[Ord. 2-2004, 8/26/2004, § I]
This Part shall be known as and cited as the "Hunlock Township Public Gathering Ordinance."
[Ord. 2-2004, 8/26/2004, § II]
As used in this Part unless the context requires otherwise:
The record owner of title to real estate, including improvements, in Hunlock Township.
An agent and his principal, occupant, lessee, contract purchaser or person other than the owner, having possession or control of property in Hunlock Township.
All assemblies of people gathered for purposes of public entertainment, amusement or recreation, reasonably anticipated to number more than 200 for a continuous period of two hours or more, more than 10% of whom will assemble outdoors or in structures specially constructed, erected or assembled for the gathering, whether or not an admission fee is charged.
Any natural person, association, partnership, firm, corporation, joint venture or any other legal entity whatsoever, who initiates, organizes, promotes, permits, conducts or causes to be advertised, a public gathering.
[Ord. 2-2004, 8/26/2004, § III]
It shall be unlawful for any sponsor, owner of property or person in charge of property to initiate, organize, promote, permit, conduct or cause to be advertised a public gathering, unless a permit has been obtained pursuant to this Part. A separate permit shall be required for each public gathering for the period of time designated by the permit.
[Ord. 2-2004, 8/26/2004, § IV]
No public gathering may be held within the boundaries of Hunlock Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania unless the sponsor, the owner of property and the person in charge of property upon which the gathering will be conducted, jointly apply for and are granted a permit as herein provided:
No permit shall be granted for a public gathering of more than 48 hours duration unless the application specifically requests, and the permit specifically allows an extension of that period.
No applicant shall be under 21 years of age.
No permit may be transferred or assigned.
In case of dispute over the number of people reasonably anticipated to attend the public gathering, the decision of the Board of Supervisors of Hunlock Township shall control based on all facts available and brought to its attention by whatever source.
[Ord. 2-2004, 8/26/2004, § V]
Written application for each public gathering shall be made to the Board of Supervisors of Hunlock Township according to the following schedule:
For gatherings numbering 200 to 2,000 persons, written application must be made 30 days prior to the first day upon which public announcement, promotion or advertising is to be made or the day upon which the public gathering is to commence, whichever occurs first.
For gatherings numbering 2,000 or more persons, written application must be made 60 days prior to the first day upon which public announcement, promotion or advertising is to be made or the day upon which the public gathering is to commence, whichever occurs first.
Applications shall be made on forms specified by the Board of Supervisors of Hunlock Township and shall contain at least the following information:
The full legal names, addresses and telephone numbers of all sponsors.
The full legal name and address of the owner and person in charge of the property to be utilized for the public gathering.
If the sponsor-applicant is a partnership or joint venture, then all partners and parties to the joint venture thereto shall sign as applicants. If the sponsor-applicant is a corporation, copies of the Articles of Incorporation, and corporate resolution authorizing the application shall be required.
The location and address of the property to be utilized for the public gathering.
The program for the public gathering, or if no program is prepared, a narrative statement as to the purpose for which the public gather is to be conducted.
A diagrammatic plan of the proposed site of the mass gathering showing the locations and dimensions of the area where the programmed entertainment, amusement or recreation is to be conducted, areas for spectators or persons attending the event, all structures existing and to be constructed, proposed parking area and service roads, potable water facilities, sanitary facilities, sewage disposal facilities, medical service facilities, facilities for and distribution of security personnel, and facilities for food and beverage storage, preparation and service, as well as camping facilities and projected plans for enclosure, if necessary of the proposed site.
Evidence that all permits and licenses as required by state and county statutes, ordinances and regulations enacted thereunder have been obtained, or will be obtained.
A statement of the number of persons expected to attend such event and the duration of such event.
A statement regarding the first day upon which public announcement, promotion or advertising is to be made.
Specific information and details relating to the following:
Food and drink facilities and providers thereof.
Sanitary and waste disposal facilities and providers thereof.
Transportation and parking facilities.
Security and protection of surrounding areas, including specific reference to the number of security personnel assisting in the control of traffic and supervision of those attending, and providers thereof.
On site medical facilities and providers thereof.
Janitorial services and post-gathering trash removal and site restoration and providers thereof.
Lighting and other utility services.
Certificates of Insurance issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in Pennsylvania, evidencing Comprehensive General Liability, or Special Event Public Liability, in an amount of at least $5,000,000 for personal injury and $500,000 for property damage, which policies shall name the Township as additional named insured.
A statement containing the names and addresses of licensed ticket printers to be used and the plans for assuring the return of monies upon the termination or cancellation of the event as well as the means of notifying potential and existing ticket holders of such cancellation, where the anticipated number of people attending is over 2,000 persons.
Examples of proposed advertising of the event, if any.
Applicants' statement that they shall abide by the terms and provisions of this Part, and all laws, rules and regulations of the United States, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, County of Luzerne and Township of Hunlock.
