[Ord. 2016-2267, 10/11/2016]
Landscaping, buffering, and screening shall be provided as required by the Borough of Phoenixville Zoning Ordinance, as amended (see Chapter 27, Zoning, Part 30)[1] and the Borough of Phoenixville Landscape Guidelines.
Required Landscaping Plan.
Applicants shall submit a landscaping plan as part of the preliminary plan submission for all land developments, except for residential developments of three lots or less. The landscaping plan shall be prepared by a certified planting professional (landscape architect, arborist, horticulturist, urban forester or other recognized professional in the field of landscape design and maintenance). The Borough Council may seek the advice of a certified planting professional regarding compliance with the ordinance standards.
For residential developments of no more than three lots, a formal landscaping plan is not required, but the applicant's plans shall be required to show compliance with the applicable planting requirements herein.
Preservation of existing vegetation.
All land developments shall be laid out in such a manner as to minimize the removal of healthy trees and shrubs. Special consideration shall be given to major specimen trees and ecologically significant woodlands.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that existing healthy vegetation removal is minimized by showing that no alternative layouts are possible and that no alternative clearing or grading plan would reduce the loss of mature trees, tree masses and woodlands. If challenged by the Borough, the applicant shall produce evidence, such as written documents or plans certified by a registered landscape architect, showing that no alternative layouts are possible and that no alternative clearing or grading plan would reduce the loss of mature trees, tree masses, or woodlands.
Each freestanding tree, mature tree, tree mass, or woodland on the site shall be designated "To Remain" or "To Be Removed."
Existing vegetation to remain shall be identified "To Remain" on the landscape plan, on the erosion and sediment control plan and in the field prior to any clearing and physically protected during construction.
A temporary physical barrier, such as a snow fence, shall be shown on the plan and erected a minimum of one foot outside the dripline on all sides of individual trees, tree masses, and woodlands prior to clearing and construction. The barrier shall be placed to prevent disturbance to or compaction of soil inside the barrier and shall remain until construction is complete. No construction materials or equipment shall be stored within the tree protection zone.
It is recommended that trees to be preserved near portions of a site proposed to be developed are pruned and fertilized prior to the beginning of construction in order to ensure their health.
Buffers shall be provided along the rear of reverse-frontage lots.
Buffers. The plant materials used to create the buffer shall be of a minimum of six feet in height at the time of planting and shall be planted in staggered arrangement in order to provide an immediate effect. Deciduous and semideciduous shrubs may be used with evergreens to provide an immediate effect and to provide accent and color. It is recommended that a landscape architect licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania be employed to ensure the proper use and arrangement of plant materials and to provide an aesthetically pleasing effect.
Spacing in Buffers. Flowering and ornamental trees shall be placed at a minimum spacing of 15 feet. Larger evergreen trees shall be placed at a minimum spacing of 15 feet, with the exception of arborvitae, which may be spaced at six feet. Shrubs shall be spaced at four feet.
Earthen berms may be incorporated into the landscaping plan along public road frontage and along property lines abutting existing dwellings.
Refer to the Phoenixville Tree Advisory Committee for any tree planting and replacement requirements.
Street Trees. Refer to Borough Ordinance Chapter 25, Trees.
Lawn Areas. All areas of open ground not designated for landscape plantings, walkways, utilities, or parking should be seeded or sodded. A layer of humus or screened top soil no less than four inches in depth shall be placed over the area to be seeded or sodded. Seed mixtures shall consist of perennial ryegrass, creeping fescue, and bluegrass. No annual ryegrass is permitted. All seeded areas shall be covered by straw, straw blanket or other professionally accepted grass seed mulch.
A high priority shall be placed on diversity of plant material. All plantings along buildings shall have no less than forty-percent evergreen shrub material.
Planting beds shall have a minimum width of six feet but in the case of physical site constraints may be as narrow as four feet in width along buildings.
Shrubs shall be spaced four feet on center and shall be a minimum of two gallons in size.
Perennials shall be spaced at two feet on center and shall be a minimum of one gallon in size.
All planting areas shall have soil amended with humus or compost and shall be mulched to a depth of three inches.
Editor's Note: So in original. See § 27-406, Buffering/Seveening/Street Trees.