[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 1; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, business or corporation to undertake or cause to be undertaken the construction, reconstruction, enlargement, alteration or relocation of any building or structure unless an approved preconstruction permit has been obtained from the Township Secretary/Manager.
A preconstruction permit shall not be required for repairs to existing buildings or structures, provided that no structural changes or modifications are involved.
[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 2; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
For the purpose of this Part, the following definitions shall apply:
A combination of materials to form a permanent structure having walls and a roof. Included shall be all mobile homes, trailers to be used for human habitation, manufactured homes and all swimming pools.
Any person, persons, partnership, business or corporation.
A combination of materials to form anything permanently affixed to or in the ground or to any other building or structure permanently affixed to or in the ground. Included shall be such things as driveways, carports, porches, swimming pools, etc.
[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 3; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
Application for such a preconstruction permit shall be made in writing to the Township Secretary/Manager on forms supplied by the municipality. Such application shall contain at least the following:
Name, address and telephone number of the applicant.
Name, address and telephone number of owner of land on which proposed construction is to occur.
Site location.
Brief description of proposed work.
Estimated cost of proposed work.
Certificate of Insurance from the contractor.
Floodplain information.
Luzerne County zoning permit information.
Hunlock Township sewage information.
Manufactured homes should have a model number and year.
Contractor's name, address and telephone number.
Copy of certified inspectors state certification and a certificate of insurance for the proposed construction.
Upon completion of construction, a copy of the Luzerne County occupancy permit.
A copy of the completion report from the certified inspector within 90 days upon completion.
Copy of PADOT highway occupancy permit for any construction which occurs within the legal right-of-way of any legislative route in Pennsylvania.
[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 4; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
The Township Secretary/Manager shall issue a preconstruction permit only after it has been determined that the proposed construction will be in conformance with all applicable requirements and regulations.
[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 5; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
After the issuance of a preconstruction permit by the Township Secretary/Manager, no changes of any kind shall be made to the application, permit or any of the plans, specifications or other documents submitted with the application without the written consent or approval of the Township Secretary/Manager.
[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 6; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
In addition to the preconstruction permit, the Township Secretary/Manager shall issue a placard which shall be displayed on the premises during the time construction is in progress. This placard shall show the number of the preconstruction permit, the date of its issuance and be signed by the Township Secretary/Manager.
[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 7; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
Work on the proposed construction shall begin within six months after the date of issuance of the preconstruction permit or the permit shall expire unless a time extension is granted, in writing, by the Township Secretary/Manager. Construction shall be considered to have started with the first placement of permanent construction of the site, such as the pouring of slabs or footings or any work beyond the stage of excavation. For a structure without a basement or poured footings, the start of construction includes the first permanent framing or assembly of the structure or any part thereof on its pilings or foundation, or the affixing of any prefabricated structure or manufactured home to its permanent site. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, land clearing, grading or filling; excavation for basement, footings, piers or foundations; erection of temporary forms; the installation of piling under proposed subsurface footings; or the installation of sewer, gas and water pipes or electric or other service lines from the street.
[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 8; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
During the construction period, the Township Secretary/Manager or other authorized official may inspect the premises to determine that the work is progressing in compliance with the information provided on the permit application and with all applicable municipal laws and ordinances. In the event the Township Secretary/Manager discovers that the work does not comply with the permit application or any applicable laws and ordinances, or that there has been a false statement or misrepresentation by any applicant, the Township Secretary/Manager shall revoke the preconstruction permit and report such fact to the Supervisors of Hunlock Township for whatever action it considers necessary.
[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 9; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; by Ord. of 9/19/2002; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
Applications for a preconstruction permit shall be accompanied by a fee, payable to Hunlock Township, in the amount of $20.
[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 10; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
Any person aggrieved by the Township Secretary/Manager's estimate of the cost of the proposed construction may appeal to the Supervisors of Hunlock Township. Such appeals must be filed, in writing, within 30 days after the determination by the Township Secretary/Manager. Upon receipt of such appeal, the Supervisors of Hunlock Township shall set a time and place not less than 10 nor more than 30 days for the purpose of hearing the appeal. Notice of the time and place of the hearing of the appeal shall be given to all parties at which time they may appear and be heard. The determination of the estimated cost by the Supervisors of Hunlock Township shall be final in all cases.
[Ord. 1-1973, 7/17/1973, § 11; as amended by Ord. 85-1, 3/5/1985; by Ord. 2-1997, 8/28/1997; and by Ord. of 10/27/2005]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a District Justice in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
In addition to the above penalties, all other actions are hereby reserved including an action in equity for the proper enforcement of this Part. The imposition of a fine or penalty for any violation of, or noncompliance with this Part shall not excuse the violation or noncompliance nor permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations and noncompliances within a reasonable time. Any structure or building constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, altered or relocated in noncompliance with this Part may be declared by the Supervisors of Hunlock Township as a public nuisance and abatable as such.