[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988]
Wherever a space is marked off on any street for the parking of an individual vehicle, every vehicle parked there shall be parked wholly within the lines bounding that space, and it shall be a violation of this Part for any person to park a vehicle or allow it to remain parked otherwise.
[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988]
Only angle parking shall be permitted on the following portions of streets:
On all streets where angle parking is required, every vehicle parked at the angle shall be parked with its front nearest the curb.
[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988; as amended by Ord. 5-92-353, 5/14/1992, by Ord. 10-92-363, 10/8/1992; by Ord. 12-93-381, 12/97/1993, § 1; by Ord. 2-94-387, 2/24/1994, § 2; by Ord. 4-94-391, 4/28/1994; by Ord. 7-97-432, 7/10/1997; by Ord. 03-98-446, 3/26/1998; by Ord. 02-99-465, 2/25/1999; by Ord. 04-2001-488, 4/26/2001; by Ord. 02-2002-496, 2/14/2002; by Ord. 08-2002-498, 8/22/2002; by Ord. 12-2004-518, 12/9/2004; and by Ord. 09-2008-541, 9/25/2008]
Parking shall be prohibited at all times in the following locations:
Ash Street
Broadway south for 45 feet
Bevin Drive
Lehigh Street and Country Club Road
Bevin Drive
Lehigh Street and Regent Court
Brook Avenue
Lehigh Avenue to 25 feet south
Byrd Avenue
South Cedar Crest Boulevard to the Township line
Catherine Avenue
South Cedar Crest Boulevard to Webster Avenue
South Cedar Crest
Fish Hatchery Road to Lincoln Avenue
South Cedar Crest Boulevard
Lincoln Avenue and Catherine Avenue
Center Place
East Susquehanna Street to a point 120 feet south
Church Road
In front of Jerusalem Church
Church Road
Length of cemetery
Broadway to Hillcrest Avenue
Cypress Avenue
East Emmaus Avenue to 150 feet south
Devonshire Road
Keystone Avenue to 500 feet east
Devonshire Road
Keystone Avenue to 300 feet west
Devonshire Road
In front of Western Sal. School property
Devonshire Road
32nd Street to 33rd Street
Dodson Street
Stafford Street to Dodson playground
Ellsworth Street
Paoli Street to Montgomery Street
Emmaus Avenue
33rd Street to 2nd Avenue
East Emmaus Avenue
Private drive of 1451 East Emmaus Avenue and Trout Drive
East Emmaus Avenue
Church Road to 150 feet west
Fairfax Street
Lehigh Avenue to East Susquehanna Street
Fairfax Street
Salisbury Road to Lehigh Avenue
Fairview Road
East Emmaus Avenue and East Susquehanna Street
South Filbert Street
East Emmaus Avenue to dead end
Flexer Avenue
Debbie Lane to 800 feet south
Gaskill Avenue
Emmaus Avenue intersection north for 143 feet
Green Acres Drive
Miller to South Ott Street
Jeter Avenue
Public Road to Fountain Hill line
Kathleen Avenue
Webster Avenue to Washington Avenue[1]
Kathleen Avenue
Cedar Crest Boulevard to Washington Avenue
Keystone Avenue
Devonshire Road to Country Club Road
Laible Street
Beginning 404 feet from Seidersville Road and extending 110 feet southwest
Lehigh Avenue
Fairview Road and Brook Avenue
Lehigh Parkway North
24th Street to the City line
Lindberg Avenue
To 200 feet west of South 24th Street
Lindberg Avenue
Flexer Avenue to Americus Avenue
Lindberg Avenue
24th Street to Buckingham Place
Marlow Street
1200 block in front of Sal Fire Co.
Marlow Street
Salisbury Road to Lehigh Avenue
Maumee Avenue
To 100 feet south off Salisbury Road
Mortimer Street
Hillcrest Avenue and Seidersville Road
South Ott Street
Green Acres Drive to Western Sal Fire Co.
