[Ord. 737, 11/6/2002, § 6]
The proper officers of the Borough of Renovo are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts necessary and proper to establish, implement, and enforce a standardized system of property address numbering to accommodate the needs of the Clinton County 911 System.
[Ord. 737, 11/6/2002, § 7]
It shall be the obligation and duty of each and every owner of each and every house, building, or other structure in the Borough of Renovo to cause the same to be numbered in accordance with this Part and the Clinton County 911 System.
[Ord. 737, 11/6/2002, § 8]
It shall be the obligation and duty of each developer and owner of a subdivision and land development to number each of the lots therein in accordance with this Part and the Clinton County 911 System.
[Ord. 737, 11/6/2002, § 9]
The proper officers of the Borough of Renovo are hereby authorized to require the numbering and renumbering of any house, building, or other structure in accordance with this Part and the Clinton County 911 System.
[Ord. 737, 11/6/2002, § 10]
The owners of any house, building, or other structure shall have the address number therefor prominently displayed at all times in accordance with the standards below. Owners who receive new assignments or changes from the Clinton County Address Coordinator shall have the number prominently displayed within 30 days of receipt of written notification and at all times thereafter in accordance with the following standards.
The address numbers shall be displayed within clear view of the main entrance on each building to which an address number has been assigned. Multiunit building with separate entrances and addresses for different unites are required to have each number posted near the entrance.
In addition, for buildings which are further than 25 feet from the roadway or which do not have the building number easily visible from the main roadway, address numbers shall be posted within clear view from the public roadway and within clear view of the driveway to the structure so as to be easily visible by emergency personnel. Bidirectional reflective driveway number posting is required.
All building address numbers shall be constructed of durable material with a color and brightness which contrasts with the surface on which it is posted and with number at least four inches high and shall be reflective in nature, so as to be easily readable by emergency personnel from the named public or private roadway. Numbers shall be readable from all roadway directions.
Posted address numbers, as viewed from the public or private roadway, shall not be obstructed from view by landscaping, shrubs, vegetation, screen doors, canopies, ornaments, or any other plant or structure.
Numbers must be a minimum of 42 inches from the surface level.
[Ord. 737, 11/6/2002, § 11]
Upon completion, a properly verified copy of the address numbering system shall be reported and delivered by the Borough to the proper officers of the Clinton County Communications 911 System.