For constructing a drain on the north side of Allegheny Street between 3rd and 4th Streets
To extend the sewer on Church Street, in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and requiring the owners of the properties abutting on or adjoining said street to make connection therewith, and providing for the collection from such owners of a fixed sum for such connections
Authorizing the construction of sewers on Oneida Street, and on Sixteenth Street at its intersection with Oneida Street, in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and requiring the owners of the properties abutting on or adjoining said streets to make connections therewith and providing for the collection from such owners of fixed sum for such connection
Authorizing the construction of a sewer on Fourteenth Street and on Scott Street in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and requiring the owners of properties abutting on or adjoining said streets to make connections therewith and providing for the collection from such owners of a fixed sum for such connections
Authorizing the extension of the sewer on Washington Street in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and requiring the owners of the properties abutting on or adjoining said street to make connection therewith and providing for the collection from such owners of a fixed sum for such connection
Authorizing the construction of a sewer on Moore Street in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and requiring the owners of the properties abutting on or adjoining said street to make connections therewith and providing for the collection from such owners of a fixed sum for such connections
Authorizing the construction of a sewer on Washington Street, on Seventeenth Street, on Eighteenth Street, on Twelfth Street, on Moore Street, on Fourteenth Street and on Sixteenth Street, in the Borough of Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania, and requiring the owners of the properties abutting on or adjoining said streets to make connections therewith and providing for the collection from said owners of a fixed sum for said connections
Authorizing the construction of a sewer on Moore Street, Penn Street and on Seventeenth Street, in the Borough of Huntingdon and State of Pennsylvania, and requiring the owners of the properties abutting on or adjoining said streets, to make connections therewith and providing for the collection from said owners of a fixed sum for said connections
Authorizing the construction of a sewer on Scott Street, from the intersection of Fourteenth Street and Scott Street to Warm Springs Avenue, and on Sixteenth Street between Mifflin and Penn Streets in the Borough of Huntingdon and State of Pennsylvania, and requiring the owners of properties abutting on or adjoining said streets to make connections therewith and providing for the collection from said owners of a fixed sum for said connections
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer to serve the owners of the properties on Standing Stone Avenue in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and providing for the collection of an annual rental or charge therefor or in lieu of such rental or charge providing for the payment by such owners of a fixed sum and further providing for the enforced collection of such rental or charge or fixed sum as municipal claims or liens are now by law collectible
Authorizing the construction of a sewer on Allegheny Street in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, from the intersection with Eighth Street and extending eastward 1058 feet and providing for an assessment against the properties served thereby, and the collection thereof according to law
Authorizing the construction of sewers on 11th Street, on 12th Street, on 13th Street, on 15th Street and on Penn Street in the Borough of Huntingdon, in the County of Huntingdon and State of Pennsylvania, and requiring the owners of the properties abutting on or adjoining the lines of said sewers, to make connections therewith, and providing for the collection from said owners, of a fixed sum for said connections
Authorizing 363 feet of 10 inch sanitary sewer in and through the lands of J. Emmett Sebree, in the First Ward of the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, and condemning under the power of eminent domain, vested in said Borough, so much of said property as may be necessary for the proper construction and use of said sewer
Authorizing the extension of the sewer on 14th Street, in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, from its intersection with Sixth Street to its intersection with Warm Springs Avenue, and requiring the owners of the properties abutting or adjoining said sewer, to make connections therewith, and providing for the collection from such owners of a fixed sum for such connections and further permitting the owners of properties along the line of said sewer, but not immediately contiguous thereto, to make connections therewith by payment to the Burgesses and Town Council of the Borough of Huntingdon, of a minimum fee of $50
Authorizing the construction of a sewer on Mifflin Street, from the intersection of Sixth and Mifflin Streets to the intersection of Seventh and Mifflin Streets, in the Borough of Huntingdon and State of Pennsylvania, and requiring the owners of the properties abutting on, or adjoining said street to make connections therewith and providing for the collection from said owners of a fixed sum for said connections
Authorizing the construction of a sewer in Nineteenth Street, in the Borough of Huntingdon, County of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, from the line of Lot No. 1 in Block of Wharton, Miller and Anderson’s Addition to the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, to Penn Street, and intersecting with a sewer now in said Penn Street and requiring the owners of the property abutting on or adjoining the said- sewer to make connection therewith and providing for the payment by said owners of a fixed sum for such connection
Untitled ordinance ratifying and confirming the employment of Perry-Remington Company to prepare preliminary plans and specifications for a sewage disposal plant for the Borough and ratifying and confirming the contract with the Company
Providing for the construction of a sewer partly 10 inches in diameter and partly eight inches in diameter from a point on Penn Street near the Stone Creek Bridge parallel with Penn Street, eastwardly to the eastern line of property now of Louis Tedesche, replacing a private sewer extending partly along the proposed improvement, requiring abutting property owners to tap into said sewer, providing for the tappage fee and the terms of relinquishment of the same and for methods of collection