South Pike Avenue
East Rock Road to 100 feet north
Public Road
Broadway to 500 feet north
Rader Avenue
Summit Street to 100 feet east
Rock Road
South Pike Avenue to 250 feet east
Salisbury Road
Fairfax Street and Potomac Street
Salisbury Road
Gaskill Avenue to Fairfax Street 40.32 feet
Salisbury Road
Van Vetchen Avenue and Gaskill Avenue
Salisbury Road
Maumee Avenue to a point 30 feet east
Salisbury Road
Maumee Avenue to a point 30 feet west
Salisbury Road
Paxford Road intersection, west
Stafford Street
Dodson Street to dead end
Susquehanna Street
Tweed Avenue to 50 feet west
Trapp's Lane
East Susquehanna Street to 200 feet south
Tweed Avenue
20 feet north and south of Potter Street
Tweed Avenue
Tioga Street to Lexington Street
Van Vetchen Avenue
Lehigh Avenue to Salisbury Road
Weil Street
Broadway to 100 feet north
Weil Street
Broadway and Kline Avenue
Editor's Note: Parking shall now be allowed on Kathleen Avenue from South Cedar Crest Boulevard west 255.99 feet to the intersection of Webster Avenue.
[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988]
Parking shall be prohibited in the following locations at all times on the days and between the hours indicated in this section, as follows:
[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988; as amended by Ord. 10-90-329, 10/25/1991, §§ 1 — 8]
As herein used, the following words or terms shall have the following meanings:
A container used to temporarily store construction refuse at a building site.
Any nonmotorized vehicle designed to carry property or passengers and designed to be drawn by a motor vehicle or truck tractor.
Any self-propelled motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load, other than a part of the weight of the vehicle and load so drawn.
Any vehicle or piece of equipment, whether self-powered or designed to be pulled or carried, intended primarily for leisure-time or recreational use. Recreational vehicles shall include but are not limited to travel trailers, truck-mountable campers, motor homes, folding tent campers, and automobiles, buses, or trucks adapted for vacation use.
From and after the effective date of this section, it shall be unlawful for any person to park a bus, trailer, truck tractor, recreational vehicle or any combination thereof on any street in the Township except for such temporary parking as may be required for the boarding or unboarding of passengers or the loading or unloading of a delivery of goods, wares, merchandise or materials when lawfully made to or from a resident or property in the Township.
Dumpsters may be placed in the street only when it is not possible to locate them on a private property. Any dumpster or container for construction refuse placed on the street cartway shall permitted to remain on said cartway for a period of time not to exceed 60 days and shall be properly marked with reflectors or flashing lights. A permit must be obtained from the Township Building Inspector prior to the placement of a dumpster in the street cartway, and all extensions of time from the sixty-day period must be approved by the Building Inspector.
Any person violating any provision of this Part shall, within five days after receipt of notice from the Township, correct such condition. Each day during which any such condition is permitted to exist after said five-day notice period has expired shall constitute a separate offense under this Part.
The Township shall have the right, after five days' notice, to correct any condition which constitutes a violation of this section and may assess the cost thereof, plus an additional 10% of such cost, against the person who was given such five-day notice. Such costs plus 10% shall be collectible by the Township in the manner provided by law for the collection of municipal claims or by an action in assumpsit.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine of up to $1,000, plus court costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the Township. Each day a violation occurs shall constitute a separate and distinct violation of this section.
In addition to the penalties herein provided for the violation of this section, and notwithstanding any prosecution instituted or convictions for any such violation, the Township shall have the right by appropriate proceedings at law or in equity to prevent the violation of this section or to require the abatement or correction of any conditions which constitute a violation of this section.