Each application shall be accompanied with a cash fee to cover the cost of inspection, investigation, issuance and administration of the permit in the following amounts:
Persons Reasonably Anticipated
200 to 500
501 to 2,000
2,001 to 3,500
3,501 to 5,000
5,001 to 10,000
Over 10,000
No part of the permit fee is refundable.
The Board of Supervisors, or their agent, shall either grant or deny the application for permit according to the following schedule:
For gatherings numbering 200 to 2,000 persons, 10 days prior to the first day upon which public announcement, promotion or advertising is to be made or the day upon which the public gathering is to commence, whichever occurs first.
For gatherings numbering 2,000 or more, 20 days prior to the first day upon which public announcement, promotion or advertising is to be made or the day upon which the public gathering is to commence, whichever occurs first.
[Ord. 2-2004, 8/26/2004, § VI]
As an additional condition to the issuance of a permit for a public gathering as defined herein, the Township may require, at its discretion after consideration of the application submitted, that the applicant submit a bond, with licensed commercial surety, letter of credit or cash as a security deposit in an amount to be determined in accord with the schedule set forth below and in a form approved by the Township Solicitors to save and protect and indemnify the Township from any loss or expense sustained as a result of (i) loss and damage to Township streets, pavements, bridges, road signs and all other Township property caused by persons sponsoring, working at, or attending and participating in the public gathering and any vehicles or other instrumentalities in their control and (ii) failure of the persons to whom a permit was issued to perform their obligations under the permit granted by the Township including, but not limited to, such things as restoring the premises where the public gathering was held to a sanitary condition, or providing necessary security or traffic control.
The corporate bond of indemnity or cash deposit shall be in the following amounts.
Persons Reasonably Anticipated
Cash Deposit or Bond Amount
200 to 500
501 to 2,000
2,001 to 3,500
3,501 to 5,000
5,001 to 10,000
Over 10,000
[Ord. 2-2004, 8/26/2004, § VII]
Any permit issued by the Board of Supervisors of Hunlock Township, or its duly appointed agent, shall be expressly conditioned upon satisfaction and completion of the conditions recited in this section, according to the following schedule:
A gathering numbering 200 to 5,000 persons, five days prior to the first day upon which the public gathering is to commence.
A gathering numbering over 5,000 persons, 10 days prior to the first day upon which the public gathering is to commence.
Failure to satisfy the following conditions within the time frame set forth above shall constitute grounds for the immediate revocation of the permit by the Township and the cancellation of the public gathering.
Sanitary Facilities. Written approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources or other responsible governmental agency, indicating that applicants' plan for swimming, potable water supply, sanitary toilet facilities, sewage disposal facilities, washing facilities, and food preparation and service facilities conform with applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations relating to the public health.
Public Safety.
Security. Applicants must demonstrate that a plan, and means to implement the plan, exists to provide for adequate traffic control and crowd control, which plan must include one security person for every 50 motor vehicles reasonably anticipated to be at the location and one security person for each 150 persons reasonably anticipated to be in attendance. Identification of the security personnel, or company or persons supplying this service must be provided.
Enclosures. Applicants must demonstrate that a plan, and means to implement the plan, exists to have the location where the public gathering is to be held enclosed with snow fencing or other similar material of equivalent strength of not less than four feet in height, if admission is charged and attendance is reasonably expected to exceed 2,000 persons.
Medical Services. Applicants must demonstrate that a plan, and a means to implement the plan, exists to provide sufficient medical services to the public gathering. Each public gathering shall have as a minimum one ambulance staffed by two adult individuals trained in first-aid techniques in attendance at all times. Identification of the company or person supplying this service must be provided.
Parking Facilities. Applicants must demonstrate that a plan, and a means to implement the plan, exists to provide adequate parking facilities appropriate to the anticipated number of persons in attendance. There must be adequate parking facilities to accommodate one vehicle for very four persons reasonably anticipated to be in attendance. There must also be provided adequate ingress and egress to and from parking areas to facilitate the movement of any vehicle at any time to or from the parking area and to permit access by emergency vehicles.
Structures. All facilities, including structures, stages, lighting facilities, sanitary facilities and other utilities to be specially assembled, constructed, installed or erected for the public gathering must be in place and be approved by appropriate state and federal regulatory agencies, if its regulations apply, and by the Township or its duly appointed agent.
[Ord. 2-2004, 8/26/2004, § VIII]
The public gathering permittees must maintain the sanitary and sewage facilities, parking facilities, security and traffic control personnel and medical service facilities, and other facilities and utilities provided in accordance with the plans submitted and approved, and in a safe and healthful manner.
No permittee, or persons having control of the public gathering, shall condone any illegal conduct on the premises including, but not limited to, disorderly conduct or illegal possession, sale or use of intoxicating beverages or drugs.