Res. 11/9/1948
Approving and authorizing the execution of a contract for the performance of certain engineering services by the J. Murray Africa Company and Gannett Fleming Corddry and Carpenter, Inc., relating to the development of plans for sewage collection and treatment; and making an appropriation
Res. 186
Untitled resolution authorizing a referendum on the question of construction and operation of a sewage treatment works and disposal plant under the supervision of a municipal authority created for the purpose
Approving the proposed action of the Huntingdon Sewage Authority to acquire all facilities constituting the Borough’s sewer system; and authorizing proper officers of the Borough to grant, convey, assign transfer to said Authority the Borough’s right, title and interest in and to all facilities constituting said sewer system, on the express condition that said authority will make certain improvements, alterations and additions to said sewer system and will lease the same to the Borough for operation and use
Authorizing an agreement of lease, dated as of January 1, 1962, between Huntingdon Sewage Authority, as lessor, and this Borough, as lessee, under terms of which the Authority’s sewer system will be leased to this Borough for operation and use; consenting to assignment of said lease; authorizing execution, acknowledgment and delivery of said lease; and authorizing and directing other necessary and proper action
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer on 15th Street between Oneida and Scott Streets in the Borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer on Ninth Street, between Washington Street and Susquehanna Avenue in the Borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, authorizing a request to be made to the Huntingdon Water and Sewage Authority to provide moneys for the construction thereof and assessing a portion of the cost of construction of the same and appurtenances
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer on Fourteenth Street between Moore and Mifflin Streets in the Borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, and assessing the cost of construction of same and appurtenances
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer on Warm Springs Avenue beginning at the intersection of Warm Springs Avenue and Twenty-fifth Street and extending northeastwardly therefrom 205 feet in the Borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, authorizing that a request be made to the Huntingdon Water and Sewage Authority to provide moneys for the construction thereof, and assessing a portion of the cost of the same and appurtenances
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer on Twenty-third Street beginning at the intersection of Shadyside Avenue and 23rd Street and extending eastwardly 145.4 feet to a new manhole and extending from said manhole through an alleyway northeastwardly 287 feet to a new manhole and southwestwardly 140 feet to a new manhole, authorizing that a request be made to the Huntingdon Water and Sewage Authority to provide moneys for the construction thereof, and assessing a portion of the cost of the construction of the same and appurtenances
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer on First Street beginning at the intersection of Penn Street and First Street and extending northeastwardly 333 feet to a new manhole near the center line of Stone Creek Avenue and thence along Stone Creek Avenue southeasterly 100 feet to a new manhole, and authorizing that a request be made to the Huntingdon Water and Sewage Authority to provide moneys for the construction thereof
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer on Maclay Avenue beginning at the intersection of College Avenue and Maclay Avenue and extending northeastwardly therefrom 314.86 feet in the Borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania; authorizing that a request be made to the Huntingdon Water and Sewage Authority to provide moneys for the construction thereof, and assessing a portion of the cost of the construction of the same and appurtenances
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer on Seventh Street and Agnes Street in the Borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, and authorizing that a request be made to the Huntingdon Water and Sewage Authority to provide moneys for the construction thereof
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer beginning at a manhole to be constructed on the sanitary sewer on Shadyside Avenue, approximately 333 feet northeastwardly from an existing manhole at the intersection of 25th Street and Shadyside Avenue; thence in a southeastwardly direction in an easement along the southwestern side of Lot No. 15, 158 feet, more or less, to a manhole at the intersection of another easement along the rear of Lots Nos. 3 to 6, inclusive; thence in the latter easement for a total distance of 280 feet, more or less, as shown in Drawing No. 8331 of the Africa Engineering Associates, dated March, 1969, authorizing that a request be made to the Huntingdon Water and Sewage Authority to provide moneys for the construction thereof, and assessing a portion of the cost of the construction of the same and appurtenances
Res. 10/20/1970
Indicating acceptance, submission and implementation of an official plan for sewage facilities in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Authorizing the construction of an eight-inch sanitary sewer on Penn Street, Eighteenth Street, the alley between Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets and Allegheny Street in the Borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, and authorizing that a request be made to the Huntingdon Water and Sewage Authority to provide moneys for the construction thereof
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer on College Avenue beginning at the intersection of College Avenue and Maclay Avenue and extending northwardly therefrom 425 feet in the Borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, authorizing that a request be made to the Huntingdon Water and Sewage Authority to provide moneys for the construction thereof, and assessing a portion of the cost of the construction of the same and appurtenances
Authorizing the construction of a sanitary sewer in the Orbison’s Grove Addition beginning at Warm Springs Avenue at an existing line; thence in an easterly and northerly direction to Emmet Avenue approximately 1425 feet in the Borough of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
Authorizing the condemnation of the lands in the Taylor Highland and Orbison addition for the purpose of constructing an eight feet sanitary sewer line