[Ord. 881, 7/21/2014]
An Historical Architectural Review Board is hereby established, to be composed of seven members appointed by Borough Council. The membership of the HARB shall be as follows:
One member shall be a registered architect;
One member shall be a licensed real estate broker;
One member shall be the Code Enforcement Officer or a designee who performs the duties of Building Inspector in the Borough of Oxford;
Four members shall be persons with demonstrated interest, knowledge, ability, experience, or expertise in restoration, historic rehabilitation, or neighborhood conservation or revitalization who have interest in the preservation of the historic district.
Each shall be a resident of Oxford Borough.
Two shall also be owner-occupants of property located in the district.
Where feasible, one of these four members shall also be a member of the Borough Planning Commission.
Members of the HARB shall be appointed for five-year terms and may be reappointed. The terms of the members of the initial HARB shall be staggered so that no more than one member shall be replaced or reappointed during any one calendar year. Vacancies on the HARB shall be filled through appointment by Borough Council within 120 days. However, where possible, a member whose term expires shall continue in office after expiration of the term until a successor has been appointed. The successor shall serve for a term of five years.
When a member of the HARB appointed in her/his capacity of registered architect, licensed real estate broker, the Code Enforcement Officer, or a Planning Commission member ceases to function as such, her/his term shall automatically be considered vacant. An appointment to fill a vacancy created under these circumstances shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term. Such a vacancy shall be filled by Borough Council within a six-month time period.
The HARB shall elect its own Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary and may create and fill such other offices as it may determine. Officers shall serve annual terms and may succeed themselves. The HARB may make and alter bylaws and regulations to govern its procedures, consistent with the ordinances of the Borough and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Conflict of Interest.
It shall be the duty of each HARB member to remain conscious of and sensitive to any possible conflict of interest (including, but not limited to, financial considerations) that may arise by virtue of her/his membership on the HARB. Where a member determines that a conflict of interest exists for any reason, she/he shall recuse herself/himself from deliberating and deciding upon the matter that is before the HARB.
Notwithstanding Subsection 5A above, a member shall disqualify herself/himself from participating in any instance where her/his own or family financial interests are directly or indirectly involved, and prior to any vote being taken, publicly announce and disclose the nature of her/his interest as a public record in a written memorandum filed with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting at which the vote is taken.
Removal of Members. Any HARB member shall serve at the pleasure of Borough Council and may be removed by a majority vote of Borough Council.
Compensation. The members of the HARB shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for direct expenses. The HARB may employ secretarial and professional assistance and incur other necessary expenses with the prior approval of Borough Council.
Meetings. The HARB shall meet publicly at least monthly at regularly scheduled intervals, provided there is business to conduct. Further, the HARB may hold any additional meetings it considers necessary to carry out its powers and duties indicated in this chapter. Such meetings shall be open to the public. A majority of the HARB shall constitute a quorum, and action taken at any meeting shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present.
[Ord. 881, 7/21/2014]
Certificate of Appropriateness. The HARB shall make recommendations to Borough Council regarding the advisability of issuing any certificate of appropriateness in accordance with the Pennsylvania Act of June 13, 1961, as amended, and the terms of this chapter.
Informal Consultation.
The HARB (or, where authorized, a committee thereof) shall, upon the request of an applicant, meet informally and preliminarily with such applicant regarding any proposed alteration, restoration, rehabilitation, or reconstruction affecting a property within the historic district and governed by this chapter.
The procedure authorized by this Subsection 2 shall not be applicable to any proposed demolition or to proposed new construction other than the construction of an accessory structure.
On the basis of such meeting, the HARB may conclude that, due to the minor impact or absence of impact of the proposed activity on the integrity of the historic district, the formal application procedure and action by Borough Council to approve or deny a certificate of appropriateness are not necessary in relation to the proposed activity.
At such meeting, the applicant shall present to the HARB preliminary drawings and other data that are sufficiently clear and explicit regarding the proposed activity. The HARB shall, among other factors it deems appropriate, review the applicant's material against the design guidelines in Part 5 of this chapter.
Where a majority of the HARB members attending the meeting conclude that, in its judgment, the proposed activity does not require a certificate of appropriateness, it shall make such a recommendation to Borough Council. A final decision on the applicant's request shall then be made by Borough Council.
Where Borough Council approves the applicant's request, it shall advise the Code Enforcement Officer that he may carry out the permit procedure concerning the proposed activity without further invoking the provisions of this chapter.
Where the HARB concludes that the proposed activity requires a certificate of appropriateness, it shall make such recommendation to Borough Council in accordance with the terms of Part 6 of this chapter. Borough Council shall then make a final determination as to the need for a certificate of appropriateness and, if that need is determined, whether to approve or deny the certificate of appropriateness.
Where the proposed activity constitutes an alteration, and Borough Council determines there is not a need for a certificate of appropriateness, any such alteration must be reversible. No waiver of the certificate of appropriateness procedure in Part 6 may be authorized where the proposed activity would result in any removal or alteration of an historic element (e.g., porch or cornice).
Annual Reports. The HARB shall make an annual report to Borough Council, which shall include:
Any recommended changes to this chapter;
The number and types of cases reviewed;
The number of cases for which the HARB made a recommendation for a certificate of appropriateness;
The number of HARB meetings which each member attended;
Historic-preservation-related training which each member attended;
A narrative summary describing the state of preservation in the Oxford Borough Historic District, with recommendations on policy, goals, and objectives for Borough Council consideration.
Training. HARB members and HARB support staff are encouraged to attend a minimum of eight hours annually of seminars, conferences, or workshops related to historic preservation and HARB administration.
The HARB may coordinate with and advise Borough Council, the Borough Planning Commission, the Borough Historical Commission, and other Borough agencies in matters involving historically and/or architecturally significant sites and buildings or the integrity of the historic district as a whole. The HARB may, as appropriate and feasible, participate in public education and information programs to enhance awareness of the importance and benefits of the historic district.