The burden of preserving order during the public gathering is upon the permittees of the public gathering. Any violations of the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or its rules and regulations, or of the terms and conditions of this Part, or other ordinances of Luzerne County or of Hunlock Township, or of the conditions of the permit granted hereunder may be cause for immediate revocation of the permit by the Board of Supervisors of Hunlock Township or by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources or by the Pennsylvania State Police, upon notification to the person in charge that a violation exists and the failure of the person in charge to take immediate action to correct the violation. Upon revocation of any permit, the permittees of the public gathering shall immediately terminate the assembly and provide for the orderly dispersal of those in attendance.
The Board of Supervisors of Hunlock Township, its authorized agents and representatives, shall be granted access to the public gathering at all times for the purpose of inspection and enforcement of the terms and conditions imposed herein.
No programmed entertainment, amusement or recreation or use of sound amplification equipment shall be provided or permitted between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. and shall be operated in a location which is less than 500 feet from any school, church or place of institution of human habitation, or public road.
Any applicant with more than 10% proprietary interest in the public gathering, and the owner of property or person in charge of the property, or their designated agents or representatives, shall be required to be in attendance at the public gathering and shall be responsible for insuring that no person shall be allowed to remain on the premises who is violating any state or Township laws, ordinances, rules or regulations.
Public gatherings operating without a permit under this Part based on a reasonable anticipation of less than 200 persons in attendance shall limit attendance therein to 199 persons, and printed tickets, if utilized, cannot number more than 199.
At the conclusion of the program, the permittees shall terminate the assembly or gathering and shall supervise the orderly disposal of those in attendance. No one shall be permitted to remain overnight on the licensed premises, except permanent residents, unless overnight camping or other facilities were approved by the Township pursuant to the application process and this Part.
[Ord. 2-2004, 8/26/2004, § IX]
This Part shall in no way be a substitute for, nor eliminate the necessity of, complying with any and all federal and state laws, rules and regulations, county and Township ordinances which are now, or may be in the future, in effect which pertain to the conduct of public gatherings.
[Ord. 2-2004, 8/26/2004, § X]
Any person who initiates, organizes, promotes, permits, conducts or causes to be advertised a public gathering without obtaining the permit provided in this Part, or who knowingly conducts, permits or allows a public gathering with a permit but in violation of the terms and provisions of this Part and of the permit granted, or who shall counsel, aid or abet such violation or failure to comply, upon conviction thereof by any district justice, shall be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000, together with costs and damages incurred as a result of the violation and enforcement of this Part. In default of the payment of any fine, the defendant shall be sentenced to jail for a period not exceeding 30 days. In addition the violator shall be liable civilly for any losses or damages to person or property.
[Ord. 4-2004, 8/26/2004, § I]
A person who knowingly or intentionally, in a public place:
Engages in sexual intercourse;
Engages in deviate sexual intercourse as defined by the Pennsylvania Crimes Code;
Appears in a state of nudity; or
Fondles the genitals of himself, herself or another person commits Public Indecency, a Summary Offense.
"Nudity" means the showing of the human male or female genital, pubic area or buttocks with less than a fully opaque covering; the showing of the female breast with less than a fully opaque covering of any part of the nipple; the exposure of any device, costume or covering which gives the appearance of or simulates the genitals, pubic hair, natal cleft, perineum anal region or pubic hair region; or the exposure of any device worn as a cover over the nipples and/or areola of the female breast, which device simulates and gives the realistic appearance of nipples and/or areola.
"Public Place" includes all outdoor places owned by or open to the general public, and all buildings and enclosed places owned by or open to the general public, including such places or entertainment, taverns, restaurants, clubs, theaters, dance halls, banquet halls, party rooms or halls, and picnic groves and grounds opened to the general public or limited to specific members, restricted to adults or to patrons invited to attend, whether or not an admission charge is levied.
The prohibition set forth in Subsection 1C shall not apply to:
Any child under 10 years of age; or
Any individual exposing a breast in the process of breastfeeding an infant under two years of age.
In addition to the specific penalties provided in this Part, it is hereby declared that any building, portion of a building or enclosed place regularly used for the prohibited display or public nudity is a public nuisance, subjecting the owner, proprietor or other operator thereof to any and all actions authorized by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the abatement of public nuisances, including, but not limited to the procedures set forth in statutes and ordinances governing public nuisances.
Construction and Severability. It is the intention of the Township of Hunlock that the provisions of this Part be construed, enforced and interpreted in such a manner as will cause the least possible infringement of the constitutional rights of free speech, free expression, due process, equal protection or other fundamental rights consistent with the purposes of this Part. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that any part of this Part, or any application or enforcement of it is excessively restrictive of such rights or liberties, then such portion of the ordinance, or specific application of the ordinance, shall be severed from the remainder, which shall continue in full force and effect.
Penalty. Whoever violates this Part, either by commission of a public indecency, or by the promotion or maintenance of public indecency as property owner, proprietor or manager of a business, shall be guilty of a summary offense, and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000, or be imprisoned for not more than 90 days, or both. Each day such violation continues is a separate offense.