[Ord. 948, 1/26/2004]
Operation of pedalcycles on public streets and sidewalks in the Borough shall be in accordance with the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3501 et seq.
[Ord. 948, 1/26/2004]
The word "pushcart," as used in this section, shall mean a vehicle, including a pedalcycle, propelled solely by human power, and used or intended for use for the display, transport, exhibit, or sale of goods, wares or merchandise.
It shall be unlawful for any person to propel a pushcart upon any sidewalk in any business district except as necessary to move the pushcart to a location from which it is to be loaded or unloaded or from which goods, wares or merchandise are to be sold or dispensed under permit from the Borough Council as provided in Subsection 3 of this section.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a pushcart upon any sidewalk except for the purpose of selling or dispensing from that pushcart goods, wares, or merchandise to passersby under permit from the Borough Council. Every such permit shall be issued to the person making application for the permit, upon payment of a fee, which shall be for the use of the Borough, set by the Borough Council pursuant to a resolution. The permit shall be granted to the applicant, upon payment of the fee, and upon his signing an agreement with the Borough Council that he shall be bound by the conditions imposed by Borough Council and made a part of the permit, dealing with the following matters:
Restricting or limiting the parking of the pushcart to one or more stated locations upon the sidewalk and to stated days and hours at each location.
Stating requirements to be adhered to in connection with the disposal of garbage and refuse resulting from the operations carried on.
Requiring that there be no violation of any law, ordinance, or regulation pertaining to health, sanitation, and the handling of food or drink.
[Ord. 948, 1/26/2004]
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in sledding or riding a coaster wagon on any sidewalk or street in the Borough, except as follows:
A sled or a wagon may be pulled by a pedestrian with or without a rider.
Sledding may be permitted when a street or portion of a street has been closed to motor vehicle traffic by the Police Department for that purpose.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in roller-skating, skateboarding, or to ride upon or propel any scooter or other toy vehicle upon:
Any street except in order to cross the roadway.
Any sidewalk located in a business district.
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride upon a motorized toy vehicle on any sidewalk in the Borough.
Nothing in this Part shall prevent a pedestrian from pulling a coaster, sled or other toy vehicle or from pushing a baby carriage, stroller, or wheelchair on any sidewalk. However, any such activity shall not cause a hazard to other pedestrians.
[Ord. 948, 1/26/2004]
Any person who violates any provision of § 15-1002 of this Part shall be issued a non-traffic citation and, upon conviction, shall be guilty of a summary offense and shall be ordered to pay a fine of not more than $600 and/or undergo imprisonment for not more than 90 days.
Any person who violates any provision of § 15-1003 of this Part shall be issued a notice of the violation. The notice of violation shall include the following information:
A description of the violation of this Part for which the person is being cited.
The date and time that the notice of violation was issued.
Instructions to the violator that if the violator will immediately cease the violation, no further action will be taken. However, if the violation continues or is repeated the operator shall be directed to report to the office of the office of the Chief of Police and pay, for the use of the Borough, a fine of $10.
Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of Subsection 1 shall be cited within 15 days of the violation and, upon conviction of stated violation, shall be guilty of a summary offense and may be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $10.