Payment for improvements. The improvements prescribed in this chapter are required as a condition of approval of a land division. The required improvements described in this chapter shall be installed, furnished and financed at the sole expense of the subdivider. However, in the case of required improvements in a commercial or industrial area, the cost of such improvements may, at the sole discretion of the Town Board, be financed through special assessments.
General standards. The following required improvements in this chapter shall be installed in accordance with the engineering standards and specifications which have been adopted by the Town Board. Where standards and specifications have not been adopted, the improvements shall be made in accordance with good engineering practices, approved prior to the start of construction by the Town Engineer.
Prior to installation of any required improvements and prior to the meeting at which the final plat or certified survey map is approved, the subdivider shall enter into a written contract with the Town, requiring the subdivider to furnish and construct said improvements at his/her sole cost and in accordance with plans and specifications and usual contract conditions, which shall include provision for inspection of construction details by the Town Engineer.
The subdivider shall file a contract surety meeting with the approval of the Town Attorney or a certified check in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the improvements (such estimate to be made by the Town) as a guarantee that such improvements will be completed by the subdivider or his/her subcontractor as required by and within the time provided for in the subdivider's agreement and as a further guarantee that all obligations to subcontractors for work on the development are satisfied.
Governmental units to which these surety and contract provisions apply may file, in lieu of such contract and bond, a letter from officers authorized to act on their behalf, agreeing to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Financial guarantees.
The agreement shall require the subdivider to make an escrow deposit or in lieu thereof to furnish a performance bond or irrevocable letter of credit, the amount of the deposit and the penal amount of the bond to be equal to 120% of the Town Engineer's estimate of the total cost of the improvements to be furnished under the contract, including the cost of inspection.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
On request of the subdivider, the contract may provide for completion of part or all of the improvements covered thereby prior to acceptance of the plat, and in such event, the amount of the deposit, letter of credit or bond shall be reduced in a sum equal to the estimated cost of the improvements so completed prior to acceptance of the plat only. If the required improvements are not complete within the specified period, all amounts held under performance bond, deposit or letter of credit shall be turned over and delivered to the Town and applied to the cost of the required improvements. Any balance remaining after such improvements have been made shall be returned to the owner or subdivider. The Town Board, at its option, may extend the bond, deposit or letter of credit period for additional periods, not to exceed 14 months.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The time for completion of the work and the several parts thereof shall be determined by the Town Board upon recommendation of the Town Engineer after consultation with the subdivider. The completion date shall be a component of the contract.
The subdivider shall pay the Town for all costs incurred by the Town for review and inspection of the subdivision. This would include review and preparation, at the Town Board's discretion, of plans and specifications by the Town Engineer, Planner, and Attorney, as well as other costs of a similar nature.
Engineering reports, construction plans and specifications. As required by § 250-10, engineering reports, plans and proposed specifications shall be submitted simultaneously with the filing of the preliminary plat. At the final plat stage, construction plans for the required improvements, conforming in all respects with the standards of the Town Engineer and the ordinances of the Town shall be prepared at the subdivider's expense by a professional engineer who is registered in the State of Wisconsin, and said plans shall contain his/her seal. Such plans, together with the quantities of construction items, shall be submitted to the Town Engineer for his/her approval and for his/her estimate of the total cost of the required improvements; upon approval they shall become a part of the contract required. Simultaneously with the filing of the final plat with the Town Clerk, or as soon thereafter as practicable, copies of the construction plans and specifications, where applicable, shall be furnished for the following public improvements, with a copy sent to the appropriate sanitary district:
Street plans and profiles showing existing and proposed grades, elevations and cross sections of required improvements.
Sanitary sewer plans and profiles showing the locations, grades, sizes, elevations and materials of required facilities, if any areas are proposed to be served by public sewer.
Storm sewer and open channel plans and profiles showing the locations, grades, sizes, cross sections, elevations and materials of required facilities.
Water main plans and profiles showing the locations, sizes, elevations and materials of required facilities, if any areas are proposed to be served by public sewer.
Erosion and sedimentation control plans showing those structures required to retard the rate of runoff water and those grading and excavating practices that will prevent erosion and sedimentation. Such plans shall comply with the county's or Town's Erosion Control Ordinance.
Planting plans showing the locations, age, caliper, species and time of planting of any required grasses, vines, shrubs and trees.
Additional special plans or information as required by Town officials.
Action by the Town Engineer. The Town Engineer shall review or cause to be reviewed the plans and specifications for conformance with the requirements of this chapter and other pertinent Town ordinances and design standards recommended by the Town Engineer and approved by the Town Board. If the Town Engineer rejects the plans and specifications, he/she shall notify the owner, who shall modify the plans or specifications or both accordingly. When the plans and specifications are corrected, the Town Engineer shall approve the plans and specifications for transmittal to the Town Board. The Town Board shall approve the plans and specifications before the improvements are installed and construction commenced.
