(See 10/7/57, Article 2; 5/1/76, Article 39)
[Amended 4-1-2006 by Arts. 14 and 18]
In any district, except as otherwise provided in any overlay district, now existing or hereinafter adopted, if a structure is constructed or enlarged, or an existing use is enlarged or changed, or the dimensions of a lot are changed, off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following Table of Off-Street Parking Standards.
Table of Off-Street Parking Standards
Number of Parking Spaces Required Per Unit
Dwelling except dwelling in business district for more than 1 family
2 spaces per unit
Dwelling in business district other than the VB District for occupancy by more than 1 family
[Amended 11-13-2007 by Art. 4]
1 1/2 spaces per unit on same or contiguous lot in common ownership subject to covenant to assure permanent use for off-street parking, as the Zoning Board of Appeals deems adequate
Convalescent and nursing homes, hotels and motels, public housing, and other places with sleeping accommodations
1 space for each sleeping room for single or double occupancy, or where not divided into such rooms (as in a dormitory) 1 space for each 2 beds
Hospitals and sanitariums
1 space for each sleeping room for single or double occupancy, or where not divided into rooms (as in a dormitory) 1 space for each 2 beds
C and D.
1 space for each 4 employees on the largest shift
Meeting hall, auditoriums, private clubs and lodges, funeral homes, restaurants that are part of a mixed-use development, theaters, bowling alleys and other amusements, bus depots and other passenger terminals, other places of public assembly
1 space for each 3 seats, or where benches are used, 1 space for each 6 linear feet of bench; where no fixed seats are used (as in a terminal), 1 space per 80 square feet of public floor area; except in the Light Industry, Technology Business and Highway Business Districts, for restaurants that are part of a mixed-use development, 1 space per 200 square feet of net floor area
Libraries and museums, as well as civic, cultural and community facilities in the Light Industry, Technology Business and Highway Business Districts
1 space per 200 square feet of net floor area
Offices, stores, other business establishments, including retail businesses (whether service-oriented or otherwise), showrooms, consumer service establishments, public banks and other monetary institutions, automotive repair shops and service stations
1 space for each 100 square feet of net floor area, except 1 space for each 200 square feet of net floor area in the Light Industry, Technology Business and Highway Business Districts
Warehouse, distribution plants, truck terminals, printing and publishing establishments, laboratories, power laundries, dry-cleaning plants, manufacturing and processing plants, and other storage, manufacturing and industrial buildings
1 space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area
Nursery schools, veterinary hospitals, golf courses, farm stands, drive-ins, open air storage yards and sales lots, and for all other permitted or permissible uses
Sufficient parking spaces to accommodate under all normal conditions the cars of occupants, employees, members, customers, clients or visitors of the premises, as the case may be
Mixed uses
Number of parking spaces shall be calculated separately for each use
Stores, offices and other lawful uses permitted pursuant to this Zoning Bylaw in the VB District in the vicinity of the municipal parking lot located on Assessor's Map Parcels 18-004 and 18-014 or on Parcel 39-064
[Amended 3-31-2007 by Art. 14; 11-13-2007 by Art. 4]
None, providing the legal walking distance between the nearest designated parking space in said lot and the main pedestrian entrance of the store, office or other use does not exceed 500 feet
Apartments permitted pursuant to this Zoning Bylaw in the VB District
[Amended 11-13-2007 by Art. 4; 11-17-2008 by Art. 10]
1 space per unit unless the apartments are proposed within that portion of a building existing on January 5, 1955, or unless a reduced number is specifically authorized within the final action of the special permit granting authority upon a finding that 1 space per unit is not necessary for public safety and convenience, that the creation of on-site parking spaces is incompatible with approved design guidelines or that adequate provision for parking has otherwise been proposed
Accessory parking or loading spaces that are maintained in any district in connection with an existing use on the effective date of this bylaw shall hereafter be maintained so long as the use continues, unless an equivalent number of parking or loading spaces is constructed elsewhere conforming to the requirements of these regulations.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B, regarding parking requirement determinations resulting in fractional spaces, was repealed 11-13-2023 STM by Art. 13.
The required parking spaces for all uses except dwellings in business district for occupancy by more than one family shall be provided either on the same premises with the parking generator or on any premises associated therewith. The walking distance between the farthest point of the parking areas and the main pedestrian entrance to the building or use in question shall not exceed 500 feet, except that in the case of parking space for employees only, the distance may be increased to 1,000 feet. Such walking distance shall be only over land owned or controlled by the parking generator or over a public way. When the required parking spaces are not immediately adjacent to the parking generator, directional signs to the parking spaces must be posted. Such signs shall conform with Article 6.
