[Amended 10-10-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-30]
All permit applications required to be filed under Part 1, Sewer Use, of this chapter, as amended, shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable minimum fee as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule. In addition, where the nature of the application requires the Village to employ the services of any consulting engineer, plumber or other person not regularly on the Village payroll for the purpose of reviewing the application, plans or specifications, an additional application fee equal to the actual cost to the Village of such services, plus 10% to cover Village administrative time and expenses, shall be charged to and paid by the applicant.
A minimum fee as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule shall be paid for any inspection or reinspection of work by the Water and Sewer Commissioner of the Village of Bannockburn required under Part 1, Sewer Use, of this chapter, as amended. In addition, where inspection or testing requires the Village to employ any person not regularly on the Village payroll or to incur any other out-of-pocket costs, an additional inspection fee equal to the actual cost to the Village of such services or materials, plus 10% to cover Village administrative time and costs, shall be charged to and paid by the applicant.
A fee as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule shall be payable for each residential unit connecting to the Village sewerage system; each single-family residence and each residential unit in a multiple-family structure shall be considered a separate residential unit for the purpose of determining the connection fee. No such connection fee shall, however, be required with respect to any residential unit located within Village of Bannockburn Special Service Area No. 3, as established by Ordinance No. 80-7.
A fee shall be payable for connecting each industrial, commercial, and institutional use to the Village sewerage system as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule, plus, if applicable, an additional surcharge to be fixed by the Board of Trustees in the event that the discharge of any unusual wastes is expected; in no event, however, shall the connection fee be less than $400.
Applicants for a permit to extend a sewer main in the Village shall pay an extension fee as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule per residential unit expected to be served by connecting to the extension. The number of such residential units shall be determined by the Village Engineer.
Where a sewer extension is expected to provide for service connections to any industrial, commercial, or institutional use, the fee shall be as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule based upon the population equivalent expected to be served by connecting to the sewer extension. The Village Engineer shall determine the character of the expected service connections and shall estimate the population equivalents.
Costs and expenses. In addition to the above connection and extension fees, all costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of a service connection or extension to the Village sewerage system shall be borne by the applicant.
Residential customers.
There shall be a fee for each residential customer using the Village sewer facilities served by the Village of Deerfield sewage treatment plant as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule for the sewage discharged per month. Said fee shall be calculated based on water meter readings for that quarter. Where such readings are not available, or where the meter has not functioned properly, said fee shall be calculated based on the water meter reading of such customer for the same quarter of the preceding year, or on a minimum charge as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule, whichever of the two shall be the greater. In addition, there shall be an administrative services charge as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule upon each residential customer using the Village sewer facilities served by the Village of Deerfield sewage treatment plant.
There shall be a fee as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule for the sewage discharged per month upon each residential customer currently tributary to the North Shore Water Reclamation District for the use of the Village sewer facilities. Said fee shall be calculated based on water meter readings for that quarter. Where such readings are not available, or where the meter has not functioned properly, said fee shall be calculated based on the water meter reading of such customer for the same quarter of the preceding year, or on a minimum charge as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule, whichever of the two shall be the greater.
Nonresidential customers.
There shall be a monthly user fee for each nonresidential customer using the Village sewer facilities and served by the Village of Deerfield sewage treatment plant as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule for sewage discharged each month. Said fee shall be calculated based on water meter readings for that quarter. Where such readings are not available, or where the meter has not functioned properly, said fee shall be calculated based on the water meter reading of such customer for the preceding quarter, or on a minimum charge as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule, whichever of the two shall be the greater.
There shall be a fee as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule for sewage discharged per month upon each nonresidential customer currently tributary to the North Shore Water Reclamation District for the use of the Village sewer facilities. Said fee shall be calculated based on water meter readings for that quarter. Where such readings are not available, or where the meter has not functioned properly, said fee shall be calculated based on the water meter reading of such customer for the same quarter of the preceding year, or on a minimum charge as established from time to time in the Bannockburn Fee Schedule, whichever of the two shall be the greater.
In the event that there is discharged into the sewer system from any user sewage or other waste which contains unusual concentrations of any substances which add to the operating cost of the sewage collection, disposal or treatment system, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bannockburn shall establish, and the user shall pay, an additional user charge based upon the additional operating costs.
In the event of an unlawful interconnection between a storm sewer and a sanitary sewer, as specified in § 225-122 of Part 1 of this chapter, as amended, the user charges herein specified shall be increased as provided in said § 225-122 until the unlawful interconnection is ended.
Sewer user charges shall be billed and collected as provided in Article VII of Part 1, Sewer Use, of this chapter, as amended.