Construction and inspection.
Prior to starting any of the work covered by the plans approved above, written authorization to start the work shall be obtained from the Town Engineer upon receipt of all necessary permits and in accordance with the construction methods of this chapter. Building permits shall not be issued until all improvements required by this chapter are satisfactorily completed.
Construction of all improvements required by this chapter shall be completed within two years from the date of approval of the preliminary plat by the Town Board, unless good cause can be shown for the Town Board to grant an extension.
During the course of construction, the Town Engineer shall make such inspections as the Town Board deems necessary to ensure compliance with the plans and specifications as approved. The owner shall pay the actual cost incurred by the Town for such inspections. This fee shall be the actual cost to the Town of inspectors, engineers and other parties necessary to ensure satisfactory work.
Record plans. After completion of all public improvements and prior to final acceptance of said improvements, the subdivider shall make or cause to be made three copies of record plans showing the actual location of all valves, manholes, stubs, sewers and water mains and such other facilities as the Town Engineer shall require. These plans shall be prepared on the original Mylars of the construction plans and shall bear the signature and seal of a professional engineer registered in Wisconsin. The presentation of the record plans shall be a condition of final acceptance of the improvements and release of the surety bond assuring their completion. Two copies shall be retained by the Town, and one copy of such record plans shall be forwarded to the appropriate sanitary district.
The subdivider shall construct streets, roads and alleys as outlined on the approved plans based on the requirements of this chapter:
Street construction standards. The design and construction of all roads, streets and alleys in the Town shall fully comply with the requirements and specifications of §§ 250-30 and 250-31.
With the submittal of the final plat, the subdivider shall furnish drawings which indicate the existing and proposed grades of roads, streets and alleys shown on the plat.
Proposed grades will be reviewed by the Town Engineer for conformance with Town standards and good engineering practice. Street grades require the approval of the Town Board after receipt of the Town Engineer's recommendations.
After approval of the street grades, the subdivider shall grade the full width of the right-of-way of the streets and alleys proposed to be dedicated, including the vision clearance triangle on corner lots.
In cases where an existing street right-of-way is made a part of the plat or abuts the plat, the subdivider shall grade that portion of the right-of-way between the existing pavement and the property line.
The bed for the roadways in the street rights-of-way shall be graded to subgrade elevation.
The Town Engineer shall approve all grading within rights-of-way, and said grading shall extend for a sufficient distance beyond the right-of-way to ensure that the established grade will be preserved.
Where electric and other communications or utilities facilities are to be installed underground, the utility easements shall be graded to within six inches of the final grade by the subdivider prior to the installation of such facilities; earth fill piles or mounds of dirt or construction materials shall not be stored on such easement areas.
Street construction. After sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water, and other necessary utilities have been installed, where required by the Town, the subdivider shall construct and dedicate, as part of the subdivision, streets and roads. The subdivider shall surface roadways to the widths prescribed by §§ 250-30 and 250-31. Construction shall be to Town standard specifications for street improvements.
Completion of street and road construction.
Prior to any building permits being issued on lands adjacent to streets, all street construction shall be completed by the subdivider, approved by the Town Engineer and accepted by the Town Board.
The Town Board may issue a waiver of these requirements in unusual or special circumstances such as excessively severe weather conditions, heavy construction temporarily in area or construction material shortages (i.e., cement, asphalt). The issuance of a waiver shall be at the discretion of the Town Board.
The subdivider requesting a waiver shall do so in writing, presenting such information and documentation as required by the Town Board. The waiver shall be in written form and shall detail which improvement requirements are temporarily waived and for what period of time.
After the installation of all required utility and stormwater drainage improvements, the subdivider, when required by the Town Board where determined to be necessary by the Town Engineer, shall construct concrete curbs and gutters in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the Town Board or its designee. Wherever possible, provision shall be made at the time of construction for driveway access curb cuts.
If an area is proposed to be served by a sanitary district or other means of public sanitary sewer:
There shall be provided a sanitary sewerage system in conformity with the Master Plan of Sewers as approved by the Town Board and/or sanitary district.
The subdivider shall make adequate sewage disposal systems available to each lot within the subdivision, certified survey parcel or land division.
Subdivisions and certified survey parcels in a designated sewer service area shall be served by public sewer facilities. The size, type, and installation of all sanitary sewers proposed to be constructed shall be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the appropriate sanitary district.
The subdivider shall pay all the costs of all sanitary sewer work, including the bringing of the sanitary sewer from where it exists to the subdivision in question as well as providing all sanitary sewer work within the subdivision. The size, type and installation of all sanitary sewers proposed to be constructed shall be in accordance with plans and standard specifications approved by the appropriate sanitary district serving the area.