Where required parking spaces are provided not adjacent to the lot on which the use or structure they are intended to serve is located, such spaces shall be in the same ownership as the property occupied by the use or structure to which the parking spaces are accessory. If both the structure and the parking area are leased, the period of time of the parking area lease shall be the same as the structure lease.
When loading spaces are necessary, they shall in all cases be on the same lot as the use they are intended to serve. In no case shall the required loading spaces be part of the area used to satisfy the parking requirements of this bylaw.
Parking spaces for one use shall not be considered as providing the required parking facilities for any other use, except as otherwise provided in any overlay district, now existing or hereinafter adopted, or except as authorized by the Zoning Board of Appeals where it is clearly demonstrated that the need for parking occurs at different times.
[Amended 4-1-2006 by Art. 18]
All parking and loading spaces required under this bylaw shall be built and must be inspected by the Building Inspector. No certificates of occupancy shall be granted until said parking and loading facilities have been approved by the Building Inspector.
[Amended 4-30-2018 ATM by Art. 19]
Parking space shall be deemed inadequate if, when the off-street parking area is substantially full, there is frequent parking on the street near the premises in question.
All parking spaces and aisles shall be designed in accordance with the chart in Article 7 of this bylaw.[2]
Editor's Note: See the Parking Requirements Diagrams included at the end of this article.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, in any district other than the Light Industry, Technology Business and Highway Business Districts (which districts are specifically excluded from application of this subsection), contingent upon adequate space being provided and dedicated by a recordable covenant to the exclusive use of parking, not more than 33% of the required parking space may remain undeveloped or set aside as a green area at the sole discretion of the Planning Board as a part of a site plan review until such time as at its sole discretion the Planning Board may require that all or part of the undeveloped parking area be surfaced and lined as parking spaces.
[Amended 4-8-1985 by Art. 39; 4-1-2006 by Arts. 14 and 18]
In addition to all other requirements contained in this Article 7, automobile dealers engaged in the sale at retail or wholesale of new and used cars shall devote not less than 20% of the required parking spaces to customer parking.
[Amended 4-7-1986 Article 42; 4-28-2014 ATM by Art. 23]
A bed-and-breakfast establishment shall have one parking space for each sleeping room for single or double occupancy. A bed-and-breakfast house shall be subject to the same parking requirements where applicable to the existing single-family dwelling.
[Amended 3-28-1998 by Art. 27]
Except for common driveways which meet the required standards as set forth in the Planning Board's rules and regulations, or satisfy all conditions imposed by the Planning Board in cases where such common driveways do not meet the required standards, no legal service driveway shall be located nearer to any side or rear lot line than either five feet or the permitted setback distance for a main or accessory building whichever distance is lesser.
[Amended 3-31-2001 by Art. 25]
Accessory parking spaces that are maintained in existence within the Village Business (VB) District as of the date of adoption of Article 18 of this bylaw shall be maintained in connection with an existing use as of said date, and shall be subject to § 300-7.2A, unless otherwise authorized by the special permit granting authority upon a finding that the maintenance of said spaces is not necessary for public safety or that adequate provision for parking has otherwise been proposed.
[Amended 11-13-2007 by Art. 4]
All parking or loading areas containing over five spaces shall be subject to the following:
Within a residential district such parking areas shall be placed at least 25 feet from all street and lot lines.
Within a residential district, such area shall be effectively screened wherever visible at normal eye level from any point within 50 feet of the lot line on an abutting lot also in a residential district.
The area and access driveways thereto shall be surfaced with a durable and dustless material and shall be constructed so that all surface water drains rapidly to a Planning Board approved system.
Any fixture used to illuminate an area shall be so arranged as to direct the light away from the street and away from adjoining premises used for residential purposes.
Any parking area shall also be subject to the following:
There shall be no vehicle parking or loading spaces within five feet of any front, side, or rear lot line.
There shall be no vehicle repair facilities or storage of materials or equipment within parking areas.
Parking shall not be located within the required front yard area in any "R" District. However, access driveways may be located within the required front yard areas.
Parking and loading spaces shall be arranged so as not to require backing of vehicles onto any street.
Any nonresidential driveway shall be subject to the following:
No portion of any entrance or exit driveway to the area shall be closer than 150 feet to the center line of a street intersecting the street servicing the entrance or driveway. No more than two driveways shall serve one area.
No point of any two driveways leading from a street to a single area shall be within 50 feet of each other at their intersections with the front lot line.
No entrance or exit driveway shall exceed 24 feet in width except for a suitable radius of curvature at the entrances.[1]
[Amended 4-7-1986 by Art. 41]
Parking Requirements Diagrams
300 Parking Regs Diagrams.tif
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, regarding common driveways, as amended, which immediately followed, was repealed 11-13-2023 STM by Art. 13.