[Ord. 2016-2267, 10/11/2016]
Sidewalks shall be installed along all existing and proposed public and private streets, common driveways, and common parking areas.
Sidewalks and planting strips shall be placed in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance (§ 27-401).
Proposed sidewalks shall maintain the width, pattern and style of the Borough's sidewalk network. Where proposed sidewalks meet existing sidewalks which have a different width, a tapered transition shall be constructed.
Design and Layout.
Layout of sidewalk and planting strips shall be in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance (§ 27-401).
The planting strip between sidewalks and the curb may contain streetlights, trees, benches, trash cans, mailboxes, or newspaper boxes. No obstacle in the planting strip may reduce the required sidewalk width for use by pedestrian traffic.
Planting strips shall be maintained as a grass strip between the sidewalk and the curb. If the grass is impractical at the site, brick pavers or similar surface may be used at the discretion of the Borough Council upon recommendation of the Borough Planning Commission and Engineer. In this case, a wider sidewalk may be necessary in place of a border area to create a safer pedestrian environment.
The Borough Council may require additional sidewalk width in areas where higher volumes of pedestrian traffic are anticipated. The minimum width is governed by the Zoning Ordinance (§ 27-401).
All sidewalk widths are exclusive of any obstacle. Sidewalk areas containing streetlights, trees, benches, doors, trash cans, mailboxes, newspaper boxes, or similar feature are required to have additional width to satisfy the minimum requirement.
Additional sidewalks or paved trails shall be required where deemed necessary by the Borough Council to provide access to schools, religious institutions, parks, community facilities, trails, and commercial or employment centers and to provide necessary pedestrian circulation within land developments where otherwise required sidewalks would not be sufficient for public safety and convenience.
Sidewalks shall be designed to facilitate access and use by persons who are physically disabled, in compliance with the ADA and to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer.
If the provision of sidewalks requires the destruction or removal of valuable trees, consideration shall be given to the retention of such valuable trees.
Conflicts arising from the placement of street trees, utilities, and planting strips should be discussed with the Borough Planning Commission to determine appropriate placement and alignment.
Sidewalk Construction.
Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the Borough Standard Construction Details.
Gradient, cross slope and paving of all sidewalks shall be continuous across all private driveways.
Handicap ramps shall be provided for sidewalks of all new street intersections and where curbs and/or sidewalks are replaced at existing intersections. Ramps shall be placed in line of travel, to the greatest extent practical. Handicap ramps shall be constructed to standards set forth in the ADA and further detailed in PennDOT Publication 72M, RC-67M.
[Ord. 2016-2267, 10/11/2016]
Crosswalks shall be clearly delineated at all intersections and maintain the width of the largest contributing sidewalk or trail. In no case shall the crosswalk be less than five feet.
Crosswalks and their transition to adjacent sidewalks or trails shall be designed to facilitate access and use by persons who are physically disabled, in compliance with the ADA.
Where a crosswalk is located at an arterial or collector street, the Borough Council may require one of the following measures as described in the Pennsylvania Traffic Calming Handbook upon recommendation from the Borough Planning Commission and Engineer:
Textured crosswalks. Crosswalk patterns, materials, and colors shall be consistent with surrounding crosswalks based on the theme established in the Borough and recommended to the Borough Council by the Planning Commission and Borough Engineer.
Pedestrian signalization shall be provided at intersections where traffic signals exist.
Curb extensions, bulb-outs, raised medians, raised crosswalks, and other pedestrian safety methods shall be considered and, where determined to be appropriate by the Borough Council, constructed.
[Ord. 2016-2267, 10/11/2016]
When a land development property is traversed by or abuts an existing trail customarily used by pedestrians, bicyclists, and/or equestrians, the applicant shall make provisions for the continued recreational use of the trail and the connection or extension of the trail across the property.
See Zoning Ordinance § 27-503 for existing trail requirements.
The applicant may alter the course of the trail within the tract for which development is proposed under the following conditions:
The points at which the trail enters and exits the tract shall remain unchanged.
The proposed alteration exhibits quality trail design according to generally accepted principals of landscape architecture. The Borough recommends the PADEP publication Non-Motorized Trails, prepared by the Pennsylvania Trails Program of the Bureau of State Parks, as a guide for the development of high-quality trails.
The proposed alteration does not run coincidentally with a paved road intended for use by motorized vehicles.
Trail easements for public use may be credited toward the open space requirement as described in § 22-501.
An applicant may propose and develop a new trail. If said trail is available for use by the general public and connects with an existing trail, the easement for said trail may be credited toward the open space requirement described in § 22-501.
Trails shall have a vertical clearance of no less than 10 feet.
Trails shall be located in an easement or right-of-way with a minimum width of 16 feet or width of trail plus four feet, whichever is greater.
Width of the trail surface may vary depending upon type of use to be accommodated but in no case shall be less than 12 feet.
No trail shall be designed with the intent to accommodate motorized vehicles, unless specifically required for emergency vehicle access and circulation required to service the development property, as determined by the Borough's emergency management personnel. Trails used for emergency vehicles shall be equipped with vehicle access controls and appropriate signage and signals to alert trail users to the occasional possibility of emergency vehicles and personnel occupying the trail. These controls shall be furnished and installed by the developer.
Trails and their easements must be dedicated to the public sector, donated to a private conservation organization or placed under the care of a community association in order to assure continuing maintenance of the trail and trail easement. Alternately, a trail may be maintained by the abutting property owner, but only upon the request of said property owner, and with the approval of Borough Council.
[Ord. 2016-2267, 10/11/2016]
When a development is located on a street classified as a principal arterial or a major collector, it shall provide for public access, where feasible, within the ultimate right-of-way for bicycle lanes.
Proposed bicycle lanes shall meet the requirements of PennDOT Design Manual 2, Chapter 16, Bicycle Facilities, and follow the recommendations of the Chester County Multi-Modal Handbook, 2015, or the most recent edition.
[Ord. 2016-2267, 10/11/2016]
Streetlighting shall adhere to the requirements described in the Zoning Ordinance § 27-601.
Streetlighting shall be required for all land developments.