[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988; as amended by Ord. 7-97-432, 7/10/1997]
No person shall park a vehicle, or allow it to remain parked, for longer than the time indicated, in any of the following locations, at any time on the days and between the hours indicated:
Parking Time Limit
Devonshire Road
1 space between 32nd Street and 33rd Street
15 minutes
[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988; as amended by Ord. 3-94-388, 3/10/1994; by Ord. 01-2001-487, 1/11/2001; by Ord. 09-2002-499, 9/26/2002; by Ord. 11-2016-607, 11/10/2016; and by Ord. 06-2017-612, 6/8/2017]
The following locations are established as special purpose parking zones, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle or to allow it to remain parked, in any such zone, except as specifically provided for that zone:
Authorized Purpose or Vehicle
33rd Street SW
[Added by Ord. No. 03-2020-629, 3/12/2020]
Northeast curbline of 33rd Street SW, 85 feet east from the yellow curbline at the intersection of Victoria Circle and 33rd Street SW
Parking for 1 handicapped placard or plate
33rd Street SW
Northeast curbline of 33rd Street SW, 85 feet east from the fire hydrant at the intersection of Devonshire Road and 33rd Street SW
Parking for 1 handicapped placard or plate
33rd Street SW
[Added by Ord. No. 12-2022-659, 12/8/2022]
Northeast curbline of 33rd Street SW, between The Strand and Devonshire Road, 25 feet south of preexisting sign
Parking for 1 handicapped placard or plate
Capital Street
3305 Capital Street
Parking for 1 handicapped placard or plate
East Lexington Street
[Added by Ord. No. 05-2023-661, 5/25/2023]
North curbline of 700 block of East Lexington Street, 310 feet east from the intersection of East Lexington Street and South Gilmore Street
Parking for 1 handicapped placard or plate
Federal Street
148 feet of Filbert Street for a distance of 22 feet
Parking for passenger vehicle with handicapped license
Fretz Avenue
1338 Fretz Avenue
Parking for 1 handicapped placard or plate
Maumee Avenue
1335 Maumee Avenue
Parking for passenger vehicle with handicapped license placard or plate
[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988]
It shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand or park a vehicle (other than a pedal-cycle) on the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of any street, except that standing or parking for the purpose of loading or unloading persons or property shall be permitted on the following named streets on Monday through Saturday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., and for no longer than necessary for the loading or unloading:
[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988; as amended by Ord. 4-91-337, 4/25/1991, § 1; and by Ord. 02-99-466, 2/25/1999]
No vehicle which is required to be registered under the Vehicle Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be parked in the Township on any public street or highway or on the shoulder of any public street or highway which does not bear a current Pennsylvania registration plate and a current Pennsylvania inspection sticker, both displayed on such vehicle as required by law.
[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988; as added by Ord. 4-91-337, 4/25/1991, § 2; and as amended by Res. 4-2000-1066, 4/27/2000]
Any person who violates any provision of this Part shall be guilty of a summary offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $200 for violation of handicapped parking laws and ordinances and not more than $15 for violations of all other parking laws and ordinances, together with costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment thereof, shall undergo imprisonment for not more than 90 days.
[Ord. 11-88-303, 11/22/1988; as added by Ord. 10-2010-562, 10/14/2010, Arts. I — VII]
Purpose and Title.
Purpose. The following regulations shall be created for the following purpose:
To promote the convenience and protection of the public by regulating motor vehicle parking within the Special Enforcement District.
To establish motor vehicle parking areas exclusively reserved for handicapped parking and other specified purposes within the Special Enforcement District.
Title. This section shall be known and may be cited as "Salisbury Township Special Enforcement District Parking Ordinance."
Words and phrases, when used in this section shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Vehicle Code of Pennsylvania, 75 P.S. § 101 et seq., as now in force, or as hereafter amended, except the word "roadway" shall be further defined to include the definition in the Vehicle Code of Pennsylvania for "private road or driveway"; the word "owner" shall be defined to mean the person or persons in whom is vested the ownership of the real property within the Special Enforcement District; or where the context as used in this section clearly indicates a different meaning.
Words used in the present tense include the future tense, the singular includes the plural, the word "person" includes a corporation as well as an individual. The word "shall" is always mandatory.
The term "Special District" when used in this section shall mean those portions of the land within the Township which have been established and classified as a Special Enforcement District to be governed in accordance with the Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Part 4 "General Parking Regulations" §§ 401 — 510 and the PA Vehicle Code, Title 75, Part III, Ch. 33(E), §§ 3351 — 3354. The boundaries of the Special Enforcement District shall be identified on a map of the Township.
Parking Regulations.
Parking motor vehicles in certain parking zones:
Loading or Unloading Zones. No person shall stand or park any motor vehicle except an emergency vehicle in any parking area or roadway designated as a zone for the loading or unloading of persons or property in violation of signs erected at such zones which indicate "no parking."
Emergency Vehicle Zones. No person shall stop, stand or park any motor vehicle, except an emergency vehicle, in any parking area or roadway which is designated by signs as a parking zone for "emergency vehicles."
Motorcycle Zones. No person shall stop, stand or park any motor vehicle other than a motorcycle in any parking area or roadway which is designated and marked as a parking zone for motorcycles.
Fire Zones. No person shall stop, stand or park any motor vehicle or otherwise block any passage, entrance or exit ways to, in or about any public place or building occupied for public use or accommodation within the Special Enforcement District so as to interfere with or obstruct the free and unimpeded passage of persons and fire equipment around said public place or building in violation of the signs which designate "no parking" erected in said zones.