Land divisions created by certified survey outside areas served by public sewer service may be served by private sewage disposal systems, if public sewer facilities are not available. Private sewage disposal systems shall comply with the Wisconsin Administrative Code Ch. SPS 382, applicable Town ordinances, and the County Sanitation Ordinance. Service laterals shall be provided to all lots served by public sewer.
The subdivider shall make adequate domestic water supplies available and, in the cases of lands to be served by a public water system provided by a sanitary or utility district, pay for such improvements for each lot within the subdivision or land division.
If public water service is to be supplied, the subdivider shall construct water mains in such a manner as to make adequate water service available to each lot within the subdivision or land division. The size, type, and installation of all public water mains proposed to be constructed shall be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the appropriate sanitary district. Water service laterals shall be provided to all lots served by public sewer.
Pursuant to § 250-34, the subdivider shall provide stormwater drainage facilities, which may include curb and gutter, catch basins and inlets, storm sewers, road ditches and open channels, as may be required. Storm sewers are to be of adequate size and grade to hydraulically accommodate the ten-year storm; culverts shall be designed to accommodate the ten-year storm and shall be sized so that the twenty-five-year-frequency storms do not cause flooding of the adjacent roadway. Upon the approval of the Town Engineer, stormwater swales and ditches may be sized for from twenty-five-year- to 100-year-frequency storms, depending upon the estimated amount of damage that would be incurred by adjacent properties if flooding did occur. Storm drainage facilities shall be so designed as to minimize hazards to life or property, and the size, type and installation of all stormwater drains and sewers proposed to be constructed shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Town Board, upon the recommendation of the Town Engineer. Storm sewers oversized to handle runoff from off-site properties will be installed by the subdivider; however, the cost of oversizing above a twenty-four-inch-diameter storm sewer shall be paid by other users connecting to the system.
The subdivider shall cause gas (if available), electric power and telephone facilities to be installed in such a manner as to make adequate service available to each lot in the subdivision, certified survey or land division. All new electrical distribution, television cables and telephone lines from which lots are individually served shall be underground unless the Town Board specifically allows overhead poles for the following reasons:
Topography, soil, water table, solid rock, boulders, or other physical conditions would make underground installation unreasonable or impractical; or
The lots to be served by said facilities can be served directly from existing overhead facilities.
Plans indicating the proposed location of all gas, electrical power and telephone distribution and transmission lines required to service the plat shall be approved by the Town Board, and such map shall be filed with the Town Clerk.
Editor's Note: Original Sec. 14-1-58(a) of the 2004 Code of Ordinances, regarding installation of facilities, which immediately followed, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The subdivider shall install at the intersections of all streets proposed to be dedicated a street name sign of a design and installation specified by the Town Engineer.
Pursuant to the county's or Town's Construction Site Erosion Control Ordinance, the subdivider shall cause all gradings, excavations, open cuts, side slopes, and other land surface disturbances to be mulched, seeded, sodded or otherwise protected so that erosion, siltation, sedimentation and washing are prevented. The subdivider shall submit an erosion control plan that specifies measures that will be taken to assure the minimization of erosion problems.
Utility easements. The Town Board, on the recommendation of appropriate agencies serving the Town, shall require utility easements for poles, wire, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas, water and head mains or other utility lines. It is the intent of this chapter to protect all established easements so as to assure proper grade, assure maintenance of the established grade, prohibit construction of permanent fences or retaining walls over underground installation and prevent the planting of trees in the easement area.
Drainage easements. Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream:
There shall be provided a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially to the lines of such watercourse and such further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose and as may be necessary to comply with this section; or
The watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream may be relocated in such a manner that the maintenance of adequate drainage will be assured and the same provided with a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way conforming to the lines of the relocated watercourse, and such further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose and may be necessary to comply with this section.
Wherever possible, it is desirable that drainage be maintained by an open channel with landscaped banks and adequate width for maximum potential volume flow. In all cases, such watercourse shall be of a minimum width established at the high-water mark or, in the absence of such specification, not less than 30 feet. If, in the opinion of the Town Engineer, the easement will be for a major drainage swale, the easement shall be of sufficient width to contain a 100-year-frequency storm. If the drainage easement is located in an established floodway or flood-fringe district, the entire floodplain area shall be included within the drainage easement.
Easement locations. Such easements shall be at least 12 feet wide, or wider where recommended by the Town Engineer, and may run across lots or alongside of rear lot lines. Such easements should preferably be located along rear lot lines. Evidence shall be furnished the Plan Commission and Town Board that easements and any easement provisions to be incorporated in the plat or in deeds have been reviewed by the individual utility companies or the organization responsible for furnishing the services involved.