature indicators. The mapping shall indicate, but shall not be limited to, the following:
Closed depressions.
Open sinkholes.
Seasonal high water table indicators.
Outcrops of bedrock.
Surface drainage into ground.
"Ghost lakes" after rainfall.
Lineaments and faults.
Limonite excavations and quarries.
Geologic contacts.
Based upon the work performed in Subsections 2Aand B, above, the professional shall determine what further testing should be done by the applicant to ensure compliance with the performance standards set forth in Subsection3, below. Testing methodology shall be reasonable under the circumstances, including (1) the scale of the proposed development, and (2) the hazards revealed by examination of available data and site inspection.
The applicant shall cause the additional testing established in Subsection 2C, above, to be done. A study report shall be submitted and referred to the Borough Engineer. This study includes a map of the area, all test results, and a recommendation on the mitigating measures to be taken to meet the standards of Subsection 3, below.
The Borough Engineer shall report to the Borough Planning Commission, with a copy to the landowner, his or her opinion as to the adequacy of the study and as to the capability of the site to support the proposed development in a manner in which the risks attendant to the development in carbonate areas are either eliminated or minimized. Recommendations for site development including stormwater management, the layout of utility lines, grading and building location may be included. Additional studies or testing as deemed necessary by the Borough Engineer in order to produce an adequate study given the scale of the proposed development and the hazards revealed may be required of the applicant.
Subdivision and land developments within Wellhead Protection Areas I and II as mapped in Appendices A and B shall have the following design requirements:
All buildings, structures, impervious surfaces and utilities shall be so situated, designed and constructed as to minimize the risk of new sinkhole formation and of the accelerated introduction of contaminants and pollution into the wellhead protection area through existing or future sinkholes.
Stormwater shall not be redirected into a sinkhole.