Parking Spaces. Whenever individual motor vehicle parking spaces shall be marked by painted lines on any parking area within the Special Enforcement District for the purpose of parking a motor vehicle, no person shall stop, stand or park any motor vehicle any place other than within the marked lines bounding such space.
Owner-Designated Zones. No person other than the owner or owner's specially designated employees and visitors shall stop, stand or park any motor vehicle in any parking area or roadway which is designated and marked as a parking zone for owner's or owner's specially designated employees and visitors motor vehicles.
Handicapped Parking Zones. No person shall stop, stand or park any motor vehicle in any parking space which is marked and designated by signs as a parking space for a "handicapped person" unless the motor vehicle clearly displays an official place card or official license plate indicating the operator is a handicapped person or disabled veteran.
Authorized Zones, Signs and Markings.
The Board of Commissioners authorizes the Chief of Police to review and, if satisfactory, approve, upon the recommendation of Owner, the designation and location of the specific roadways and parking areas which shall comprise the zones established by Subsection 3 and further, to review and approve the erection of any official signs and markings necessary to carry out the intent of this section. All cost and expenses regarding markings of parking areas and roadways and purchases and the maintenance of any official signs shall be the duty and responsibility of the owner.
A map identifying the designation and location of the specific roadways and parking areas which shall comprise the zones established by Subsection 3 shall be provided to Salisbury Township and maintained by the owner. By reference, the Board of Commissioners identify the Lehigh Valley Hospital as a Special Parking Enforcement District as shown in the attached Appendix "A."[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix "A" is on file in the Township office.
Enforcement. Enforcement of the provisions of Subsection 3 shall be done by those individuals designated and authorized to do so by the Chief of Police upon the recommendation of owner and shall be limited to security officers and personnel employed by owner. The designated individuals shall act in accordance with instructions and procedures issued by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall maintain a complete list or all individuals so designated.
Violations and Penalties.
Any person who violates any provision of Subsection 3, "Parking Regulations," is guilty of a summary offense and shall, upon conviction by a district justice, be sentenced to pay a fine as determined by such district justice in accordance with the PA Vehicle Code and Salisbury Township Ordinances in addition to the costs of prosecution.
A notice of violation of any provision of Subsection 3, "Parking Regulations," shall be placed on the vehicle parked in violation. Such notice shall contain instructions to the owner or operator of such vehicle that, the violator shall report to the Police Department of the Township of Salisbury or such other office or place within the Special Enforcement District designated by the Chief of Police within 10 days of the time such notice was given and pay as a penalty the sum of $15 for all violations, with the exception of a penalty in the sum of not less than $50 nor more than $200 for handicapped parking zone violations. The timely payment of such penalty shall save the violator from prosecution and from payment of the fines and costs above prescribed.
Additional Violations.
In the event a violation of Subsection A(2) (Emergency Vehicle Zones) or Subsection A(4) (Fire Zones) of Subsection 3 continues for a period of three hours from the time a notice of violation has been placed on the vehicle, such violation shall constitute a separate and additional violation and subject the violator to separate and additional fines and costs or penalties hereunder.
In the event a violation of Subsection A(1) (Loading or Unloading Zones), Subsection A(3) (Motorcycle Zones), Subsection A(6) (Owner Designated Zones) or Subsection A(7) (Handicapped Parking Zones) of Subsection 3 continues for a period of four hours from the time a notice of violation has been placed on the vehicle, such violation shall constitute a separate and additional violation and subject the violator to separate and additional fines and costs or penalties hereunder.
All fines and penalties collected for the violation of this section shall be paid over to the Township of Salisbury.
All ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed in art as they would affect or impact parking in Special Enforcement Districts within the Township of Salisbury.
Should any section or provision of this section be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect validity of this section as a whole, or of any other part thereof.
Nothing in this section shall preclude or prohibit the owner from removing or causing to be removed any motor vehicle which is parked within the Special Enforcement District in violation of any provision of Subsection 3. No person employed by the Owner and authorized pursuant to Subsection 5 to enforce the provisions of Subsection 3 of this section, shall be directly engaged in the activity as an attendant to any such removal, however. In the event a motor vehicle is removed, such removal shall be at the expense of the motor vehicle owner. The owner or any person removing or having removed any motor vehicle parked in violation of the provisions of Subsection 3 shall be immune from criminal or civil liability arising out of such removal of a motor vehicle.
Effective Date. This section shall take effect 15 days after adoption.